Anyone U Want

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Anyone U Want Page 4

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Hello, can I help you?” A bored looking young woman asked from the front desk.

  “Oh!” Holly realized that despite her earlier determination, she’d just been standing there in the middle of the Anyone U Want lobby, nibbling her lower lip. “Yes,” she said, making herself approach the desk. “Yes, you can. I…I’ve come about my fantasy.”

  “And your name is?” The attendant snapped.

  “Uh…Holly. Holly Sparks. I was here earlier? I dropped off all my specifications and paid already.” Holly wanted to make that crystal clear. There was no way she could afford to pay the huge sum of money she’d put down for this fantasy again.

  “Oh yes…” The young woman scrolled through her listings on the midair screen in front of her and then shot Holly a strange look. “Sparks, you say?”

  “Yes. Is there something wrong?” The way the attendant was looking at her was giving Holly a nervous case of the butterflies.

  “No—not a thing.” For some reason the girl gave her a secretive smile. “Your fantasy is all ready, Holly. And I think you’re really, really going to enjoy it.” Then she actually winked.

  Holly bit her lip, feeling a blush rise hotly to her cheeks. Was it really necessary for the girl to tease her about her naughty fantasy? It seemed really rude to make such a personal comment—especially when Holly had paid so much for a private encounter.

  “Thank you,” she said stiffly. “Um, where should I go?”

  “We have the stage all set up for you—area twenty-five.” The girl pointed down a long corridor behind her desk. “Don’t worry—all areas are soundproofed so you can, ah, have as much fun as you like.”

  Holly’s face was so hot now she felt like her hair was going to catch on fire.

  “Fine,” she said woodenly.

  “Oh—and don’t forget, your fantasy won’t officially begin until you say the words ‘Start Fantasy.’ So even once your, uh, android enters the room, you can do whatever you want to him and he won’t do anything back until you say that.”

  Holly knew all this already—she’d read about it in the brochure.

  “All right.”

  “And if any time you feel uncomfortable, you only have to say, ‘Stop Scene’ and the, uh, android will stop.”

  Holly knew this too.

  “Thanks. And I assume I have an hour, as specified on the contract?”

  “Actually, you can have as much time as you want.” The girl smiled sweetly. “Don’t worry about it—it’s all taken care of.”

  All taken care of? What the hell does that mean?

  But Holly didn’t want to ask. She just wanted to get away from the smirking attendant and get to her fantasy before she completely lost her nerve.

  “All right,” she said again and rushed past the rude desk attendant down the long corridor, her heels clattering nervously on the bare concrete floor. She counted off the doors as she went, noticing that some “areas” seemed to take more space than others. At last, when she finally got to the small door marked Area 25 in faintly glowing holo-letters, she let herself breathe.

  She reached for the knob of the door…but her hand trembled and she hesitated. This was it—the moment she’d been waiting for and dreaming of for so long. The moment she’d paid so much money for she was going to be on a starvation diet for the next several months. The moment of no return.

  If I do this, will I ever be able to look Grant in the eyes again? Holly asked herself. Will I ever be able to take dictation or plan his schedule without remembering that I let an android that looked exactly like him do all the things I wish he would do to me?

  Then again, she would kick herself if she lost this opportunity. Especially since the money was already gone from her bank account.

  Taking a deep breath, Holly twisted the knob and let herself in. An exact replica of her boss’s office back home greeted her.

  “Wow,” she muttered, her heels sinking into the plush carpet as she stepped into the room. There was Mr. Harris’s polished wooden desk with its high-backed padded chair and there was her own, smaller chair to one side of it. There was a window—no doubt a holographic reproduction but very good all the same—that showed the same remote view of the city she looked out at every day. There were even stacks of paperwork and an iThink holo pad lying on the desk waiting for her to work on it.

  But where was the main attraction? Where was the android Grant Harris?

  As if answering her thoughts, the knob turned and the door opened to reveal her boss.

  “Hello, Ms. Sparks,” he said curtly, exactly as he always did every morning. Then he went to sit behind his desk and started looking through the papers stacked there.

  Holly couldn’t help but gape at him in astonishment. She’d seen the ads for Anyone U Want often enough to have them memorized but none of them had ever shown an android that looked this realistic. Most of the androids she’d seen had slightly plastic looking skin and glassy eyes. Holly had been prepared to ignore these slight flaws—as long as the android looked like a reasonable facsimile of her boss and was able to do everything she wanted, it was good enough for her.

  But this…this was amazing. She took a step closer to the android boss, still bent studiously over his paperwork. She wanted a closer look at the Grant android…and then she remembered she could actually have one.

  The fantasy doesn’t start until I say, she reminded herself. Until then, I can do anything I want.

  Including getting close to her boss in ways she’d always dreamed of but never dared.

  Holly knew she was safe but still, he looked so real it took a moment for her to gather her nerve. Only the knowledge that the clock was ticking got her moving. The real Mr. Harris would be certain to be suspicious if he came back from his meeting and found her gone.

  She came around the desk as she did every day. But this time instead of sitting down in her chair and going over the day’s schedule, Holly stepped boldly up to her boss. He was so much taller than her that they were almost an even height, even with her standing and him sitting.

