Inheriting Trouble (In Ashwood Book 1)

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Inheriting Trouble (In Ashwood Book 1) Page 10

by Kinney Scott

  “Not yet, Natalie, I want to watch you come apart. Put your heels on the bench. Hold onto your ankles with legs stretched wide. Don’t move your hands.” She displayed herself before him, exposed pussy wet and dripping with arousal and water. Surrendering to Seth, she leaned back against the water warmed tile and canted her hips forward.

  Adjusting the jets to barely tickle her sensitive pink folds, he began teasing her outer edges, moving in a figure eight pattern. Each pass never quite touched the pearl of her clit. Changing the setting to a gentler, but more direct stream, he pulsed water into her core. Then teased the water lower, vibrating it across her back channel.

  Moaning, “more,” she begged, longing for him to position the water across her tiny bundle of nerves. On his knees before her, with the jets set to lightly pulse, he teased her nipples again and slid one finger in, circling. The water jets slid down, marking a trail to her waiting pussy. A second finger joined the first, plunging in and out. As the position of the shower jet inundated her clit with an onslaught of sensation she catapulted into another orgasm.

  A screamed release tore from her. Seth swallowed the sound with a tongue plunging kiss, drawing out the pleasure that pulsed from her for minutes. Sated and boneless he wrapped her hair in a towel and her body in a second. Finally, he carried her back to the bed.

  Sitting on the bed, Natalie directed Seth to stand in front of her, urging him to step closer. Feet straddled on each side of hers, she steadied herself by bracing her hands around the back of his flexing thighs. She leaned forward and teased his balls with the widest part of her tongue, licking in a long lapping stroke. A growl of pleasure escaped Seth’s throat as he grasped the length of his cock and began to stroke. “Keep teasing my balls,” he instructed.

  The pulls on his shaft increased as she gently sucked. Easing back, he guided his round smooth tip across her moistened lips, and she stilled to allow him to glide the velvety shaft across her tongue and down her throat. “Relax, beautiful, I want to feel by balls grazing your face.” Closing her eyes and breathing his musk in, she pushed the bottom of his cock against the roof of her mouth while she sucked.

  This added pressure spread a bit of cum onto the back of her throat. She moaned tasting the evidence of his pleasure. Gliding her hands slowly up his legs, she slid one behind grasping his firm cheek while the other cupped his tightening sac.

  As his hips began to jack forward he moaned, “Gonna cum, fuck, you are killing me.” Her speed on his shaft increased, as she rode out the onslaught of liquid jetting to the back of her throat. Taking every drop in, she slowed her strokes until he smoothed his hands into her silky hair and slowly stepped away. Placing his fingertips on her jaw he grazed his thumb across her swollen mouth. Tilting her face he bent to plunder her lips, tasting his seed mingled with her own unique flavor.

  He felt her smile as he kissed, and she giggled just a bit, “That was fun,” she laughed. “Those were some first-time sensations for me, what you did in the shower. It. Was. Fun.” Her admission had her blushing from top to bottom, and he grinned and admired the pink hue of her skin.

  Just when he thought about another new experience for Natalie to try, his cell began to buzz. “Damn, let me see who this is,” he said, taking the phone into the hall. Natalie fell to the bed and listened to one-half of the exchange, aware that Seth was talking to his Mother. “Hey, Mom, what do you need? Is everything okay?”

  “So you talked to Wade? Yeah I went down to Rhythm and Brews. Wade had a nice set up there.” There was a long pause as she asked her son a few questions.

  “Wade met her, her name is Natalie… yes Mom, we have been spending time together.” She laid on the bed and listened for another moment while he waited for her reply, followed by, “she hired me to work on a tiny house. That’s right, one of Kelsey’s friends….from Seattle.”

  “Mom, I need to go into work. She will be in Ashwood most of the summer. Yes, I am sure your paths will cross….Okay. I will ask her. No problem. I will see if we can both make it out there…Gotcha…Love you too. Bye.”

