Forbidden Delivery (Galaxy Smugglers Book 1)

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Forbidden Delivery (Galaxy Smugglers Book 1) Page 4

by Amelia Wilson

  “We can help you out in other ways if you’d like,” another says, her eyes bright and large almost like an owl’s. Suddenly it hits me. I’m in a brothel, and I seem to be the only customer here. A real dream come true for most, I’m sure, but I’m no good to a brothel if I don’t have a paycheck to spend. They seem to want to give me a free sample, though, as they circle around me, some of them grabbing onto my shoulders and gently rubbing them. It feels amazing to be honest, especially after walking for miles. They have a distinct flowery smell. I want to drink it all in, it’s so amazing, entrancing even. I almost get lost in the relief of all the tension I’ve been feeling, but force myself back to reality.

  “Ladies, it’s been really nice,” I tell them, holding up my hands. “But I’ve got a delivery to make, and I’m really screwed if I don’t make it on time.” One of the women, very tall with pointed teeth and large breasts, pushes on my chest, forcing me onto a nearby sofa. She straddles me, her thighs brushing against mine, giving me a sneak peek at what she has underneath her skirt. I avoid her gaze as more of them rub their hands against me.

  “It’s been a slow day today,” one of them says. “We’ve been so bored. Why don’t you deliver a little something to us?” says the woman on top of me.

  Before I know it, my pants are being unbuttoned, and her hand is sliding down to grab my cock. I let out a small moan as she runs her hand along my shaft. The rest of them close in as they try to touch me. Something comes over me, a strange hypnotic state. I try to shake it off, but it almost feels too strange. Like I’ve been drugged somehow.

  “Hey what did you do you me?” I mumble, my words slurring. The women kiss my neck, and take turns straddling me, pressing their breasts onto my chest. They bite my neck, a little too hard for my preference. I try to tell them to stop, but they bite even harder. Meanwhile all I can see are spots, and the owl-eyed woman bending down to suck on my now-exposed cock. When she opens her mouth though, everything changes.

  “He’s going to taste so good,” she moans, a pair of fangs widening over the tip of my penis. “It’s been a while since we’ve had Kellian meat.”

  Wait, what? Are they talking about my dick…or something else? I get my answer, as the owl-eyed woman pulls out a large knife, still holding me in the other. Oh shit! They’re actually going to eat me! I try to squirm away, but I’m trapped in their grasp.

  Suddenly, something hits the owl-eyed woman on the side of the head. She cries out as she falls onto the floor. The women scatter like screeching ants, wildly flailing their arms as another one gets hit by a metal bat.

  “Anybody else?” Becca shouts over the chaos of screaming and jangling costumes. She picks up my blaster, which must have been taken from one of the women, and holds it up to them, pointing it at whoever gets too close to me. They shrink back in a panic. “Come on,” Becca demands, grabbing my wrist, still keeping the gun drawn. I follow her out, buttoning up my pants, relieved that I wasn’t about to be served for lunch. “Eat whoever the hell you want, you freaks,” Becca says to all of them. “But this one’s mine.” I feel a small swell of pride almost as we walk back into the familiar noise of the marketplace.

  After getting the rest of the items we need, Becca and I sit on a nearby bench to rest for a moment.

  “Thanks for saving my skin back there…literally,” I say. Becca smiles at me. It’s really cute, actually. She only has one dimple on one of her cheeks. “Where did you go?” I inquire.

  “To be honest, I tried to escape,” Becca admits. “I didn’t get very far though, and I actually felt a little bad about leaving you behind. Then when I caught you in that brothel, I knew I couldn’t let you get eaten. Sorry I ruined your potential blowjob.”

  I laugh, putting my hand on her shoulder. She relaxes under my touch.

  “For once, I’m actually really glad that I didn’t get a blowjob,” I assure her. She laughs at this. I reach over for her wrist, still dragging the heavy chain around. I reach into a satchel around my waist, looking for something. Becca clears her throat, holding up a small lock pick. “Very clever,” I tell her.

  “Yeah, I didn’t have enough time to get mine though,” she says, defeated. I take her wrist, inserting the lock pick and freeing her from the cuff.

