Tinsel in a Tangle

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Tinsel in a Tangle Page 11

by Kimbra Swain

  “I’ll show you a myth,” Lisette laughed, “Now where's my boyfriend? I want him to see you die.” What was it with Levi and his girls? They all hated me.

  “You stay away from him,” I growled as I unleashed the power in my tattoo. The spiraling filigree spread across my skin, as the jewel flashed a rich blue.

  She cackled as the minions began to chant. Wrapping her forefinger and thumb around the doll’s neck, she squeezed. My airway started to close. I gasped sucking in air.

  Troy shifted to wolf form and bounded toward the doll. As his teeth nipped at the deformed charm, a wave of force hit him slamming him into Brad’s BBQ cart.

  I sank to my knees gasping for breath. Dylan hit his knees in front of me. His eyes filled with pain. He reached out to me, but I pulled away. “No, don’t touch. Just let me go. Keep Levi safe.”

  “I can’t let you go,” he said. Spinning to his feet, his body erupted into flame. He rushed toward Lisette.

  “No, Dylan, she is protected,” I croaked.

  With a few inches to spare, another wave of force hit Dylan extinguishing his flames and throwing him across the square. He slammed into a parked car. His limp form laid in the street.

  “No,” I gasped trying to stand. I pushed more power through the tattoo causing the grass and street to freeze. The full moon was covered by clouds as snow began to fall. Managing to make it to my feet, I threw my hand toward the witch to her right. As I suspected, they used their power to protect her leaving none for themselves. The caramel skinned woman froze into a solid block of ice.

  Lisette laughed, tightening her grip. I stumbled, but threw power to the witch on her left who cubed nicely.

  “I will kill them all, Lisette. Release me,” I growled.

  “No, filthy fairy whore, you only have moments left,” she laughed.

  She was right. The power I stored was depleted. I reached into my pocket, gripping the crystal that Tabitha gave me. It pulsed in my hand feeding power into me. A sudden surge of strength quickly waned, and the crystal winked out. It was only stubbornness that kept me alive now.

  The light thrum of string music wafted through the air. I felt it approach me, surrounding my body like a blanket. The tune soothed me. Out of the darkness of the alley across the street, Levi approached. His eyes fixed on me. The music swelled spinning around me. The grip on my throat released as the hex was dispelled.

  “Well, if it isn't the cutest Texan this side of the Mississippi,” Lisette cooed. “Levi, honey, I know you've missed me.”

  “Shut-up, Lisette,” he growled continuing to play. Despite being able to breathe, I had no magic left. Sitting on my knees, I saw Levi’s eyes waiver from me to the witch. She twirled her hand in the air calling his attention.

  “Your little song was so nice, but you aren't the only one who can enthrall,” she said twirling her hand at the wrist.

  “Levi, don't look at her hand,” I sputtered.

  He fixed his eyes on me, but his knees shook. Sinking to one knee, he continued to play, but the song faltered, and my air closed off again. My vision became blurry when a booming voice filled the air.

  “You will not harm them,” the male voice echoed off the surrounding buildings.

  Krampus stood over Dylan’s limp form.

  “I am only claiming what is rightfully mine. Granted by your divine power, my Lord,” Lisette said bowing to Deacon Giles in his towering Krampus form.

  “You deceived me. Do you know what happens to people that deceive me?” he bleated.

  “As your humble servant, I acknowledge your great power. I advise you to not cower to this weak excuse for royalty,” she said pointing to me.

  “Child. Arrogant child. Cease your machinations against my Queen,” he ordered. “Or pay the price for defiance. I will cut off your power, your coven’s power. Then I will snuff your insignificant life out,” he said raising a hoof and slamming into down on one of the ice block witches. Bloody bits of ice exploded across the grass. The two unfrozen witches screamed breaking up their chant. They ran from the square leaving Lisette behind.

  I gagged turning away from the bloody ice chunks. I'd done the same thing to some red caps, but they were fairies. This was a human woman. Her blood was on my hands. It made me a murderer. If Troy survived this, he would come after me.

