The Euclidian: Alien Hitman

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The Euclidian: Alien Hitman Page 19

by Jay Cannon

  Moments later he asked, “Is it okay if we release the other prisoners?”

  “Of course. Just don’t give them any details on how we freed them,” said Adar.

  “Agreed.” Ahmed held a fist up to Adar.

  “Let’s get out of here. I’ll have Wylyy transport us back from a closet in the other building. If your family asks how they arrived in New York so quickly, just tell them that it is a top secret government closet-to-closet transfer mechanism that they can never mention,” Adar said, a serious look on his face.

  “Sure, that will make as much sense to them as anything else,” Ahmed said, shrugging his shoulders. “You certainly seemed to enjoy killing those guys back there.”

  “I don’t kill for the fun of it,” Adar said, anxious to clear up the misunderstanding. “I kill out of necessity and only bad guys. I was raised from birth to be a warrior and protect the weak, not kill aimlessly. If you are ready, I’ll contact Wylyy.”

  “Who is this Wylyy guy you keep mentioning, and why do we never see him?” Ahmed asked.

  “Wylyy is the commander of the attack ship that assists me with getting around. He’s a Euclidian from the planet Euclidia, the government that sponsored my mission to find the escaped alien prisoners. We don’t see him because we don’t need to. He pilots the ship as needed. When it’s not needed, he hides it on the bottom of the ocean with two other crewmembers. They spend their time studying this planet, playing war games, and they probably walk around isolated areas on occasion.”

  “That’s all very strange,” Ahmed said, astonished. “So that whole thing about aliens visiting us for years has been true.”

  “No, we’ve only been here for a few months. Humans just made that stuff up, the way they made up Santa Claus and vampires,” Adar said, snickering.

  “Laugh if you want, I’m sure your planet has some strange beliefs. Oops, sorry honey, we’re leaving now,” Ahmed said, responding to his wife’s impatient plea. “Adar, we should get out of here. My family is getting restless.”

  “Good, I’m ready to go as well,” Adar said, cautiously walking into the main building.

  The five of them squeezed into a closet, which totally annoyed Ahmed’s wife. “This is the silliest thing I ever heard of Ahmed, father of my children. You break us out of a tiny cell and place us all in an even tinier place with a strange-looking man I’ve never seen before. This is just nuts,” she scolded him in Arabic.

  “Trust me darling wife. You have not seen nuts. Hold on to our children. Something even stranger is about to happen,” said Ahmed, hoping his wife wouldn’t ask too many questions.

  Chapter 12

  Moving in with Adar

  The instantaneous trip to New York startled Ahmed’s wife, but she quickly adjusted to the sudden change in scenery. She had long since learned not to ask questions when her family was safe and unthreatened. Ahmed’s children enjoyed the ride and immediately asked if they could do it again. They later went into the closet and pretended it took them to exotic places around the globe.

  “Adar, can we stay at your place for now?” asked Ahmed. “I’m afraid that if I put my family in my apartment, it will raise suspicions. I’ve been sneaking up the fire escape to get in and out.”

  “Yes, but you will all have to share the second bedroom,” Adar said, unhappy about his loss of privacy.

  “Not a problem,” Ahmed said, just happy and relieved to have his family back safe and sound. “I’m going to go by my place and get a few things for my family,” he added, before explaining everything to his wife.

  “I will go with you, in case you run into trouble,” said Adar, not wanting to remain in the apartment with Ahmed’s family.

  “Of course, because there is no way I would be able to make it home and back without your assistance,” Ahmed said sarcastically. “You know I survived just fine before you showed up.”

  “How about, I am not interested in being cornered in this apartment alone with your wife and two kids,” Adar said quietly but angrily into Ahmed’s ear. “I would rather fight a cave full of Gorman creatures barehanded,” he added, with a growl.

  “Ah, maybe you have a point,” said Ahmed, his thoughts already turning to the things he needed to collect from his place. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Ahmed waved goodbye to his family and the two walked out the door.


  Ahmed and Adar arrived at Ahmed’s apartment without incident. As Ahmed began to open the door, shouts from police officers coming out of the apartment across the hall halted his progress.

