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Moore Page 3

by Jessika Klide

The elevator doors open again, and we exit laughing. We walk together to the office where Mrs. Smith is patiently waiting for us and Mr. Moore asks me. "So, who is the Wild Thang?"

  I start to giggle again. "No one. It wasn't a phone call at all. I set my timer earlier to make sure I didn't get trapped in the office listening to Mrs. Smith tell stories about her cats."

  He laughs out loud at that. My heart sings with the sound of his happiness. He says with the correct voice inflection from the song. "Groovy!"

  I crack up with that.

  Mrs. Smith smiles at us both. "Well, it looks like you two have hit it off." Neither of us comment, we just smile at each other. "Mr. Moore, I'll have the paperwork drawn up tomorrow."

  "I'll see you then." He answers her. He turns to face me, leans over just a bit to block her, and says softly so only I can hear. "I hope to see you tomorrow too, Miss Wright."

  The innuendo is clear and I look one last time for today, into those gorgeous, emerald green eyes, and drink in that gorgeous, golden face. I whisper. "Ditto, Mr. Moore."

  He smiles, then turns and walks away. I admire the view as I watch him go out the door and climb into the big 'bad ass' Ford Raptor Special Edition 'Real Man' Truck. Yes, of course, that is his ride. Definitely a man after my own heart.

  I turn back to Mrs. Smith. She has been watching me watch him. "He is quite the handsome young man, isn't he?"

  "Yes. He is."

  When we go inside the office, there is a resident crying. Mrs. Smith rushes to her and puts her arm around her. The poor girl sobs in her embrace. Mrs. Smith asks me with her eyes. "Another time?"

  I nod quietly and back out. In the elevator, the song "Happy" starts to play again in my mind, but the dance routine is replaced by a Golden God with an emerald green gaze, smiling at me.

  Walking down the hall to my apartment, I decide not to text Cat about my return after all.

  Once inside, I get a beer from the refrigerator and take it onto the balcony. I sip it slowly, enjoying the cold brew on this mild day. I have some thinking to do. My life just changed in the span of an hour. I sure didn't see this in my stars.

  Chapter Six

  I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and my coffee perking. I roll over and bury my head under my pillow. Gawd, I've learned to hate Mondays! My body clock refuses to adjust. It's not natural to rise this early! I take a deep breath, come out from under the pillow and roll on my back to do my stretches.

  Why did I take this job again? I sigh. Because my Mama needed me here, but didn't actually need me and I got bored in this fucked up, hellhole.

  Stop whining! This is your last week at "normal people" work and it served your purpose. It filled your time.

  As I stretch my legs wide and lean my body over each one, I touch my face to my skin and kiss my beloved dancer’s legs. I think back to the day I got the news about Mama’s car wreck.

  When I missed Daddy's call, he called Cat. She came straight down, let herself in and stood on the edge of my pool. I was swimming laps and didn't see her until she stuck her foot in the water. That scared me bad enough, but when I saw the expression on her face, that scared the shit out of me. She told me what my dad had said. "There weren't any details, but it was a bad wreck and she was hurt. They took her to the hospital in an ambulance."

  I flew home on Bart's private jet within an hour of the news and walked in the hospital 7 hours later to find my Daddy sitting all alone in the waiting room with his face in his hands. He explained that she had a severely broken leg and she was in surgery.

  I stretch further into a straddle split and roll down to touch my face on the bed.

  The next morning when she opened her eyes, she was so happy to see me there. I decided to take a break from my life in Vegas to spend some quality time with my parents. That was eight weeks ago. Full recovery accomplished and quality time accomplished. So much so, they left me this weekend for a summer sailing vacation around the Virgin Islands! I love my independent parents!

  Turning my body into a front split, I arch back, bend my knee, grab my foot and pull it to my face. I plant a loud smack on it, then transition to a straddle split, and repeat on the other leg. Next, I crawl to the edge of the bed where I put my hands on the floor and drag my legs up into a hand stand. I walk to the wall where I do 15 hand stand push-ups. The coffee pot finishes perking on the last one.