  The android Grant took no notice of her so Holly began to feel brave. She took a closer look—yes, it was Grant Harris the Third, all right—right down to the dimple on his left cheek and the small touches of silver in his dark hair, right at the temples. He really was a mouthwatering man.

  Daring greatly, Holly did something she’d always wanted to do and ran a hand through his hair. For a moment, she almost thought she felt the android shudder, its big frame moving beneath her touch. But Grant continued to stare down at the paperwork and she concluded she must have been mistaken.

  Getting braver, Holly lifted his chin, relishing the slight scratch of his whiskers against her palm, and looked into his eyes. They didn’t look glassy or artificial at all. In fact, they were the exact same pale, icy-blue shade, fringed thickly with black lashes that she looked at every day.

  “Amazing,” Holly whispered to herself, stepping even closer, so that she was between the android’s spread legs. “It’s so real.”

  Still the Grant android said nothing. It only stared at her with an inscrutable gaze as Holly ran her fingers through its thick, dark hair as she had always longed to do with the real Grant. He even smelled real—the warm, spicy scent of his expensive cologne filled her senses, making her almost dizzy with desire.

  Then she did something else she’d always wanted to do. Cupping his strong jaw in her hand, she bent down and kissed the sensuous mouth.

  The android’s lips were pliant under hers and for a moment—just a bare moment—Holly thought she felt him kissing her back. But when she pulled back uncertainly, he stopped at once. Feeling reassured, Holly went back to her kiss. Grant’s mouth tasted of the spearmint candies he liked to suck between meetings—sweet and sharp and hot—so hot. How did they get an android to have such lifelike body temperature?

  Somehow she found herself sinking into his lap with her lips still locked with his
. God, he felt so solid—so muscular and firm beneath her, just like she’d always imagined the real Grant would. She knew he worked out on a regular basis and she’d seen his broad, muscular chest once or twice when he had to change quickly in the office—she wondered if the android did justice to that particular detail? And speaking of details…

  “Oh!” she jumped, breaking the kiss as she felt something hot and hard pressing against her ass. Well, that was surprising. Could the Anyone U Want people really make androids that got hard-ons?

  Standing up, she reached boldly into his lap to find out. The android Grant was wearing an expensive looking, dark, tailored suit exactly like the kind the real Grant always wore. Sure enough, tenting the crotch of the suit was a long, hard ridge that must be his cock.

  Mesmerized, Holly reached down to touch it. Then she gripped it gently in her hand, marveling over the size. Wow—she hoped she’d be able to handle all this! She didn’t know if it was true to life or not but it was clear that here at Anyone U Want, size mattered.

  Again, as she stroked the hard ridge, she thought she felt the Grant android quiver. But his expression remained blank and Holly decided she must have imagined it. She stroked him again, feeling the heat of his thick shaft in her hand. Would she have that inside her soon? According to her fantasy she would. The very thought made her shiver.

  At last, Holly stopped and stood back. Kissing and touching him was fun, but the clock was still running. And no matter what the girl at the front desk had said about everything being taken care of, she didn’t want to get only halfway through and then be told her time was up and she had to leave.

  Still, she couldn’t help stealing one last kiss.

  “Mmm,” she murmured, pressing her lips to his mouth. “I’ve wanted to do all that for just about forever, I think. I don’t care if I’ll be living on nurtri-paste for a month—this is totally worth it.”

  Then she stepped back and went to sit at her own chair beside his desk. Clearing her throat, she raised her voice and said clearly, “Fantasy Start.”

  Chapter Six

  When he heard her say, “Fantasy Start,” Grant breathed a sigh of relief. God, now he could finally take some action—which was good. He’d thought he was going to go crazy when Holly had come up to him and started running her soft fingers over his jaw and through his hair. And then when she’d started kissing him and stroking his cock through his trousers, he’d been sure he was going to explode.

  Who knew his shy, innocent assistant had so much sexual frustration pent up inside…or such a soft and sexy touch? And when she’d said she’d been wanting to kiss him and touch him forever…well, Grant felt exactly the same way. He’d almost admitted that he wasn’t an android right then and there…but that would spoil her fantasy. He liked the way she was so uninhibited with him because she thought he wasn’t real. He wanted that to continue. And besides, now he could give her what she’d been waiting for.

  What they’d both been waiting for, for so damn long.

  “Miss Sparks,” he said, as he always did when they were working together and he wanted her attention.

  “Yes, Mr. Harris?” Holly looked up demurely, her cheeks pink, her eyes bright with anticipation. God, he wanted her! But Grant knew he had to play this right.

  “Do you have the Hastings file?” he asked, just as her pre-written fantasy script had specified. A large transfer of credit to the girl behind the front desk had allowed him a look at it, as well as the ability to switch with the android—which didn’t look anything like him, in Grant’s opinion.

  “Oh, uh…” Holly scanned through her iThink quickly and then looked up at him. “I…I thought I had it but it’s gone. I…I’m so sorry, sir.”

