Inheriting Trouble (In Ashwood Book 1)

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Inheriting Trouble (In Ashwood Book 1) Page 15

by Kinney Scott

  As Kent and Nate walked from her truck to the shop, an expensive shiny sports car crunched across the gravel. Not the sort of car people drove on the back roads near Ashwood. Maybe a new client was interested in a custom made vacation home, but it would never be pulled behind a car like that. More likely, they took a wrong turn off the main highway.

  Two men emerged from the low-slung vehicle, unfolding as they stood. Natalie froze. Standing a mere thirty feet away her father pulled off his sunglasses, tossed them on the black leather seat, and slammed the door behind him. On the other side of the car, Ben, her older brother, scanned the area. So much time had passed since Ben had seen her. He scarcely recognized his own sister. Their eyes locked, staring, across the dusty lot.

  Bennett Journey, intentionally intimidated his daughter as he walked towards Natalie. She stood absolutely still, frozen in place.

  “Can I help you?” Kent said stepping forward, placing himself between Natalie and this stranger.

  “No, I’ve found her. Did your mother skip out on teaching you common good manners? Natalie, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend? Her father demanded. Condescension poured naturally from this intimidating man.

  At that moment, Seth emerged from the wide bay entrance to his shop, to find Natalie shrinking away from a familiar looking man. He had seen a much younger, much happier version of him recently in one of Natalie’s photographs.

  Natalie opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by her overbearing parent. “I’m Bennett Journey, Natalie’s father. Great way to greet your dad. Can’t you even give me a hug after all this time?” He nudged Kent away from Natalie, claiming her personal space to take a stiff hug from his dazed daughter.

  She finally asked, “What are you doing here Dad? How did you even know I was here?”

  “Well isn’t that a fine greeting. Not a very warm welcome,” he sneered coldly.

  “Dad I haven’t seen you in over five years, not since I graduated from high school.”

  Her brother had feared this, and attempted to diffuse the awkward situation. “Natalie, I’m so happy to see you again. When Dad said he was flying out to visit, I invited myself along. I’ve missed you.”

  Ben pulled Natalie away from her father, into a slightly less awkward embrace. At least his sentiment was sincere. He truly missed his sister.

  Their separation as kids was no more his fault than it was hers. They had been pawns in a power play during their parent’s nasty divorce. The damage inflicted on their relationship was entirely out of their control.

  Natalie finally managed to gather her thoughts. “Kent, Seth this is my father Bennett Journey, and my brother Ben. Dad and Ben I would like you to meet my friend Kent, he works here at Ashwood homes. And this is Seth. He owns Ashwood homes. We are seeing each other.”

  In three strides, Seth claimed his woman, pulling her to his side. He added with as much deference as he could assemble for this overbearing man, “Hello Sir. Your daughter and I began dating this summer. I’m happy to have the opportunity to meet her family.” Seth’s extended hand hung in midair, waiting for a handshake that would not be returned. Seth dropped his hand. His eyes narrowed and jaw clenched.

  “Well isn’t this a surprise?” Bennett laughed, “A bit opportunistic aren’t you Seth?”

  “Dad, come on, you don’t even know them.” Ben hoped to diffuse the tension. So far, his father had peppered the entire trip up to Ashwood with angry outbursts, blaming Natalie for stealing his son’s portion of their grandfather’s inheritance. It looked like Ben would have to endure more of the same, and now his sister would become an easy target

  “Natalie, I hope you aren’t blowing money on this frivolous fad. Throwing money away that rightfully should have gone to Ben, on this ridiculous excuse for a home.”

  Natalie tolerated his tirade no longer, her voice shook, but she pushed past the frustration. “What I do with my inheritance is none of your damn business. You did not even show up at Pete’s funeral. I know grandpa wanted to see Ben, after you divorced Mom, but you would not allow it. If this is anyone’s fault, Father. It. Is. Yours.”

  It’s just a good thing that I kept Ben away from Pete! His foolish judgement would have tainted both of my children. You are just as stupid as your mother,” he seethed. “It doesn’t take a genius to see what a ridiculous waste of money all of this is!”

