SECRET BABY (Book Two) (Billionaire Secret Baby 2)

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SECRET BABY (Book Two) (Billionaire Secret Baby 2) Page 1

by Layla Wilde

















  COPYRIGHT © 2016

  All Rights Reserved


  One Month Later

  I stood in front of my bathroom door and stared at it as though it had something interesting to say to me. My breaths were even and slow, and I could almost feel my heartbeat as it rocked through my body. In my right hand was a pregnancy test kit, but I hadn’t opened it. I was probably being silly, but I had missed last month’s period. I tried to convince myself it was just stress. There was absolutely no way I could be pregnant. That didn’t happen with one-night stands, did it? Besides, Damian and I had only had sex once—one time—and we hadn’t seen each other since.

  “It’s probably nothing,” I whispered to myself. “It’s just stress. Let’s just get this over with.” I walked into the bathroom despite my fear and opened the kit.

  I read the instructions several times, even though I already knew how it worked. I was just wasting time. After I pulled the stick out, I paced back and forth in the bathroom and tapped it nervously against my hand. I kept looking at the toilet, wishing I didn’t have to pee. Actually, I was wishing a lot of things.

  Rather than scare myself with my own thoughts, I braced myself and sat down on the toilet. Breathing deeply through my nostrils so I wouldn’t slide into an all-out panic attack, I did what I had to do, making sure to aim for the stick. My face wrinkled as I did so. There was nothing at all glamorous about this.

  When I was done, I placed the stick on the side of the sink and paced back and forth across the bathroom again. Every once in a while, I glanced at it with the same stare I had given the door earlier. This pregnancy test allegedly took thirty seconds to come up with a result, and it was the longest thirty seconds of my life. I paced and paused to look at it, then paced some more, wringing my hands. I wasn’t religious in any way, but I prayed to anyone who would listen that I wasn’t pregnant. I couldn’t be pregnant.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered when my eyes settled on the stick. There was a little plus sign that hadn’t been there before. I was pregnant. “Holy shit.” I could count the number of times I had cursed in my entire life, but I truly believed this moment called for it.

  “No, no, no. No, no, no.” I cupped a hand over my mouth and sank slowly down onto the toilet seat. I felt my stomach tightening like I wanted to vomit. This could not be happening. There had to be some kind of mistake. I’d been really, really stressed over the last month with trying to find work, so that was more logical. I’d missed my period because I was an anxious person. Yes, that was it.

  After several more minutes of quiet panic, I pulled out my phone and called Darla. She picked up after only a few rings:


  “Darla! Hey.” I took a deep breath and held it. “Could you… Do you think you could come over? I have something to talk to you about. It’s really important.”

  “Yeah, sure. Just give me an hour or so?”

  “Okay. Thank you. See you soon.”

  We sat on the edge of the bathtub and stared at the pregnancy test. I’d taken another one after Darla had come over, hoping it would be negative. It wasn’t.

  “These things aren’t a hundred percent accurate, right?”

  “Yeah, but honey…” Darla touched one of my arms. “This is the second test, right? And I saw your first one. It’s positive, too. What are the chances of that?”

  “Okay, but what if it’s just stress? I’ve been really anxious all month, trying to get work and everything, plus all the other stuff on my plate. It’s been a really hard run. And remember a few years ago when I was preparing for my exams? I skipped at least two periods because I was so out of my mind with stress. So it has to be stress. It can’t be anything else. I’m not pregnant. There’s no—”

  “Steph, hey.” She cut me off, taking both of my hands in hers. “Sweetie, just take a few deep breaths and try to focus. You’re about to go off on a tangent and curl up in the fetal position for the next year. Believe me, I know you well. I have since childhood.”

  I snapped my mouth shut before I bit my bottom lip and nodded. The tears started to come again. They dribbled slowly down my cheeks. “But, Darla, I don’t even know who he is. I mean, I know his name, but that’s it. How am I supposed to have a baby with someone I don’t even know? It was just a one-night stand. Just one!” My voice cracked with emotion, and I felt frantic.

  “Hey. Hey…” Darla took my chin and held it so that I had no choice but to stare into her eyes. “Listen to yourself. You’re falling apart. Don’t give him that satisfaction. You’re way better than that.”

  The tears ran faster down my cheeks, and I felt sobs rising in my throat. “But how can I be pregnant? I don’t even like kids. I’ve never wanted kids. I can’t be pregnant!” Suddenly, the sobs did come, wracking my body and making me shake. Violent trembles raced under my skin as I cried and clung to my best friend as though she were a lifeline.

  Darla held onto me just as tightly, and I could hear the soft sounds of her breaths. Despite my outburst, she seemed calm. Right now, she was my rock.

  “I don’t know what to do,” I whispered. “Please, I have no idea what to do. Can you tell me? I don’t care what you say. I’ll literally take anything right now.” I sniffled and wiped my face with both hands, trying to get myself under control. “I mean, should I get an abortion? Or should I go see a doctor? How can I do that without the father?”

  The questions poured through my mind, panic in my head, when Darla stopped me again. She placed a finger against my lips and shook her head. Her voice was firmer than usual, so my attention was hers. I hiccuped and stared at her.

