Sunken Empire

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Sunken Empire Page 7

by Brandy Slaven

  By the time his lips leave mine, I'm clinging to his biceps like my life depends on it. Kissing my forehead, he lets me go long enough to slide hands behind my back and underneath my knees. He lifts me with ease, and I let him take us back towards their castle. Keep. Home. Whatever. I don't have the strength to internally battle with myself over words, let alone argue that I don't need to be carried.

  There's doubt in the back of my mind that he'd let me down anyway. No matter how much of a fight I put up.

  "I don't want to go back to bed," I tell him quietly.

  It goes without saying that some sleep would go a long way after everything that just happened, but I'm not ready to be alone yet. Thankfully, he doesn't protest my request. Instead, veering towards a hallway off the stairs in the main hall. It's a tad bit darker this way, but their magic-filled light sources prove their usefulness, not leaving us in the shadows. Though it doesn't stop the uptick to my heart, and I place a hand over it to keep it steady as I close my eyes.

  "What's wrong, Rubi?" Zanthus asks, chest rumbling through my arm.

  I shake my head and beg the tears not to come back.

  Our bodies come to a stop and my ass meets a hard surface. Not ‘til then do I dare open my eyes, and it's only because I need to make sure they're not all going to leave me in here alone.

  Zale moves to stand shoulder to shoulder with Zanthus as Zephyr hops up on the little counter, leaving no space between our hips. They each make sure they're touching me. Three heavy, warm palms on different spots on my thighs.

  "I'm sorry it took us so long to get to you, little siren," Zephyr apologizes with his head hanging so low that beads brush the tops of his thighs.

  I want to tell him it's okay or make him feel better, but I can't. A sick feeling still sits in the pit of my stomach. This brush with death felt closer than when I fell overboard from the cruise ship. At least then I could still breath air, and there was the light of the stars.

  Once, when I was younger, I remember playing hide and seek with some kids at a birthday party, though, I can't remember who it was even for. Long story short, I accidentally locked myself in the basement, and it took them hours to realize I was even missing. It wasn't exactly like an everyday average basement either. No, this one didn't have any of the little windows around the top edges of the wall nor did I know how to turn the lights on. In that small-time frame, my young child brain imagined every kind of monster and bug that could possibly come out to get me. I laid at the crack at the bottom of the door and cried.

  Two things came from that, too. I wasn't invited to any more parties that I can think of, or my parents at the time could've avoided them. Most importantly, though, was the fear of the dark that I never seemed to completely get over. Being in the water like I was took that fear to a whole new level.

  With his free hand, Zale grasps my chin between his thumb and index finger before tilting it up to face him as he asks, "What are you thinking about that has that frown back on your face? You couldn't possibly think we'd leave you out there, damselfish. Two of the things our clan prided ourselves on most was loyalty and promises. We said we'd be there, and we were. It just took us a little longer than we'd planned. I apologize for scaring you."

  I try to let my face drop like Zephyr's did a few seconds ago, but I'm not as lucky. Zale doesn't allow it.

  So, I inhale, count to five, then let it back out again before addressing them. "I understand, and I'm not mad anymore. It was just dark, and I was alone. Then something started messing with my bubble, and I freaked out."

  Zanthus' expression drops into a deep scowl, but I've got a good feeling it's not directed at me.

  Letting my eyelids drop, I whisper the one thing that breaks my heart to say, "I don't know if I can do that again."

  "Are you or are you not the same Eurybia Murphy that squared off with me since day one over nothing more than a dress?" Zanthus curtly questions.

  A huff of a laugh slips through my lips before I can stop it, and I bring my gaze to his.

  Lowering himself down to my level, our eyes clash as he insists, "You will go back out there, princess. You will break this curse upon our people; and do you know why? Because I've sensed your strength since the moment I saw you fall from the deck of that ship."

  My gulp is loud between us as I try to fight tears again.

  "Even if you weren't the one to break the curse," he admits softly as he closes more of the space between us, "I'd still have saved you and just like now, never let you go."