  Levi’s song changed to a warm melody. The swirling around me ceased as I grasped at the last moments of my life. The ice surrounding the last witch began to melt. Levi didn't want to see another life end here. Bless him.

  Focusing one last time on Dylan’s limp form, tears streamed down my face. Regret clamped down on my heart. So many words left unsaid because of fear. He deserved so much better than me. I burned his heart over and over, but he just kept coming back. My heart was his, but I didn’t tell him. I had to live to tell him.

  “Release her now!” Deacon bellowed.

  I heard a quiet gasp, and my lungs filled with air. Pushing myself off the ground, I looked to see Deacon holding Lisette by the neck, her feet dangling below her. The grotesque poppet laid on the ground. The frozen witch, now thawed, laid below on the ground, her chest slowly rising and falling. The other two huddled together behind the gazebo cowering from the goat demon.

  Levi stopped playing, dropping his guitar to the ground and ran to me. “Are you okay?” he asked steadying me as I stood.

  “Check Dylan,” I muttered. He looked toward where Dylan had been thrown, and a pile of ash lay in the street.

  “No,” I sobbed.

  “He will come back,” Levi murmured. When Dylan died once before, I didn't know he was a Phoenix. Now, I wasn't sure what we needed to do. Would he just rise up?

  “My Queen, would you like me to kill her?” Deacon asked.

  The curse still wove its way through my veins, and I stumbled as I stepped toward Dylan’s ashes. Levi took my hand and placed it firmly on his shoulder. Leaning into his chest, I swapped gravy with him once again. The euphoria wasn't the same. My eyes rolled back into my head as my body drank in the power. No erotic feelings pulsed over me. Just an eagerness to end this before any other lives were lost. Pulling my hand away, he muttered, “Geez, I felt it that time.”

  “Deacon, please put her down,” he lowered her allowing her feet to touch the ground, but didn't release her neck.

  The clock tower on city hall rang out. Twelve loud clangs from the bell inside the tower resounded in the plaza.

  December 21st

  The curse faded, and my strength returned.

  “Lisette Delphin, return to your swamp. I will employ my servants to track your every move. If you so much as step foot inside the state of Alabama again, I will ring your neck myself,” I growled. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she strained.

  “Yes, what?” I prompted. Levi snickered behind me.

  “Yes, my Queen,” she said as a temporary smile crossed my face.

  “Swear it by your power and your life,” I pressed. The last thing I wanted to do was kill her. Even after all the crap she’d put Levi through. If she would swear this oath, then she would be bound by it. If she broke it, her magic would die.

  “By the power of the generations of Cane Creek priestesses who proceeded me and by my own life’s blood, I swear never to return to this state,” she said.

  “And?” I prompted again.

  “And I promise to never curse you and yours ever again,” she said.

  I paced toward her, staring into her eyes. “Every exiled fairy on this planet is mine, do you understand?” I barked.

  “Yes,” she replied cowering.

  “If he doesn't get up,” I said pointing towards Dylan's ashes, “I will gladly break my oath forfeiting my life to end yours.”

  She nodded. I wrapped my cold hand around her wrist jerking her to the nearest tree. I requested that she be deposited somewhere in Louisiana, preferably in a swamp. The tree obliged, and she disappeared from sight.

  “Deacon, go home. We will dis
cuss the dead witch soon,” I said.

  “Yes, my Queen,” he mumbled now back in his lowly farmer shape.

  “Thank you, Deacon,” I added. His eyes brightened, nodding before walking away.

  I slowly approached the ashes when Nestor grabbed my arm. “No, leave it. It only takes a minute,” he said.

  His jacket and clothes laid in the pile. We stared in anticipation. Levi walked over to the naked form of Troy Maynard.

  “He’s alive,” he said. I knew Troy would heal quickly with his lycanthropic abilities. Dr. Mistborne approached him with Amanda and Mark not far behind.

  “I’ll take care of him,” Tabitha said as she patted her hand.

  Levi stood with us as we waited. Another dark form exited the alley where he emerged from earlier. He made eye contact and waved Kady over to us.

  “She came and got me as soon as she saw Lisette,” he said, hugging her when she reached him.

