Love me if you dare

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Love me if you dare Page 7

by Sabel Simmons

  “His room! These are the master suites, in the old days build for the husband and wife with a door in between … do not … Mary do not tell me he is in that room!” Mary stuttered and quickly excused herself. She warned Nicolas!

  Samantha stomped towards the interconnecting door, her hand reaching for the handle. Then she hesitated. He knew very well moving them together in the master suites would rise her temper and he still did it. She smiled broadly, dropped her hand and turned to once again face the room. It really was a warm inviting room. The fact that he used her favorite color purple, as the warmth factor, warmed her heart.

  She smiled again, hearing rustling in the room next door. He was clearly preparing himself for battle. Well, he will have a long wait! She was not giving him the satisfaction this time!

  She walked into the large walk-in closet and was amazed that all her clothes were already unpacked and neatly hung and packed away in the huge closet. Only her shoes still need to be packed away, but they were stacked to one side and out of the way. She opened drawers and doors to familiarize her with where everything was and pulled out a tiny white stretch top with straps over the shoulders and even a tinier pair of black shorts.

  She was dead tired after the demands of the week, and only wanted a quick shower before she fell into bed for some well-deserved sleep.

  Nicolas kicked the sheet off in frustration. He was so looking forward to a heated confrontation and had grinned in anticipation when he saw the shadow beneath the sliver of light below the door, then cursed when after some hesitation it moved away. Now, the lights were off. Clearly she has gone to sleep!

  He got up and went to stand on the balcony, breathing the fresh air deep into his lungs. The full moon casted everything it kissed with a clear bluish hue. His feet carried him over to Samantha’s balcony door. The door stood open and the slight breeze gently worried the curtains toward the king sized bed bathed in the moonlight.

  His breath caught in his throat, his arousal throbbed painfully against his sleeping shorts, the only thing he was wearing. The next moment he stood next to her bed, his eyes feasting on her sensuous body encased in tiny black shorts and white top. She was lying on her back, the covers pushed back. Her one leg was straight, the other slightly pulled up to the side, her hand resting on her thigh. Her other hand was flung on the pillow next to her. The white top hugged her rounded breasts and was so short it left half of her stomach open before the same type shorts hugged her curvy hips.

  He salivated at the sight, tasting her sweetness on his lips, without even touching her. He fisted his hands and when she sighed softly before she turned on her side, stretching and arching her back in the process he swung around and stormed out. He gripped the banister on the balcony and drew haggard breaths to keep from rushing back in and ravishing her.

  Maybe this living together was not such a good idea. Not for as long as she kept him out of her bed!

  Samantha felt exhilarated. She was riding one of the prized stallions on the ranch, and just like her, he was up for an exciting run. Her hair streaming behind her, she laughed gaily as the wind twirled around her and she urged Stargazer to an even greater speed with a slight press of her heel to his side.

  They neared the encampment around the house with a waist high white fence running along the border. She could feel Stargazer’s muscles tighten in anticipation and knew he wanted to jump the fence. Without slowing they flew over the fence and her thrilling shout were echoed by his soft whinny and swishing of his long tail.

  She pulled slowly on the bridle, he reduced his speed and by the time they went around the stables, he was cantering, lifting his feet high. She leaned forward praising him in his ear, softly stroking his neck. The young stable boy approached them and waited for her to slid off Stargazer’s back and hand him the bridle.

  “Thank you, Billy. That was absolutely amazing! He is a fantastic horse, so lively and energetic!”

  Billy smiled at her and then his eyes went as round as saucers. Before she could turn around to see what frightened him, she was grabbed and hauled around so hard she would have fallen flat on her face if Nicolas did not heave her upright. His hands were like steel bands around her arms and his eyes gleamed angrily at her.

  “Are you totally out of your bloody mind? Do you have no sense at all woman? You could have broken your neck!”

  She looked at him in amazement, not comprehending the reason for his anger. “Nicolas, calm down. Whatever are you ranting about?”

