The Euclidian: Alien Hitman

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The Euclidian: Alien Hitman Page 23

by Jay Cannon

  “What kind of work did you do for Seamus, exactly?”

  “We have a way of getting the truth from people and ensuring that they’re not robbing you blind.”

  “You’d be surprised how willing a person is to spill his guts when he has a gun pressed to his temple,” said Sharon, smoothing her fuchsia sheath dress with her long manicured fingers.

  “We have a subtler way of getting a person to talk that results in a lot less bloodshed. Maybe I could demonstrate for you.” Daloi walked over to Sharon, gazed into her eyes, and grabbed her cheek. “Raise your skirt for me. I’d love to see your panties.”

  Sharon stood up and started to comply. Sheila, garbed in a similar teal-colored sheath, jumped up from her seat on the sofa, shoved Daloi away and pointed her gun at the alien’s chest.

  “Maybe you’d like to see how I can subtly space bullets out across your chest. Sharon, are you okay?” Sheila grabbed her partner’s arm and shook her.

  “Bitch, you touch me like that again,” said Sharon, regaining her composure, “and I’ll cut your heart out.”

  “Relax. I did not hurt you. Don’t tell me you are afraid of a little hypnosis,” Daloi crooned, easing back a step.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck what you call it. Keep your damn hands off of me,” said Sharon, waving her arms and hands in front of her in a warding gesture.

  “Cut it out,” Charlie ordered. “Aren’t you two supposed to be taking care of that problem for me down at city hall?”

  “We’re already on it,” said Sharon.

  “It doesn’t look like it. Go take care of it now.” Sharon and Sheila begrudgingly walked out, while shooting figurative darts at Daloi with their bright, gray eyes.

  “So, Charlie, do we have a job?” asked Daloi, straightening her dress with long, thin fingers.

  “Maybe. You don’t mind if I call Seamus to verify who you are? I don’t want to inadvertently do business with snitches trying to put one over on me. Billy, make sure they don’t go anywhere, while I get Seamus on the phone.” Billy pulled out his gun and pointed it at Daloi and Dholi, while Charlie made the phone call.

  “Seamus, Charlie here. What can you tell me about the Daloi and Dholi ladies? Yeah, you’re right about that. Really? Good to hear. Talk to you soon. Bye,” Charlie ended the call, hanging up. “You can put your gun away, Billy. Seamus said you two are as dangerous as you are beautiful, and I’d be a fool not to use you. So I’m in.”

  “Good to hear. What can we start on?” Daloi asked, sitting on the edge of Charlie’s desk and giving him a seductive smile.

  “Something simple so I can see what you’re capable of. There’s a guy who runs our drug operation on the south side named Jesse. I hear he’s running a side business using some synthetic drugs he had developed. I want it to be clear that I get a share of all activity in the Bronx! He doesn’t get to do side deals and no one works with Jesse without coming to me first. If you can clarify what’s going on with him, you get five G’s and 10 percent of whatever action comes out of it. Like the deal?”

  “Oh, we love that deal. Just show us what he looks like and where we can find him and we’ll take care of this right away,” said Daloi.

  “He’s easy to find. He hangs out at the Rambling House on Katonah. Just tell him I sent you to check on things.” Charlie tapped his manicured fingers on the desk.

  “Can we kill him?” asked Dholi.

  “No, not unless you have to. I don’t want to disrupt things down there. Turmoil always impacts profits, and he makes me a lot of profit. I want you to focus on clearing away any obstacles that might impact the profits.”

  “Got it, boss,” said Daloi. “We’ll have an update for you by morning.”

  “Billy, get them the info on Jesse and show them out,” Charlie said, dismissing them.

  “I’ll take care of it, boss,” said Billy. “This way, ladies.”

  Chapter 16

  Adar Gets Caught by the Police

  Daloi and Dholi walked into Rambling House and made their way to Jesse. They were looking their gorgeous selves, dressed in matching tight jeans and halter tops. Jesse was more than excited to see them.

  “Jesse, I’m Daloi and this is my sister, Dholi. Charlie sent us to check on things. Can we talk somewhere?” Dholi was flashing her eyes at Jesse overtime as she ran her index finger across her halter top.