  Seth stepped forward, but Natalie held on. More than anything, she didn’t want to lose the feel of his strength at her side. Her fists tightened, and she took a slow deep breath.

  Arguing with her father was pointless. “Again, father, how did you know I was here?”

  His contempt bared, he mocked, “The internet is a wealth of information. You display all of your pictures and details of your entire life where half the world can see. It took me about ten minutes to find this hole.”

  Seth had listened long enough, hoping that the tirade would wind down, but it became obvious that nothing good would happen here today. If this continued, he knew he would deck this ass hole, and that would be a very big mistake.

  A bastard like this would probably have him arrested, only to plaster the internet with bad press. “Mr. Journey, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. This is private property. Get off of the premises immediately.”

  Bennett turned to face Seth, fists clenched, white with anger. “Natalie, I’m not leaving town until we settle this.”

  “Our lawyers can handle this. I won’t discuss my life with you. Stop wasting our time.” She answered, trembling with barely controlled fury. Seth held her closer as he saw tears begin to well in her eyes.

  “I can’t say I’m surprised. Go ahead and hide your guilt for taking what belongs to your brother behind the smoke and mirrors of your lawyer,” her father said with a venomous sneer.

  As he opened the door to his lavish rental sports car Bennett Journey ordered, “Get in the car Ben, we will deal with this nuisance later.”

  When Ben didn’t move, his father rolled the window down demanding his son’s attention. “What are you waiting for? Get in!”

  Ben glared at his father, “Actually Dad, I came out here to spend time with Natalie, with the intent to make up for time that was stolen from us. I hoped you wouldn’t make a fool of yourself, but you have managed to humiliate both of us.

  Ignoring his father’s sputters Ben turned to his sister. His eyes shadowed by grief and embarrassment, “Natalie, I probably should have knocked Dad right on his ass. I hope you will forgive me. Please allow me to spend time with you. What do you say Nate? I just want time to get to know my sister. It would mean the world to me if you would give me a chance.”

  Natalie leapt in for an embrace, as tears rolled down her face, instantly beginning to heal the divide, “of course Ben, I can’t imagine anything better. Stay as long as you like!”

  The engine roared as Bennett pulled away, spraying rocks at his children. Kent and Seth turned, attempting to shield them from the spray of gravel. “Shit, if he shows up here again, I don’t care what happens, I’m kicking his ass,” Kent growled.

  As Natalie pulled away from her brother, Seth stroked the tears from her face. “Don’t cry sweetness,” he whispered. Seeing her stark pain deepened his need to protect her.

  “He won’t be back, now that he knows I won’t contest Pete’s will. He doesn’t have any legal teeth. I feared this would happen. Dad’s greed has only increased as he has massed greater wealth. I can scarcely stand to be around him anymore. The man is poison.

  “I’m so sorry Ben. Mom and I had no idea it was this bad. How long can you stay? I’d even go through another one of Dad’s tirades to spend time with you. You are here, that is what matters.”

  “I have two weeks off from work, but can take another. Come on. Show me your house, Natalie. Seth, it’s good to meet you. Kent, you too.” Natalie held Seth’s hand as she showed Ben all the details of her mobile business and home. Ben admired the quality of the work, and could actuall
y picture himself in something like this. “Seth your work is fantastic. This is perfect for you, Natalie.”


  Later that evening Natalie introduced her brother to her friends at Northside Grill. Molly and Mandy would be leaving in a few days. Kelsey had one night at home before she took off for another week on the Deschutes River. Wade even wandered over to shoot some pool with Seth.

  “Natalie, why didn’t you tell us your brother was so hot?” Kelsey whispered as Ben bent over to take a shot at the pool table.

  “I guess he’s handsome, he’s my brother. I still picture the fourteen year old brat who teased me all the time.”

  “You haven’t seen him in over five years?” Molly asked. “Separated from your family for that long, I can’t imagine anything worse.”

  “We have only been around each other a few times. I attended his high school graduation with Mom, but that was difficult because dad was around. Ben spent a couple Christmases with us when Dad went to Hawaii or Mexico with a random girlfriend.”

