The Scarred One

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The Scarred One Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  This had to be the worst seduction ever.

  “The doctor cleared you?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She glanced up in time to see him checking out her body. “I didn’t just want to send you a text.”

  “I can see that.”

  “You did say you were busy.” She took a step closer, and his gaze fell to her exposed legs. Lydia took a step closer to him feeling the arousal grow within her body. After the doctor had given her the all clear with her ribs she’d spent the rest of the day preparing for Henry to come home. She soaked in the bath, taking her time to shave and wax delicate bits between her thighs. After she cleared the important parts of excess hair, she’d washed her hair, lathered her body, and then taken the time to dry naturally.

  “I was never too busy to find out if you were okay.”

  “But if you found out I was fine you might not have given me the time to do this.” She removed the robe for him to see her body naked. This was a huge step for her. The other men she’d been with she’d gotten naked in darkness and only been with them underneath the covers of the bed. He was the first man she’d ever stood naked before in full light.

  “Fuck me.” Henry reached out to hold onto the wall.

  She rubbed her hands together in front of her. Her nerves were getting the better of her.

  He took a step closer to her and then another. She stayed still until he was right in front of her.

  “The doctor cleared you?”

  “Yes. He told me he’d never had a patient who listened to him about rest.”

  Henry cupped her cheek. The bruise that had once decorated her cheek was faint. “You’re more beautiful than I ever imagined.”

  She smiled up at him.

  Swallowing past the nerves, she reached out to touch his jacket. “I put a casserole in the oven, and it’ll keep for another few hours.”

  Running her hands up his chest, she opened his jacket and pushed it off him. He allowed her to remove the jacket then start at the top button of his shirt.

  “You planned to seduce me?”

  “I planned a lot of things for today, and I wanted it to be special.” She removed his shirt seeing the scars that decorated his chest. “This is what happened when you were taken?”

  “I was an ass, and I pissed off the man with the knife.”

  Tugging his hands from her face, she leaned in close and pressed her lips against each scar. Holding his hands at his sides, she licked her tongue from his nipple down to his navel.

  “Fuck that feels good.”

  “I love the way you taste,” she said, flicking her tongue along his chest.

  She moaned then released his hands to go to the belt holding up his pants.

  “No, I want to kiss you.” He gripped her wrist, forcing her back up.

  Henry sank his fingers into her hair, gripping the strands in his fist. She moaned as he tilted her head back. She gasped as he pulled her close. The metal of his belt dug into her stomach. He slammed his lips down on hers, pressing his tongue into her mouth. She melted against him, loving the feel of his tongue inside her mouth.

  He ran his tongue over her lips then slid into her mouth, plunging inside her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he dropped one hand from her hair to cup her ass. Gasping, she drew back from his lips as his hands delved deeper, sinking into her pussy from behind. The position had her tight against him as he fingered her.

  “So wet and tight. I can’t wait to sink my cock into this sweet pussy.” He removed his hands, and she watched him lick the digits into his mouth. The scent of her pussy wafted between them. Her cheeks heated with embarrassment by how wet she’d become. “And you taste better than I thought you would.”

  She rested her hands against his chest, watching as he took his time with each digit.

  “You don’t need to be embarrassed.”

  He started to walk her back. She didn’t look behind her as he moved.

  The coldness of the wall met her back. Within seconds he was on his knees and lifting one of her legs up and over his shoulder.

  “You shaved your pussy all for me?”

  She nodded, gazing down to see him on his knees before her.

  He started to tease the lips of her sex, tracing over her mound then sliding between. The moment he touched her clit, she shook at the smallest contact. He knew what to do to drive her crazy with need.

  “You’re so responsive, baby.” He pinched her nipple, and the scream she usually kept contained, released into the air.

  The sound echoed off the walls. There was no time for her to come down from the pleasure as his lips circled her clit and started to suck inside his mouth. The intense sensation was more than she could stand. Crying out, she sank her fingers into his hair.

  “No.” He stopped licking her clit to grab her hands. “You’re not the one in charge here. I am, and you keep your hands right by your sides.”

  She moaned as he attacked her pussy, flicking his tongue over the bud then sucking it into his mouth. Not one part of her body made any sense to her. She was his to do with as he wished.

  He slid his tongue down to penetrate her cunt. She heard him moaning as he swallowed down her cream.

  His fingers replaced his tongue, sliding inside her. “I’m not going to stop until you come all over my fingers. Come for me, Lydia. Let me feel this tight little cunt squeeze me.”

  She cried out, moaning as he was relentless in his torture. He wouldn’t let her go and just kept licking her pussy. She was so close to the edge of bliss but couldn’t seem to find that peak.

  Henry plunged three fingers inside her and sucked on her clit. She came apart screaming his name as he gave her so much pleasure. He gripped her ass as her legs started to fail her.

  Seconds later he stood up, staring into her eyes. “You’ve got the tastiest cunt I’ve ever had the pleasure of licking.”

  She watched him lick the cream from around his lips.

  “Wrap your legs around me?”

  “I’m too heavy.”

  “Put your legs around me, now.”