  Natalie sat on the edge of the bed, trying to gage Seth’s intent. Talking to parents was not exactly an aphrodisiac. He walked in, pulled on jeans, commando, and grabbed a t-shirt from his dresser. “That was my Mom. If she spots you around town be ready to be peppered with questions,” he said, smiling. Natalie sensed that the tension eased from his shoulders.

  “No problem, everyone I’ve met so far has been terrific. Meeting your Mom sometime will be great. Can I borrow a hair dryer to try and tame some of this?” She asked, relieved that Seth had acknowledged their relationship to his family.

  As she dried her hair, her mind wandered. Sex had never come close to this, but this seems to be so much more than sex. Did Seth share this kind of physical connection with every woman he bedded?

  Seth brewed a couple cups of coffee to take on the road. After they were on the way into town, he replayed the exchange with his Mom in his mind. Pondering a few questions, how long has it been since my parents knew about a girlfriend? Probably not since Chelsea. Maybe I will show Natalie off to my family a bit. Yes – I’m sure I can handle that. No worries.


  “Are you sure this skirt will be ok?” Natalie spun round looking to Seth before they left for dinner at his parents’ house. “Who will be at dinner?” Her nerves were definitely getting to her.

  Her skirt flew up a bit as she spun, and he wondered what matching set of bra and panties she had on today. If he had his way, they would be late. “You look fantastic, babe. Even if you wore a burlap bag, my mom would be thrilled to meet you. Amanda will be there. Remember she talks so much that you won’t have an opportunity to feel awkward. My brother Owen and his wife Traci are probably already at mom and dad’s with their kids. If we are lucky Neil might make it, but he’s hard to pin down.

  “I hope Mom does not grill you for too much information. Dad is sort of quiet. Everyone says that dad and I are the most alike.”

  “Sandy and Bill right?” She listed each name in her head, “I will never remember everyone! Seth I’m really nervous.”

  “Oh I almost forgot, Amanda wondered if you could bring your camera.”

  “I’d be glad to. Can we stop on the way and get flowers for your mom?”

  “Sure, yeah, I guess we could do that. The farmer’s market is on the way, and should be the best bet. Are you ready to go?”

  “I’ll meet you outside.” She ran back upstairs and grabbed her camera bag. Suddenly she decided to change into flat sandals. Sensible shoes would work better if Amanda wanted to head outside and take photos. Her mood immediately lightened, sharing her love for photography with someone who had the same passion always intrigued her.

  As Seth’s truck pulled up to the family home, a large craftsman style house with a wide welcoming porch, Amanda ran out to meet Seth and Nate. Energy bounced off her as she waited for Natalie to exit the truck. “We are so glad you’re here. Why didn’t you tell me you two were dating when we met at the store? You know, when you came in with Kelsey.” She asked taking Natalie’s camera bag.

  “We weren’t really dating then sis.” Seth interrupted the onslaught of questions, and grabbed Natalie’s free hand to move all three toward the front door.

  Natalie followed, carrying the flowers fresh from the market inside, as Amanda led the way into the house.

  The bouquet found a home in an antique vase, “Thank you, these are lovely. Sandy snipped off the ends with a pair of garden shears she kept under the sink. Natalie admired the kitchen. A perfect blend of simple function and nature. Herbs grew in sunny windows, a large bowl on the butcher-block island held vegetables and fruit grown on the property.

  Sandy placed the flowers on a tiger maple sideboard and directed Seth and Natalie out to the back yard. “Owen’s out back with the kids playing on the swing set, why don’t we all go outside so Natalie can meet everyone?”

  Amanda led the way to a yard that had
obviously been a center of activity, when the boys and their sister were young. A grassy expanse with a wood swing took up the space closest to the house. A large concrete pad with faded painted lines for basketball spread in front of a three bay shop. The rusted hoop still saw action from time to time. Beyond the swings, a tall fence to deter deer circled a large fertile garden. “Mrs. Michaels, your garden has to be the most beautiful that I have ever seen,” Natalie admired when the stunning fruit and vegetables came into view.