  She took another look at her brother, “If he hadn’t arrived with my dad I doubt I would have even recognized him. He has changed so much.”

  “Must be for the better, because he is fine.” Mandy added.

  “I’m going to get us another pitcher, so you girls can gush about my brother while I’m gone. Please get that out of your system by the time I get back.” Natalie laughed as she moved towards the bar. Seth was leaning against the wall, waiting to take a shot. He held out his arm to take a kiss from her as she walked past.

  Kelsey could not take her eyes off Ben. At six feet two, he was lean and muscular. His jeans pulled across his fit thighs and butt as he moved around the pool table. As he pulled back the cue, his shirt tightened across his back revealing hard, corded muscle. While Natalie’s hair had red highlight’s Ben’s was blonde. He worked in the computer industry, and had a clean cut professional appearance. Different from the men she spent time with on the river. Kelsey usually found that slightly messy outdoor look more appealing, but she could make an exception for someone as hot as Ben.

  A pitcher of cold beer in hand, Natalie returned and leaned close to talk privately with her best friend. “Hey Kels, I don’t know how arrangements are going to work now that Ben has arrived. Could we both stay at your place if we need to? I don’t feel comfortable just offering a room at Seth’s house, since it isn’t really my home.”

  “No problem. But, with Ben at my house I may have to sneak back early from my latest trip, your brother is extremely tempting,” she whispered close, as she laughed.

  “Thanks Kels.”

  Cheesy hot pizza arrived at the table. Everyone shared, conversation flowing easily. Ben found himself relaxing more than he thought possible after the way his day began this morning. “Natalie, I do need to ask a favor.”

  “Name it, it’s yours.”

  “My luggage is being held at the hotel in Hood River. Dad left it there when he went back to Portland to catch his flight. Can I borrow your car to go pick it up tomorrow?”

  “No problem.”

  Kent had planned to run to Portland. “Ben, if you wouldn’t mind a little extra sightseeing, I’m headed into the city tomorrow.”

  “Thanks Kent. That would be terrific. I’d like to spend time there while I’m in the area.”

  “I might want to rent a car to use for the next couple weeks while I’m near the airport.” Ben suggested.

  “You can use my truck all you need Ben. Renting a car would be terribly expensive.” Natalie said, laying her hand on her brother’s arm. She was thrilled to have him here. Scarcely believing he was sitting next to her, just eating pizza.

  “Natalie, we can share a car too.” Seth continued, “I’d like Ben to stay up at my place with us. I hope that’s what you had in mind.”

  “Seth, are you sure? Kelsey will be gone. Ben and I could bunk there for a while.”

  “Please stay at my place. I’d like to get to know Ben. He’s your family.”

  “Thank you,” she kissed him. They shared a look that communicated a twinge of disappointment. The freedom they had enjoyed, exploring their limits as a couple, would now be placed on hold. A knowing smile teased the corners of her mouth, perhaps she could promise to be very, very quiet.


  Seth watched for the dust from Kent’s truck to fade into the distance before he scooped Natalie up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He did not want to waste a single moment. Ben and Kent would be in Portland nearly the entire day. Carrying her upstairs, he kissed her as he ascended each step.

  Seth sat on the bed. Her legs still locked on his hips, stripped her shirt and peeled her white lace bra from her body. She scrambled to remove his shirt scraping her fingernails along his pecks, tracing a path straight to the buckle of his belt.

  Natalie slipped to the floor on her knees between his legs, easing his belt from the loops. His cock strained in the confines of his jeans. She looked up into his eyes as she slid the zipper down. His musk reached her, causing her mouth to water, longing to suck his balls and hard length.

  She hooked her fingers around the waist of his jeans and slid them down his muscled legs, releasing his cock as it sprung free. He stepped out of his jeans, and stood before her, giving Natalie freedom to explore, lick, and taste.

  First, she lapped the tender sack of his balls, rolling each in her mouth, carefully sucking. Seth took his hard cock, stroking it in long, strong pulls, while her tongue danced along his balls. She snuck her finger back, slick with moisture and circled the pucker of Seth’s ass. He growled and pulled her mouth up to the head of his cock, spreading the-cum beading out at the tip across her reddened lips.