  Lydia didn’t know if this was going to go how he imagined. She wasn’t a light woman, but she did as he asked, wrapping her legs around his waist.

  “Now, put your hands around my neck.”

  Biting her lip, unsure of what he actually wanted, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  The grip he had on her ass tightened. She squeaked at the slight pain, but suddenly she was no longer resting against the wall. He was carrying her toward the bedroom. The door was already open, and he dropped her to the edge of the bed.

  “Keep those eyes on me.”

  She didn’t drop her gaze doing exactly as he asked by keeping her eyes on him. Lydia liked his dominance and the way he ordered her to do certain things.

  He gripped his buckle and started to release his pants. She’d never seen anything so sensual in all of her life. His body was large and muscular. She couldn’t believe he’d carried her across his apartment without stumbling or breaking a sweat.

  Lowering the zipper on his pants he slid them down until they fell onto the floor. At least, she thought they were on the floor but she couldn’t see as she kept her gaze on his face.

  The desire to look down at the evidence of his arousal was intense. She made sure to keep her gaze on his.

  “I bet you’d have been the perfect pupil at school.”

  “Not at all.” She smiled back up at him. “I was far from the best pupil.”

  “You’ll do as I ask but not what a teacher wants?”

  She shook her head. “I get something out of it here.”

  He stared back at her for several minutes. “You can lower your eyes.”

  Lydia kept her gaze on his face for a short time. When she could no longer stand to not look she dropped her gaze to the rock hard length of his cock.


  For the last three weeks she’d been wondering about his dick. Would he be long

or thick, short or wide? She didn’t know what to expect, but it wasn’t the sheer perfection she saw.

  He wrapped his fingers around the length, moving them up and down in his own rhythm.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  She looked up at him. “You’re, erm, bigger than I imagined.”

  “Is that a good thing that you imagined I was smaller?”

  Lydia smiled. “No. Just think that you’re always going to surprise me.”

  “Touch me.” He reached for her hand and wrapped her fingers around the length of him.

  The length of his dick was silky smooth to the touch but rock hard. She heard him hiss as she ran her hand up and down his length. The tip leaked pre-cum.

  “Do you want to taste me?”

  She’d never liked sucking a man’s dick before. Henry was different. She wanted to give him the same kind of pleasure that he gave her. The feel of his lips and tongue on her body drove her wild.


  “Open those plump lips and get ready to take me.”

  Chapter Eight

  Lydia opened her lips, and Henry pressed the tip of his cock against her mouth. With her eyes still on him, she lowered her head and took him into the warm, wet heat of her mouth. Growling, he sank his hands into her hair needing to hold onto her hair to keep himself grounded. He watched her slide down his cock until he hit the back of her throat. She came up, flicking the tip with her tongue. Over and over she took him into her mouth, and her saliva coated his cock.

  “Fuck, baby, you’ve got a perfect mouth,” he said. She tightened her lips around his length, sucking hard. The suction almost had him coming. Tightening his fist into her hair, he cursed. “Be careful, baby. I don’t want our first time to be inside your mouth.”

  She bobbed her head creating a rhythm that had him pulling out of her mouth. He couldn’t stand the pleasure her lips were creating. Pushing her back against the bed, he followed her, opening her legs to reveal her creamy cunt.

  Settling between her thighs, he gripped his shaft and pressed the tip to her entrance. Her cream coated the head, and he stared into her eyes as he slid deep inside her.

  When she had a couple of inches of his cock in her pussy, he placed his hands on her hips then slammed the last several inches. She cried out, arching up on the bed. He sucked on the nipple she offered up to him, biting on the hard bud.

  “That’s right, baby. Come to me.” He divided his attention between her two nipples, tonguing the hard buds.

  “Please, Henry, move.”

  Rearing back, he stared down at where his cock was inside her body. The lips of her sex were open around his length, spread open wide to accept him. She looked so fucking sexy taking his cock. Pulling out of her, he watched his naked length covered in her cream reappear. It was like magic to him to witness the beauty of her accepting his shaft. When only the tip remained inside her, he stared into her eyes.

  Holding onto her hips, he didn’t break contact as he slammed deep inside her. She cried out, gripping his arms.

  He felt every ripple of her pussy as he stayed still inside her. “How does it feel, baby?” he asked.

  “Amazing. Please, don’t stop.”

  “You want more of my cock?”


  “Beg for it.”

  “Please, Henry, fuck me so hard. Give me your cock.”

  He slammed inside her over and over again. Her begging drove him harder. There was nothing more satisfying than hearing her pleasured cries. He pounded inside her, watching her cunt take every inch of him.

  Her nails sank into the flesh of his wrists, holding him in place.

  “Yeah, that’s it, baby. Take my cock. You’re soaking wet. Your cum’s all over my dick.” He couldn’t look away.

  The nakedness of his cock didn’t bother him. In the last three weeks he’d made the doctor test him to make sure he didn’t have anything. The results had come in a couple of days ago. There were no more women, no more whores. The only person he wanted in his life was beneath him taking his cock. The idea of kids no longer repelled him. Lydia made him want everything he’d denied himself since he’d gotten scarred.