  “Call me Sandy please, and Seth’s dad, call him Bill. We only get Mr. and Mrs. Michaels from our Sunday school kiddos at church! Owen why don’t you bring Traci and the kids over to meet Natalie?” she hollered across the wide lawn. Will and Kelly streaked across the yard to tackle Uncle Seth. He scooped then up football style, one under each arm and ran around the yard, sending the kids squealing.

  “Hello Natalie, this is Traci and I’m Owen. It’s great to meet you.” He reached out to shake her hand.

  Natalie decided to break the ice, “I’m more of a hugger, if that’s ok.” She said with a warm smile and quick friendly hug.

  Traci did not hesitate and drew her into her embrace, “we will let Seth wear out the kids for a while. Hopefully he will run off some of their energy before we sit down to eat.” Traci kept an arm around Natalie’s waist, “come on let’s get some iced tea and sit in the shade. Amanda, Mom and I want to hear all about what brought you to Ashwood.”

  Owen and Bill joined Seth with the kids. Grandpa pulled chunky colorful chalk from the toy bin on the porch. Before long pink, yellow and blue indiscernible shapes decorated the concrete pad in front of the shop. Once the kids tired of chalky-art, bubbles, blown by grandpa, began to float across the yard. Sandy glanced up from her spot in the shade, sharing a smile of content satisfaction with her husband. Their love had created this comfortable family escape, where their grandkids obviously felt entirely at home.

  When asked about her life in Seattle, Natalie related some recent experiences that led her to Ashwood. Ultimately to meet Seth through his business at Whitewater Homes. Sandy carefully listened to the details, noting the loss in this tenderhearted girl when talking of her grandfather.

  Seth’s mom became genuinely concerned about a nomadic existence for a woman on her own. However, she chose to keep this worry to herself, for now. She asked a few probing questions about the nature of a traveling business, where Natalie planned to spend her time, and how the business would run.

  “That is so exciting, off on the open road. Natalie, please have a travel blog!” This unbridled enthusiasm almost prompted Natalie to invite Amanda along for a portion of the trip. For now, the invitation would wait. It was much too soon to assume a long-term connection to the Michaels’ family. Still their warmth enticingly drew her in.

  Neil, the youngest brother, pulled in just as dinner came out of the oven. Baked chicken on a platter of roasted vegetables from the garden joined a salad, and a cold pasta dish brimming with fresh herbs and produce.

  The last Michaels boy lived and worked in Hood River while he took classes in town. He wanted to focus on finishing as many of the math and science prerequisites as he could now. Later he would choose a university to finish a degree in a science related field.

  Neil’s reserved nature contrasted sharply to Amanda’s bubbly demeanor, yet Natalie noticed the two youngest siblings were clearly very close. He sat shoulder to shoulder with his sister as they poured over pictures on her laptop she had recently shot. He shared his frustration with a prof in a class he was taking. She asked her brother about a girl he had been dating for the past couple of months.

  The rest of the family didn’t interject into their close conversation. Natalie wondered why the relationship between Amanda and Neil appeared to exist in a protected bubble, almost incased from the surrounding family activity.

  Later on the way home, after hugs and goodbyes, Natalie reflected on the evening. “Seth I had such a wonderful time. Your family made me feel so welcome. Would you mind if I met up with your Mom for some coffee later on, maybe next week? She brought it up when we were making dessert.”

  “I think that’s great. Maybe we can invite everyone up to the house for a barbeque later this summer, if you wouldn’t mind helping me out with that?”

  “I’d love to help,” she settled in next to him sitting in the middle of the cab on the bench seat of his truck, his hand resting on the sleek skin of her thigh. “One thing, does your Mom know that I have been spending time at your house? When the Sunday school thing came up, I was worried that she might not approve.”

  “No worries, Natalie, my parents are open-minded. Owen and Traci lived together at mom and dad’s house for over a year. When Traci and Owen later got pregnant with Will, they still hadn’t decided if they wanted to live together or get married. Will was born while they lived with Mom and Dad. It may even have been Dad’s idea for them to stay. He wanted to make sure Traci had help with a newborn.”

