Love like Yours Series Box Set: Books 1 - 4

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Love like Yours Series Box Set: Books 1 - 4 Page 69

by Nicole S. Goodin

  “We could add in more Ed...? He really lends himself to that style,” she suggested.

  “Mm hmm.” I nodded, still distracted by the smell of her.

  She turned her head and looked up at me with bright eyes. “What do you think about toning the whole thing down? Ballads... folk... all acoustic?”

  I swallowed deeply and nodded my head, one short, jerky bob. “Yeah, that sounds good.”

  I stole a glance at her while she scanned the song list. She really was a beautiful woman, her brown hair hung like a dark curtain around her shoulders and her blue eyes were vivid and alive.

  I found myself appreciating her tiny frame and her small breasts as they strained against her tight, white t-shirt.

  My eyes made their way back to her face to trace the curve of her pink lips.

  “Are you checking me out?” she asked outright.

  “Ah... um... what?” I stuttered, embarrassed at being caught out.

  She turned to look right at me, our faces only a foot apart.

  “I saw you.” She raised her eyebrows at me. “And whatever you were thinking, you can stop it right there.”

  At least she’s honest.

  I rubbed the back of my neck. “So... you’re pretty straight up, aren’t you?”

  She nodded and stared at me, still waiting for me to admit to checking her out.

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “I was. You’re a good-looking girl.”

  “And what?” she asked.

  “And what... what?” I asked, confused.

  She laughed, obviously amused by my flustered state. “I’m not going to sleep with you,” she assured me with a wide smile on her lips.

  It wasn’t until she said the words that I realized I would quite like to take this woman to my bed. She was beautiful, she was sassy and she was one of Quinn’s best friends.

  It was like the trifecta.

  “You sure about that?” I asked with a smirk.

  “One hundred percent... chicks before dicks.”

  I laughed loudly, and she joined in with a soft giggle.

  Lexie Chase was funny.

  I want her.

  I’ll have her.

  I was going to sleep with this woman if it was the last thing I did.

  I glanced over at Quinn, she was still talking on the phone. I owed her one big ‘fuck you’ and Lexie just might be the perfect way to do it.

  Lexie shot me a knowing look that screamed ‘it’s not happening’.

  Oh it’s happening...

  We spent the next thirty minutes crossing songs off the list and adding new ones. We didn’t have time to rehearse anything so I was just going to have to trust that this girl knew what she was doing and hope that we wouldn’t sound like a train wreck up there.

  “Alright. I’m over this thing.” Quinn slid her phone onto the table, startling the both of us.

  “We’re done anyway.” Lexie smiled up at her.

  “Good.” She clapped her hands. “Let’s decorate this bitch.” Quinn grinned as she looked around the club.

  3. Lexie

  “Twenty minutes, Lex,” Quinn called across the hallway.

  “I’m nearly done,” I called back.

  I was staying at Harrison’s house with him and Quinn. She didn’t live here yet, but she seemed to spend most of her time here, and Logan currently had half of his house – where Quinn officially lived, pulled apart for renovations, so it was easier than us staying there.

  I looked myself up and down in the mirror. My long dark hair was curled and pinned to one side and my red body-con dress hugged my small frame, stopping just below my knee with a small split up the front. I’d chosen the highest pair of heels I owned, a nude wedge, to give me some extra height – always being the shortest person in the room sucked sometimes.

  I breathed in a nervous breath and checked my makeup one last time. It was flawless – Quinn did it for me, and she wasn’t capable of anything other than perfection with a makeup brush.

  This is the best it’s gonna get.

  I made my way downstairs and paused for a moment as I caught sight of Q and Harrison in a passionate embrace near the front door. He looked at her like she was the most precious thing he’d ever seen and she looked back at him like he was the only thing she’d ever need. I had no doubt that the two of them would spend the rest of their lives together – they’d be as happy as Lawson and Ellerslie were as husband and wife.