  “What am … what am I … HARGH!”

  Her eyes widened at his frustrated scream and then her teeth rattled when he shook her to stress his anger.

  “Nicolas! Stop it! What the devil is the matter with you?”

  His hands tightened around her arms, his eyes closed and he took deep breaths to calm down. When his eyes opened, the stormy anger still lurked in their depths, but he seemed to be calmer.

  “How many times have you been on Stargazer’s back?” The question gritted through clenched lips.

  “What a silly question, Nicolas. You know as well as I do I only arrived last night and he was only bought two years ago, so … ooohh!” Realization hit her as the words left her mouth.

  “You are upset because I was riding him so fast? You really don’t have to worry, I’ve been on ho …”

  “That is not the only thing I am upset about, Samantha! You jumped that fence at neck breaking speed! The chances of surviving a fall with a jump at that speed, is next to nothing! Have you absolutely no sense at all?”

  His anger increased with every word he spoke, so that the last were gritted out through lips so tight it was a wonder any sound left it at all. Yet, it sounded like loud symbols as he flung the words at her. She realized that from his perspective it must have looked pretty bad, but he clearly had no idea what a gifted rider she was. She lifted her hands and placed then on his chest, feeling the hard muscles jerk beneath her touch, his breathing haggard.

  “Please, don’t be mad. I have been riding horses even before I could walk. I will never jump a fence if I did not have absolute confidence in the horse’s ability to clear it. Stargazer is absolutely fantastic! I can see why Dad paid so much money for him! I could feel his power thrilling between my legs. He was so ready for that ju … Nicolas!”

  All the talk of thrilling power between her legs and being so ready was too much for Nicolas and he roughly pulled her tight against him, his arms snaking around her to pull her hips flush against his; his fully aroused body hard, ready and thrilling against hers. She flushed and glared at him.

  “You are … Nicolas, stop that this instant!”

  But she could not hold back the moan from escaping her lips when he roughly moved her body in circles against his arousal, causing it to swell even harder and bigger against her soft curves. His aroused growl echoed hers, and he hid his face in her neck, softly nibbling at the vein pulsing erratically. Then he whispered hotly in her ear.

  “This is a fair warning, Samantha. The next time you do anything irresponsible or dangerous, I will see it as an invitation to your bed.” She pushed him roughly away from her, glaring at him.

  “Nicolas, I am not a child to be - a, admonished - b, given ultimatums - c, your responsibility and e, require your permission to do anything I put my mind to!” She stomped her foot at the same time as she ticked the points she made off on her fingers.

  Nicolas stood watching her tantrum, his expressionless face a sign of his serious deliberation with the situation.

  “Add to that willfulness, cheekiness and disrespect.”

  “Nicolas, you are ridicu …”

  “This is not a negotiation, Samantha, nor will I repeat the warning. Do anything to oppose me, and it will be an invitation!”

  “You are being totally ridiculous! If this is going to be how you act, I am moving out!”

  “And that will be your first irresponsible act, hence invitation …”

  “Oh for goodness sake!” Samatha stomped her
foot again. Nicolas gripped her by her arms and bend down so they were eye to eye, his eyes glowing and his voice steely soft.

  “You seem hell bend to aim in the wrong direction. I won’t allow you to, not again! If you can’t look after yourself … I will and direct you where you need to be.”

  “Directly into your bed, I suppose! Dream on, Nicolas Forrester, that day will come when hell freezes over!”

  His smile was instantaneous. “Willfullness …” He took her hand and pulled her with him towards the house. “I really did not expect you to be so eager!”

  Samatha struggled and dug her heels into the ground. “Wait, wait Nicolas, STOP!”

  He stopped so quickly she bumped straight into him and grabbed a handful of his shirt, to keep him in front of her, the front of her body pressed tight against his back.

