Love me if you dare

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Love me if you dare Page 10

by Sabel Simmons

  “I think it has been let be once too often already. Talk to me, my baby! Let me help you.”

  “That is just it. You are the very last person I can talk to. Drop it, Nicolas, just drop it!”

  He noticed she was extremely agitated and her hands shook when she pushed her hair behind her ear. To be told he was the last person she could talk to hurt, and he had to dig deep to restrain himself. He sighed and turned to walk around the desk towards her, still sitting motionless in her chair.

  She watched him warily and when he closed in on her she jumped up and kept the chair between them. His frown slashed his brow. All he could think of was the passion and wantonness she gave him the day he left, and now, right here, he walked smack into a wall again. What the devil went wrong?

  “Nicolas, stay away from me! This is the office and you can …”

  She screeched when he ripped the chair from her hold and shoved it out of the way, catching her by the shoulder he pulled her up against him.

  “I missed you too much, my baby. This trip was utter hell. I thinking of tasting your sweet lips, your soft breasts, your wet heat …”

  “Stop …”

  “I can’t, Lord help me, I can’t!” His head lowered and his lips captured hers, his tongue immediately surging inside to stroke the insides of her cheeks, exulting in the taste of her. Samantha groaned and had to pull hard at her resolve to freeze him out, a decision she made in the early morning hours when she came to the conclusion he was the cause of her nightmares.

  Nicolas realized immediately what she was trying to do, but he was nothing if not patient and determined to unleash her passion and wantonness for him again. He set out to seduce her mouth, softly rubbing his lips against hers, his tongue stroking tenderly over hers, nibbling at her lower lip and then drawing it between his lips and sucking.

  She moaned and her hands clawed at his arms, her nails digging into his muscles, but he froze out the pain and drew her tighter against him. His kiss intensified, became more passionate and his mouth slanted roughly over hers. Immediately her body reacted and her groin flushed with heat. He was doing it to her again and she was allowing it.

  She stiffened; catching him unawares she pushed him away and moved past him to stand glaring at him from the other side of the desk. His eyes were shuttered and his mouth tightened.

  “I don’t know what happened whilst I was gone, but I will be damned if I allow you to renege on the promise you made to me on the day I left.”

  “I made you no promises!”

  “It is too late to try and deny it now, and you know it! One way or the other I will found out what is wrong. I for one am going to keep the promise I made. Our relationship is going to the next level, and no one, will stand in my way … not even you!”

  Samantha stayed out of Nicolas’ way after that and only acknowledged him at the office. She went to ProcMerge every afternoon and arrived home very late to leave again very early in the morning. She avoided every possible confrontation with him to ensure he had no excuse to put his hands on her.

  What might be working for her however, was definitely not working for him. He was extremely frustrated, frustrated with her avoiding him, with avoiding any type of conversation with him and that he had not held her close or kissed her for over a week. He was cognizant of how fragile she was and she looked very tired and listless, which was why he allowed her the space and did not push their relationship.

  Enough was enough and he decided that this weekend she would tell him what was wrong so they could work through it and carry on with their relationship. He would not be able to stay away from her much longer. He had not been with anyone since months before Alexander’s death and once he saw Samantha he wanted no other.

  Mary was just as worried. She was sure Samantha did not sleep much at all. She took the matter up with Nicolas the moment he arrived home.

  “When are the two of you going to make peace?”

  “As soon as Samantha trusts me enough to tell me what is wrong so I can help her.”

  “But in the mean time you just ignore her and allow her to work herself in the ground?” She shook her head at him. “She is going to burn herself out before this month is over. She is not even sleeping at night. She sits working at her desk until she falls asleep on her arms.”

  “How do you know that?” His concern intensified by the moment.

  “Because I see her light burning until the morning hours and twice I went to switch the light off she was sitting sleeping at her desk.”

  He pulled his hands through his hair and looked at her with frustration. He realized that by ignoring her, trying to force her to come to him had the exact opposite effect. All he managed to achieve was to alienate her.

  “What do you suggest I do?”

  “I wish I knew! It is obvious she is scared of the nights, of going to sleep. I think she is scared she has the nightmares with you next door.”

  “Therefore she works herself in a coma so she is so tired that she literally passes out, eliminating any chance of having the nightmare.”

  “Yes and tonight she is going gallivanting at a function.”

  His gaze sharpened on her. “She went on a date?”

  “Yes, with a man named, Desmond, I believe.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Desmond Harris?” At her nod, his gut tightened. Desmond Harris was a Varsity boyfriend of hers, and a real Casanova, to this day still.

  “Do you know where they went?”

  “To that welfare function Elaine mentioned when they had lunch here. She took her clothes with and is going straight there from the office.”

  “I see. Maybe I should attend the function as well. I still have the tickets Elaine sent me. Don’t worry about her. Before this weekend is over I will find out what is causing her nightmares.”

  Mary watched him go and frowned. The attraction between the two of them was so electrifying that the sparks flew constantly. If only they were not both so hard headed and admitted what they felt for each other everything would be so much better.

