A Knight's Temptation (Falling For A Knight Book 2)

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A Knight's Temptation (Falling For A Knight Book 2) Page 7

by Lana Williams

  “Aye. ’Tis the eighteenth year of his daughter’s birth. He’s hostin’ a tournament.”

  Again, Braden looked askance at her. Hilda’s accent was difficult for even Ilisa to understand but she repeated what the healer had said.

  She would’ve had to be blind not to see the gleam in Braden’s dark eyes. What on earth could he be thinking?

  “When?” he asked.

  “A sennight.”

  “I don’t believe you’ve been invited.” Ilisa felt compelled to point out the fact before his excitement got the better of him.

  “I’m certain that’s an oversight on Graham’s part. Surely an invitation will be delivered any day now,” he jested. “No matter. I will find a way to join the celebration and pay my respects.”

  “You cannot be serious.” Ilisa could only stare at him in dismay. Mayhap Hilda wasn’t the only crazed one in the cottage.

  “This is the perfect chance to find out what the lord is about. How his plans are coming along.” He gave her a meaningful look. They hadn’t told Hilda all the details that had brought them to her doorstep not long ago. “I believe you realize the importance of that.”

  “Wasn’t it only earlier this day you were displeased with me for leaving? You mentioned something about not being able to protect me if I wasn’t near.”

  A scowl replaced his smile. “I would never leave you in danger.”

  She nodded. “Good. Then I’ll come with you. When do we leave?”

  “Nay.” He pushed back from the table. “You’ll do no such thing.”

  “You’ve yet to recover from your injury. You’ll need my help.”

  “I’ll be much improved by then.” He looked between her and Alec, rubbing a finger over his upper lip. “I’m certain Prioress Matilda would be pleased if you visited for a sennight. I shouldn’t be gone much longer than that.”

  “I want to come with you.” Desperation filled her at the idea of being left behind. She refused to explain why. Not when that meant explaining that she felt as if the prioress didn’t want her.

  The logical part of her mind understood what the prioress had said about not making life-altering decisions in times of stress. But the emotional side of her felt rejected. How could she stay at St. Mary’s for any length of time when she feared that path wasn’t in her foreseeable future? When she no longer felt she belonged there?


  “What do you intend to do while you’re there? Do you hope to call out Lord Graham simply based on...certain accusations?” She glanced at Hilda meaningfully, not wishing to reveal what they’d learned from Sir Gilbert—that Graham was the force behind the Sentinels and that he intended to murder those suspected of English ties.

  “And bring his entire garrison after me? That would be foolhardy.” He paused for a long moment, staring across the small cottage, but Ilisa was certain something completely different than the wall held his notice. “I would venture to guess that the others involved with Graham will come as well. A large gathering is an ideal way to hide a secret meeting.”

  “Then another set of eyes and ears would prove helpful.” She refused to give up. She had to convince him to bring her.

  “I’d be worrying about your safety rather than focusing on my quest. That wouldn’t serve any purpose.” He stood as if to indicate the matter closed. “If Hilda doesn’t mind us remaining here a few more days until the time for the gathering draws near?”

  “Stay as long as ye care to. I must leave again on the morrow,” Hilda advised. “The potter’s entire family is ill, and they’ve sent for me to aid them.”

  Ilisa wasn’t certain whether to be pleased or unhappy that Hilda would be leaving again so soon. While having the company of another woman was nice, she didn’t care for the gleam in the healer’s eyes as she looked at her and Braden.

  Braden helped clear the table then stripped the linens from the bed. Surprised at his gesture, Ilisa selected additional linen and blankets from the wooden chest at the foot of the bed. As he assisted her in spreading the blankets over the straw mattress, the weight of Hilda’s watchful gaze made her realize how intimate the work was.

  Something a husband and wife might do.

  She quickly dropped her gaze, hoping Braden didn’t look at her. Awareness rose within her as she and Braden lifted their arms together to float the blanket to the mattress. Unable to resist, her gaze tangled with his. Was that heat in the depths of his eyes?