  Standing and grabbing my iPhone off the night stand, I head for the kitchen to pour myself a strong cup of joe. There is a text from Mama. *Arrived safe. Excited. Boarding the boat. Will check-in when I can. Don't worry. Be safe. Love you, pumpkin!*

  Smiling, I think of the love my parents have for each other after all these years and the fun they have shared. I've always wanted that for myself and have refused to compromise.

  "I'm not going to fuck for the sake of fucking." I've told my close friends, who were concerned about my love life.

  Love life, the irony of it!

  And in Vegas, I explain. "I'm around sex all the time! I don't feel the need to fuck for the sake of fucking." Which some of the girls get, but none of the guys I tried to date in the beginning did. They called me all sorts of names, Ice Queen, Frozen Bitch, Frigid Witch, Hypocrite, Tease, Whatever.

  Pouring myself a mug, I see Mr. Moore’s incredible eyes that pierced my core. He is a fucking fine feast for sure! With superb seduction skills.

  Walking out onto the balcony, I hover over the rim, sipping the black liquid. I can't get over how he turned me on! The chemical connection is surprising. That's never happened to me before! Never! Ever! I lean on the rail, not really hearing the sounds of the morning. Maybe my hiatus from all the sex in Vegas has made this an opportune time for my juices to flow and my own desires to rise to the surface. Maybe there could be more with Moore. I like that thought.

  Walking back in, I stop at my stripper pole. "I need to work you this evening."

  In the shower, I constantly have to push him out of my mind. Rubbing the soap on my body makes him keep showing up. Drying off with the towel, I reach this conclusion for sure: My return to Vegas is on hold in-def.

  At work, the six phone lines for the company that hired me as a short-term temp are busy and leave very little time for daydreaming and further contemplation of Mr. Moore. The two men in the front office who work with me, Charlie and TD, are away on business, which is a relief. I can concentrate on my job without having to fend off their flirtatious innuendos and ignore their developing sex triangle.

  If they only knew what I really do. I laugh and shake my head. I'm glad they don't! But if they did, I could make that threesome awesome. There's a lot to work with. Maybe I'll write them a note when I leave and slip it under Charlie's door. A goodbye gift.… Maybe not.

  During lunch, I eat my peanut butter and let my thoughts turn to Moore. I know nothing about him except that he is golden and gorgeous, and one hell of a seduction artist. How he made me feel was fucking fantastic. I analyze his process. He has refined skills in the subtle art of seduction. His facial expressions. His "Ladies first," designed to make me feel elevated above other women in his eyes, and "My Lady," designed to make me feel important to him. Possessive. His touch when he took my hand, light and gentle, letting me know he is a considerate lover. The strokes of his thumbs, telling me he would cherish me. All well-developed skills!

  But it's more than that. It's Mr. Moore! It’s the IT that is him.

  Damn, I'm getting hot just thinking about him again. I pick up my apple and bite into it.

  I have studied sexuality in my line of work. What makes people tick? What turns them on? The answers are in how they express themselves and how that translates to what kind of sex they enjoy. Knowing and understanding the little things makes me a better erotic performer and entertainer. It’s what sets me apart. How I became a star.

  Moore’s 'seductive art' reminds me of that Italian tennis star who came to Vegas before I stopped dating. After an enjoyable evening out, in which he exhibited excell
ent, highly skilled seduction techniques with just the right amount of flirting and flattery, he didn't make it to second base with me. He was very hurt and upset. He, of course, expected a good fuck for his time and money, so my name was trashed in the club the next night. I sent Lei to console him, unbeknownst to him of course, and he soon forgot me. Lei is a fucking pro!

  I open a yogurt. But Moore is different. His seduction skills are excellent and refined, but it is him. The way his eyes look at me, I can't pull mine away. I pop a few blueberries in my mouth and chew them letting yesterday replay in my mind. The first time in the elevator when his gaze pierced my core, that wasn't chemistry. That was something else. Something deeper. It felt like he was touching a part of me that has been dormant.

  God! What if he’s awaken the sleeping monster and I won’t be able to control it?

  I hear Cat’s voice consoling me. "Don’t panic, Siri. You’ve always been able to control it."

  All I really know for sure is that he is a stranger that I’m extremely attracted to. I reassure myself. It’s only so powerful because it’s the first time for me. Don’t panic. And don’t be afraid. I need to find out more about Mr. Moore.