  Nicolas made two quick phone calls, took a shower and dressed in his black tux, white shirt and black tie. He was ruggedly handsome and women could not keep their eyes off him when he was decked out in his formal evening wear.

  He picked Liza up at her complex and headed straight to the Convention Centre in Sandton where the event was hosted, only listening with half an ear to Liza’s incessant chattering.

  “Nicolas, I asked you a question!”

  “Oh, I’m sorry … er … what was the question?”

  “That woman … is she still living with you?”

  “Yes, but we are …” Nicolas already felt guilty for asking her along and knew he was only using her.

  “You know, you have a nerve! I don’t hear a word from you for weeks and suddenly you pitch up out of the blue. I thought it was because it was over between the two of you.”

  He sighed at her continued ranting. “There is nothing between us …” He cringed at the lie.

  “Like hell there isn’t. It was very clear that night that that there is …”

  “Liza, please, could we just enjoy the evening and have some fun?”

  “Where is she tonight?”

  He forced the words past his lips, he was a very honest person and he really felt bad about what he was doing. “I don’t know … look if you are going to rant and rave the whole evening, maybe I should just take you home.”

  “No! You are right, let’s just forget about it.” She moved closer to him and placed her hand on his thigh. “It’s just that I want you all to myself.”

  “Don’t worry, as you can see, we are the only ones in the car.” But he removed her hand from his leg and placed it on her lap with a gentle squeeze.

  “Well then, I intend to give you all my attention, and even if that black haired witch is there, I will not allow her to upset me. Tonight you are mine … all night long.”

  Nicolas winced and realized belatedly
that she expected him to stay with her tonight. They’ve had the odd night together, but not for over a year, and the guilt rode on his back all the way to their destination. He had absolutely no desire for her and even though she looked very sexy in a little white gown it had no affect at him at all. Not even her hand that kept returning to stroke his leg turned him on and his annoyance at Samantha increased. Ever since they met she has spoilt him for any other. It was her and her alone he desired and who would be able to quench the hunger raging and stoking higher and higher daily.

  “Are you going to stay tonight?”

  Nicolas sighed and glanced wearily at her, but knew he had no intention of going back to bed with her … ever. That part of their relationship has been over for a long time.

  “Liza, we spoke about it when you came to dinner the other night.”

  “But I have waited for you for a year!”

  “Really? We both know you have not been living the life of a nun, my dear.”

  “Are you jealous?”

  He sighed heavily. He should never have asked her along. “No, Liza, I am not jealous.”

  She fell silent and realized at last it was over, something she had already known for nearly a year, but she still hoped. She sighed and was a little sad. Nicolas was a superb lover, albeit somewhat detached, he never gave all of him.

  “I am sorry. I knew there would be no chance the minute that woman walked in the other night.”

  “Samantha, her name is Samantha DuPont.”

  “Alexander DuPont’s daughter?”

  “Yes. Look Liza, I should not have brought you along and I am sorry. The only reason I am going to this function is because she is there. I am very worried about her, but she is very headstrong …”

  Liza suddenly burst out laughing. “I don’t believe it! It finally happened!”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You, my dear man, are absolutely besotted with this woman. You fell in love!”

  “Don’t be absurd! My only concern is for her and the impact she has on the company.”

  “If you say so … oh this is too much! Don’t worry, darling, I’ll stick to you like glue. Feel free to use me to make her jealous … I guess I owe you that much.”

  “I have no intention of making her jealous!”

  Liza only laughed and was still smiling when she walked into the brightly lit ballroom on his arm.

  Chapter Eleven

  He spotted her the moment they walked into the room and as he expected she was the center of attention. Six love struck swains surrounded her with Desmond Harris standing so close to her a needle could not separate them. Nicolas saw red. He started in their direction but the gentle pressure on his arm held him back.

  “Don’t appear too eager, my dear.”

  He sighed in frustration and his eyes immediately searched her out again. One of the men in front of her moved aside to speak to someone and he forgot to breathe.

  Her hair was caught up in a loose knot on her head with some loose tendrils hanging down around her face. It looked as if someone had his hands in her hair and ruffled it up. Her make-up was slightly darker than usual lending a mysterious look to her slanted eyes. She wore dark lipstick, which accentuated her kissable pout even more. Her gown was dark purple with a slight glimmer every time she moved. It was strapless and held up only by her breasts, which strained against the tight fit.

  The dress hugged every curve of her body with a high slid on the one side, allowing a glimpse of her long lean legs, perfectly accentuated by the impossibly high heeled shoes on her feet. His eyes narrowed, the dress was so tight it looked as if it was molded to her, aimed to seduce! She was absolute perfection, absolute desire … a picture that made him drool and his constant erection jumped at the sound of her husky laugh over the distance that separated them.

  Samantha knew the moment he walked into the room and had to force her eyes to remain fixed on Desmond, but she failed to hear a word he said. Her ears buzzed and a tiny shiver raced down her spine; she felt his eyes caressing down her body and her eyes disobeyed the order to clash with his. An electrical charge hit her the moment the silver fire of his eyes did and her breath caught.

