Elder Lich Saga: Awakening

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Elder Lich Saga: Awakening Page 10

by Michael Sisa

  Slowly, Jiablu’s eyes opened. He momentarily stared into space as the dream that he had resurfaced in his mind.

  “H-Hey, the kid’s awake.”

  “Are you okay, kid?”

  Upon looking around, Jiablu noticed that he was inside a dimly lit room, with the only entrance barricaded by metallic bars. Glancing to his left, he saw three women clustered at the corner. They were all naked, and their hands were cuffed together.

  Jiablu stood up. A clanking sound echoed, and upon looking at his feet, he saw that it was shackled with a metallic chain. He frowned. “Where am I?”

  Amidst the silence of the cellar, his sole question crescendo. The three naked women glanced at each other, unsure of the proper words to say.

  “In the basement. You were taken here together with that female priest,” said one of the women. "It’s absurd, but you did not wake up even after the guards repeatedly whipped your face."

  Jiablu reflexively touched his cheeks. Indeed, there were cuts palpable on it. Insolent humans. He had decided that he would massacre them later.

  “The female priest begged the guards to stop beating you up. Eventually, they agreed. But…”

  A long silence ensued. Jiablu asked in irritation. “But what?”

  “It seems that they plan on raping that female priest. She… she agreed to it, in exchange of your safety.”

  A sobbing sound echoed inside the cellar as one of the naked women began crying, and it quickly escalated into a wail.

  Jiablu said, “So, that female priest is here? Tell me. Where can I find her?”

  “We don’t know. We’ve been imprisoned here for many months now, and we’ve never had the chance to take a look outside this cellar.”

  Jiablu raised a brow. “You allowed such maggots to imprison you here? Hah! As expected of humans. It’s a waste of time to stay here. I am going out.”

  “What are you talking abou—,”

  They stared in shock when the shackles that bound Jiablu instantly turned into crisp and dust. Without turning around, he pointed a finger at the barricaded entrance. A large gaping hole was formed as the metallic bars melted away in unison.

  Jiablu channeled his mana into his surroundings. After finding his first target, his figure vanished, leaving behind the slack-jawed trio.


  “Hey, have you seen the priest?” said one of the bandits.

  “Sure did!” said another. He chugged down the large mug of beer then made an exhilarated sigh. “That body! That face! I can’t believe we’ll get to have a taste of her later! I can’t wait!”

  “Kahahaha! Let’s see how tough she is when over a hundred of us are finally done with her!”

  There was maniacal laughter as the group merrily drank away.

  “But won’t the boss get angry at us for having a go at his eleventh wife?” he smirked.

  “Brother, we’ve got the go signal from Lord Viper. He told us that it’s part of our reward for tonight!”

  “Kahahah! Splendid! We get to have a taste of a priest from the Order of Aquina!”

  The laughter once again ensued, but it quickly dissipated when a cold voice echoed inside the room.

  “She’s not here,” said the voice. “Hey, maggots. Do you know where I can find the priest?”

  The group of bandits momentarily stared in shock as a child approached their direction. How did he enter the room? Moreover, they were sure that he was one of the captives in the cellar.

  “Stop wasting my time,” spat the child.

  To their surprise, one of them had their head burst open, splattering the innards on the wooden ground. The headless body fell down on its knees then kissed the ground.

  What was happening? None of them could move a muscle, and cold sweat overflowed like river on their skin. Their soul was screaming at them that it was dangerous, but their bodies refused to move.

  The child made a chet sound. “Answer the question.”

  Another bandit’s head burst open, and the body also kneeled then kissed the ground. All those inside the room were violently trembling in terror. What kind of monster was this? What was happening? One thing was sure, if they did not answer the child’s question soon, they would also become like the corpses sprawled on the ground.

  “W-Wait!” said one of the remaining bandits. “W-Who are you? W-What are you?!”

  The body of the bandit that asked the question suddenly flew backward, his head lodging itself deep into the wall. Those that saw it opened their mouths in pure terror.