  I smiled to myself as I thought about how much my two friends’ lives had changed since they’d moved out here, they’d both had to survive their fair share of hurt, but they’d come out stronger and more in love than anyone I’d ever seen.

  I hope someone will love me like that one day.

  I smiled again as Harrison whispered something into Quinn’s ear and nipped at her ear lobe with his teeth.

  “Alright you two,” I called out as I walked down the rest of the steps. “Keep it PG.”

  They broke apart with grins like teenagers that’d been caught making out.

  “Wow. You look stunning, Lex... damn girl... that dress.” Quinn appraised me from head to toe.

  “Nah.” I shook my head in disagreement. “It’s just all this crap you put on my face,” I countered.

  Quinn rolled her eyes. “You don’t need any of it,” she insisted.

  “Well then, why’d you put it on me?” I demanded with my hands on my hips.

  Quinn looked lost for words for a moment before she realized I was joking.

  She just makes it too easy sometimes.

  I flashed her a ‘gotcha’ grin.

  “I forgot how much of a little pain in the butt you are,” she grumbled.

  I laughed and shrugged unapologetically.

  “Pot calling the kettle black, Skippy.” Harrison grinned as he gestured for us to head out the door.


  “Not to blow my own trumpet, but we did a pretty damn great job with this place,” I stated as I looked around at the gold and white decorations Quinn and I had used to bring the club to life.

  There were twinkling lights strung up across the ceiling, white table cloths with gold accents, huge bunches of white flowers, gold cutlery, and the stage was covered in lights and backed with sweeping white chiffon.

  “It’s gorgeous,” El breathed. “You did amazing, Q.” She reached out and squeezed Quinn’s shoulder. “You too, Lex.” She smiled at me.

  “I just did what the boss lady said.” I tipped my head in Quinn’s direction.

  Quinn’s reply got cut off by Harrison sweeping her off her feet and twirling her around and around as she giggled. “You are far too good for me, Skippy,” he told her as he set her back down on her feet, still holding her tight against his body.

  I saw her blush as she shook her head in disagreement.

  “Don’t argue with me, baby. It’s perfect. You are perfect.”

  I dragged my eyes off them, giving them some privacy as they shared a kiss.

  I jumped at a throat being cleared right behind me and spun around as fast as I could on my sky-high shoes.

  “Oh, Colt... hey...”

  “Hey.” He smiled. “You ready for tonight?” he asked as his eyes darted back over to where Quinn and Harrison still stood in a tender embrace.

  “Yeah, I’m all set.” I smiled back. “How about you, got your guitar tuned?” I pointed towards the stage – the opposite direction from his brother and ex-girlfriend.

  He smirked, almost as though he knew what I was trying to do. “Sure have.” He gestured for me to walk with him.

  I looked him up and down. His black trousers and plain white button-down shirt looked good on him, he wasn’t wearing a tie and he’d rolled his sleeves up – he was far more casual than Harrison and Lawson in their tuxedos, but he looked good, really good.

  “You look nice,” I told him. I knew I shouldn’t be encouraging him; the way he was looking at me earlier had made it pretty obvious that he wasn’t going to need much encouragem
ent. But he was obviously having a tough time at the moment, and I wanted to compliment him when he deserved it, there was something about him that I liked.

  His eyes darted over to Quinn and Harrison again – It was like he didn’t even realize how often he was doing it.

  He looked at me and chuckled. “I look underdressed.”

  His eyes roamed over my body, and I was embarrassed to admit to myself that it wasn’t totally unwelcome. “You, on the other hand look absolutely stunning.”

  “Thank you,” I replied quietly.

  “No need to thank me, beautiful.” He winked at me. I’d always thought that winking was a creepy-old-man trick, but somehow, when he did it, it was hot.

  I knew damn well that he was trying to flirt with me to piss Quinn off; and I’d be willing to bet that he was planning to try and sleep with me to get even with her. The guy may as well have had Jason Derulo’s ‘X2CU’ playing as his theme song. I let out a giggle at the thought.

