Unexpected: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

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Unexpected: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Page 10

by Ford, Aria

  When she stills at last, subsiding into small shivers, I roll off her, pull her onto my chest, and hold her. I drag a blanket off the back of the couch and cover us with it. She burrows into my chest, curling up, making herself small.

  “How can you not see that I love you? How can you refuse to marry me?” I demand, my hands in her hair.

  She tips her face up to look at me.

  “You what?”

  “I love you. Of course, I love you. No one has ever known me as you do, touched me the way you do. I couldn’t look at another woman, Caleigh. I thought of you constantly. I am completely obsessed with you. I’m in love with you for the rest of my life.”

  She starts to laugh. It is a crazy, half sobbing laugh. She presses her fist to her mouth to try and stop it, tears streaming from her eyes. She rains ecstatic kisses on my face until I capture her lips with mine and kiss her until she is still. I hold her against my chest like an anchor, like I’ll never let her go.

  “I’m done with being notorious,” I tell her, “I just want to make you mine. Be my wife.”

  There are tears shining in her dark eyes when she smiles at me.

  “Yes,” she whispers. “I’m yours. I always have been.”

  Just like that, she gave me all I’ve ever wanted in this life. I shut my eyes and kiss her again. I kiss her because I know I never have to let her go.

  Mine .

  The End

  Well-Oiled Mechanic

  Chapter 1


  Two thousand miles, twenty fast-food stops, and about three gallons of coffee later, and there I was, standing on the side of the road without any place to go. My car, my reliable car, decided to crap out on me just outside Santa Fe, New Mexico. I’d traveled all the way from New York City, only stopping to eat, sleep, and use the bathroom. When I left the city, I didn’t know where I would end up. There wasn’t a destination in my mind, but still, I never imagined I would be stuck somewhere without cell service or a working vehicle.

  Feeling helpless, I flopped down on the curb to wait—waiting felt like the only option. My car was too heavy to push, and the nearest town was five miles away. While I sat there, I tried to work up the nerve to start walking, but my legs felt weak from all my hours in the car. Just sitting on the curb caused tingles to vibrate through my shins. I sighed and looked up at the sky, silently wishing for help.

  Not one minute later, help arrived. The sun was beginning to set; the air around me grew cool. I knew night was almost upon me, and just when I felt fear creep up my spine, a pair of headlights blinded me. I squinted and stood up quickly, watching the passing car slow to a stop. My nerves immediately took control, and I hesitated. What if this person was a rapist? A serial killer? My New Yorker instincts told me to hang back until I was sure it was safe.

  “Hey there!” a female voice called. “Need some help?”

  She rolled down the passenger side window and smiled at me from behind the wheel of her beat-up Subaru. Her eyes were kind, and her smile soothed my nerves.

  “Actually, yes,” I said, taking a small step forward. “My car broke down, and I’m… well, I’m not from around here.”

  “I figured.” She laughed. “Saw your New York plates.”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “I was thinking about walking the five miles back to… um… whatever that town was…”

  “Nah,” she said. “No need. You’re almost to Santa Fe. There’s an auto shop about two miles up. Man who owns it can fix anything.”

  “Really?” I felt hope blossom in my chest.

  “Yup.” She nodded. “I can give you a lift up there. It’s on my way.”

  I hesitated for just a second. My heart beat a little faster as I weighed the safety of this situation. This woman seemed kind, and she had already proved herself to be helpful. Still, I didn’t like the idea of getting in the car with a stranger. As I stood there, watching the sunset, I knew I didn’t have a choice.

  “That would be great.” I smiled. “Thank you so much.”

  “No worries,” she said, waving me over. “Hop in.”

  I pulled open the passenger side door and climbed inside. She smiled and shot forward, driving me the two miles to the auto shop she promised. We made small talk as we drove, and I knew immediately she was just as sweet as she seemed. When we pulled up outside the shop, I worried it might be closed. The garage doors were already pulled down, and only one light was on inside.

  “Are you sure they’re open?” I asked.

  “Bradley’s always here,” she said with confidence. “If the door’s locked, just knock.”

  I nodded and stepped out of the car. “Thank you for the lift.”


  She waited until I was safely inside the shop before driving away. Nervously, I turned toward the front counter, walking forward. The entire office was neat as a pin, everything clean and orderly. As I looked around, I was surprised to see flowers set out on each table with brand new chairs lining every wall. There was a coffee machine in the far corner and a fridge full of bottled waters.

  From the outside, the auto shop looked to be run down and home to a few lowlifes. Once inside, my opinion shifted drastically. Part of me wondered if the owner’s wife had something to do with the comfortable décor.

  “What’s up?” a voice said, startling me. I jumped and whipped back around to face the counter. A man who hadn’t been there before was staring at me with wide-eyed expectation. “Whatcha need?”

  I blinked. I wasn’t expecting someone to sneak up on me, let alone someone as handsome as this man. He was wearing an old, tattered T-shirt that was covered in grease. I could barely see his jeans from my side of the counter, but I could tell they were old and worn too. His cobalt eyes were locked on my face, and his sandy blond hair fell just above his eyes.