  “Sure, ladies. Let’s talk in my office,” said Jesse. “Why haven’t I heard of you before? Not that I’m complaining,” said Jesse, fighting hard not to drool.

  “We just came in from Chicago. Charlie wants us to validate the effectiveness of his business and asked us to start with you,” said Daloi, taking a serious tone.

  “So what’s to validate here?” asked Jesse, closing the door to his office and signaling his guards to wait outside. “I collect the money from the dealers, keep my cut, and send the rest to Charlie,” said Jesse, hoping to switch to less serious topics.

  “Don’t be obtuse, Jesse,” said Dholi, putting her hand around his neck and forcing him against the wall. “You got any side deals going on?”

  Jesse had a strong constitution and normally did not rattle easily. After seeing his bodyguards killed in front of him, having two beautiful women trying to shake him down should have been laughable. However, he found himself being mentally disarmed in a way that made him lose bladder control.

  “Jesse, should we kill these bitches?” One of his bodyguards queried, opening the door to his office.

  “No, leave me alone,” said Jesse. “I can handle these ladies. They just like it rough. Go on, get out!”

  The bodyguard left the room leaving Jesse alone with the two Cheoili women. Jesse felt afraid and aroused at the same time. Either way, he wanted to see where these ladies wanted to take him.

  “So tell us, Jesse,” said Dholi, “what deals are you doing on the side?” She was stroking his face and rubbing her leg between his thighs.

  Jesse wanted to resist, but the harder he tried the more his resistance faded. “I’m not cheating Charlie on the deals we set up. I cultivated a completely new business on my own. Why should I share that with Charlie?”

  “What are you talking about, Jesse?” Daloi asked, taking over the questioning.

  “I met an amazing chemist. She’s a grad student who likes to mess around with psychedelics. She made a series of chemicals that has taken off in the Bronx. I mentioned it to Charlie, but he showed no interest so I did it on my own,” said Jesse, hoping the two women would side with him.

  “You know that Charlie owns all the action in the Bronx,” said Daloi sternly. “Every bit of it.”

  “I know, but I couldn’t turn this down,” Jesse pleaded.

  “We understand, Jesse. Now where’s the money you made from the deals?” Daloi demanded.

  “I’ve got some here and some at the house,” Jesse said, pointing to a closet.

  “Okay, give us what you have here, and we’ll let you keep the rest. Any other money that comes in from the new business you share with Charlie under the original agreement. Understood?” asked Daloi, slapping the short man on the face.

  “All right, but I wasn’t trying to rip him off. You gotta believe me,” Jesse said, grabbing Daloi’s arm and hoping he wouldn’t have to suffer any indignities.

  “We do. Does anyone else know about these new drugs?” Dholi asked, patting his face.

  “Of course not. My guys sell it for me, but that’s it,” said Jesse, with a little hesitation. Jesse subconsciously tapped his finger against the wall, which did not go unnoticed by Daloi. She grabbed his hand and started kissing it.

  “Jesse, don’t hold back on me. Who else knows about these amazing new drugs of yours?” Daloi asked gingerly, her sparkling green eyes shooting him a piercing look.

  “I spoke with a couple of guys yesterday about creating a batch for them. But you don’t want to mess with these guys. They’re crazy. One had some sort of sword that he used to chop up my guards.” He ma
de a chopping motion with his hand.

  “What did he look like?” asked Daloi, with a nervous look on her face.

  “Short guy. Wore these dark shades around his face. And he had scary looking teeth. It’s like he wasn’t human,” Jesse said forcefully, scrunching his face and balling his hands up into a fist.

  “I believe you, baby. So when are they coming back?” Daloi persisted in the questioning.

  “They aren’t. Some guy named Leon will be picking up the drugs.”

  “To hell with that. We have a new plan,” Daloi insisted. “I’ll explain it to you while you’re inside me and my sister’s fingers are inside you.” Daloi grabbed Jesse’s hair, pulled his head back and ran her sharp fingernail down his neck. “Dholi, rip off his clothes. We’re about to have ourselves some fun.”

  Jesse was more afraid than he had been watching his bodyguards get butchered, but he couldn’t wait for the sisters to get started on him.


