by Jessica Marx

  I whistle, “nice. Looking sharp.”

  “The team got it for me as a thank you. It was so nice of them. I feel like a teenager again.”

  “That’s so sweet,” I smile.

  “Oh, hey, Jax,” Kelly says, entering the room. She notices Jax’s jacket. “Whoa, what year is this again?”

  “Cool, right?” Jax beams.

  “Very cool. You should let Sydney wear that to school. All the other girls would be so jealous,” Kelly jokes.

  “I just might,” Jax laughs.

  Kelly puts on her own jacket, “I’m going to Tim’s. I’ll see you kids later.”

  “Good night.”

  Kelly leaves. Jax and I are left standing in the living room.

  “So, what do you want to do tonight?”

  “Promise not to laugh?” he asks.

  “No, but tell me anyway.”

  “I want to go down to the field and toss a ball around.”

  I look at him, waiting for an explanation.

  “I know, it’s stupid. This jacket just took me back,” he explains, “when I was in high school, I used to go down to the field at night when it was empty and throw the ball around. It always helped me clear my head.”

  “That sounds like fun.”


  “I don’t know, but I’m willing to go and give it a try. I’ve never played football.”

  “Oh, baby, you just said the magic words.” Jax pulls me into his arms, “A football virgin. I’m going to teach you so many new things.”

  “You already have.” I blush. “Let’s get going before we get caught up here.”

  “Would that be so bad?”

  “Not at all.” I lean my head on his chest, “I just always wanted to be your girl in high school. Now we can both pretend.”

  I grab myself a jacket and a blanket. Jax looks so cute tonight. It’s not just the jacket, it’s his excitement. It’s contagious. I love that something so simple can make him so happy.

  We get in his car and drive the short distance to the high school. There’s no one there this time of night - not even the janitors. The football game is long over and no one is hanging around. I look around, but there’s not a soul in sight. It’s just the two of us.

  We walk out onto the field and I toss my blanket down near the goal post.

  “Okay, what do you want me to do?” I ask.

  “That’s a very open ended question,” Jax replies with a wink, “okay, you stand here. This is the end zone. See that white line over there?”

  I nod. I’ve watched enough of his games at this point to know the basics, but I let him tell me anyway.

  “That’s the twenty yard line. I’m going to go over there and throw the ball to you.”

  “You’re a professional thrower. There is no way I’m going to catch it.”

  He laughs, “A professional thrower, huh?” he chuckles, “I’ll be gentle, babe, don’t worry.” He takes the ball and walks down the field.

  It’s dark out, but I can see him and the ball good enough to at least try and catch it.

  “Ready?” he calls.


  Jax releases the ball. I watch it come towards me, holding my arms out. It’s a perfect throw, aimed right for me. I just have to let it land in my hands.

  “I got it!” I yell, cradling the ball in my arms.

  “Nice, babe. I knew you would. Now throw it back.”

  I take the ball in one hand and give it my best shot, but it’s not even close to where Jax is.

  “Nice try,” he calls.

  “That was lame, you can say it.”

  “Yeah, it was pretty lame, but it was your first throw. Don’t get discouraged.”

  “Thanks, coach.”

  Jax jogs up to the ball and tosses it back to me. I catch it again. I try to throw it back to him, but it seems like a lost cause. Sports were never my thing.

  “Hold onto it this time,” Jax says, tossing the ball to me once again. This time, I miss. It flies past me and lands near the goal. I walk to pick it up.

  He jogs over to me and the ball, “you’re doing great.”

  “That’s really encouraging, but I think I like watching better,” I say, letting him pick up the ball. “How about you toss around the ball and I’ll watch?”

  “I only have one ball here tonight though. It’s going to get boring pretty fast.”

  “Whatever. I have nothing else to do. Besides, I like watching.”

  “Kinky. I didn't know you were a voyeur.”

  I roll my eyes. Jax takes the ball and runs down the field. Now that I’m not catching, he uses his full strength to throw the ball. The difference is noticeable. I clap and yell while he runs back down the field to retrieve his ball.