  Snaking her tongue, tasting his arousal, she teased all around the head before she buried his shaft. Sliding down, she swallowed his length as deep as she could. Seth set the pace. He pulsed forward, and then eased back again. Each pass, guiding the full length across the pressure of her lips and tongue.

  Repeating this path across her tongue, his fingers laced through her silky hair, when his balls began to tighten. As his legs started to quake in anticipation of the impending explosion, Natalie again explored his ass. That last stimulation scrambled Seth’s control, “ah fuck, Natalie,” he shouted as his seed shot in hot bursts down her throat. Sucking to draw out his climax, she supported his release until he collapsed on the bed, spent and sated.

  Natalie tasted Seth’s ridged stomach, the slanted-v near his hips and the contoured valley of his chest, salty and slick with sweat. Kneeling over him, she carefully nibbled the small tan tip of each nipple. “How would you feel about being tied-up? I’d like to play a little, switch it up maybe?” Natalie hoped he would say yes. She longed to memorize every spot that brought a growl from him.

  “I’m yours,” he chuckled gently. Laying back on the bed, allowing her to buckle the leather cuffs on his wrists and ankles, she secured him with a strap that snicked onto metal rings he had built into the frame of his bed. Trust had grown between them, he never allowed any other woman this control, but he could sense her need to explore her fantasies.

  Natalie stood at the end of the bed and slowly stripped out of her pants and thong. His cock thickened again as he gazed at those soft curves, slim waist and neatly trimmed pussy. Her hesitation worried him for a moment, until she smiled. He could see her confidence expand when an idea popped into her beautiful head. “I’ll be right back,” she giggled, running out, her little ass bouncing as she bounded away.

  “Never done this before” he mumbled as he waited, “I may have to spank her later for leaving me here like this. Actually that should be fun.” A few minutes passed and she emerged with a large glass, full of ice cubes.

  “I want to cool off all the hotness rolling off you.” Climbing on the mattress the bed dipped slightly as she crawled up between his legs.

  Please not the balls, he willed with a stare that made Natalie pause for a moment, ice cube in hand, melted water dri
pping down her elbow. Fortunately, for him, she chose to straddle his cock with her hips and begin the slow cold tease at the center of his chest, drawing a circle out to each nipple. His small nipples tightened and he felt the sensation shoot straight to his balls…interesting.

  Having grown accustom to the cold, she leaned over on her hands and knees, caging him and sucked his nipples into her hot mouth. The contrast ached with heightened sensation. Natalie popped an ice cube in her mouth, cooling her tongue and lips.

  As it melted, she trailed another cube from the center of his chest, crossing the hard ridges of his stomach, slowly heading down the arrow of hair that pointed to his jutting arousal. Each time she moved the ice, his cock bobbed anticipating her chilled touch.

  Seth watched through hooded eyes as she planned her next move. Her red-gold hair hung messy and free around her sweet face. Exploring his body, she trailed the ice, avoiding his shaft and balls.

  Now that the shard of cold in her mouth had melted, she opened her lips and took his arousal fully into her cooled mouth. “Cold, so intense. God, that is seriously cold.” He mumbled. Her fingertips explored, also chilled, allowing Seth to focus on each point of chilly contact.

  Natalie sucked, driving the head of his cock into the back of her palate, the bed creaked as his wrists and ankles strained against the straps. She pumped and swallowed to squeeze his crown with the back of her throat. His hips lifted from the mattress in time with the plunging of her head down his shaft. “Not going to last much longer, fuck that’s so deep,” He moaned as his body begged for release.

  “Not yet Seth,” she whispered raising her eyebrows, seeking his permission. Nodding, against his body’s protests, he took a deep breath as she straddled his hips nestling his cock along her hot slit, riding him, gaining her own pleasure by dragging the crown of his penis across her clit. He canted his hips. Attempting to slide inside, he hissed in a breath as she pulled away, controlling their release again.


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