  “Hands above your heads, gentlemen, and move real slow-like,” said one of the uniformed cops. Adar shoved Ahmed into the apartment and turned to engage the officer right behind him. The alien grabbed him by the front of his shirt and tossed him down the long hallway. As another officer rushed out of the apartment, Adar grabbed him by the crotch and flung him down the hallway.

  Yelling “Stop, you’re under arrest,” more officers rushed into the hallway from a stairwell, drew their weapons and began shooting at Adar, who ignored them and calmly walked into Ahmed’s apartment and closed the door behind him. Having turned on his personal shield, he was protected from the officers’ barrage of bullets.

  “Sergeant, did you see that?” asked one of the officers. “The bullets had no effect on him.”

  “He’s probably wearing body armor. Break down the door!” ordered the sergeant. “Let’s gas them.”

  Inside the apartment, Ahmed asked, “What’s going on?”

  “I was attacked by the police,” Adar replied, confused by their presence. “They must have come for you. I’ll have Wylyy transport us out of here.”

  Suddenly the door flew open and two canisters spewing tear gas rolled into the room. Adar and Ahmed ran into a nearby bedroom to take cover, slamming the door behind them. Bullets followed them, riddling the door full of holes before the police cracked it open to toss in another canister of tear gas.

  “My eyes are burning,” said Ahmed.

  “I cannot wait for Wylyy,” said Adar, throwing Ahmed over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. “Hold on. I’m going through the window.”

  “What? We’re three floors uuuuuuppppp!” Ahmed screamed.

  Adar landed in the alley below, with Ahmed none the worse for wear.

  “What the hell did you do that for?!” yelled Ahmed. Ahmed continued to grumble, trying to shake off the shock of falling three stories and landing safely without a parachute or a safety net.

  “We made it, didn’t we?” Adar’s calm was almost as disconcerting as his precipitous actions. “Can you walk now?” the alien asked.

  “Yes, put me down. You might have cracked some of my ribs, though. Let’s keep moving, before they start shooting at us. Did you really need to do that?” Ahmed grimaced, more put out than hurt by Adar’s actions.

  “I did not have much choice. We had no time to contact Wylyy. Plus someone might have seen us getting transported out of the room.”

  “So you jump out of a third-floor window.” Ahmed’s voice rose, hysteria edging his tone.

  “Is that not normal?” Adar asked, surprised at Ahmed’s reaction.

  “When we get back, you have got to tell me more about what’s going on with you,” Ahmed pleaded, tired of being left in the dark. “I’m starting to think you might be superman or something.”

  “I’ve already told you too much. The less you know the safer you will be,” Adar said, looking at Ahmed and hoping he wouldn’t ask any more questions.

  “Man, you keep saying that, but I’m beginning to the think that ignorance around you is just downright dangerous, Adar,” an exasperated Ahmed groused.

  Adar stared at the young man for a long moment, his oddly shaped eyes unblinking, before he looked away as if recalling his purpose.

  “I should probably start wearing a hat and glasses. It appears people are looking for me or us,” Ahmed said, recalling the police ambush with some uneasiness.

nbsp; As Adar and Ahmed arrived at the door of their apartment Abigale popped out of her door and touched Adar on the shoulder. “Forgive me Mister Adar. I left my sugar bowl in your apartment. When you come back with it, can you check something for me?” Abigale asked, her expression fearful. “I think someone sneaked into my apartment and is hiding under my bed,” she said, wringing her hands.

  “Sure Abigale,” Adar replied, frowning. “Ahmed, this could take a while. Once I return, we should go pick up the payment from Harry.”

  “Whatever you say, player. Let me get that sugar bowl for you. I’ll be ready once you finish investigating the break in.” Ahmed smiled and crooked his fingers in air quotes with his final words.

  Chapter 13

  Toni Takes More Territory

  Toni took a car to Jackson’s place, intending to get him out of the picture. She pressed the buzzer to his apartment and waited for him to respond.

  “Can I help you?” asked Jackson, over the intercom.

  “Jackson, it’s Toni. Can I come up? I have a proposition for you,” she said, attempting to sound seductive.