  “Here’s what we’re going to do. You’re going to go to the doctor and get the pregnancy confirmed. After that, you’re going to find Damian and tell him. He deserves to know, even though he has a reputation as being a total prick.”

  “What?” I looked at her as I sniffled. “You knew he was a douchebag, but you didn’t warn me?”

  She shrugged a little. “He’s a beautiful douchebag, and he’s supposed to be really fun in bed. Hell, I’d love to jump in the sack with him at least once.” She waved a hand. “Never mind. Look, I’m sorry, but the point is, he won’t be that hard to find. So that’s good news for you if you feel up to telling him about this insanity.”

  I shook my head a little, wanting to be angry with Darla even though I knew she hadn’t done anything wrong. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be angry with you. You’re just trying to help.” I pushed my hands through my hair and eased out a heavy sigh. “Okay. Focus. I can do this. I’m going to call the doctor and go in and do all that. In the meantime, do you think you could track Damian down for me?”

  She smiled at me, wrapped me in her arms, and hugged me again. “You’re gonna be okay. And yes, I’ll track the douchebag down for you.”

  “Thank you. Thank you so much. I owe you a big one.”

  “You bet you do.” Darla winked at me and grinned. “Now, go make that appointment. Call me when you find out, okay? And I’ll call you when I find out where tall, dark, and asshole is.”

  I drew in a deep breath as I wiped my tears away with my hands and tried to calm myself further. “Yes, okay. Thank you again.” I
squeezed her hand and let her go. As she left the bathroom, I shook my head slowly back and forth and looked down at the pregnancy test. After a pause, I looked back at the first one. Both still read positive.

  Hefting a big sigh, I called the doctor’s office and asked for a transfer to Dr. Freeda’s office. She had been my doctor for the last three years, and I actually felt comfortable with her. Telling her about this would be a major stretch, but it had to be done.

  “You can do this,” I murmured, on hold while I waited to be transferred.

  “Stacy speaking. This is Dr. Freeda’s office, how may I help you?”

  “Oh.” I sounded more surprised than I’d intended. “Hello. This is Stephanie Sanders. Could I make an appointment with Dr. Freeda? The sooner the better.”

  “Alright, hold on one second.” There was a long pause. “How does today at four p.m. sound?”

  The color drained from my face. “Four p.m. today is good. I’ll see you then.” When I felt panic starting to set in again, I quickly hung up the phone. I was going to get answers, and I was going to get them today. Part of me didn’t want them, and an even bigger part of me just wanted to avoid this entire situation altogether.

  My phone rang almost as soon as I’d hung up. Surprised, I looked down at the number and stared. “She can’t have found him already,” I murmured. “Hello?” I said when I answered the call.

  “Hey! I found him. Some of my friends told me he’s doing a photo shoot today at Montley Beach around four.”

  “Crap. Are you serious? That’s when my appointment is!”

  “It’s okay, don’t worry about it. He’ll probably be there most of the afternoon and probably into the evening. Did you want me to come with you?”

  I hesitated and thought about her offer. Having Darla there with me would be far more comfortable, but I felt as though I needed to do this for myself more than for Damian. I needed to go out there and face him, even though I was scared to death.

  “No, it’s okay. I’ll be okay. And I can take a cab. I’ll just have them drop me off after my appointment. That way, I’ll have all the answers.”

  “Are you sure, honey? This is pretty big.”

  “I’m sure.” I nodded to myself and gripped the phone harder. “Definitely. I’m sure.”

  “Okay. Just do me a favor? If you feel like you’re starting to panic, call me. Immediately!”

  A smile formed on my mouth despite my terror over the situation. “I promise. You’ll be the first person I call if I feel myself starting to crack. Don’t even worry about that.”

  “I better be! Now get out there and kick some social butt. I know you can do it!”

  Normally, Darla’s motivational pep talks annoyed me, but I actually felt the words lift me up and make me stronger. I closed my eyes and smiled, just barely controlling the speed of my breaths. There was nothing I could do about the pounding of my heart. “Thanks, Darla. I’ll call you as soon as I can.”

  After she hung up, I got up and walked quietly out of the bathroom. Raking my fingers through my hair, I closed my eyes and groaned.


  The tide was going out, and the rays of the afternoon sun glittered on the sand. Even for me, it was a beautiful sight, and a faint smile played on my lips. I had a gorgeous woman on each arm, and a camera snapping pictures. The photographer was annoying—really good at barking orders, but not good at getting results.

  “Hey listen, buddy.” I pointed at him. “I have ears. I can hear. You don’t need to yell at me like I’m some old man.”

  “Yes, I do, because you don’t listen. Now turn around so we can all see that stunning ass of yours and stop your complaining! We have work to do and you have millions to make. Unless, of course, you’d rather be poor.”

  I smirked and rolled my eyes. “I’ll never be poor. Come on, ladies. I’ve got some amazing little finger sandwiches and shots back at my beach house. What do you say?” I glared at the cameraman and made my way along the beach toward a small, modern house right there on the shore. It had dark mahogany railings around a massive deck, and all the doors were made from some kind of expensive wood I couldn’t remember the name of. When I stepped inside, both women still on my arms, I let out a chuckle.