  “Um,” I said, clearing my throat and trying not to stare at the tattoos peeking out from beneath his shirt sleeves. “My car broke down about two miles down the road. A woman dropped me off here. She said you might be able to help me.”

  He nodded. “Two miles?”

  “Yes,” I said. “It’s not far.”

  “What kind of car?” he asked, already scribbling something on a piece of paper. He was all business.

  “Jeep Cherokee,” I said.

  “All right.” He nodded and looked up at me again. My heart stopped when those cobalt eyes hit mine. “I’ll have to pick it up and tow it back; then I’ll take a look.”

  “Okay,” I said. “Well, I can ride with you to show you where it is.”

  “No need,” he said, his voice clipped. “I can find it.”

  “But I have the keys.”

  My words made him smirk. He looked at me for a second before nodding slowly and gesturing toward the door. I followed him outside. He didn’t speak until we were inside the tow truck. I climbed up and held my purse in my lap, squeezing it to my body. My emotions were running wild, and I was desperate to keep them under control.

  “I’m Brad Jones,” he said when he fired up the truck.

  “Olivia Storm,” I said with a polite smile. He just nodded and focused his attention on the road.

  I sighed and looked out the window, watching the road zip by us as we flew toward my car. I couldn’t believe I’d gotten myself into such a horrible situation. Not only was I stranded in New Mexico with very little money to my name but I no longer had a vehicle. A feeling of hopelessness settled over me as he sped down the road.

  Brad was quiet, his eyes never leaving the road, not even for a second. When I first saw him back at the shop, I thought he was much older, maybe in his early forties. Now, as I studied his face, I saw he was young, much younger than I would have guessed. Probably only in his late twenties.

  I was struck again by how attractive he was. His eyes were such a deep blue that I knew I could lose myself in them without even trying. His hair was blond with specks of gray already beginning to show. Despite his obvious youth, he looked har
dened. Mature.

  My eyes were drawn to his biceps, which were slightly flexed as he gripped the steering wheel. I saw his tattoos back at the shop, but I didn’t want to stare. Now I could see the outline of a bird poking out from beneath his T-shirt. It was a hawk, or maybe an eagle. I couldn’t tell without lifting his shirt sleeve, which was I tempted to do until he cleared his throat.

  I jerked my head around, focusing my eyes on my shoes. The rest of the way to my car I kept my attention away from Brad. It was bad enough that I barely had any money and that my car was currently useless, the last thing I needed was to humiliate myself by staring wistfully at my mechanic.

  We were almost to my car when my thoughts turned to my parents. I sighed deeply, making Brad frown and look my way. I ignored him, and soon he looked back at the road. My heart felt heavy as I wondered what my parents were doing right now. Were they worried about me? Or were they still angry with my decision to leave town?

  I didn’t know the answers to my questions, but even after all my setbacks, I felt confident in my decision. It was bitter sweet to be away from New York. The city was my home, my safe place. Out here, alone in the world, I didn’t know where I would go or what I would do next. All I knew was that I was finally living my life. Really and truly living.

  Chapter 2


  It wasn’t as if I had plans, but it was a Friday night. The shop was almost closed when Olivia strolled through the doors, pulling my attention to her. She looked lost when she walked up to the counter, her eyes roaming freely around the lobby. I considered telling her to get lost. It was after five. The shop was closed, and I didn’t have the energy or patience to deal with some spoiled rich girl.

  From the look of her shiny brown hair and perfectly tailored outfit, she had money and plenty of it. Her purse was designer. I didn’t know much about that sort of thing, but I damn well knew it was worth more than my monthly rent. Everything about her screamed wealth and privilege. She was exactly the sort of girl I avoided and yet, I couldn’t turn her away.

  I found myself engaging her, agreeing to help her, and even allowing her to ride along in the tow truck. It didn’t take long for me to realize she was upset. Her green eyes were swimming with emotion as we drove toward her car. It wasn’t in me to ask her about it, so I just drove along in silence. When we finally reached her car, I saw that it wasn’t just Jeep Cherokee like she’d said. It was a brand-new Jeep Cherokee. I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I jumped out of the truck and walked over.

  Olivia hopped out after me, following me over to the Jeep. I motioned for the keys, which she tossed my way. I popped the hood and took a quick look. It wasn’t protocol to evaluate a vehicle on the side of the road, but I was hoping it would be an easy fix, something I could do right there and send her on her way. Much to my dismay, it wasn’t an easy fix.

  “I’ll have to tow it back,” I said.

  “All right,” Olivia said with a nod. “I’ll grab my things.”

  She grabbed two bags out of the backseat. They were designer as well and matched her purse. The only good thing about this girl, other than her curves and tight ass, was that I knew I’d get a good payday off her.