  Blinking, she glanced away, uncertain what was wrong with her. The unsettled feeling that had been her constant companion of late was worsening.

  The evening passed slowly until at last, Braden and Alec stepped out, allowing Ilisa and Hilda to prepare for bed. Ilisa washed her face, plaited her hair loosely, then removed her kirtle, leaving on her linen chemise. While Hilda washed, Ilisa put more wood on the fire to chase away the evening chill. She pulled out the pallets, the narrow thin straw mattresses stored against the wall she and Alec had been using, only to realize Braden needed a place to sleep as well.

  Hilda’s thoughts must’ve taken the same path. She muttered to herself as she dug in the bottom of the chest, pulling out several heavy blankets. She handed them to Ilisa and gestured toward the floor before the fire.

  Ilisa nodded and moved the pallets close together to spread the blankets on the side nearest the door and farthest from her own pallet. The idea of Braden sleeping on the floor with her and Alec was disturbing enough, let alone the thought of him beside her. Sleeping three people on the floor of the small cottage meant they were right next to each other with no space between them.

  “Good even,” Hilda bid her as she settled into her bed.

  “Sleep well.” Ilisa laid down on her pallet, pulled the covers tight to her chin, and closed her eyes.

  The sounds of Alec and Braden entering the cottage, the quiet exchange of their words, was oddly comforting. Mayhap because it had become part of their nightly routine of late. Her body relaxed, weary from her long walk that day.

  “Use my pallet. I’ll take the blankets,” Alec offered. “You’re still recovering and need a good night’s rest.”

  Ilisa’s eyes flew open as Braden protested. Her heartbeat sped as Alec insisted. As she sensed Braden turning to look at her, as though prepared to ask her permission, she quickly closed her eyes, feigning sleep. She could only hope he didn’t study her closely enough to see her chest rising and falling quickly, or the color that must be darkening her cheeks once again.

  Soon the two settled down for the night.

  Ilisa listened closely, swearing she could feel the heat from Braden’s body even from this distance. Though his breath was steady, something about the pace of it suggested sleep eluded him as well.

  The idea of him being so close sent an odd swirl of feelings through her. She felt safe, as she always did when he was near, yet restless. Finding a comfortable position seemed impossible, but she forced herself to lie still.

  The rhythmic sound of his breathing finally lulled her to sleep as the fire died to embers. In her dreams, Braden held her tight. For the first time in a long while, she felt both protected and treasured.


  Braden woke slowly the next morn, appreciating the feel of something warm pressed tightly against him as he lay on his side. A sweet scent caught in his nose, causing him to breathe it in. Lavender and herbs, he decided, his brain still muddled by sleep. He eased closer, soft hair tickling his nose.

  A woman, he realized, enjoying the sensations all the more. He couldn’t remember the last time he woke with a woman in his bed.

  He nuzzled the softness of her neck, pulling her curved body closer, feeling his lust rise as he did so. Her soft sigh increased his desire even more. He shifted, pressing his manhood against her perfectly rounded bottom, making his body ache.

  With his mind and body intoxicated by the woman and eyes still closed, he ran his hand along her curves, appreciating the strength of her body, the dip of her waist, before re
aching up to cup her breast through the soft linen of her chemise. Her nipple beaded at his touch, and he rolled it delicately between his fingers.

  Lord, but she was perfect. Her breast felt heavy in his hand, and he gently tilted his hips against her perfect bottom. Though he dearly wanted to explore her lower half, that would mean releasing what he held. Torn as to which he wanted more, he opened his eyes.

  The sight of Hilda’s cottage served as a splash of cold water over his senses. He froze, realizing whose breast he held, whose curves his throbbing manhood was pressed against.


  As skittish as she’d been since their last encounter, he could only imagine how she’d act after this. Holding his breath, hoping she still slept, he released her breast first, quickly missing the warm weight of it in his palm.