  Taking hold of her hands, he pressed them above her head, covering her body with his own. The hard buds of her nipples pressed against his chest sending his pulse racing.

  “Give me those lips, baby.”

  Lydia didn’t fight him, offering up her sweet lips. He slid his tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss. She met him halfway, stroking her tongue with his.

  He didn’t stop thrusting inside her, going deeper than ever before. “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

  She did as he asked, and he slid deeper still. Kissing her lips, he slid down to her neck, sucking on her pulse. The moans coming from her lips turned him on even more.

  “I’m never going to get tired of fucking you, Lydia. You better get used to having a cock inside you because it’s always going to be mine.”

  “Yes, please.” Her fingers sank into his hair, holding him tight against her.

  Henry thrust inside her, watching the lust sparkle in her eyes as her cunt gripped him tight. There was no greater pleasure to be had than what she was giving him. “Fuck, I’m going to come.”

  There was no holding back. She was so tight and wet that he couldn’t stop the pleasure. He thrust inside her a final time filling her with his spunk. Dropping his head to her neck, he thrust through the waves of ecstasy, feeling lightheaded when it was all over.

  She kissed his neck, but he wasn’t done with her yet. With his cock still inside her, he moved over, keeping her leg over his hip. His cock was flaccid, but he stayed inside her, not wanting to leave her.

  Caressing down her body, he sucked on her nipple. He glided his fingers down between her legs. Finding her clit, he slowly stroked over the hard nub while also working her nipple. Her pussy came instantly alive, and he slowly thrust into her as he fingered her clit.

  He pulled away to watch as her orgasm took over. She thrust onto his cock, tightening around him and washing his cock in cum.

  When it was over, she collapsed onto the bed with a sweet smile on her lips.

  “I take it you liked that, baby,” he said, kissing her cheek.

  She turned her head to smile at him. “Yeah, very much.”

  Henry pulled out of her.

  “You didn’t use a condom?” she asked, sitting up. He followed her gaze in time to see his own cum spilling from her nether lips. Never in all of his life had he seen something so amazing and erotic. He was rock hard at the sight alone.

  “No, I didn’t.”

  He saw the panic in her eyes. “Are you clean?”

  “Yeah, I’m clean. I got the all clear from the doctor. I never went bare with any of the other women I was with. You’re the first woman I’ve gone without a condom.”

  “What about pregnancy? I’m not covered. I’m clean, and I’ve always used condoms. I’m not on the pill.”

  “We’ll deal with that when it’s time.”

  “I don’t want kids yet.”

  “Neither do I, but I wouldn’t mind.” He reached out to cup her cheek. “I’m sorry. I thought you’d have been on the pill.”

  Did he really? Did he want kids? In the past he didn’t want them, but if Lydia decided she wanted them, he’d have them.

  He’d seen how happy Caleb had become with children, but could he find that kind of happiness?

  Lydia made him want to be different and to search for different things. This apartment was one of the changes he’d made. He no longer held an apartment in the old building underneath Caleb. This was his only place to stay. He didn’t want the other life or the other women.

  “I’ve not been with any other whores, Lydia. Our girls, I’ve not been near them since the night we were taken.” He hated the fact he’d been with them prior to being a bastard to her. It sickened him.

  “Not one?”

  “You’re mine, Lydia,
and as far as I’m concerned, I’m yours.” He touched her cheek, running a thumb over her lip.

  “You’re really something else.” She cupped his hand, turning to lay a kiss to his palm.

  There was so much he wanted to do to her.

  “Are you mad at me?” he asked.

  “For not using a condom?”

  He nodded.

  “No, not really. I’m not angry at you. I probably should be angry at you.” She dropped her hands to her lap. “We’ll need to go to the pharmacy, and I’ll talk with the doctor.”

  “Shall we wait and see?” he asked.


  “I’ll use condoms for the rest of our time together, but should we see if you’re pregnant before taking that drastic step?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  She didn’t speak for several seconds. “Okay, if you’re happy with that.”

  He was happy, and again he didn’t know why.


  Over the next week Lydia was on cloud nine. Henry was attentive and sweet to her. Since their first night it had only gotten better. He’d assigned a bodyguard to her whenever she wanted to leave the apartment. Her bruising had all but disappeared. There was no pain in her ribs, and she was good as new. Throughout the week they’d gone back to her apartment to collect the rest of her stuff. She should have seen the truth when Henry kept bringing her belongings back home every night.

  He didn’t want her working either. There were a lot of things he didn’t want her doing. He’d ordered her not to shave her pussy again as he wanted that privilege.

  She entered the apartment with Arnold following behind her.

  “I can get home on my own.”

  “Until Henry gets back he wants you to have someone with you all the time,” Arnold, the bodyguard assigned to her, said.

  “It must be totally lame for you, following me around all day.”

  “Caleb and Henry are two of the most sought after men. It’s a pleasure to be given this opportunity to work for them.” Arnold closed the door, walking close behind her as she entered the kitchen. She’d been grocery shopping for their dinner.


  “There are bosses who are not particularly fair. This job is a good one.”


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