  “Here, we’re even now,” I say, letting the chain clunk onto the sand. She smiles again, but it fades quickly.

  “Guess we should keep moving, huh?” She says. I feel a pang of guilt, but I know I have to reluctantly brush it aside…for the sake of my mission.

  “Guess so,” I say, trying to hide my disappointment.



  I still can’t believe I let myself go back for Falax. But as we walk towards our next sleeping location, my wrists finally free of my chains, I feel happy with my choice. In the back of my mind though, I can’t stop thinking about tomorrow, when the King will come to retrieve me.

  Falax gets us a room, smiling as he hands me a key, and I can’t help but feel sad in a way. I know we’ve mostly been arguing or hating each other during our desert treks, but after saving him today, it seems like my feelings have wavered for him a bit.

  The room is nice, but we could only get one bed this time since Falax didn’t have enough money for two. It’s fine with me though. The idea of a chance encounter touching him, an accidental brush against his legs, or his back against me while we sleep, gives me a slight thrill.

  Falax takes off his shirt as he sits on his side of the bed, digging into his backpack. I admire all the tattoos on his back, a strange collection of swirling symbols. I wonder what story they could possibly be telling, in a language I’d like to learn. He changes into another shirt, a cleaner one, without all the dust. He swivels around to throw me something.

  “Got you this today,” he says coyly. I unravel the packaging, it’s a flowy dress, a summery-looking print, and very silky soft.

  “Wow,” I exclaim, “I wouldn’t expect you to pick out something this nice.” Falax shrugs, hiding his face from me as he continues to dig around in his bag.

  “Consider it an early wedding present,” he says, “but you can wear it tonight if you’d like. I mean, if you want to get out of those dirty clothes. I thought maybe we could eat on the rooftop tonight. I hear the food’s pretty good around here. You know, only if you’re hungry of course”

  I pick at my plate, trying not to show my distaste for the blue cream-like material swirling around the edges. Falax laughs, not in a mocking way, as he might have when we first met. I notice it’s more endearing.

  “It’s not that bad,” he assures me.

  I decide I’m going to humor him, and dip my fork into the strange substance before putting it in my mouth. It actually tastes incredible. It has a strange consistency; it almost shifts from liquid to solid, and it changes flavors as if there were multiple courses packed into this blue cream.

  “Good?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.

  “It’s incredible,” I say, my mouth still full.

  Falax smiles at me, happy that I didn’t throw up during our nice dinner.

  “They serve all the food at once here,” he explains, “They can alter it into this creamy consistency, and it transforms into a full course meal when you eat it. Saves time and resources for everyone I guess. If you keep chewing, you might have a dessert hidden in there somewhere.”

  He’s right, and I try not to get too excited as I start to taste a sweet berry flavor. “This is great, especially after living off of hotdogs and gas station snacks for the past few months,” I say.

  “What were you doing when I found you on Earth?” Falax asks. I don’t want to answer, mainly because it makes me upset, but I put my fork down regardless.

  “I’m running away from my problems,” I joke. “Had a bad breakup where I was living. My job was practically trying to kill me with all the stress I’d been feeling. Finally, I just packed up and took off.”

  “Kind of like me,” Falax says, “Minus t
he breakup of course.” I almost don’t want to ask it, but I do.

  “Well, you did lose your friend. That’s definitely a worse loss than a shitty boyfriend.” My statement hangs in the air, and I’m unsure about how he’s going to react.

  “Yeah, that wasn’t the best time,” he says, surprisingly calmly, “He was the opposite of me; very practical, always thinking ahead. I’m more of an improviser, honestly. But even after all his calculations, it didn’t stop him from crashing into an enemy trench during the big war.” He picks at his plate some more, thinking. “We planned to travel the galaxy together,” he says, “Once we got out of the military, we had a few smuggling jobs lined up that he was so excited about. He spent months planning them out, dreaming of the big treasures we’d get someday. I believed him too. I thought we’d really get out there and do it.” He takes a bite of his food and looks off at the horizon, lost in his flashback.

  “Hey,” I tell him, he looks back at me. “Don’t blame yourself for what happened to your friend. It was an accident.” I reach across the table and hold his hand for a moment, just to comfort him. He gives me a sad smile, and squeezes my hand, but then pulls it away. I sit back, awkwardly admiring the scenery.