  He rolled onto his back as though shifting in his sleep. Heaven help him if any of the other occupants saw the rigidness of his lower body. He tried thinking of training moves, but sword thrusts only made him think of making love. He shifted to what was required to joust, including a lance and shield, yet his body still throbbed with need. A deep breath brought her scent to him, not helping his attempts to distract himself in the least.

  The idea of leaving her behind in a few days did not please him but aided his current plight. Despite her prickliness, he enjoyed her company. He considered it a personal challenge to gain a smile from her. When she offered one, it was as if a candle lit a dark room.

  She shifted onto her back. Her loose plait brushed his bare shoulder, making him itch to unbind it, allowing her soft tresses to slip through his fingers and fall over his chest. The flutter of her lashes, the arch of her brows, the tip of her nose—she was beautiful. Astoundingly so. When those wary eyes full of distrust were closed, her beauty became even more apparent. When those eyes were open, they held him at arm’s distance, shifting his focus to what she was thinking instead of her appearance.

  She never seemed to be thinking kindly when it came to him. Quite the opposite in fact. As if at any given moment, she expected him to draw his sword and cleave her in two.

  He shook his head at the thought, at a loss as to what he could do to gain her trust.

  Though dawn had yet to light the sky, sleep was no longer an option. As quietly as possible, he rose, put wood on the fire, and removed the board from the door. Then he gathered his tunic and boots to don outside where he wouldn’t disturb anyone. He glanced at Ilisa one last time, his longing for her surprising him with its strength.

  Thank heaven she hadn’t woken.

  He let himself out the door and closed it gently behind him, wishing he could so easily close the door on his growing feelings for the lady.

  Ilisa opened one eye in time to see Braden step out and breathed a sigh of relief. Then another as the door latched behind him.

  She’d been in the middle of the most amazing dream full of sensations like no other dream she’d ever had.

  In bed.

  With a man.

  Cherished. Loved.

  And filled with desire.

  Need had pulsed through her body followed by a liquid heat that caused her to shift even now.

  Though well aware of what happened between a man and a woman, she’d thought it would be more basic. What she’d felt in Braden’s arms as he’d caressed her had been nothing of the sort. She’d had no idea passion could be so powerful. Her longing for him shocked her.

  She’d been on the verge of turning to face him, to return his touch when he’d stilled as if he’d come fully awake.

  With a sigh, she said a quick prayer of gratitude that he’d left when he had, else only heaven knew what might’ve happened. Despite the disappointment filling her, she knew it would’ve been a terrible mistake. Never mind the hollow sensation that now held her.


  Braden trained harder and longer over the next few days, willing his strength and stamina to return. He’d need it if he were going to attempt the mission he’d set for himself.

  Alec often aided him, wielding the wooden sword, the clatter of the wood striking wood echoing through the meadow.

  Training hard had the added benefit of exhausting him. By the time he sought his narrow pallet at night, he could hardly keep his eyes open. After the morn when he’d woken with Ilisa tight against him, he’d made certain to keep his distance at night, placing Alec between them.

  Braden couldn’t help but notice the more he trained, the more aloof Ilisa became. Unfortunately, he didn’t know what to do about it. Mayhap it was for the best. Thinking of her while at Lord Graham’s could prove deadly. His focus needed to stay on his goal. Discovering more about Graham, what he was up to, and who he was involved with would be of great benefit.

  Garrick hadn’t been pleased to leave before his mission of discovering who was behind the unrest in Berwick had been completed. The only name discovered had been Graham’s, along with the group that called themselves the Sentinels. From what they’d pieced together, the group would stop at nothing to place a Scottish king on the throne, including the murder of anyone they deemed to have English ties. Such actions risked war with England.

  If Braden could provide additional information on either Graham’s specific plans or who else belonged to the group, he, Chanse, and Garrick would be able to leave Scotland for good with a sense of accomplishment.

  Braden knew it would take far more men than he, his brother, and his cousin to put a stop to the Sentinels. But the information they provided would be invaluable to England and possibly avoid war.