  Well if he wants to play games... I can play too...

  “You just want to get into my pants,” I accused, keeping my face serious.

  His step faltered, and he turned to look me dead in the eye. He opened his mouth, then snapped it shut again, as though he was trying to decide whether to lie or tell the truth.

  “So what if I do?” he finally answered.

  “Then you’re shit outta luck,” I replied without missing a beat.

  He took a step closer to me, getting right into my personal space – nearly touching me, but just not quite making contact.

  I held back a smile – he was trying to mess with me.

  “But am I really?” he asked in a seductive voice.

  There’s no way you’ll beat me at this game, buddy.

  I batted my eyelashes at him dramatically. “Um... well...I guess...” I sighed.

  He swallowed deeply, waiting for my answer. He might have been trying to use me for revenge sex, but I knew he wasn’t totally unaffected.

  He leaned in closer in obvious anticipation.

  “Yeah... you are totally out of luck,” I replied, a grin breaking out.

  “Damn you, Lexie Chase.” He shook his head, finally realizing that I was playing with him.

  I’m not finished yet.

  “Now... if you weren’t my friend’s ex... well... maybe we could have worked something out.” I reached out and ran my fingers over the collar of his shirt. I bit down on my bottom lip and saw his eyes dart down to look.

  I leaned in closer to him and stood right up on my tippy toes so I could get near his ear. “But it’s like I told you...” I whispered, so close that he would be able to feel my breath on his skin. “Chicks before dicks.”

  He chuckled as I pulled away, a shit-eating grin on my face.

  He shook his head at his own gullibility.

  I laughed along with him and batted him lightly on the arm. “So are you done with all this yet? I know you’re only trying to piss her off.” I tipped my head in Quinn’s direction.

  He grimaced. “Dammit. Am I that obvious?”

  “You’re entirely that obvious,” I confirmed. “Plus, you do a terrible job of acting like an asshole. You’re the token nice guy.”

  “Well shit.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed with a laugh. “You’ve gotta stop looking at them though, it’s giving you away,” I teased.

  “Alright.” He nodded. “What else?”

  “Don’t bother calling me beautiful; you should save it for someone you might actually have a shot with.”

  He frowned at me. “But you are beautiful. I said that for your benefit, not hers – it’s not like she was listening.”

  The look on his face told me he was completely serious, and for some reason I found my skin breaking out in goosebumps.

  I blushed. “Okay.” I cleared my throat awkwardly. “Well, um... thanks.”

  He smiled and kept staring at me.

  “Are you really still pissed at them?” I asked him bluntly. It was an inappropriate question, but I probably wouldn’t see him again after tonight, so I didn’t really care.

  He shrugged. “Honestly?”

  I nodded.

  “Yeah... a little.”

  “A little is better than a lot,” I pointed out.

  He huffed out a laugh. “I guess that’s true.”

  I patted his shoulder. “You’ll get over it.” I walked towards the stage to check the mic height.

  “Are you sure you won’t sleep with me?” he called after me, clearly joking.

  I laughed and gave him the middle finger without looking back.

  I heard his laughter echo through the large room.

  4. Colt

  It was weird, I was in the same room as Quinn and Harrison, yet I hadn’t thought about them once since my conversation with Lexie. My attention had shifted, from one woman to another.

  I was surprised by how funny Lexie was, she was as straight up as they came and she didn’t appear to take any shit... she was the perfect distraction from my brother and Quinn.

  Tonight was the first time I’d had to spend a long stretch of time with them as a couple, and I’d been freaking out about losing my shit over it. It wasn’t as though I wanted Quinn for myself anymore, but I still felt pretty pissed at the world for the cards it had dealt me.

  If I really thought about it, I was getting more and more okay with their relationship as the weeks went by. If I really wanted to admit it to myself, I was jealous of what they had together more than the fact that they were an item, I wanted someone in my life who would love me the way Quinn obviously loved Harrison.