  “Three left. I need only one of you to answer the question,” said the child. “The first one to answer my question will be given the most painless death.”

  The child stared straight into their eyes. It was the eyes of a predator. Of a demon. Of death itself.

  “Now, I shall ask again. Where is the priest?”

  Chapter 16: The Bandit Lord Part I

  7 years ago

  Royal Capital of the Kingdom of Tesma

  The sound of metal hitting stone echoed as Viper chiseled his way through the thick slab of stone. It was three times his height, and he had to use a ladder to sculpt the topmost part. The head had been carved in intricate details, with the eyes and the nose emphasized the most.

  Viper sighed in exhilaration upon completion of the head. He heard footsteps. He turned to his left, and his eyes were greeted by a soldier.

  “Master Instructor!” said the Soldier. Viper noticed that he glanced at the half-completed statue before he made a salute. “The King summons you.”

  Viper slowly got down the ladder. After placing the chisel on the nearby table, he asked, “What’s the matter?”

  He furrowed his brows. The last time the King has summoned him, their nation entered war with the beastmen.

  The soldier said, “I do not know the details, Sir. But please come immediately. All of the officials of the Capital are already inside.”

  Viper grabbed the silk robe hanging on the wall. He donned it then loosely tied its knot. The baffled expression of the soldier clearly stated, ‘You’re going like that?’

  “Lead the way,” said Viper.

  The soldier opened then closed his mouth. The man before him was sweaty all over, like a ruffian that had not taken a bath for a few days. Still, he shut the words that entered his mind. He nodded. “Yes, Sir.”


  After passing through numerous hallways and corridors, Viper eventually arrived at a large metallic door. It was engraved with silver and gold, creating the insignia of a rose and shield. He nonchalantly opened it, not bothering to signal the guards stationed beside it.

  The door opened with a soft creaking sound. All of those that were inside the room shot a glance at his direction. There were roughly a dozen men inside, and judging by the clothes they wore, all of them were of high status. The large chandelier lit by innumerable candles above did not fail to reveal their tensed faces.

  Viper saw a bottle of wine at the corner. He grabbed and opened it then merrily drank half its contents. He grinned. “What did I miss?”

  “Alecto! What are you doing? You are disgracing my father!” said a soft voice. The owner was furiously glaring at Viper, with her youthful face blushing violent red. She combed her red hair to the back. “Come over here!”

  Viper chuckled as he approached the group. Their stares were piercing, but he paid it no heed. “Princess Krisha, what are you doing here, young miss? You’re eight, nine? Still too young for matters of the Kingdom.”

  “Shut up, barbarian! I don’t even know why father appointed you as one of the Master Instructors of the Palace!” said Princess Krisha.

  A man waved his hand, and the princess immediately stopped with her blabber. His red hair had tinges of white. Despite that, his face was youthful, almost without a hint of creases. He broadly smiled when his eyes met Viper’s. “Alecto, I heard that you are sculpting the God of Fire?”

  Viper bowed his head. “Yes, your majesty. Once I finished t
he sculpture of God Agnus, I would have completed all nine Gods.”

  The King heartily laughed. “Excellent. I’ve seen all of the sculptures you have made. Personally, I liked the most the sculpture of God Thanatos. Should we change your title? Maybe you are better fitted as Master Sculptor after all!”

  “Yes, that ruffian should not be a Martial Arts Instructor!” the Princess interjected. The King gave her a stare and she immediately stopped.

  “I think we should get back to the topic,” said the King. He gestured for Viper to come closer to the group. “Everyone aside from Prince Ibrahim and Prince Acain is here.”

  He cleared his throat. “I’ve summoned all of you here to discuss the future of our Kingdom.”

  Everyone else silently listened as the King continued. At the corner of his eyes, Viper could see the young princess glaring at him. He inwardly chuckled.

  “It was urgent and we were informed of it only a few hours ago, but it seems that an envoy from the Kingdom of Leikana is coming over,” said the King.