  “You can’t just throw out these … these rules and … and ultimatums,” she gagged over the words, “one moment and the next just … just expect me to … to … I need some time to … to …”

  “I will give you the rest of the day to digest my warning. Not to try and come up with some feeble negotiation. I am not interested. From seven this evening, your respite is over and no further warning will be issued.”

  “And I suppose whenever you decide I have broken your … decrepit rules I have no recourse to defend myself?” He turned to her slowly, deliberately brushing against her breasts with his arm, smiling when he heard her breath catch.

  “Oh, I am not unreasonable, Samantha. I am willing to debate, only to a certain extent, mind you, any willfulness, cheekiness and disrespect. Anything irresponsible and dangerous however will be an invitation for immediate action.”

  Chapter Eight

  Samantha woke up with a heavy heart on Sunday. Trust Nicolas to wait until she was on her way to bed to inform her, he invited her mother and sister to lunch the following day. Not asked her if it suited her that he invited them, informed her they were invited.

  She huffed and fell unto her back, listlessly staring out the open balcony door towards the green open planes stretching over the mountains on the horizon. This was such a tranquil place; the perfect place to be after a hard day in the hustle and bustle of city life. She sat up and stretched, then smiled broadly.

  Nicolas invited them, so therefore he could entertain them. Sharing the property did not mean they were meshed together all the time, and she could come and go as she pleased. Her decision made, she jumped up and hummed merrily while taking a shower.

  She greeted Mary warmly and smiled at Nicolas already seated at the breakfast table on the outside patio.

  “Ahh … this is fantastic, Mary. I am so hungry I could eat a horse!” Mary laughed and patted her on the arm.

  “Heaven alone knows where you put all the food you eat and stay so slim! Your sister and mother only nibble on their food and are forever on diet!”

  “Healthy metabolism, Mary! And a good thing too, I do love to eat!” So saying she grabbed a plate and dished up quickly before taking a seat on the opposite side of the table from Nicolas. She glanced at him from beneath her eye lashes only to realize he was watching her broodingly. She smiled at him and then promptly started eating.

  “You seem to be in mighty high spirits this morning?” She swallowed first and took a sip of her coffee before lifting her gaze to his, a small smile playing on her mouth.

  “Why shouldn’t I be? It is a lovely summers day, the birds are singing, the sun is shining … what more can one ask for?” He grunted at her reply and speared food into his mouth, his eyes glued broodingly on her and she smiled inwardly.

  “Oh, Mary before I forget. The denim I wore yesterday is torn, but please do not throw it away! I will wear it when I ride. I have taken out a suit I would like to wear tomorrow, if Clara can perhaps press it for me early tomorrow morning?”

  “Of course, dearie. Perhaps just remind me later this afternoon again.”

  “That’s just it. I am leaving directly after breakfast and might only return after you have gone to bed. I’ll send you a text message though.” Mary nodded and gathering some of the dishes went into the house.

  “Leaving where? I told you last night your mother and sister is coming to lunch.” Her innocent eyes met his blazing ones.

  “You should have asked me before you invited them, Nicolas, then I would have told you I already had other plans.” His gaze shimmered.

  “When did these OTHER plans materialize?

  “On Monday already. The ProcMerge group arranged a team building day and invited me along.” Which was not an altogether lie; they did arrange a team building day, but only in a month’s time. Nicolas, however, did not need to know that!

  Nicolas fumed inside. She was trying his patience with her friendly disposition, taunting him more likely! But, he was a patient man, somewhere in the near future she would slip, and he would have her in his bed!

  “It will be easy for me to check, you know.” Up went her perfectly shaped black eyebrow, her eyes smiling into his.

  “Are you implicating that I am a lying, Nicolas? Shame on you! That really hurts.” His eyes bored into her smiling ones. She was really pushing his resolve.

  “And what would my staff think if someone had to phone and ask where I was over the weekend? They would probably think you are a spy or something. I would be careful if I were you.”