  I sip my carrot juice, then throw my lunch away and wipe down the breakroom table, then walk back to my desk and resume my switchboard/secretary duties.

  The afternoon workflow is slow. Staring out the window, I see a bird flittering around on the sidewalk, then another one joins it. They flirt, then fly off to fuck.

  I'm so lonely! I put my face in my hands. How did my life get so complicated?

  I bite my bottom lip out of habit and the feeling makes me think of Moore. How the intensity of his look in the elevator made me lick my lips, and I see his grin. I get up and pace the floor.

  "I need a plan to see him today."

  Chapter Seven

  When 4 o’clock rolls around, I hit the door with a smile. Pulling out of the parking lot, plan in place, butterflies begin to fly around my tummy and I giggle. He makes me feel alive! And it feels fucking fantastic!

  At Publix, I walk through the doors with purpose and direction. The cashiers all know me and Janice, who is in the express lane again today, pokes fun at me. "Siri, back so soon? Weren't you in here yesterday? Did you forget something?"

  I laugh and joke with her. "I'm out of wine and I came in too friggin' early yesterday. I forgot you can't buy alcohol on Sunday until one o'clock. It's like y'all are in the Southern Bible Belt or something so I had to swing by on my way home tonight."

  "Yeah! I follow ya! I guess 'Sin City' stays open and turned on 24/7?"

  "Yes, it does! You should come out and try it sometime. You might not come home for years either."

  "Yeah, right! I'm not going to hell." She blurts out before she realizes she just condemned me. "Sorry. I'll say a prayer for you."

  "It's okay, Janice. I'm not offended. And I appreciate the kind thought."

  She focuses on my items. "And the cookies? What's up with the junk food? I thought you were a total health food nut."

  "Yeah, well. They are for a friend … as a gift." I laugh. "Don't look so shocked! Not everyone has shunned me. I have friends here." After a dramatic pause, I roll my eyes, making her and the bag boy laugh. "Ok. Only one."

  Out on the expressway, traffic has come to a standstill. Shit! There must be a wreck. I hope no one is hurt. As I inch forward, I see the delay. It isn't a wreck. There are cows in the road and Sheriff Deputies are trying to herd them on foot. That ain't gonna work, boys. You need some cowboys on horses, or we'll have to wait until feeding time when the cows will all go home on their own.

  I might as well work on "Happy." I take my iPhone out, play it on repeat, study the choreography and jot notes.

  When I enter the parking lot, I'm almost 2 hours later than usual, but I squeal with delight when I see his Raptor. My usual parking spot is taken so I have to drive around to the rear lot. I should really mention to management that they could charge an optional monthly fee for assigned parking. I find a spot and wedge in between two minivans. Grabbing the wine and box of cookies, I decide to take a short cut through the running trail and come in the rear. In the elevator, I push #9 and see Mrs. Smith laughing and talking outside the entrance to someone. She looks like she is flirting. I wonder if she has a love interest. Good for her!

  When I get off the elevator, I turn to look down to his door. My new neighbor! Woo Hoo! Once inside my apartment, I set the bottle of wine and cookies down on the counter, then rush to my bedroom to strip off the business suit and sports bra I wear to hide my full figure. I choose a tangerine color push-up bra with matching tank top, a pair of cream color linen beach pants and flat sandals to wear. Slipping them on, I look in the mirror. I look casual, comfy and curvy. Snatching the wine and cookies up, I hit the door.

  Standing in the hall outside his apartment, I take several deep breaths to keep the butterflies at bay. Nervous butterflies? For Zeus’ sake, why do I have butterflies? I'm fucking Seary! A Vegas star! But I take a couple of additional deep breaths, then raise my knuckles and knock. I wait a minute and then knock again. No answer. Hmm…. A wave of disappointment falls over me and I turn to head back to my place. Then it dawns on me.

  Oh, shit! He was only signing the papers today. Holy Hades! I take off at a run to my apartment. He was here when I came home. I bet he was the one flirting with Mrs. Smith! He was waiting on me! And I came in the back!