  Ilisa straightened from her work in the garden, catching Braden’s gaze, which allowed Alec to jab him in the stomach.

  “Ha.” Alec’s eyes were wide with surprise at his success of getting past Braden’s guard.

  “Well done,” Braden smiled at the lad even as he reprimanded himself for allowing the distraction. How did he expect to be successful if a boy so easily bested him?

  Yet if he were honest with himself, it wasn’t just Alec’s move that caused his sudden doubt. Did he do the right thing by seeking out Graham? He had yet to determine how he was going to get into the lord’s keep with no invitation. All his preparations might be for naught if he failed at gaining admittance.

  Hilda had shared that it wouldn’t be held at the lord’s holding outside Berwick but at one of his other holdings west of Edinburgh. Ilisa had a vague idea of where it was located.

  The idea of going alone deep into what amounted to enemy territory seemed unwise. Yet he refused to consider Ilisa accompanying him. Look at what happened when he caught sight of her out of the corner of his eye? What might happen if she were with him at Graham’s?

  Besides, Graham wanted to kill her entire family. What if the lord somehow recognized her? Braden refused to risk it merely because he didn’t want to be alone.

  It was just that he was used to being with his brother. Chanse might be overprotective, but Braden missed him. More than ever, Braden appreciated the idea of having someone at his side whom he trusted.

  A voice in the back of his mind insisted he could trust Ilisa. Her presence would certainly be helpful as he had no knowledge of the area, the people, or the language. Half the time, he couldn’t even understand Hilda. But did he consider bringing her because he wasn’t ready to say goodbye?

  “Let us take a break,” he advised Alec, suddenly overwhelmed by the odds against him.

  Much to his surprise, Alec stepped away only to swing his sword to and fro as though fighting an imaginary enemy. Apparently, he wasn’t ready to stop.

  Alec had improved much in the past few days whereas Braden had become frustrated with the limited movement of his shoulder, his reduced energy, and his self-doubt. The situation in Scotland had been building for generations. In truth, it wasn’t his fight. He and Chanse had accompanied Garrick here on a lark. He had no ties to this rugged country. Why should he risk anything to help heal it?

  Then his gaze found Ilisa and Alec, and he realized
he could no longer say that. He now had very close ties. The people here deserved to live in peace. While he respected the idea of a Scot reigning the country, the method of putting one there was the problem. Another bloody attack by England would be unbearable for most who called this country home.

  Indecision was new to him, and he didn’t care for it, he decided as he stared across the meadow to the valley below. Was he making a terrible mistake by traveling to Graham’s? Should he wait for Chanse? Even better, for Garrick and Sophia’s return along with his brother?

  But where? How? He couldn’t remain at Hilda’s much longer. His presence would be discovered eventually. Moving to St. Mary’s wasn’t an option for more than a few days either. Not with the number of people who entered its gate.

  His gaze caught on Ilisa again. Her dark blue kirtle complemented her hair, making it appear golden, her skin smooth and glowing. The woman worked continually, always moving. He knew his presence upset her as did his training.

  Surely his plan to leave was for the best. She’d be much happier at St. Mary’s. She’d be safe there, as would Alec, at least for a brief time. The boy could make himself useful in the stables and the garden. He’d have to curtail his fishing as it would be more difficult to move from the nunnery to the river without someone recognizing him.

  Before he left, he had to convince them both to take more care. Their lives were still at risk. Since nothing alarming had occurred of late, they’d become less mindful.

  Alec set aside the sword and ran to Ilisa, taking her hand and pulling her from her work in the garden to show her a butterfly nearby. Braden smiled in approval. Good. She worked too hard. Alec said something, causing Ilisa to pretend to roar and give chase. Alec’s laughter had Braden grinning. Even Ilisa laughed as she ran after her brother.


  This was why he was going to Graham’s gathering. Ilisa and Alec deserved a good, long life. Not murder at the hand of a lord who only wanted them dead because of their surname.

  Braden set down his sword to join in the fray. A bit of fun might put him in the proper frame of mind for the mission ahead.


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