  The rooftop is beautiful, with lights sparkling from the strings that hang from building to building. There’s a beautiful pool, reflecting the light of the moon above. I quietly wish I could stay another day to enjoy it, enjoy all this interesting food, and enjoy some more moments with Falax…

  “What are you thinking?” He asks me, snapping me out of my daydreaming. I take a hasty bite, trying not to admit what I really was thinking about.

  “I’m thinking about how you almost got your dick bitten off, if I hadn’t have jumped in to save you,” I joke. Falax laughs and runs his hands through his tousled hair.

  “That was terrifying,” he says, “I’m lucky you were there though.” His eyes meet mine, looking deeply into them. The lights above us form beautiful swirls of gold that mix with the pale green of his irises. It’s almost hypnotizing.

  I almost want to look away, embarrassed that I’ve been staring so long, but he keeps looking at me.

  “What are you thinking about?” I ask him shyly. He smirks, a clever smirk, and I think he has something planned as he reaches down under the table. He emerges, holding the bottle of liquor from the auction. Our own little smuggled prize.

  “I thought we’d dig into this for dinner,” he says, “but I’d definitely be careful. Humans don’t usually take to this stuff like how you’d think.”

  “Is that a challenge?” I ask, holding out my glass. He pours a little bit into it, not even a full shot. I look at him, disappointed.

  “Trust me,” he says, “That’s going to get you where you want.” I take the glass and down the whole thing, trying to be smooth. The liquor burns my throat, ten times harsher than what I’m used to. I try not to gag, and stifle a small cough as it goes down. His eyes widen, impressed at my drinking abilities.

  “Where do you think I want to go?” I ask him slyly. He catches on to me, taking a drink from his glass.

  “I don’t know,” he answers, “would you tell me?”

  The alcohol hits me a little faster than I thought it would, and I’m actually glad Falax monitored my intake. I’m feeling an excellent buzz in this moment, and everything feels exhilarating. I feel more confident, and of course it’s just the alcohol, but I still want to have a little fun with my dinner date.

  “Let’s play a game,” I suggest, picking up three glasses around the table and turning them over. “I learned it from a random lady in a bar in Tennessee.”

  “What’s Tennessee?” Falax asks, and I can tell he’s also feeling the alcohol a bit.

  “A faraway land, full of mountains and rock music,” I explain.

  “Sounds exciting,” Falax says, and the game begins. I take a small berry off of his plate, and place it under one of the cups. “Keep an eye on the berry,” I tell him, as I shift the cups around. Falax’s eyes wander around as I swivel the cups back and forth across the table. I line them back up again. “Now, where’s the berry?” I ask.

  “What do I get if I choose correctly?” He inquires. I think for a moment.

  “I’ll kiss you,” I tell him.

  “What if I don’t want a kiss?” He presses.

  “Then, I’m sure we can come to an arrangement on a prize,” I say with a smirk. Falax smiles, as if he knows the correct answer. He reaches for a cup and lifts it. It’s empty. His eyes widen as he lifts it again, expecting the berry to be there.

  “But, I thought...I knew it was here!” He exclaims.

  I lift up the other cups, revealing the berry to be in a different one. He smacks his head. “Again!” he demands. He tries again, and fails again.

  “There’s a trick,” I tell him, putting the berry down again and swiveling the cups. I break it down slowly for him, revealing how I can shift the berry from one cup into another as I rotate them. He leans back in his seat, amazed.

  “It’s so simple, but so good!” He says, roaring with laughter. “You’d make a great smuggler.” I smile at this, putting the cups back. “Does this mean I don’t get my prize?” He asks.

  I pull Falax back into our room. Maybe it’s the alcohol, or maybe I just that I need to get all these feelings out, that I’ve actually been keeping deep down inside me. I kiss him with wild passion, and am relieved to feel him returning the gesture.

  “Is this crazy?” He asks, breathing heavily in between kisses.

  “Yes? No? I don’t care,” I whisper, my kisses growing more and more hungry. I forget how this is our last night together, and all that matters is how soft and warm his skin is as he pulls me closer into his arms.