  Her eyes moved hungrily over him and she drooled at his rugged handsomeness. His muscled body strained against his black tux which fit him as if it was made for him; which with a wry grin she realized, probably was. Her hands itched to caress and touch his broad shoulders, his wide chest, his tight back … then her eyes froze on the red tipped finger nails attached to a small white hand clutching his arm, and her eyes flashed venom at him.

  She warned him! She knew exactly which meat cleaver was the sharpest and that Mary favored; tonight it would be put to good use!

  Desmond noticed her stare and turned to see who it was. His body stiffened when he recognized Nicolas and that he was the one staring back at her. He lost his internship at Global Consulting years ago because of him and he has hated him since.

  “What the devil is he doing here?”

  “I … er … I suppose he gets invited to these welfare functions quite often.”

  “I guess you are right. They are about to serve dinner, let’s go and find our places, I am starving. Too late … they are coming over here.”

  “What is your problem with him? You barely knew him back when we were together? Please be civil, Desmond, I don’t feel like a scene tonight.”

  “Well, well, look who is here! You should have told me you were coming tonight, my dear. We could have driven together … we do live together after all.”

  Desmond’s angry, “What?” and Samantha’s mumbled, “Three is a crowd,” were uttered at the same time, broadening Nicolas’s smile. His eyebrow shot upwards at her murderous stare.

  “You were saying … honey?”

  If blood could be frozen by a stare, he would be turned in a Popsicle with the cold glance she speared at him.

  “I came straight from the office.”

  Desmond’s indignant, “Honey!” made his smile stretch even wider. He was enjoying this too much and Samantha decided the most blunt meat cleaver would better serve her purpose!

  Liza played her part beautifully, and added fuel to the fire.

  “Oh, you did not know about their relationship either? I was upset at the beginning, but if they are comfortable with an ‘open’ relationship, who are we to complain. I still get the benefit of this man’s superb … skills,” she winked at Desmond, “if you know what I mean?”

  Desmond sputtered and Samantha nearly choked, spun around and stomped away ere she strangled the blond woman with her own extensions! She was so angry she stalked right past their table and Desmond had to call her back. Her spine stiffened when she realized the chair he stood holding was opposite from Liza whose chair Nicolas were holding for her.

  It was a round table and Nicolas had waited until Desmond pulled Samantha’s chair out before he did Liza’s. He maneuvered it so he sat opposite Desmond, placing him on Samantha’s right.

  “What a lovely coincidence! It looks like we are destined to get to know each other better, Samantha. We should all at least get along, I imagine, all things considered.”

  By now Samantha was grinding on her teeth so hard she was sure they could hear it. If that woman did not take her hand off Nicolas’s thigh, she was likely to break every finger for her!

  “Coincidence, my foot!”

  “Don’t be so grumpy, honey. I am sure we are all here to enjoy ourselves, so try and relax.”

  He leaned over to Liza to nuzzle in her neck, or so Samantha thought, but he did it to whisper in her ear. “Don’t overdo it, Liza, she is on the verge of exploding.”

  “Yes, but why I wonder?”

  “I’ve come to realize a very possessive streak to her … ouch!”

  A hard kick to his shin ripped him back in his seat. He glared at Samantha, whose violet gaze incinerated him.

  There were not a lot of legroom below the table and Nicolas made
good use of that. He kept his thigh pressed tightly against her, his calf kept rubbing against hers and no matter how or where she moved, he followed, until she eventually stopped trying.

  Their dinner was served, Samantha was constantly aware of Liza cooing in Nicolas’s ear, touching and stroking his arm and leg. She was worse than an octopus! The way her hands roamed all over him, it seemed she had eight of them!

  She was relieved when dinner was over and they moved to the Ballroom where the music was playing. Samantha took Desmond’s hand and pulled him to the dance floor. She’ll be damned if she spend one more moment in their presence.

  Her mother calling her name froze her and she bit her lip until she tasted blood in her mouth. Her face was devoid of emotion when she turned slowly to face her. Elaine stood next to Nicolas her eyes shooting daggers at Samantha, then at Desmond, who in turn looked at her with loathing.

  “Mother … Elaine.” She nodded at them. Shona’s eyes watered as she looked at the beautiful young woman standing in front of her. She had turned in a gorgeous, mature woman with a sharp intelligence.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you, mother, you as well.”

  “Your father would have been so proud of you. If only he could have seen you as you are now.”

  Samantha’s gaze splintered and turned hard. “Why now, Mother? It would have meant something if he saw in me what I was then … if he trusted in how you brought me up … not judged on something tha …” Her voice faltered, she spun around and pulled Desmond on the dance floor, molding her body tight against him, her arms around his neck.

  Desmond held her loosely, realizing she needed him to keep her upright and was not molded against him for any other reason. He pushed her back slightly and noticed the haunted look in her eyes and regret flooded through him. One way or the other he had to make right the wrong. How he regretted the part he played in the vendetta against the DuPont’s all those years ago. If only he didn’t act so impulsively.


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