Touched By You (The Touch Series)

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Touched By You (The Touch Series) Page 3

by t. h. snyder

  When I finally reach her she’s sitting on the bench with her head in her hands crying.

  “Love, don’t cry, please don’t cry.” I say approaching her.

  Setting down the hot mugs on a side table, I grab her up into my arms and sit down on the bench.

  “Look, Charlie and I are just playing around. We know you care about us and that we’ll need each other to get through this time. I promise you that Charlie will be fine. She’s a big girl and can take care of herself. As for me, you know I’d never do anything stupid to hurt what we have.”

  “I know it’s just really hard to leave my two favorite people.” She says in between sobs.

  “Come on, we knew this day was going to come and I’m not going sit here with you and mope.”

  I pull her hair back away from her face and lay it between her shoulders. With my thumbs I wipe away her tears and place a soft kiss on her nose.

  “I love you Chloe. Now pull your shit together so we can enjoy the last few hours of you in Boston.” Handing her a mug of coffee.

  “God Derrick, one day you’re going to be a fine ass lawyer. I love it when you get all bossy.” She giggles and takes in a sip of steaming French vanilla coffee.

  “Yes I am, now let’s go make some food. I’m starving.”

  I pull Chloe up from the bench and hold her hand while we walk across the lawn and into the house. By the time we get inside Char, Teresa and Bryce are already fixing up breakfast. I take a seat at the breakfast bar and finish up my morning brew.

  “Okay Chloe, we only have an hour or so till we hit the road. Are you all ready to go?” Bryce asks.

  I look at Bryce and then over to Chloe. My stomach does a flip flop and then plummets down to my toes. I was hoping this feeling wouldn’t start until she got in the car and drove off.

  “Yeah Daddy, I’m ready. It’s just going to suck saying goodbye, ya know?” She says looking me straight in the eyes.

  “We all know it’s going to be hard sweetie, but you’ll be home for the holidays in a few months.” Teresa says with a cheery smile.

  I sit and watch the conversation that is taking place in front of me and I feel like a lead weight is holding me down on the bar stool. Being here is the only place I want to be, but it’s going to tear out my heart to watch her drive off in her parents’ SUV.

  “Well let’s eat up here and get a move on. We have quite the drive today.” Bryce tells the girls.

  I grab my plate and fill it up with food. In this moment I’m not only weighted down, I’m beginning to feel numb. How is any of this possible? I mean I’m a tough as nails jock and I feel like my world is crashing in around me. A serious reality check is needed. Maybe after they leave I’ll head over to the gym or go for a run.

  Tomorrow is my day to drive out to Cambridge so I need to get my head on straight before practice and classes start.

  The family finishes up breakfast and I help clean up the mess and dishes. Chloe goes up to her room to grab some last minute things and comes down with a big smile on her face.

  “Okay kids let’s shake a leg and get a move on here.” Bryce says while patting me on the back.

  “Yeah, um, I’m not going to take the drive with you guys this time. I’ve still got a ton of stuff to pack myself so I’ll be saying my goodbye now.” I reply to not just Bryce, but to the whole family.

  I walk Chloe to the front door as the rest of the crew head out toward the garage. She grabs my hand and wraps it around her waist. I look into her deep brown eyes and tears begin to roll down her cheeks. Without saying a word she lets her body talk for her. She puts both arms around my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. This isn’t like any other kiss, it’s much more. With our lips connected and our tongues intertwined we’re sharing what we feel, how our touch releases warmth over our bodies and the fear we share of missing one another.

  I run my arms up and down her back letting every last touch trigger memories for us that will last till we see each other again.

  Pulling away from her embrace I see her brow furrow and I place my finger to her lips.

  “Don’t do it Chloe, don’t say goodbye. I’ll see you as soon as we have our schedules figured out. We’ll never say goodbye, instead it’s see you later.”

  She nods her head in agreement and gives me one last kiss on the lips.