  He kisses my neck, and then bites it, the sharp points of his teeth are exhilarating, creating a hint of danger as he bites down on my shoulder. I cry out a bit, and he pulls back.

  “It’s okay, don’t stop,” I assure him. This fuels him even more, and he pushes me up against the wall, lifting up the fabric of my dress over my thighs, up to my stomach, as his hands brush along my legs, then suddenly grabbing them in a tight grip. He pushes me further up the wall with incredible strength as he reaches around for my ass, kneading it softly, and pulling my hips closer to his crotch. He gyrates his hips into mine as he continues to kiss me, and I can feel the long, firm bulge in his pants pressing against my leg.

  I push him off of me, swiveling him around until he hits the wall.

  “Looks like you’ll get that blowjob after all,” I say, pulling down his pants. He moans in response as I pull out his cock. I’m amazed at how similar it is to a human’s. I guess I was expecting something crazier. Either way, I’m not complaining, he’s veiny and thick, the size unimaginable, just like every other part of him. But how does he taste? I softly wrap my lips around the tip of his dick, just barely licking and softly sucking on the end of it.

  He gives a gentle cry of, “Oh, fuck,” as I open my mouth wider, taking it in slower, more gradual increments, tightening my lips around his shaft as I work my mouth up and down over it at a steady pace. It glides gently down into my throat, and I tease him a bit my tongue, wrapping it around him. He seems to love this the most, judging by his faint exhales. I can feel the small droplets of cum spilling out over my tongue. It’s sweet and warm, and I want more of it. But he’s got other plans for me.

  “Get over here,” he commands, taking his cock out of my mouth and picking me up. He takes me to the bed, where he leans over me, still working at my dress until it’s completely off of me. He sits back a moment, taking in the sight of my body sprawled out on the bed.

  “I knew you wanted to touch my tits the other night,” I joke.

  “I certainly did,” he says, almost growling as he holds himself back. He leans forward, grabbing one of my breasts, his thumb rolling softly over my nipple. They pucker under his touch. He leans down to carefully suck the other one, and I moan quietly as I feel the pleasu
re wash over me.

  He works his hands over my stomach, softly making their way to my legs. He spreads them apart, leaning down again but this time to lick in between my lips. I can feel myself throbbing in his mouth as he slides his tongue ever so gently over my clit. At this point, I can hear myself getting louder and I feel wetter as his warm lips close over my vulva. He kisses it, gently, then slides his tongue a little deeper inside, making me want to melt. I can feel myself on the brink of climax, but I try to suppress it. He senses this too, and immediately takes action.

  “I’m not done with you yet,” he growls into my ear, almost sending me into another spiral of pleasure. He guides his cock, placing it just over my vulva, teasing me slowly. I can feel myself dripping wet at this point as he gradually enters me. His dick is warm and rock hard, the veins brushing up inside me as he works himself into a deep thrust.

  I look up at his rippling abs, covered in that beautiful ink, and the sweat dripping down his forehead as he tries not to cum.

  “Gods, Becca,” he says, “You’re so tight…”

  With a grunt of passion, he flips me over; pulling me up onto my knees as he gently glides just the tip of his cock in and out of me. It’s incredible how gentle he is, before he surprises me by reinserting himself all the way in. The tip of his cock rubs right against my perfect spot, and I can feel myself swelling, wanting to take more of him in.

  “More!” I beg. “Give me all of it!” He listens, grabbing my shoulders. I hold onto the headboard as he thrusts deeper inside me. He reaches around, touching my clit, maximizing my pleasure as he continues to grind his cock as deep as I can take it.

  “I can’t hold on,” he says breathlessly.

  “Cum for me,” I command, “give me a real good delivery,”

  “Oh I got one just for you,” he says in between thrusts. He bends me further down, so my ass slaps against his hips. I can hear him moaning, low and full of satisfaction. “I’m going to cum!” He exclaims, and this alone is enough to send me over the edge. I feel an intense wave fall over me as I climax, contracting around his cock as I feel myself dripping wet all over him. He gives a final moan, and I can feel his cock tighten, growing thicker as he finishes inside me, an amazingly warm sensation seeping into me. And just like that, it’s all over… a prize we get to share.


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