  He repeats the same routine another four or five times as I cheer him on from my blanket. He picks up the ball one last time and walks over to where I’m sitting.

  “Are you finished already?” I ask. I have my legs crossed at the ankles out in front of me and I’m leaning back on my hands.

  “For now. You look so lonely over here.” Jax stands over me, his legs straddling mine. I stare up at him. He looks so big from down here.

  “I’m not. I told you, I like watching.”

  “Did you like what you saw?”

  “Very much.”

  There is a seductive tone in both of our voices. I don’t think either of us is talking about football anymore.

  I lean up and unbutton his jeans.

  “What do you think your doing?” he asks, devilishly.

  “Showing you how much I like what I see.” I unzip his zipper and get up on my knees, tugging his pants down. He’s already hard from knowing what’s coming.

  I glance up at Jax. He’s standing above me, football jacket on, football in hand. This is just how I pictured him in high school. I giggle.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. You just look cute - and so much like you did when we were in school. I was wondering how many girls you were with on this same field.


  I lean back, “no way.”

  “Really. Maybe once behind the bleachers, but never right here on the field.”

  “Oh, a virgin,” I repeat his earlier sentiment, a devilish smile on my lips.

  I take his cock in my hand and without hesitating, wrap my lips around it. Jax moans loudly.

  I stroke him with my hand, moving my mouth in the same motion. Jax is big enough that I can easily use my hand and my mouth to please him. I run my tongue along the base of his cock while my mouth glides over him.

  Jax puts his hands on my head, steadying himself. Judging by the sounds he’s making and the throbbing I feel in my mouth, he’s clearly enjoying this very much.

  I keep sucking him. My mouth is slick and easily moves up and down. The tip of his dick reaches deep into my mouth. Each time it touches the back of my throat, he groans. Jax twists his fingers in my hair, guiding my mouth where he wants it to go.

  Using his grip on my hair, he pulls my head back. I try to lean forward, wanting another taste, but he only lets me take the tip in my mouth once more before pulling me down onto my back. He lays on top of me in the same deft move.

  “You’re a bad girl, Ms. Hayes. What if someone at school saw what you were doing out here?”

  He doesn’t let me answer. Jax crashes his lips down on mine and kisses me deep and hard. My hands find their way to his cock and I begin to stroke him again. He keeps one hand in my hair and holds me down and kisses me. His other hand finds the top of my pants and easily tugs them down over my hips.

  I spread my legs for him, pulling his cock closer to me. I keep my hand curled over him, rubbing his shaft against my pussy while he nuzzles it between my slit and glides it back and forth. With every stroke, I get more turned on. Jax hasn’t penetrated me, but his cock is rubbing me in all the right places. I feel myself getting wetter with every thrust.

  Jax tilts his
hips back once again, but this time when he moves forward, he plunges himself inside me. I moan with pleasure. My hips buck up to meet his, but he pulls my hair, forcing me back.

  He continues to work himself inside me, dipping in and filling me up. Jax puts his lips on mine again and kisses me. His tongue is moving at the same speed as his thrusts and it’s driving me crazy. He hasn’t released my hair from his grip. He’s holding me down and I like it.

  I feel my body start to shake. At the same time, Jax slows himself, rocking his hips more gently. I can feel his cock pulsing inside me as it moves in and out. He pulls my head back once more, causing me to look up into his face.

  “You’re beautiful, Sydney,” he says, circling his hips. His cock touches every inch of me.

  A soft moan escapes me.He groans.

  Jax holds my gaze as he speeds his motion. I grind myself into him, matching his fervor. We are both breathing heavily, forgetting that we are laying on a football field. Nothing matters but us right now.

  Staring into my eyes, he pushes himself in me in one final thrust. My body shakes with pleasure as I climax. Feeling my warm moisture surround his cock, Jax can’t hold back. He spasms, erupting inside me. His hips continue in a steady rocking motion, slowing down until he comes to a stop.