  Before I know what my own intentions are, my fingers are tightening in those blond locks and yanking us the rest of the way together. Not one to disappoint, he lets me have my fill until I'm struggling to breathe again.

  When our lips are our own again, I make all three of them laugh as I ask, "So, what's a girl got to do to get some food around here?"

  The brothers don't bother to wait for Merrick or call him in to make us a lunch spread. Zanthus and Zale take over the kitchen, leaving Zephyr at my side. He claims my hand and brings the back of it to his lips.

  "Make her a warm mug of tea, Zale," he orders before turning back to me to add, "Your hands are like ice. Probably left over from the shock, but Zale makes the best tea, and he doesn't even have to include any alcohol in it."

  "Where have you been that they put alcohol in hot tea?" I ask curiously, trying to switch topics again.

  A boyish grin takes over his face as he replies with a wink, "I've been almost everywhere you can think of. My brothers may have found it completely acceptable to be locked inside this cage for eternity, but I, however, did not. All of this was not meant to be kept a secret."

  His hand waves over his body like I'm not expected to know what he's talking about, which makes me snort a small laugh.

  "You were never the responsible one, even before the wars," Zanthus mutters while hovering over some weird oven type thing.

  Zephyr shrugs and admits, "There's no fun in being responsible. Besides, Father had the both of you for backup heirs, so it's not like I was missed much in that department."

  I squeeze his fingers still wrapped around mine. It was likely longer ago than I could possibly imagine, but that doesn't make me feel some sympathy for him. If anyone knows what it's like to feel unwanted or not needed, it's me.

  "I bet you guys were hellions growing up, weren't you?" I tease.

  Zephyr's grin is clear as day in my peripheral, but the other two freeze and turn to face us.

  "What's that supposed to mean?" Zale asks.

  If it weren't for the true confusion in his expression, I'd say he's pulling my leg right back.

  "Umm," I start.

  Zephyr chuckles. "It just means troublemakers, brother." Then out of the corner of his mouth, he whispers just low enough for me to hear, "They probably thought it was some kind of rare fish."

  A laugh escapes my throat, and I throw my free hand up to cover it. It's no use because I don't catch it in time.

  Zale's cheeks pull up with his smirk while Zanthus' sigh echoes around us. "These two are going to be so much trouble together."

  Zephyr and I glance at each other and burst out into laughter again.

  The other two start loading down a table in the corner that has bench seats on all four sides. When they motion for us to join them, I let Zephyr help me down and lead us. Food fit for a king, or should I say princes, is laid out in front of us. Maybe if all the kings were underwater fish people. I've eaten so much fish and sea life since my arrival here that I would risk leaving the bubble again for a simple cheeseburger right now. A small sigh comes out as my mouth fills with drool at the thought.

  All three Zs have already started filling their plates, obviously used to doing whatever they please without preamble. This time all of them pull off the full-body freeze, eyes locked on my face.

  "What?" I ask, knowing good and well they aren't deaf, so I add, "I've had more fish in the past couple days than I have my entire life. No matter how you cook
it or don't, it's still fish. I'm not trying to be ungrateful; it's just going to take some getting used to."

  Zephyr chuckles as he pushes himself to his feet and strolls over to the oven thing Zanthus was using before. My brows knit together with confusion right before the most glorious smell floats through the kitchen. When a plate full of French fries and a big juicy burger lands in front of me, I'm pretty sure there's a line of drool leaking all the way down the front of my shirt now.

  Which, of course, leads me to thanking the generous prince standing before me. Too bad my tongue ties itself into a triple knot and refuses to let me utter a single syllable. For at my eye level sits the top hem of a soft pair of blue jeans and a tuff of hair brushed on tan skin from the bottom of a navel leading into that hem. Screw the hamburger and not in the fun way. I'd rather taste the bronzed, playful merman who has no respect for personal space.