  “Sure, come on up.” Jackson pressed the buzzer. “I’m in 2211. I’ll pour you a drink.” He rubbed his hands together, hoping this was his chance to connect with Toni and squeeze out Lee and Sam.

  “I’ll take a scotch, neat,” Toni said, a bit more confidence in her voice.

  “I’ll have it ready when you get here,” Jackson replied. Toni sauntered through Jackson’s front door, wearing a long, clingy white silk dress, pearls, and pumps.

  Jackson smiled, eyeing Toni’s lithe figure appreciatively as he closed the door. “You are looking lovely tonight, Toni. To what do I owe the honor?”

  “I thought we could talk some business. Who’s the thug?” Toni flashed a grin at Jackson, before casting a sideways glance at his bodyguard.

  “That’s Arthur. He helps keep me safe and ensures that people pay me on time.”

  “I’m glad I don’t owe you any money. Hello, Arthur. You’re a pretty big guy,” Toni said, trying to wrap her fingers around the girth of his bicep through his suit.

  “Hi, Toni. I’ve seen you around. I like your singing,” he said, grabbing one of her hands and kissing it.

  “Thanks. Maybe I can give you a private show some time,” Toni said, running a fingernail down his shirt. Wasn’t expecting to have to kill two men. Especially one this big, she thought.

  “I thought you came to see me. Why you giving him all the attention?”

  “Don’t get jealous Jackson,” said Toni. “I’m just making friends with the big guy.”

  “Please call me Jackie, like Jackie Robinson or Jackie Wilson,” Jackson said, pulling on his coat lapel and puffing out his chest.

  “Okay Jackie, where’s that drink?” Toni said, eyebrows raised. Pretty soon you’ll be meeting both of them.

  “Here you go,” said Jackson, handing her a scotch in a cut-crystal tumbler. “Let’s drink to success.”

  “Yes, our mutual success.” She took a sip. “That is good. Glad you’re not serving me the cheap stuff. Look, Lee offered me a lame deal. In general, he just wants to screw me. Literally and figuratively. I’m looking to partner with someone who wants to expand and give me an equal share that I can run on my own,” she said sternly, locking glances with Jackson.

  “I’m your guy, Toni,” said Jackson, raising his glass to Toni and taking another sip.

  “Maybe you heard, Luigi and Vinnie lost their places. Harry is willing to let me manage their territory in return for a share in my club. I thought you and I could pool resources and expand our operations,” Toni said, bending the truth a bit.

  “You guys go ahead and do your thing. I’m going to hit the john,” said Arthur.

  “Go ahead, Arthur. Look, Toni, I’m willing to do business with you, but only if we are going to be partners in every sense of the word,” Jackson said, leaning in towards her.

  “I’m still grieving from the loss of my husband, dirty shit that he was. Give me some time to work through it. I’ll come around for you. As a sign of good faith, I’ll let you have a look, if you like,” She said, pulling up the side of her dress.

  “I certainly wouldn’t turn down a look from a lady.”

  “We do have a deal, though, right?” Toni cooed.

  “Of course. I’ll let my boys know you’re joining our little group. Now come over here and let me take a whiff,” Jackson said, his nostrils flaring.

  “I thought you’d never ask, Jackie. I like a man who knows what he wants,” Toni purred, raising her leg. Jackson leaned toward Toni’s crotch, and she promptly whipped out her stiletto and slashed his throat. She then stabbed him several times in the gut.

  “Did you get a good whiff, Jackie?” She sneered, straightening and smoothing the wrinkles from her dress.

  “Everything okay?” asked Arthur, his face creasing with concern as he emerged from the bathroom.

  “Just peachy,” said Toni as she grabbed the scotch bottle and cracked it over Arthur’s head. Next, she tried to stab him in his stomach with her knife, but Arthur grabbed her wrist and punched her in the chest, knocking her to the floor and forcing her to drop the knife. Wiping blood from his face, he followed after her. But Toni shoved her heel into his groin before shoving her foot into the side of his knee. A loud cracking noise ensued, sending the big man crashing to the floor screaming in pain. She rolled away from his grasp, jumped on his back, and started choking him with his necktie. Putting her knee in the middle of his back, she pulled hard on the tie, until Arthur stopped moving.