  “Well? What do you think? Beautiful, right?”

  “Mmm, it’s alright.” One of the women rubbed a hand down my naked chest, and her lips closed around a nipple.

  “You’re much more amazing,” the other one whispered. She took my jaw and kissed me, her body pressing close. I sighed softly in contentment and wrapped my arms around her, my hands squeezing her butt cheeks. With a quiet grunt, I lifted her into my arms and pressed her back against the nearest wall. Her legs wrapped around me as the other woman dropped to her knees in front of me. She took my length into her mouth and sucked on it. I moaned and gasped, rocking my hips toward her mouth. I hissed through clenched teeth as I kissed the other woman with more intensity.


  I knew that voice. Pushing away the woman kissing me, I looked toward the door. My eyes narrowed a little before I stepped away from the wall, ignoring the two women who would have made my day a whole lot better. I opened the door. “I’m not interested in charity, or whatever you’re selling.” I tilted my head and smiled. “Unless it’s sex, of course.”

  “I’m not here for those things.” Her voice shook as though she was afraid. “I’m here because I need to talk to you about something important.” Her eyes flickered to the women. “Alone. And preferably dressed.” As she spoke, her cheeks turned an impressive shade of red.

  “Listen, sweetheart. Everyone wants to talk to me about something important. So why don’t you head on out that door and get in line like everybody else?”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  The comment shocked me into silence. I just stood there and stared at her, butt-naked next to two gorgeous women who I fully intended to fuck, and this nut-job had to come into my home and tell me she was pregnant.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  “You two… out.” I waved my hands at the two women, but my eyes were fixed on the third. As soon as they were gone, I turned to the semi-familiar invader who claimed she was pregnant. “Okay, here’s the deal. You can either leave, or you can give me proof.”

  Her hands shook as she pulled a sheet of paper from one of her pockets and offered it to me. I stepped closer and snatched it from her grasp. As I read it, I suddenly remembered her. Stephanie, the girl I’d taken home about a month ago. The girl I’d been seeking because I’d needed a change of pace that day.

  “Holy shit. It’s you. Stephanie. The girl I screwed on the night of the Cherry Pop Nightclub’s grand opening.”

  “Yeah, that’s me.” She glanced away, her eyes glittering with tears.

  “And you’re pregnant. Why didn’t you use protection? It’s a no-brainer!”

  Her voice grew a little softer and a lot colder. “Why didn’t you?”

  I pursed my lips for a moment and read the results a second time. There was no proof I was the father, but Stephanie didn’t seem like the sort of woman who had one-night stands often. I doubted she even had a boyfriend. “Do you have a boyfriend? He probably—”

  “No.” She was still shaking, and her hands were clasped in front of her waist. “You’re the only man I’ve had sex with in three years. The baby is definitely yours.”

  My face fell, and I clenched my jaw. This sort of thing happened quite a bit in my world, but no one had ever come to me with actual proof before. Truth be told, I had no idea how to process this, and I didn’t want to. I didn’t have time to deal with this. Hell, I had a business to learn and photo shoots to attend. I had a busy, full life, with no room for a child. Besides, what type of person wanted to bring a child into this world? I knew I didn’t, not after living with my parents. The constant fighting and arguing, the deterioration of a bond that was supposed to last a lifetime. The obligation to a single indiv
idual who, over time, could turn from an angel into a monster. No, absolutely not. This wasn’t going to happen.

  “No, absolutely not.” I spoke my mind, and my head shook. My voice sounded hollow because, on the inside, I was withdrawing.

  “Damian, this isn’t something you can control. You’re the only man I’ve been with in years, so it has to be yours.” I watched her take in a deep breath. “I’m not going to make you do anything. I just wanted to tell you because I thought it was the right thing to do. I thought you should know.”

  My head shook back and forth, like a confused dog, and I glanced away. My jaw clenched hard enough that my teeth hurt. “No.” I held up a hand. I was probably going to regret this, but I was not going to abandon my child. I wasn’t going to be like my father. I’d promised myself a long time ago that I would never hurt a woman as badly as my father hurt my mother. He was always cheating on her and always lying well enough to get away with it. She had to know, though; I sure as hell did. There was no way I could leave Stephanie stranded with a baby—she needed help. “I’ll pay for whatever the baby needs. Just tell me how much, and I’ll make sure you get it.”

  Stephanie looked absolutely shocked. Her jaw dropped, and her eyes widened. She looked like she might faint. When she spoke, I could barely hear her. “This had better not be some kind of joke.” Her hand moved to her belly.

  “It’s not. Just tell me what you need. Do up a budget and get it to me.”

  “I thought you didn’t want the baby.”

  “I don’t. But I’m not going to let it grow up with nothing. What do you make, darling? Thirty grand a year? Maybe forty?” When she looked away, silent, I continued. “I make around eight million a year. That’s just right now. When I take over the company, I’ll be making at least twice as much, maybe more. No one should want for anything in this world.” I shrugged.


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