  Jax takes his hand out of my hair and pats it back. Propped up on his elbows, he smiles down at me.

  “Damn, babe.”

  “Yeah,” I agree.

  I look around, remembering suddenly that we’re out in the open. “We should get dressed.”

  Jax follows my gaze over the field. “I guess we should.”

  He rolls onto his back and pulls his pants back on. I lean back and do the same. We lie next to each other on the blanket, holding hands, and looking up at the night sky.

  “Thanks for devirginizing me,” I say.

  “Is that even a word?” Jax asks.

  “I don’t think so.” I giggle.

  “Well, thanks for devirginizing me too. I hope we have many more firsts together. That was fun.”

  “It was.”

  Many more firsts. Jax wants to have more first times with me. Even though I’m confident that he wants to be with me - and stay with me - it’s still nice to hear. I run through several different firsts in my head that I would like to have with him. When I see a vision of myself in a white dress walking down the aisle, it surprises me. I never really thought of Jax and I getting married before.

  I squeeze his hand. We have a long way to go before we start thinking about marriage, but anything is possible.

  “Ready to get out of here?” I ask. “We have to get up pretty early.”

  “Not really, but I guess we should.”

  Jax rocks forward and stands up. He reaches his hands out and I grab on. He pulls me up so I’m standing in front of him. He kisses me once more before we pick up the blanket and ball and walk back to the car hand in hand.

  Chapter 29


  I feel like I’m in heaven. The last month has been one amazing day after another, followed by even more incredible nights.

  When I was in high school, Jax was an unattainable dream. I fantasized about him for years, hoping and wishing that I could have him all to myself- and now I do. I’m confident enough with myself to know that I am a good catch, but I never imagined that being with me could completely change someone. Jax went from being a notorious sports star and front page news, to being my one and only. How does that happen?

  Kelly loves him too - to the point where sometimes I think she really is living vicariously through me. Tim also loves Jax - not just for the free game tickets either - they genuinely get along.

  Jax always came off as this self centered douchebag, but he’s really not. I can see how he’s perceived that way - with his blunt humor and comments, and girls falling over themselves to get to him - but it’s just how he appears. Underneath his jokes and egotistical comments, he’s really a decent guy - a great guy - and he’s mine.

  I’ve never dated a popular guy. Who am I kidding? Jax isn’t just popular, he’s famous. He’s especially well known around Mesquite and anywhere we go near Phoenix. Everyone loves a local hero. My face is even becoming recognizable apparently. Someone is always snapping a photo - either with Jax if they ask, or of the two of us together - wherever we may be. Jax went from front page playboy, to a one woman man, which still makes for news.

  My students think it’s ‘so cool’, although they never really see us together around school other than watching a game or saying hello in passing. Jax has also really taken a liking to his job at Mesquite. Since he began coaching, the football team has been undefeated, which they are all grateful for. Even more important to me, is that he has continued to tutor Mikey and a few of the other players. His intelligence and ability to teach has been helping them get their grades up as well as their skills on the field.

  All in all, Jax has been a blessing to have around for every life that he touches. I’m so happy he’s being recognized for that now, instead of just touching the bodies of slutty girls. He deserves it - and so do I.

  I’m waiting for Jax to come out of the locker room. I’ve become pretty accustomed to the routine at this point. I stand around with the rest of the fans, photographers, and jersey chasers. The difference is, I know one of the players is coming out here to meet me. I don’t have to vie for attention, I already have it.

  I came to this game alone today. I usually have company, but Kelly and Tim had plans, and I’ve been spending most of my time with Jax lately, so I felt weird calling one of my other friends out of the blue. I’m sure no one would mind free tickets to a Rattlers game, but I don’t mind coming by myself anyway. I sat with a couple of the other player’s wives and we enjoyed ourselves - cheering and shouting louder than everyone else.

  “Hello, Sydney.”