  Damn, you were hard to kill, thought Toni. One more and I get my territory back. Might as well call Samuel now.

  After straightening her mussed hairdo, she checked her dress for blood spatter in a full-length mirror on the door of the bathroom, finding none. She then pulled out her cell phone and punched in a number.

  “Sammy, it’s Toni. What do your plans look like for tonight? Then how about lunch at my place tomorrow? Now that isn’t very trusting. Okay, I’ll see you at your bar tomorrow around 6:00.”

  He is not going to be as easy to get rid of, but he will go down, she vowed silently.

  Toni jumped when she heard a knock at the door. “Jackson, it’s Roger. Is everything okay in there? The neighbors complained about some noise coming from up here.”

  Damn it. This isn’t going to look good, thought Toni, slipping out the back door and taking the emergency exit to leave the building.


  Adar and Ahmed reached Harry’s place and sat in two armchairs in front of his wide desk.

  “Harry, we took care of Vinnie and his crew and came to get paid,” Ahmed reported.

  “Great work, you two,” said Harry, who had already heard that the hit went well. Digging out two large envelopes from a drawer in his desk, he tossed them to Ahmed. “Now I have a very special mission for Adar. I need you to take out my associate, Toni. One of my lieutenants died from multiple knife wounds and another one has gone missing. I’m sure it’s Toni, looking to take their territory. Sammy is probably the next one on the hit list. Here’s the address for Toni’s place. I need this to be taken care of quickly and quietly.”

  “I will take care of it now,” Adar replied.

  “I’ll wait here for you,” said Ahmed. “I have something I want to talk to Harry about.”

  “Be careful. Toni is cunning and ruthless,” Harry said, waving his finger at Adar.

  Good. I look forward to a worthy adversary, thought Adar as he left the room.


  Toni received a call from Sammy canceling their meeting and threatening to take revenge on her for Jackson’s death. She denied having anything to do with it, but he ignored her pleas.

  In response, Toni hunkered down in her apartment, preparing for an attack.

  “Look, you two,” she told her lieutenants, Bobby and Stan. “I expect to see Sammy and his boys here any minute. I know you two are tempted to jump ship, but
I promise I will take better care of you than Sammy ever will.”

  “What about Harry?” asked Bobby.

  “Once Sammy is out of the way I will make peace with Harry. He just wants assurances that his operation will run smoothly and the money will keep flowing in. I will make sure that happens and make you two wealthy in the process.”

  “Toni, there’s something wrong with one of your cameras,” said Stan. “I’m getting some sort of interference on the one over the stairs.”


  Adar cloaked when he entered the back door of Toni’s club. Finding the stairs to her upstairs apartment, he ran up them and rammed her front door open with his head. Uncloaking, he chopped Bobby across the neck with a stiff hand, sending the man to the floor gasping for breath. Stan pulled out a gun and pointed it at Adar. The alien swiftly twisted the weapon out of the henchman’s hand and flung him across the room where he crashed into the wall.

  Bobby stumbled as he attempted to rise, but Adar quickly snapped his neck. He walked over to Stan and twisted his head, silencing his moans. On the monitor Toni could see Sammy coming up the stairs with three of his men in front of him.

  Adar looked over at Toni. “Which one of these men is Toni?”

  “Neither one,” replied Toni, thinking quickly. “I brought them here to protect me from Toni. Look he’s coming up the stairs now with his crew,” said Toni, pointing at her monitor.

  Adar ran out the door and stood at the top of the stairs looking down. How the hell do I kill four people quietly? Adar lunged at the four men, sending them to the bottom of the stairs. He pulled out his spear and quickly stabbed two of them in the chest. Sammy shoved the third man at Adar, knocking the spear from his hand and pinning him under the heavy man. Adar pushed the man to the side and with a quick motion snapped his neck. Sammy got to his knees and pulled out his gun but Adar kicked it away before he could get a shot off.

  Adar looked at the hulking figure of Sammy sideways as he stood up from the floor to tower over him.

  Let’s see how tough this Toni fellow really is. I don’t care how tough you are, buddy. You are still going down, Adar thought.


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