  “Thank you, Kady,” I said.

  She nodded. Mable approached and locked arms with Nestor. He leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

  “So, Mable, to what extent do you spy for my father?” I dared to ask.

  “Not the time, Grace,” Nestor said.

  “Fine,” I growled.

  A light wind swept past us stirring the ashes. They swirled above Dylan's clothes as streaks of fire joined the dust. The cyclone built in power until the ashes were nothing but flames. The warmth touched our faces as it emanated from the wind. It felt like him. It smelled like him.

  I stepped toward it, but Nestor held me back. The spinning force was mesmerizing and beautiful. My hands covered my gaping mouth as the fire took the form of a large fire bird floating ten feet above the plaza. The wind stopped whirling, but pulsed toward us as the magnificent bird flapped its wings. Waves of heat melted the remaining snow from my earlier spell.

  As the bird’s claws touched the ground, they shifted to feet and legs. In an instant, Dylan's fiery form stood before us with outstretched wings. A smile crossed his face, and I melted.

  The brunette trailer park queen snapped into place as I rushed toward him. He'd barely tucked the fiery wings and turned to flesh when my body collided with his.

  “Damn, Grace. Let me at least put my pants on,” he said.

  I gave only as much space as it was necessary to shrug into his jeans before wrapping myself around him again.

  “Stop dying,” I said into his ear as his strong arms pulled me tighter to him.

  “You are one to talk,” he whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. My arms erupted into goosebumps.

  He pressed his forehead to mine. Touching his cheeks, I swallowed all the fear and apprehension that I had spent months fighting. I didn't want to fight it anymore. I gave into my heart. His eyes searched mine. “What's wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I said quietly.

  “Do I need to ask for time to kiss you?”

  “Yes,” I said allowing the humor to dance through my eyes.

  “I told you last time that I wanted forever,” he said.

  Brushing his cheek with my lips I said, “Granted.”

  He groaned pressing my body to his. Our lips tangled in the desperation and hunger that had built over the last few days. I nearly forgot we had an audience. Nearly.

  I heard Levi chuckle, and Kady shushing him. I leaned back from Dylan’s lips as he smiled. “Do you mean it?” he asked.

  “Yes, because I love you,” I admitted. A rush of withheld and denied emotions flowed out of me with relief as I looked into his stunned face. “You don't believe me.”

  “Say it again, just so I'm sure,” he said.

  “I’d rather just pinch you to prove that you aren't dreaming,” I said.

  He laughed, “You can do that, too.”

  “I love you, Dylan Riggs,” I said clearly.

  His lips met mine again. Quickly he pulled away, sucking on my bottom lip. The fairy whore inside of me exploded in delight. “I love you too, Grace.”

  He kissed me again, but only for a second, before picking up his jacket and other clothes. Then he locked his hand in mine tugging me across the plaza. His long strides pulled faster than my high heeled boots could handle.

  “Hey, y’all,” he said sweeping past our audience.

  They all muttered a greeting amidst laughter. “Dylan, I’m going to fall in these boots!” I exclaimed. He turned to me with passion and mischief in his eyes. Scooping me up, he threw me over his shoulder. “Oh my god! Dylan put me down!” I pounded his back with my flimsy fists. I heard the rumble of laughter in his chest.

  “Don’t keep her out too late! Use protection,” Levi called after us. I blushed. What a goof.

  “Don't wait up, Levi,” Dylan hollered, as I flipped Levi the bird. They all laughed.

  My blush deepened. “Where are we going, Dylan?”

  “Home,” he smiled as he opened the door to the Camaro. I slid in not understanding his meaning. Surely, he didn't mean his house. I'd never been to his property.

  Nestor once told me that Dylan owned a lot of land and a significant house that he once shared with Stephanie. He'd never taken me there, but I didn't question it. I just assumed he didn't want me there because of his past with her. Hell, I didn't care where he took me as long as there was nudity and lovemaking.

  Turning down a road I'd never been on, the forest grew thick on both sides of the unpainted road. We approached an iron gate with no frills or markings. It slowly opened as we approached.