  “Leikana? That small Kingdom that was formed just two years ago?” said one of the men present.

  The King nodded. “Correct.” There was a long pause before he added, “They are asking us to concede our western border to their sovereignty.”

  There was uproar within the group. The officials present spat their discontent one after another.

  “Our Kingdom is three times the size of Leikana! If I am correct, they only have three cities! Such small Kingdom is asking us to concede our territory!?”


  “We can crush those guys within the blink of an eye! What are they thinking?!”

  The King signaled for silence to ensue. After the commotion died down, he asked Viper. “Alecto, what do you think of their declaration? They clearly stated that they are going to war with our nation if we do not concede the western part of our territory—specifically the city of Palamesh and its surrounding borders.”

  He simply replied, “You said that an envoy is going to visit us soon? I cannot make a decision before I see them in person.”

  “Buffoon! It’s obvious decision that we should go to war with that newly formed Kingdom! What can they do to us?! Why should we concede our territory to them!?” one of the officials spat.

  Viper did not retort. He remained silent. The King said, “I agree with Alecto. There is no harm in hearing them out.”

  “B-But your majesty!”

  “Enough!” The King’s voice echoed.

  A knock was heard on the door, and a soldier entered. After giving a deep bow, he said, “Your Majesty, the envoy from Leikana has arrived. They are currently outside the Palace.”

  The King nodded. “Let them enter.”

  The soldier once again bowed then left. A few minutes after, the door once again opened. Three figures clad in white cloaks entered. To everyone’s surprise and utter contempt, they were all wearing a mask.

  Before everyone could utter a word, one of the mask figures spoke. “Pardon us, Your Majesty. It is tradition of our nation to send delegates in such fashion.”

  “You are in the Kingdom of Tesma! Not Leikana!” one of the officials shouted. The King signaled him to stop.

  “I see, but how can we trust someone who does not wish to reveal his face?” said the King. His voice was calm, and his eyes were carefully scrutinizing the three men that had entered. At the corner of his eyes, he saw that was Alecto rigidly standing in his place. Something was wrong with him, but he was unable to pinpoint it.

  There was a pause, and one of the three white-clad figures removed his mask, revealing a surprisingly youthful face. By estimate, he was probably in his early teenage years.

  His grey eyes glimmered for a second. He smiled. “I am Prince Jabaltar. These two men behind me are my guards.”

  The King softly chuckled. “So young, indeed. Then, what can we do for you, Prince of Leikana?”

  Jabaltar did not hesitate with his answer. His voice was firm and confident. “Give us the City of Palamesh and its surrounding regions. It belongs to our Kingdom.”

  A laughing sound echoed. The King of Tesma was smiling, but his eyes were predatory. “You, jest. Palamesh has been our city for over a hundred years. It does not belong to you, youngling.”

  Sounds and grunts of satisfaction came after the statement. Prince Jabaltar’s smile failed to slide down his face. He merrily said, “Then, this concludes our discussion? We knew that you would refuse the offer, anyway. But for the sake of our people, we asked regardless.”


  “Who do you think you are?!”

  “We can crush your Kingdom any time we want!”

  “Hahaha! What a funny bunch!” said Prince Jabaltar. He shrugged. “Well, then, our business here is done.”

  He turned around and left without another word.

  Chapter 17: The Bandit Lord Part II

  A week passed since the envoys’ visit. The Kingdom of Tesma immediately gathered their troops in preparation for war. Civilians were conscripted one after another in an attempt to increase the number of soldiers. There was tension within the air as knights and soldiers moved through the cities.

  Viper stared at the sculpture of the God of Fire. It was almost finished, and only the feet were left. During these past few days, his mind was in turmoil. Should he tell the King about it?

  He felt that he should, but was rendered undecided.

  He kept chiseling through hard rock, his mind preoccupied by numerous thoughts. Eventually, he stopped and screamed. “Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!”

  A soft voice answered, “What are you so frustrated about, ruffian?”