  I turn when I hear an unfamiliar voice greet me. I should have recognized from the slithery tone who it was. Nadia.

  “Hello, Nadia. Were you here for the game?”

  “I caught the end of it. I don’t really care for football.”

  “Oh, okay.” Do I have to talk to her? I look at the locker room door, hoping Jax will appear. He doesn’t.

  “I want to let you know I truly appreciate what you’re doing for Jax.”

  “Thanks,” I reply hesitantly, “although I’m not sure what you mean.” I shouldn't have said that last part. I could sense she was hoping I would which should have set off warning signals. Too late.

  “He was sent to Mesquite so we could keep him in line. You’ve been doing a great job keeping him on a short leash. You’ve made my job much easier.”

  Oh, that wasn’t as bad as I expected.

  “No problem,” I answer kindly, then add, “I can’t say I really have him on a leash, he’s free to do whatever he wants. He’s a big boy.”

  “He sure is.” Did she just lick her lips? “either way, thanks. I hope you won’t be too upset once he’s done.”


  “Yes, sweetie - done. You know he’s spending his time with you because it’s what he’s here to do, right? That, and coach that ridiculous high school team. He’s a good boy - doing everything he’s told. It’s amazing that the public will swallow a story like this the way they do. Playboy to good boy overnight? Ha! He’s as good an actor as he is quarterback.”

  “I don’t think you have any idea what you’re talking about,” I reply. My fists are clenched tight. She’s trying to get a rise out of me - she has to be. I knew she liked Jax.

  “Oh, honey, I know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s part of my job. Season’s almost over, hon. I hope you wise up soon or you’re going to get very hurt,” she smirks, “unless you’re acting too? Oh, you’re good.” She laughs.

  I can’t answer her. Other than ‘go fuck yourself’, I don’t know what to say. If she was any other woman, I might say just that, but she is working with Jax. I have to keep my cool.

�I guess we’ll know soon enough. It was so nice talking to you, hon. Too bad we won’t be seeing much of each other anymore - you know - now that Jaxson’s image is all clean and the season is almost over, you won’t be needed anymore either.”

  Satisfied with my answer, I turn around and walk away before she can answer. Nadia made her point and I made mine. I’m fuming right now. Unfortunately, when I’m mad, I also cry. It’s not because I’m sad, it just happens. I can’t let her see my tears and mistake them for weakness. I don’t want Jax to see me like this either though. Without looking back, I quickly leave to find my way to a ladies room.

  The game is long over and there aren’t many people around so luckily when I find the restroom, it’s empty. I stand in front of the sink and grip the sides tight with both hands. I stand there, trying to cool down from the disturbing comments Nadia just made. She’s such a bitch.

  But what if she’s right?

  Is she? Is this all just another game to Jax? The football team - me? Have I been kidding myself this whole time? I mean, he’s never had a girlfriend - ever -it’s not a secret. Was it crazy for me to believe that he changed all because of me? Can he really be that self centered that he would use me like that - just to clean up his image? And then what? When the season’s over, so are we?

  I know Jax. We’ve spent enough time together that I know him better than anyone - I think. Or maybe I don't know him at all. Ugh. I can’t let this bitch get into my head. She doesn’t know Jax at all. She works for him. She wants him. That’s what it has to be. She’s trying to trip me up. Right now, it’s working.

  I’m too smart for those kind of games though, right? It’s her playing with my head, not Jax. I won’t believe it. He wouldn’t do that to me. He wouldn’t do that to the football team. Why would he be spending his own free time helping those boys if he didn’t want to? He’s tutoring them for God’s sake. Nadia is crazy - not me.

  I shouldn’t be in here getting angry. I should be talking to Jax. He’s the only one who can answer all of these questions.

  I splash some water on my face and fix my hair. I give myself a nod in the mirror for an extra boost of morale. Nadia doesn’t scare me. If anything, she’s the one who should be afraid. I may be sweet and nice, but don’t fuck with me. My relationship may be at risk, but she’s playing with her career.


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