  “Did you press a button to make it open?” I asked.

  Without looking at me he smiled and said, “No, it's Bluetooth controlled to my phone. It knows it's me.”

  “Well damn, look at you all tech savvy,” I teased. He slid his hand into mine and squeezed.

  The road narrowed to one lane. The forest thinned to rolling pasture. I could only see the foundation of the house and the base of white columns because the road was lined with ancient oak trees. Something inside of me stirred, wanting to touch all of them.

  The view cleared the closer we got to the house. A two-story antebellum house rose from a stone foundation. The stark white columns illuminated the front of the house as the moon reflected off of them. Dylan cut his eyes to me watching my expression.

  Frankly, I was blown away. Dylan Riggs lived in a mansion. The enormous house made me feel small. Shifting in my seat, I looked away from the house. The field spread wide with a dirt drive leading to a large barn.

  “You don't like it,” he mumbled.

  “It’s amazing, but…” I paused trying to use my words carefully. Something I generally didn’t do, however the last thing I wanted to do was fight with him.

  “But what?” he prompted as the door of the garage behind the house slowly lifted. He pulled the Camaro into its spot beside a large F150 almost identical to mine. It was royal blue.

  “You have a truck?” I asked distracted by the gleaming blue beast.

  He chuckled, “Yes, I use it here on the property.”

  “It looks just like mine,” I said.

  “Remember the day that you met me out at the Drish farm?” he asked.

  The memory washed over me of several of the guys in the department, Dylan and myself chasing loose livestock. “The hobgoblin,” I recalled that the little shit kept letting the animals back out the moment we got them rounded up. Mrs. Drish’s husband had died earlier that year, and she relied on paid help to manage the farm. However, when the animals kept getting out, the help called for help.

  “You scared the crap out of him, and he agreed to move on instead of you unleashing your wrath. You were downright scary. I was impressed,” he laughed as he turned off the car.

  “I wouldn't have killed him or anything,” the last word escaped my lips, and the death of the witch in the plaza hit me. I bolted out of the car. My chest heaved as my hands shook. I'd taken out plenty of evil fairies, but never a human.

  Dylan circled the car in a panic. “What's wr
ong? Grace, talk to me,” he begged as he placed his warm palms on my cheeks.

  “I didn't mean for her to die,” I said clasping his wrists.


  “The witch in the plaza,” I muttered as the vision of bloody ice bits flashed through my brain.

  He stared at me confused. He was already down when Deacon smashed her. I waited for condemnation, but all I saw in his eyes was worry.

  “One of the ones that killed me?” he asked making a point of their own treachery.

  I nodded. “I froze two of them, because they were supplying power to Lisette. Deacon became Krampus and smashed her.”

  “Deacon killed her,” he said.

  “But I froze her,” I said.

  “Grace, you never meant for her to die. Did you?”

  I shook my head. “But I need to be more aware that my actions have consequences. I can't lose myself.”

  “Despite all your protests to the contrary, I know you have a big heart. You’ve taken this queen responsibility far more seriously than I gave you credit for. However, you need to remember that protecting us may mean that you have to take down some very powerful humans. Those women wanted us all dead. You managed to subdue them with only one life lost,” he said.

  “Two,” I muttered. He ran his finger down my edge of my jaw.

  “Two,” he confirmed pulling me into his arms. His lips traced the same pattern along my jaw. I moaned at the warmth of his body and the softness of his lips. The faith he had in me blew me away. I was not sure I’d ever understand it. He pulled away taking my hand. He led me into the kitchen of the home, which was modernized contrary to its outward appearance. Deep cherry cabinets and black marble countertops. All of it impeccably clean.

  “You fell asleep in your truck,” he said out of the blue. He pulled two cans of soda out of the stainless-steel refrigerator handing me one.

  “Oh, at the Drish place,” I replied picking up with the previous conversation.

  “Yes, after you talked to the hobgoblin, I told you to sit in the truck while we double checked all the gates, and I'd follow you home. It was very late. We were all exhausted. When I finished talking to Mrs. Drish, I found you asleep. I had one of the guys drive my cruiser back, and I took you home.”


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