  I knew that sleeping with one of her friends wasn’t going to give me what I really wanted, not unless I magically fell in love with her – and thankfully, Lexie was a smart girl who had talked me out of my stupid idea before I’d found myself turning into a man I didn’t want to be.

  “Two minutes, guys.” Ellerslie popped her head into the back office and smiled at Lexie and then me.

  “Thanks, El,” Lexie replied.

  “Kill it, girl.” El winked at her. “And you make my girl shine,” she told me with a good-natured grin.

  “I’ll do my best,” I promised.

  Without wanting to sound like an asshole, I was still a little bit skeptical of Lexie’s abilities. I hadn’t heard her voice and neither had Harrison, but he’d been told she was amazing. I trusted Quinn’s judgment, but Lexie was just so small; I didn’t know how it was going to work.

  “So how much singing have you done?” I blurted out after Ellerslie left the room, trying my best to seem casual about the question.

  She smirked at me. “You sound worried.”

  Failed at casual...

  “Nah...” I lied. “I just haven’t actually heard you sing... that’s all.”

  “Well, you’re about to,” she called over her shoulder as she swayed her hips out the door. I grabbed my guitar and followed after her like a puppy dog; taking a good look while I had the opportunity to appreciate her sexy body without getting caught.

  She really is stunning in that dress.

  The crowd erupted into a chorus of clapping and cheering as Lexie was introduced and sauntered up onto the stage.

  I grinned as I followed her up and took my spot on my stool; I settled my guitar in my lap and waited for her to signal me that she was ready to start.

  “Thank you all so much, you’re too kind,” she cooed into the mic. “I’m Lexie, and this here is Colt.” She turned and gestured to me. “He’s been kind enough to play with me tonight.”

  I grinned and nodded towards the cheers in the crowd.

  “Let’s get this thing started, shall we?”

  If the cheers and cat calls were anything to go by, the more formal part of the evening had gone well, and these suits were ready to unwind and relax.

  She turned and nodded at me. “Ready?” she asked with an excited sparkle in her eyes.

  She really is beautiful.

decided then and there that it didn’t really matter how well she sang, if it made her this happy, then that was the most important thing.

  I winked and strummed the first cord to ‘Titanium’ by David Guetta and Sia. We had stripped it back and were doing an acoustic version.

  Lexie turned back to the microphone and I heard myself gasp as she opened her mouth.

  Her voice was absolute perfection; it floated through the room, strong, but somehow soft at the same time. My skin prickled with goosebumps.

  The crowd went crazy.

  It took everything I had in me to focus on the guitar in my hands and playing the chords she needed me to play.

  She was incredible.

  Incredible doesn’t even cut it.

  She belted out huge notes like they were child’s play. Her voice stretched effortlessly through the last few notes and the crowd clapped and cheered – I found myself joining them.

  I was completely mesmerized by her.

  Lexie turned and giggled at my stunned expression.

  “You’re unbelievable,” I mouthed at her.

  She blushed and turned back to the crowd.

  “Thank you, thank you, you’re all very sweet.”

  She gave me a subtle thumbs-up and we started our next song.

  She cruised through the next ten songs; ‘Like I’m Gonna Lose You’, ‘Rockabye’, ‘Fast Car’, ‘Everglow’, ‘True Colors’, ‘Love Me Now’, ‘Human’, ‘Say You Won’t Let Go’, ‘Shape Of You’, and ‘A Thousand Years’.

  By this point she had the entire audience completely under her spell, and somewhere along the way she’d even started interacting with me, almost as though she were singing the songs to me. She’d gotten more and more playful as the set went on.

  She belted out the last note, and the crowd burst into applause.

  She came over and whispered in my ear. “Let’s do that acoustics Hailee Steinfeld one I showed you, to finish.”

  I nodded, remembering the arrangement she was talking about. “The one with Grey and Zedd?”

  She’d shown me a video of the acoustic version and it was amazing. Now that I knew what she was capable of, I couldn’t wait to hear her sing it.


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