  “Listen,” I said as I cranked the Jeep up and latched it onto to the tow truck. “It’ll cost extra to look at the Jeep tonight. It’s after hours. I can wait until Monday or…”

  “That’s fine,” she said. “Monday works.”

  Her words surprised me. I frowned and studied her face. She just blinked back at me, those brilliant green eyes locked on mine. I cleared my throat and nodded, still surprised by her answer.

  I expected her to hand over her daddy’s credit card without a second thought. She didn’t strike me as the type of girl to hang around on the outskirts of Santa Fe unless she had to.

  She surprised me even more as we climbed back into the tow truck and drove toward the shop. With the Jeep attached, I had to drive slower, and my patience was already wearing thin. I was desperate just to get home and out of my crappy work clothes. It had been a long day and Friday nights were always my favorite. I could kick back with a beer and some food, not having to stress about work for two full days.

  Olivia Storm changed that with her presence. As we drove, I tried to hold on to my annoyance, but my eyes kept glancing over at her, admiring her petite form and strong features. She looked young, maybe twenty-one or twenty-two, but her eyes were darkened from experience. When I looked at them, she suddenly seemed older, more mature. It was as if she’d felt things only people twice her age had ever felt. I instantly felt connected to her, and it was hard to tear my eyes away from her.

  “Do you know any cheap hotels in the area?” she asked, a slight hitch in her voice.

  “Cheap hotels?” I asked, confused.

  “If you can’t look at the car until Monday, I’ll need somewhere to stay,” she explained. “And maybe a cheap restaurant as well. Just somewhere to grab a quick bite before it gets too late.”

  I frowned. Why would she need somewhere cheap? She obviously had money. Why else would she drive a brand-new Jeep Cherokee and tote around designer luggage? It didn’t make sense, but I wasn’t the type to pry.

  “I know a place,” I said. “It’s not far from the shop. I can give you a lift after I unhitch your car.”

  “I don’t think I could pay you for…” she began, but I just shook my head to silence her.

  “No charge,” I said. “It’s on my way home.”

  She nodded. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

  We pulled up to the shop, and I backed the Jeep up to the garage doors. Jumping out, I slid open the garage and then hopped back behind the wheel of my truck. I backed the Jeep into the garage and climbed out to unhitch it. The whole time, Olivia stayed sitting in the cab of my truck, just staring out the windshield as if she could see into the future.

  I found myself wanting to ask her questions, to find out more about her. It was strange. Most women I spent time with didn’t inspire me to ask them anything more than their name. Olivia was different. She wasn’t like the other girls who waltzed into my shop. Those girls pulled their windshield wipers off just for an excuse to see me. They hung around until closing time, wearing revealing tops and shorts that showed off their ass cheeks. They wanted me, and I wanted a quick fuck. It worked out for all parties.

  With Olivia, I felt something new stir inside me. Her clothes were tight and fitted but also modest. They didn’t show an inch of skin she didn’t want seen. I could tell her body was insane beneath those clothes, tight and sexy as hell, but there was enough mystery to keep me interested. And interested I most certainly was.

  “I just have to grab something,” Olivia said, jumping out of the truck and hurrying toward her Jeep. She pulled open the door and grabbed a bag full of art supplies. She zipped it up and swung it over her shoulder as she jumped back in the truck.

  She was an artist. I smiled to myself at the thought. We both worked with our hands, what would that mean for us in the bedroom? Shaking myself, I walked over to my truck and jumped inside.

  Olivia was a customer, that was it. She was hot and intriguing, but it wasn’t like I couldn’t get action elsewhere. I didn’t need to waste my time on someone who wouldn’t hang around longer than it took to get her car fixed.

  “Where is this hotel?” Olivia asked.

  “About a mile up the road,” I said. “It’s not far. You could easily walk to the shop from there.”

  “Perfect,” she said. “And it’s not too expensive?”

  I shook my head. “Nope. There are a few places to eat right around there too. A diner and waffle place.”

  She nodded and smiled her thanks while we drove. As we got closer to the hotel, I stirred with discomfort. I still couldn’t tear my eyes away from her for longer than five seconds at a time. I didn’t want to drop her off and not see her again until Monday. Plus, I was still curious as to why someone with her level of wealth was slumming it in a rundown ho
tel on the outskirts of Santa Fe.

  “There are some nicer restaurants further into town,” I said, surprising even myself. “If you wanted, I could swing by and pick you up. We can grab some dinner, my treat.”

  “Um…” She frowned deeply, searching for an answer.

  “You need to eat,” I said, shrugging. “I can’t look at the Jeep until Monday. The least I can do is feed you something edible.”

  I pulled up to the hotel and parked. She was still frowning thoughtfully. When she turned to face me, I was sure she would say no.

  “Sure,” she said. “That would be great.”

  “All right.” I nodded. “Be back in an hour?”

  She smiled and jumped out of the truck. Pulling her bags along with her, she made her way slowly toward the front desk. I watched her go, my eyes trailing over her hips and ass. She was sexy as fuck, and there was no denying it. Money or not, rich or not, this girl was captivating.


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