  Grant frowned. At this point he was supposed to take her over his knee and spank her, but he wanted to do something a little different. He wondered if she would be suspicious if he varied slightly from her fantasy. But the eager look in her eyes and the blush on her cheeks made him decide—he didn’t want to just follow the script.

  “Come here,” he ordered, standing up so that he towered over her. From what he’d seen of her fantasies, Holly liked their height difference and he intended to make the most of it.

  “Yes, sir.” Holly came to him obediently and stood in front of him, her eyes downcast like a proper submissive.

  “Very good. Now, Holly…”

  Her eyes flashed as she looked up at his unaccustomed use of her first name but Grant went on.

  “Holly,” he said again. “Why do you always wear these boxy business clothes?”

  “What?” She looked completely uncertain now. This clearly wasn’t in her script. Still, Grant decided to go with it.

  “I said, I don’t like the clothes you’re wearing,” he said bluntly. “They hide your shape. And Holly…” He cupped her cheek and lifted her chin, looking into her eyes. “I like your shape. I love it.”

  “You…you do?” She was still looking at him uncertainly, nibbling that lush lower lip of hers.

  Slowly, he nodded. “I do. So take off your clothes.”

  “What? But that’s not part of the script. I—”

  “Did you hear me?” Grant let his voice drop to a low, menacing growl as he held her eyes with his. “Take…off…your…clothes.”

  “I…I…” Holly’s fingers dropped to her white business blouse and she began to fumble with the buttons.

  Grant decided to take pity on her.

  “Don’t worry, Miss Sparks,” he murmured, stroking her cheek gently. “I’ll allow you to leave your underclothes on…for now, anyway.”

  “All…all right,” she stuttered.

  Somehow she managed to get her blouse unbuttoned, although her fingers seemed to be moving slowly and clumsily. Probably she was still in shock that her fantasy was turning into something she hadn’t expected. But she wasn’t backing out either and she hadn’t said the magic words—“Stop Scene”— that would end her fantasy either. Grant had promised himself that no matter how much he wanted her, he would stop if she said them. They were her safe word in this scenario and, as a good Dom, he always honored safe words.

  He waited patiently as the white blouse fluttered to the floor and she finally got her skirt unzipped and let it fall as well. His cock surged as he saw that she was wearing the mint green bra and panty set he’d seen in her suitcase. God, she looked luscious with her auburn hair tumbled around her shoulders and the tops of her breasts heaving as she tried to control her erratic breathing. Finally he could see all her lush curves—all on display just for him—and the sight was enough to make him ache for her.

  Holly was trembling, fully into the fantasy now, her big eyes filled with fear. Part of him wanted to take her into his arms and soothe her—to stroke her and give her pleasure until she moaned and came for him. There was more to being a Dom than spankings and bondage, as he well knew. It was also important to emotionally dominate your sub—to let her know that she was no longer in charge of her own body—that she belonged to you completely. You didn’t have to whip or bind her to get that message across.

  But of course, Holly had come here looking for something very specific from him. And Grant was determined to give it to her. But not…quite…yet.

  “You look lovely, Holly,” he told her, his voice coming out slightly hoarse. God, that was an understatement! He could see the tight points of her rosy nipples pressing against the thin satin fabric of the green bra, and the soft little slit of her pussy was clearly outlined by her panties. He wondered if she was getting wet yet.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she whispered, looking down submissively.

  “I’ve always wondered what you looked like without your clothes,” Grant went on. He took a step closer, deliberately crowding her.

  “You…you have?” She risked a quick glance up at him.

  “Yes, I have.” Grant brushed a curly sheaf of auburn hair away from her neck and leaned down to kiss her gently on th
e delicate column of her throat. This was a very sensitive area, he knew and he could feel her quiver as he ran his tongue gently down the side of her neck, tasting her sweet, salty skin.

  Holly stiffened and let out a little gasp…but held her ground as he licked her.

  Grant was determined to get more of a reaction out of her. Taking her by the shoulders, he turned her firmly so that her back was to his front. Then he pulled her against him, making sure she could feel the hard ridge of his cock digging into her softly rounded ass.

  “Oh, God,” Holly whispered as he cupped her breasts. “Oh…Oh Grant!”

  Her use of his first name—the only time she’d ever dared to call him that—gave Grant a fierce desire to turn her around and kiss her senseless. But he knew he couldn’t give in to his urges—not yet. First he wanted to give Holly her fantasy.

  “That’s Mr. Harris to you,” he growled menacingly, using his best Dom voice. “Or Sir or Master if you’re so inclined.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir,” Holly apologized breathlessly.

  “That’s all right, Holly. I accept your apology.” Slowly, Grant reached around her and cupped her full breasts in his hands. “Which is why I’m only going to give you a very mild punishment for daring to use my first name.”

  “P-punishment?” she stuttered and he felt her shiver in his arms.

  Slowly he pulled down the cups of her bra, baring her full breasts and hard nipples for him. Holly moaned softly as he filled his hand with her creamy globes, his thumbs moving with lazy flicking motions over her tight, pink peaks.

  “That’s right, Holly. First you lost the file I needed and then you called me by my first name. I think that deserves a punishment—don’t you?” he murmured as he teased her.


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