  “Samantha, I was not born yesterday. And somehow, I know you are lying, so be warned, if I do find out the truth, it will be …”

  “Wait! Let me guess! Seen as an invitation?” She wiped her mouth slowly, watching the anger simmer in his eyes. She threw the napkin on the table, rose and with her hands on the table, leaned slowly towards him.

  “If you are so sexually frustrated, Nicolas, why don’t you go and find a willing partner somewhere? Even Elaine would be too delighted to accommodate you!” She kicked her chair back and swung towards the door. Before she got there, Nicolas seized her by the arm, obliging her to stop.

  He spun her towards him, his eyes caressing over her face and his hands slowly stroked up and down her arms. Goosebumps budded all over her body and the heat of arousal swamped low in her groin.

  “Oh, I am sexually frustrated, alright, but by you, only you. No one else will be able to quench the fire you lit with the look you ignited in me at your father’s graveside.” She flinched and he slowly pulled her towards him until not even air separated their bodies.

  “And every look you have given me since, every kiss you so passionately returned, have stoked it even higher and higher. No, my darling, you will finish what you started!”

  “I did no such thing! I told you to le …”

  Nicolas simply lowered his head the fraction that separated his lips from hers and silenced her with his closing over hers. His tongue slipped past her lips to urgently taste and caress hers, sipping deeply from her lips and leaving her no recourse but to sigh into him and return the kiss.

  His arms folded around her, pulling her tight against his hardness. His arousal pressed into her softness, testament to the effect she had on him. His hands roamed over her back and settled on her round bottom to lift and press her hard against him, groaning at the pleasure that slivered down his spine from the contact.

  Samantha pulled her mouth away from his and pushed against his chest, her eyes wearily meeting his. His eyes were shadowed with desire.

  “Nicolas, this has to stop! I … I’m not …”

  “You’re not what? You will not claim you don’t want me too. Your body and your responses impart a different story. I am man enough to admit that no other woman has ever had such an exhilarating effect on me as you do every time I touch you. I for one am not going to let something this highly rousing pass me by. And I won’t allow you to either!”

  “I am not going to be another notch on your bedpost, Nicolas! Find another floozy! I am not interested in a fling!” She struggled and he allowed her to pull away from him, but his hand on her arm kept her close. T
he frown on his face and the harshness in his voice was a clear indication of his annoyance.

  “Who said anything about a fling?” Samantha’s heart missed a beat.

  “What else then?”

  His gaze turned brooding, but before he could respond, Mary came bustling back to clear the breakfast dishes. Samantha jerked out of his grip and walked away.

  “I am not sure what time I will be back.”

  “This conversation is not over, Samantha! Samantha, come back here!”

  But she kept going, the emotions coursing through her, too much for her to face him and continue the discussion.

  Nicolas gave another long drawn out sigh. Whatever compelled him to let Shona talk him into inviting Elaine and her to lunch? He should have known Samantha would find a way to not be here when they arrived. She had stayed out of her sibling’s way, since the day the testament was read and now he had to sit and entertain them the whole day, whilst all he could think off was the conversation they had in the morning.

  “Nicolas, you have to come! It is the social event of the year and it would not be the same if the CEO of Global did not attend,” wailed Elaine next to him, snatching him from his musing and he sighed again.

  “I’ll chat to Samantha and let you know.”

  Shona’s gaze honed in on Nicolas and a small smile played on her lips, while Elaine stuttered indignantly, “What does Samantha have to do with you coming to the event?”

  He barely glanced at her. “As the COO of the company she will have to be there as well, I would imagine, and as we live together …”

  “You don’t live together, you only share the house!”

  “We will most probably go there together,” he continued as if she had not interrupted him.

  “So, where is my dear sister?”

  He looked at her, frowning at the cold, hateful expression in her eyes. A mocking grin formed on his lips. “Do you really want an answer to that question? I would have thought you realized she would leave the moment she heard you were coming.”


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