  Once inside, I sling the cookies and wine on the counter and rush to my balcony. His truck is leaving the parking lot. The air in my balloon escapes. I feel deflated. I stand there watching his Raptor travel down the drive through the gaps in the trees until it is gone from sight. Plopping onto my lounge chair, I grunt. "Fuck!"


  The next morning, I am resolved to find out when his move-in day actually is from Mrs. Smith.

  I don't want to experience that kind of disappointment again. I tossed and turned all night, pissed at myself that I didn't think of the obvious. She doesn't arrive into the office until 9 o'clock and I call at exactly 9 o'clock.

  "Mrs. Smith, this is Siri Wright in 9A."

  "Oh, yes dear, what can I do for you?"

  "Listen, I was wondering if you could tell me what day Mr. Moore is moving in? I thought it would be nice to take him a welcome gift."

  "Oh, sweetie, that is so thoughtful of you. You know how military men are. They are always being uprooted and all. A welcome gift is such a nice idea. You know I stayed late yesterday talking to him. He was waiting to see you, but he had to leave before you made it home."

  "There was a herd of cows on the express lane, and I was stuck in traffic. I hate I missed him."

  "He is quite smitten with you, dear. He was trying to get some information on you, but I told him I couldn't divulge anything because of privacy issues."

  "What did he want to know?"

  "How long you had been here and how long a lease you signed."

  "He did? Did he say why he wanted to know?"

  "No. You know how pilots are. Well, maybe you don't, but they are very concise communicators. He didn't say why, but he must have a reason for asking. My first husband was a helicopter pilot too."

  He's a helicopter pilot! That’s dope!

  "It was very frustrating talking to him. I was always playing 20 questions to pry information out of him. It didn't last. We divorced after…."

  I clear my throat.

  "Oh dear me, I didn't mean to rattle on. Where was I?"

  "You were about to tell me how long a lease he signed."

  "Oh, yes. He took the 3-month lease, which I thought was curious."

  "Why was that curious?"

  "Well, I must have misunderstood, you know I do get confused sometimes, but I could have sworn he told me his buddy coming in for training would need a year lease. Well, anyway, it doesn't matter really."

  What? A buddy? He’s leasing the apartment for a buddy? What the fuck? NO!

  I try to keep
the panic out of my voice. "Mrs. Smith, now I'm confused. Who rented the apartment?"

  "Mr. Moore."

  "I know Mr. Moore rented it but for whom? His buddy or himself?" I hold my breath, waiting for her answer.

  "Well, that was curious too. He put his own name on the lease."

  I exhale the breath I was holding and blurt out. "Fuck! You had me scared there for a moment." Then, I quickly blurt an apology. "Oh shit, excuse my language."

  She laughs a hearty belly laugh. "My Dear, I'm happy he rented it too. He does seem like such a nice young man and you two would make quite a cute couple!"

  "Thanks, Mrs. Smith." I agree with her. "So, do you know what day he is moving in?"

  "Oh, yes, your welcome gift. Today."

  Today! He is moving in today! YAY! I feel those damn nervous butterflies replace the breath that was held in my gut, but I'm okay with that. It beats a deflated balloon!

  "Do you know what time?"

  "No, only that it is today, but he isn't here yet."

  "Thank you, Mrs. Smith."

  "You're welcome, hun. We don't do enough for our service men and women."

  "No ma'am, we don't."

  "You know I met my first husband at the gas station by the post gate. He looked so handsome in his uniform…." She blabs on while I dial our office number from line 6. When it rings, I politely tell her I have to answer that.

  The rest of my day is spent answering the phones and doodling little hearts and halo's all over my pad while Mr. Moore's face constantly floats across my mind. At 4 o'clock, I hit the door again, all smiles and butterflies knowing that tonight I will be enjoying Merlot and cookies for supper and who knows what for dessert.

  Chapter Eight

  When I pull into the parking lot at 4:20, his big 'bad ass' black truck is parked next to my usual space which is empty so I whip right in. Showtime in 15. Walking in, I glance at the office and Mrs. Smith is standing in the doorway. She smiles and waves, then points upstairs and gives me the ok sign. I smile back and give her the ok sign too. Nothing like having a spy and good Intel.


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