  We walk out the front door and over to her mom’s Expedition. I hold her hand and help her up into the back. Once she’s in her seat I hand her a card and she does the same. We both laugh at the corny things we do for one another.

  Blowing her one last kiss I tell her to call me once she gets there.

  “See you later Angel.” I say as I wave.

  I watch Bryce back the SUV down the driveway and meet Charlie up on the porch.

  My Chloe is gone and now all I can do is think about when I’ll see her, smell her and touch her next.

  Walking through each room, I’m swarmed with great memories. Tears begin to swell in my eyes and I’m suddenly filled with an emotion of sadness as I walk past the living room and out onto the balcony. I’m the last of my roommates to clean out of the apartment. The other girls have gotten jobs in the city and will be staying in New York. Lucky for them their moving day was a lot less of a drive than mine will be today.

  I can’t believe this day is already here. It feels like yesterday mom and dad where driving me to New York for freshman orientation and today I’m graduating from NYU. A lot has happened over the past four years, but one thing is for certain I’ll cherish the friendships I’ve made. Living away from home was a bit of a struggle at first, but luckily I had some great people around me for support. For the past few years we’ve stuck by each other’s sides and made friendships I know will last a lifetime.

  Coming back inside I shut the sliding glass doors and turn the lock for the last time. I head over to the oversized suede chair in the middle of the room and take a seat. I close my eyes for brief moment and watch as my memories of college slide past my eyelids. NYU has given me everything I had hoped it would not to mention a strong list of recommendations to head out into the work force. My dream job is to become a sports analyst for ESPN, but I know I’ll have to start small and work my way up. I had a great internship opportunity this past year and it gave me the knowledge and skills I’ll need to land a job back in Boston. Now all I need to do is find that job and start living my life.

  After a few more minutes of reminiscing and planning my future, I decide to get dressed.

  I’m so excited for today. As I get ready for graduation in my empty apartment all I can think about is that I can’t wait to see Derrick. He should be here any moment to pick me up. Having him in New York with me today just makes everything perfect. It’s been a few weeks since I last saw him, so there’s no telling if I’ll be able to keep my hands to myself when he arrives.

  I was so worried that our relationship would be destroyed when going off to college, but the best part of all is that the distance just made us that much stronger as a couple. There really isn’t anything that could tear the two of us apart. Between my travels to Cambridge for home football games and Derrick coming down to NYU after the football season was over, we were lucky to see each other at least once a month.

  A light off beat tapping noise comes from the hallway and I can only imagine the games this man is willing to play. He just loves to make me crazy. I pretend not to hear anything and continue getting myself ready. Then it hits me that he might be here with his parents. With that thought I bust a move and head for the door. I sure as hell don’t want to piss off Rose and Bud.

  I’m so glad they are all here for me today. Fortunately for both our families Derrick and my graduation ceremonies were scheduled a week apart. This gives us the opportunity to have everyone in New York this weekend and then everyone back in Massachusetts for Derrick’s graduation next week.

  “Well hello there Angel, you look breathtaking as usual.” Derrick says coming through the doorway and kissing
me on the cheek.

  He looks absolutely delicious in his black suit. I want to jump in his arms and swing my legs up around his hips, but with his parents following behind I don’t think that would be too appropriate.

  “Yes she does look absolutely beautiful, congratulations Chloe. We’re so proud of you.” Rose says pulling me in for a hug.

  “Thank you so much for being here today. It’s amazing to have both of our families in New York this weekend.”

  “Are you ready Chloe, because we don’t want you being late to your graduation breakfast? We told Bryce and Teresa we’d get you there on time.” Bud says.

  “Dad chill, we have plenty of time to make it to the restaurant.” Derrick says trying to calm his dad down.

  Derrick’s parents are great. They’ve always been very welcoming of me and our relationship.

  “Don’t worry Bud, I promise I won’t make us late. I just need to finish a few things and then we can go.”