  What a night, thought Aundria. This is the most exhilarating, terrifying experience I’ve ever had. She looked down at Adar and stroked his bare chest, admiring the texture of his skin and noticing that he had no nipples. Feels like suede. Soft and tough at the same time.

  Aundria slowly turned the alien over and rubbed his butt. “Where’s your asshole?” Aundria exclaimed, playing in his crack.

  “I don’t have one,” Adar grunted. “Everything I eat is digested, except for a thick liquid that I urinate away or eventually evaporates via perspiration.”

  “Lord what I would give to have that capability. And you have no balls for someone to kick,” she said, as she continued to rub his body.

  “You like touching me, don’t you?” asked Adar, sitting up on his elbows and cocking his head to the side to look at her straight on.

  “Yes, I find you fascinating. Do I need to be afraid of you?” Aundria asked quietly, her face serious.

  “Only if you cross me,” Adar replied, hoping not to sound threatening.

  “If I stay with you, will you protect me?” Aundria felt insecure because Adar was elusive about his feelings.

  Adar twisted his head and looked at the ceiling as if to ponder the question more deeply. What an odd question. How do I respond to that? “Protect you from what?”

  “From the people you are after. From other aliens. Can I travel with you?” Aundria asked, propping her arm up on one elbow to hold her head, while she studied Adar and rubbed her free hand over his chest.

  “I’ll do what I can to protect you, but I don’t think that it is practical for you to travel with me. You are better off here on your planet,” Adar said, sitting up in Aundria’s bed and pushing past her.

  “If that’s all you have to say on the subject, I need to eat some breakfast and get ready for school. You can join me for breakfast, if you like.” Aundria watched Adar getting dressed without turning her way.

  “No, I have to meet up with Ahmed. Toni is having a problem with people accepting her authority,” Adar said, moving into the living room to put on his coat and attach his weapons to his belt.

  “Okay, baby. Be safe. I’ll see you later,” Aundria said, peeking through the door into the living room.

  “Do you need to say emasculating things like that to me?” Adar said, making grumbling noises under his breath.

  “Oh, excuse me. ADAR, GO KICK ASS!” Aundria shouted, throwing a fist into the air.

  “Much better,” Adar replied, smiling.


  Daloi and Dholi strode into Charlie’s office to give him an update on their meeting with Jesse. Sharon and Sheila were camped out in their usual spot on the couch in the corner.

  “Charlie, Dholi and I had a chat with Jesse. He’s dealing synthetic drugs and making a lot of money at it, so we suggest you let him continue. Which means more money for you. Here’s an example,” said Daloi, tossing a duffle bag full of money at Charlie’s feet.

  “And he’s not working with anyone else?” Charlie asked, with a suspicious facial expression.

  “Just the dealers, that’s all,” Daloi lied, with the intention of capitalizing on the info herself.

  “How are we supposed to trust these two when they show up out of nowhere?” warned Sharon, sitting forward on the couch.

  “Why are you jumping in the middle of something you know nothing about?” said Daloi, giving Sharon an angry look. “Aren’t you supposed to be taking care of something at city hall?”

  “We already hammered that problem out.” Sharon laughed, bumping fists with Sheila.

  “You left a pretty bloody mess, ladies,” said Charlie with a broad smile. “Thanks for taking care of that so quickly and effectively, though. Sends the right message that you don’t go back on your deals with me just because the heat is too much for you. So how much is in the bag, Daloi?”

  “Should be about $700,000,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.

  “He’s been dealing this stuff on the side for weeks, and this is all the money you have?” said Sheila. “This is bullshit, Charlie. I don’t like it,” she said, scooching to the edge of the couch.

  “Maybe I should come over there, and shove your face between my legs. Would you like that?” asked Daloi.

  “You come near me, and I’ll put a bullet in your head,” Sheila said, placing a hand in her purse.

  “Trust me, you’ll be dead before you pull the trigger.”

  “Ladies, calm the hell down,” demanded Charlie. “No more attacking each other. Let’s focus on making money. Sharon and Sheila, maybe you should find out what Bobby is doing in Jersey City,” he said, shooing them with his hand.