  “Honestly I’m not surprised. Your family supports each other. My grandpa loved like that, unconditionally. My dad, on the other hand, attaches strings to what he believes is affection. When I was little he seemed to love us, but now he may not even remember how.”

  “And your mom?” Seth asked, wanting to know her.

  “Mom loves me, she’s supportive. Her world shifted when she remarried and had my little brothers. She deserved another chance at love with Tim.” She stretched trying to ease some of the tension that had built up during the evening.

  Noticing her strained expression, Seth hoped to help, “When we get home, I’m going to get you a glass of wine, babe. How does a long bubble bath sound?”

  “You read my mind, but after a hot bath and a glass of wine I may be so tired that I just slide into bed and crash.”

  “Whatever you need, Natalie. Bath, wine, backrub, even a chick flick on TV. I aim to please.” That night she fell asleep before he made it to bed.

  Seth carefully slid under the covers, and watched her sleep for a while. A warm aroma of lavender bubble bath still clung to her skin. He breathed deep, listening to her steady breathing he lay there in the dark.


  Each day passed too quickly. Natalie chose materials, placed orders for finishes, as the shell of the little house came together on the gooseneck trailer. Satisfaction settled into Seth while he built, each time he looked through the glass window of his office to find Natalie seated at his desk, he would miss that view when she was gone.

  A few other projects also required research. Natalie happily took on that task. As days passed, the crew grew comfortable with her presence on the job site. Nate dared to take a few pictures, capturing the progress of her house and two other homes that were nearing completion. Sitting at her laptop, editing the shots, Seth gazed at her work over her shoulder.

  “Those photos are fantastic. How were you able to capture the effort and craft? Carlos looks so at ease, so connected to the work. These photos are simply amazing.”

  “The camera loves Carlos; he’s unguarded when he is building. If you want you could select your favorites and I can add them to your web-page.” She hoped he would approve of the changes. Action shots added a entirely new dimension to the site.

  “I trust your work,” Seth pointed to three shots that captured what he wanted to share with the public. “Feel free to use your best judgement on the page. If you see other adjustments that need to happen, let me know. Molly and Mandy put the webpage together for me, but ran out of time to update it. They certainly won’t’ have time to update the content once they leave for Seattle.”

  Natalie suddenly recalled the trip she had planned with Seth’s cousins. “Do you remember the trip I’m taking with Molly and Mandy?”

  “In two weeks, right? The twins have a school orientation in Seattle?” Each time Seth updated his calendar He dreaded those looming dates.

  “Yes, I’m glad we will be able to ride together.”

  “How long?

  “Just over a week. Molly and Mandy’s orientation runs from Monday to Thursday. We are going to stay at the condo a few days prior so I can show them around Seattle. That should leave time for paperwork with my grandpa’s lawyer.” Her mood shifted a bit, “and I need to go through some of his things.”

  “Will you have time to see Elsa?

  “Yes, I miss her. This summer is flying by too quickly. All of these transitions in my schedule make my head spin. Kelsey will be back this Saturday, along with Kent.”

  “Kent emailed me. He wants to come back to work here. Just in time too. We have a couple more houses that are progressing past the planning stages.

  Seth spun the office chair around where Natalie sat. The intensity of his gaze frightened her. Rolling his office chair towards him, he pulled her between his legs where he sat on the worn leather couch in his office. “I’ve been thinking about something Natalie,” he said looking visibly nervous.

  She prepared herself for the worst; maybe meeting his parents had been too much, too soon.

  His hesitation only increased her anxiety, “Alright, I’ll just say it. I would like you to move up to my place. You know, when Kelsey comes home. Not that you can’t spend as much time as you want with your friends. God, now I sound like a control freak. It’s just, we’ve been together every night, and I don’t want that to change. I…like waking up with you.” He sunk back, let out a strained breath, looked directly into her eyes, relieved to have what he wanted out there. Natalie could accept or refuse.

  Her little burst of laughter she could not bite back, caught her by surprise, “Well, that was not what I expected. You appeared so stressed. I thought it would be, you know, something bad.”


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