  “Chloe love, do you need any help in there?” Derrick asks.

  “Please Derrick let the poor girl get herself ready.” Rose says holding onto Derrick’s shoulder.

  “Mom, I haven’t seen my girl in weeks. I need to take advantage of all the time I have with her.”

  “It’s okay Rose. I missed him too. He can come help me apply my makeup if he wants.” I say with a giggle.

  “Yes! Thanks Angel, let’s do this.” Derrick says clasping his hands together.

  Derrick is such a dork, he’ll do just about anything to get some alone time with me.

  After much trial and error with the supporting hands and lips of Derrick, I’m able to apply and reapply my lipstick only five times before leaving my bathroom. Finally we’re able to make our way back to his parents and not be late meeting my family for breakfast.

  Breakfast with the Taylor and Peters families is a good time as always. It’s great having all of us in one room. I can only imagine how things will be when we gather like this with a family of our own. Chloe and I’ve been talking about marriage since before we left for college so it really isn’t a question of if I’ll propose, it’s more like when.

  After breakfast we make our way over to the college. Our families head into the stadium to take their seats and I go with Chloe to find a few of her friends who she’ll be sitting with for the ceremony.

  I’ve met her roommates and friends during the times I came down to visit her in New York so I feel like part of their inner circle. Everyone seems to be excited about graduation and moving on with their careers, but I can tell Chloe is not one hundred percent into the conversation.

  I rub my hand up and down the back of her graduation gown and give her a kiss on the cheek.

  She turns to look at me with those big brown eyes and I see a hint of sadness.

  “You okay love?” I ask pulling her into an embrace.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I just wish I had things lined up like the girls do. Everyone else seems to have landed a permanent job with their internships or found something else. I’ve got nothing to move onto now that school is out and you’re going to law school in the fall. What do I have to look forward to Derrick?”

  I look back into her eyes and a few tears spill out of those gorgeous browns.

  “Don’t you worry about that stuff now Chloe. Today is your day and I sure as hell don’t want you upset when you walk across that stage. Your life will go on once you’re back in Boston. That’s the choice you made and I know you’ll find something. If you chose to stay in New York you’d be in a job already. Don’t doubt yourself Angel, you’re going to make things happen, I just know it.”

  With that I kiss her on the lips and hear the ushers telling the class to go line up.

  “Well it’s show time. I’ll see you in a few hours. Don’t trip when you cross the stage. I’d hate to have to run down there and make a scene to cover for you.”

  Chloe giggles and wraps her arms around my neck.

  “You’re amazing Derrick and I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  The entire commencement ceremony passes by in a blur. There are a few hundred students walking today and I totally spaced out during the speakers. I’m too anxious to get back to Chloe’s empty apartment. She just needs to grab her last minute things and then we can head home to Boston. It’s all I’ve thought about over the past few weeks. Really, it’s all I’ve looked forward to, to get me through missing her when we weren’t together.

  Her parents arranged for the moving truck to deliver Chloe’s things to her parents’ house Monday. This way we don’t have to rush back to Boston after the commencement. There were only a few larger pieces of furniture that they would need to pick up, but for the most part Chloe had all her valuable things in a few boxes we were able to fit into our cars.

  Bryce and Teresa drove with Charlie back in their Expedition and my parents were planning to follow in the Range Rover. With two pretty big SUV’s there wasn’t too much little stuff for the movers to pick up.

  Chloe decided she’d drive back home with me and my parents so that we could be together. I wasn’t going to argue with her since I too wanted the time to spend with her. By the time we hit the highway Chloe was nestled into my side and falling fast asleep.

  I ran my fingers up and down her back to help her feel comfortable and within a few minutes she was fast asleep with a slight grin on her face.

  If only she knew how glad I was that we had made it this far. The last four years were great, but still it was a struggle not to see her as much as I would’ve liked. Chloe is my world and I want to make her happy and feel safe with who we are and where our relationship is going.