  I take my time, letting my gaze wander all the way up over a tight-packed stomach and broad chest until our eyes are locked. From this angle, I didn't think it was possible, but it's almost as though it makes Zeph even sexier. With my head tilted back and neck exposed, the tips of my hair tickle the exposed sliver of skin between my tank top and pants, bringing an even sharper awareness in my mind. Damn, how I wish that sensation was caused by one of the other brother's fingers, or even better, lips. An ache has started to form between my legs that's a million times more intense than trying to get myself off on that stupid ship. It doesn't help when the mer prince in front of me runs an index finger up the column of my exposed throat before leaning down to slant his lips across mine.

  No care to the other two sharing the table, our kiss is desperate and makes me want to throw all caution to the wind. Especially as his tongue sweeps inside of my mouth. His taste is a good kind of salty-sweet mixture. Like eating chocolate covered pretzels. It's addictive and almost has me regretting my choice of dinners now. I could live off this taste.

  A throat clearing finally breaks us apart.

  I stare daggers at Zanthus, but his only response is a slight lift of an eyebrow.

  "Let her eat," Zale says, trying to hide a smile behind stuffing a bite of food into his mouth.

  Zephyr's eyes light up as he plops down beside me, straddling the bench as he says, "Hungry? I can feed you if you want."

  He flinches with the grin never wavering as a heavy hand lands on the back of his neck and uses it to pull him back to his feet.

  Zanthus mutters, "I'm sure she can manage, brother."

  Still, he doesn't move until I give him a wink of my own. Hopefully, he understands there will be a continuation of this at a later time. Satisfied with whatever he finds in my expression, he moves back to his seat.

  Then I jump straight into my next task, devouring this made for sin hunk of meat slapped between two buns. The thought makes me cackle not much differently than that cranky witch. Zephyr sucker-punched my mind into the gutter.

  Thankfully, I'm still laughing on the inside because when I take my first bite of the hamburger, I'm embarrassed at the moan I'm barely able to suppress. Even the food on the ship wasn't as delicious as this. I don't even bother to look up as I take another bite, barely bothering to chew it all the way through, and progress to stuffing several fries in right behind it.

  I'm halfway through before I notice the silence that's fallen across the table. Glancing up, I find the three of them watching me in various poses of shock. Zephyr's shoulders are shaking with his snickers while Zale has his fork suspended mid-bite. Zanthus is the most amusing of them all. If expressions could speak, his would say how appalling it is to watch my winning battle with this glorious hunk of meat. At least I'm not chewing with my mouth open or anything.

  His eyes grow even wider when I swallow then hold it out towards him and ask, "Want a bite?"

  Zephyr's head falls back with a roar, and even Zale doesn't hide his smile any longer. What? I'm offering to share my spoils. Any of them should consider themselves lucky. Normally, I'm not so quick to do such a thing. Specifically, more so when it tastes like orgasm in my mouth good. When he continues to stare, I shrug and take another bite, almost one too big to fit between my lips.

  That's what she said. Damn, I snort internally. Just couldn't help myself with that one.

  Belly ready to pop, I put the last little bit down before turning my gaze up to him. "Have you never had a hamburger before?"

  "Not until Zeph decided to take his trip to the human realm," he admits.

  I blow across my still too warm mug of tea as he adds, "To each their own, but I've never had a taste for their meats. My brother is a bottom feeder and will eat anything."

  "Anything," Zephyr interjects with an uptick to the corners of his lips, leaning his elbows on the table.

  Out of the three of them, he most knows what to say to bring that flush to my cheeks. Harmless flirting or not, after that kiss minutes ago, I'm ready to put that promise to the test. As understanding as they've all been so far about me kissing the others, I doubt Merrick or anyone else who chooses to walk in at this moment would appreciate us getting down on this table right now.

  Filing away those feelings for later, I do another quick topic change by diverting attention to the miracle kitchen appliance. "So, how does that thing work anyway? I didn't see any of you putting anything inside."

  Zale wiggles his fingers like he did with the lights and I'm to understand it's all magic.