  Sharon and Sheila stood up with irritated looks on their faces and left the office.

  “Sheila, let’s go check on Jesse ourselves,” said Sharon, walking down the corridor out of earshot.


  Adar and Ahmed made the rounds for Toni, ensuring everyone paid up on time. They chased one bookie late on a payment up to a rooftop.

  “Adar, come on. We gotta get some money and bounce,” said Ahmed.

  “Where are we bouncing to now?” replied Adar, annoyed that Ahmed interrupted him, while he held the bookie off the side of a building by his throat.

  “Leon called. Jesse changed the deal on us. He wants us to pay him in advance and in a public place so we don’t try to kill him. And please don’t drop that man off the side of the building,” Ahmed said, irritated by Adar’s obsession with violence.

  “Why not?” Adar asked, cocking his head to the side.

  “Because dead men can’t pay us.”

  “Okay,” said Adar, throwing the man down on the rooftop. “Where are we headed?”

  “Times Square. By the way, you really need to work on your anger management. You are having way too much fun hurting people,” Ahmed said, looking back at Adar in disgust.


  Daloi and Dholi left Charlie’s place and took a seat on the balcony of Sonny’s condo to enjoy a view of the city, while eating an Irish stew his cook had whipped up.

  “Is this the life or what?” asked Daloi, walking to the railing with a glass of wine in her hand.

  “Yes, it’s pretty amazing, Daloi. Did you pick a spot to have Jesse meet Leon yet?” asked Dholi, eating the last bit of stew.

  “Yes, we are going to meet in Times Square. The place is full of people so we will be able to more easily hide in the crowd. Once Jesse leaves his place, I’ll call Captain McKee and let him know that Adar is planning a big drug deal there. Adar will eventually show up looking for Jesse and hopefully get captured,” Daloi said, uncertain about the success of her plan.

  “Sounds like a plan, sister. Once he is out of the way we can stop looking over our shoulders, at least for a little while.”

  “Don’t worry your pretty little head, sister,” Daloi said, hugging Dholi. “We’ll be safely free of the Euclidian soon. We just need to get Adar out of the way.”

  “I’m ready when you are.” Dholi gave her sis
ter a fierce grin.

  “Grab Sonny’s phone and let’s get out of here. Time to get rid of that Ossie.”

  Before walking out the door, the pair reverted to the previous disguises they used when they first met Captain McKee, to ensure he recognized them and minimize the risk of recognition by Adar.


  As Jesse sat on a bench just off Broadway, Daloi stood next to McKee outside the M&Ms store in Times Square. McKee had several of his men scattered around the area, waiting for Adar to show up.

  “Just be patient, captain,” said Daloi. “He’ll be here soon enough. Your other men can watch for him on the periphery, but you want to keep the officers near you in reserve close to Jesse to take Adar out, once he arrives.”

  “I had my men arm themselves with Tasers, in hopes that they are more effective against the alien. When they ran into him at Ahmed’s place, the guns had no effect on him.”

  “I’m sure you’re right, captain. He’s probably using a shield of some sort to protect himself. Captain, look! There he is, over there,” said Daloi. “The little guy with the long coat and dark glasses. I will wait here while you do your thing.”

  “Okay, men, let’s approach him from the rear. Two on each side. I’ll position myself directly behind him. We each fire our Tasers on my command.”


  Where the hell is that damn Jesse? Thought Adar, staring at all of the tourists wandering around Times Square. Why are these idiots taking pictures with clowns? What purpose does that serve, exactly? There he is.

  “Jesse, why did you change our deal?” asked Adar, grabbing him by the arm.

  “Where’s Ahmed?” asked Jesse. “I feel more comfortable talking to him.”

  “He’s across the plaza looking for you,” Adar said, releasing Jesse’s arm. “I suggest you start talking, if you want to avoid any bloodshed.”

  Adar paused his conversation as he saw police officers walking his way. Uh oh, the police found me. Adar made a run for it through the crowd.

  Dholi pulled out her blaster and stunned the people in the area around Adar, who fell to the ground and caused him to stumble. The remaining people in the vicinity of the blast screamed and ran off in a panic.


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