  Viper turned around and saw the princess staring intently at him. She was wearing her pajamas, and judging by her ruffled hair, she had just woken up.

  “What are you doing here, little one?” said Viper.

  Princess Krisha pouted. “I’m already nine years of age! I am a full grown adult! Watch your mouth, commoner!”

  Viper’s lips crooked into a smile. Somehow, the thoughts that were bothering him started to fade away. “Yes, yes. Sorry if this commoner does not please you, Your Highness.”

  “There you go again! That smile! You’re thinking that I’m nothing but a spoiled kid, right? Right!?” said Princess Krishna.

  Viper shrugged. “When did I ever say that?”

  She glared at him, but the ferocity of her stare slowly faded away the moment her eyes landed on the almost finished sculpture of the Fire God. Her mouth was slightly opened. She whispered, “beautiful.”

  “Of course. I made it,” Viper merrily spat.

  Princess Krishna’s eyes swiveled between Viper and the statue. Eventually she said, “Accompany me.”

  Viper’s raised a brow. “What?”

  “Accompany me,” she repeated. There was a small fidgeting sound as she added, “I-I’m going out to shop for clothes! I am ordering you, as Master Instructor, to accompany me!”

  “Nope.” Viper’s eyes danced. “Why should I? As far as I know, my job is to teach the young soldiers about the sword. I’m no chaperone, young princess.”

  “I’m already an adult!” she shouted.

  “Yes. Yes,” chuckled Viper. The thought that was bothering him once again resurfaced in his mind. He stared intently at the Princess. To his surprise, he had finally arrived at a conclusion. “Hey, little one—I cannot accompany you right now. I have an important matter I need to attend to.”

  Princess Krisha tilted her red head to the side. “Important matter?”

  “Yes. I need to see His Majesty.”


  “This is a good enough place. Speak,” said the King. He was watering the plants in the Royal Garden, slowly sprinkling water onto the new sprouts. Flowers bloomed everywhere, filling the air with a nostalgic sweet scent.

  When Viper was unable to immediately utter a reply, the King added, “What is it, Alecto? I’m the one that had put you in your cur
rent position. I know you very well, my friend. You are not interested in the politics of our world. A man of art. A man of solace. A man of passion. A man detached from the material things of this world.”

  A butterfly fluttered past the King, and he stared at it in silence. He said, “It is rare for you to appear before me. Tell me, what is it that bothers you?”

  Viper inhaled a gust of air. “Please concede the city of Palamesh to the enemy.”

  His remark took the King by surprise. He stopped sprinkling the plants. “What do you mean?”

  Viper knew that what he was saying was preposterous, almost absurd, but he had to say it. He knew. “Please give up the city of Palamesh to the enemy. Those two guys behind Prince Jabaltar… those two escorts… they’re dangerous.”

  The King furrowed his brows. “How did you come to such conclusion? Moreover, you are telling me that such decision is based on those two guards alone? Alecto—you greatly disappoint me.”

  Viper’s heart sank. If not for the current King, he would have been a nameless beggar pursuing his arts. The current King was the reason he was able to pursue his passion without dying from hunger. But it was even more so a reason for him to convince him from committing a grave mistake.

  “Those two guards behind the Prince… they’re stronger than you think. Strong enough to fight against the Fifth Holy Apostle of our Kingdom,” said Viper. If another person heard their conversation, he would have thought of how much a madman Viper was.

  Total silence befell the two of them. Eventually, the King said, “I did not know that you are a liar, Alecto. Get out of my sight.”

  “I’m telling the truth! I have not told anyone about this, but I am capable of estimating the amount of magic in an individual! I have met the Fifth Apostle, and believe me, those two guards that was with Prince Jabaltar is almost as strong as that old magician!”

  “Enough!” shouted the King. Three guards appeared from the corner upon hearing his furious remark. The King signaled them to stand their ground. “I am tired of hearing lies from you, Alecto. Get out! Get out of my sight!”


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