  Which is confirmed when Zephyr says, "Our magic has its limits, but the Keep has magic of its own that wasn't affected by the curse. That was one of the things I helped design when I first made it back from my voyage to the other realm. If my brothers weren't going to go for their own experiences, I'd at least bring some of the foods to them."

  That's mighty sweet of the playful mer prince to think of his brothers, and it doesn't go unnoticed in the back of my mind. However, we must address this magical bringer of edibles first.

  "You mean to tell me you've got a Jetson family set up in your kitchen that can give you whatever you can think of to eat?" I ask them in wonder.

  "Who's the Jetson family?" Zeph questions like I've finally stumped him with something he should know.

  I wave my hand at him. "An ancient cartoon. You're missing the point."

  "And what might that be?" Zale asks in a jesting tone.

  "Umm, duh," I reply. "You are seriously never going to get rid of me now that I know that thing exists."

  "You weren't going anywhere anyway," Zanthus challenges.

  It's true, but that doesn't stop me from being childish and sticking my tongue out at him curtly before speculating, "Wait, if the castle has its own magic and makes food from nothing, is that what my closet has been doing? I could've sworn that it altered to my tastes from the first to the second time I went in there."

  "That's exactly what it did," Zale answers. "It doesn't do that for anyone but royalty or certain staff members. So, take that as you may if it's already working for you without the curse being lifted."

  "According to the records, I'm not from here. This area belonged to your clan, so why would it work for me?" I ask.

  Zale shrugs. "It could recognize you as our equal."

  "Or," Zephyr pipes up, "it could have something to do with us claiming her."

  "You mean saving me," I correct.

  His turn to shrug. "Same difference."

  Not jumping the tracks to where that conversation will lead, I prod, "So, do you guys have robot maids too?"

  "What are you going on about? Of course, we don't," Zanthus sighs.

  Zephyr shoots me a finger gun. "The vampyres probably do, though. Their magic works differently, so they've highly surpassed the technology of the human realm."

  "Vampyres? Like---" I mime fangs with my fingers as my eyes go wide.

  "You got it, damselfish," Zale replies. "Vampyres, dragon shifters, and fae all have their own realms."

  "Holy shit," I mutter. This is just the neverending road to checking m
yself into a looney bin.

  "Are you going to faint again?" Zanthus quips. "You're starting to look green around the gills."

  "I'm not a fish," I snap offhandedly.

  This earns me a full deep laugh. "Tell me that after you've gathered the courage to see your tail for yourself."

  I'd be lying if I said his words don't make me more than a little curious to do just that.

  My chance to comment on it, however, is fleeting as Zanthus smirks over at me. "Did you know the protein and vitamins in most things from the ocean in our realm could rival anything the humans have? None of our females were large unless they were with child. I'm assuming it's because we have less of that kind of food here."

  Even Zeph stops to gape at his brother, knowing hell is about to break loose.

  I narrow my eyes at the offensive brute. "Is that your way of calling me fat?"

  His expression morphs into anger. "Of course, it wasn't. Simply stating a fact is all. Your body reacts to what you put in it. Now that you're in our realm, it may help to start getting used to it."

  Facts or not doesn't change my mind from wanting comfort foods. It's possible there's a good point to his suggestion, but I'll drink saltwater before I tell him that.

  "You must have been such a lady killer," I reply instead, my tone clipped.

  A grunt falls between us, but it's an amused Zale who says, "Not by a long shot. They were all too scared of him."

  That yanks a laugh right out of my throat because that I can definitely see. I bet he and Zeph didn't have any problems at all, which stirs a green sliver of jealousy and possessiveness in my chest that makes me feel funny. For once, I'm glad there aren't any of their beautiful, perfect-figured mer women around. Then I immediately feel guilty for even thinking such a thing.

  "It's not all bad, you know," Zephyr says, surprising us all out of nowhere. "The food here, I mean. A lot of it isn't too much different than what you're used to."

  He holds up a finger before getting up again and going over to where Zale was standing earlier.


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