  I was a content man heading back home with his girl. A girl that one day would be my wife.

  I rented a small townhouse in between Boston and Cambridge so that I’m close to school and Chloe. Since she hasn’t found a job yet, she felt it would be best to stay with her parents and make it a focus to sell herself to the local news stations. I know once she gets herself in the right frame of mind she’ll make it somewhere, it’s just going to be hard for a little while. The good thing is that we’ll be home in Boston together and I can support her as much as she needs.

  It feels good to say go home to Boston, in fact I love knowing that I’ll be there with Chloe. Finally after four years we’ll be together without having to miss one another for more than a day. It’s almost as if I’m in a fucking dream. I never thought this day would come…now I never have to be apart from her again and we can start the future we’ve always talked about.

  The past few weeks have been absolutely amazing. Having the summer to enjoy my family and friends was exactly what I needed after being away for four years. Now that graduation is past me and I’ve had a few months of fun in the sun, it’s time to find a job. When I came back from school I scouted a few places I’d like to work so my goal this week is to get my portfolio and resume together. But before I crack down on the job hunt I have one more day of relaxation. So I’m off to Derrick’s for one last fun day.

  We decided to spend today on Derrick’s boat with our families. It’s the last day of summer for Derrick since he’s starting law school tomorrow. This will be a great way to bring an end to our summer-time bliss and prepare for the next few months ahead.

  I chose to drive over to Derrick’s place on my own and meet my family over at the marina. This makes the most sense to me since I’ll be staying over at Derrick’s tonight, like I pretty much do every other night anyway.

  Derrick has been up my ass asking me to move into his condo, but I’d rather wait till I know I can contribute somehow. I know he wants to take care of me and can handle the expenses, but still I’d feel better knowing we’re in it together.

  When I arrive at Derrick’s condo he’s sitting at his desk in the living room with his Red Sox ball cap on backwards. He turns to face me and looks at me like he wants to attack.

  He looks way too good to just be going sailing. I think I’d
rather stay home all day and admire the man sitting in front of me.

  “You have that look in your eye again Derrick. I don’t want to have to explain anymore bruises on my ass.” I tell him plopping down on his super comfy couch.

  “Oh come on Angel that wasn’t my fault you fell off the bed and hurt your little ass. Maybe next time you’ll be more careful and won’t have to walk around funny cause your ass hurts.”

  “Well if you wouldn’t have been tickling me like you were I wouldn’t have fallen off of your bed.”

  “I beg to differ with you love. All I wanted was for you to say yes to move in with me. Since you continue to say no, I think it’s best that I torture you somehow.”

  I start to giggle as I watch him cross the room to come stand in front of me by the couch.

  “What’s so funny Chloe?” He asks running his fingers through my waves and taking a seat next to me.

  “Nothing is funny except for you and your persistence. I love you, you know that?”

  “I do, so move in with me.”

  “Oh god Derrick, I told you I would as soon as I find a job.”

  Derrick pouts like a little kid that just lost his best friend. It’s time for a subject change, if nothing else he’ll be pouncing on me in no time.

  “So are you ready for your first day of law school tomorrow?” I ask.

  “Yep, I can’t believe I’m going back to school for another three years.” He says with a laugh.

  “Well just think after those three years you’ll be a lawyer.”

  “Yeah, right after I pass the bar exam in three years.” He says looking down at the ground.

  “You will, I have faith in you and your smarts.” I say with a wink.

  Derrick really is one of the smartest people I know and has accomplished so much in his life already. Becoming a lawyer has always been a dream of his since he was young. His Papa was a well known lawyer in the Boston area and after he passed away Derrick made it his mission to follow in Papa’s footsteps. I really do admire him for his goals and the way he goes about achieving everything he sets out to do. Sometimes he puts way too much pressure on himself, but now I’m here to support him through the next three years and I feel really good about that.


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