Silent Snow: Tales from Ancient Ieda 01

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Silent Snow: Tales from Ancient Ieda 01 Page 3

by Sarah Thomie

  Sparrow ran up to me and gave me a fierce hug. Then she yelled at me, “What in the Seven Hells were you thinking?! Taking on a bear like that?! It could have killed you!” She then noticed the bear carcass being carried by a pair of warriors. She looked to the bear, then to me, her face pale. “Did you…?”

  The Elder came forward, anger all over his face. “What is the meaning of this?”

  Howling Wolf answered for me. “She killed it. We got there after she slit its throat.”

  The Elder looked over, reassessing me.

  I felt a drop of blood slide down my arm, and I tightened the bandage to try to stop the bleeding.

  “She was hurt?” he asked, but I was not sure what I heard in his voice. Could it have been softness?

  “Yes, Elder. The bear slashed her arm with its claws.” The warrior who bandaged my arm stepped forward.

  “Go take her to Grandfather,” the Elder commanded Sparrow and Howling Wolf.

  They walked me to the large circular building, where Grandfather was waiting for us. I saw the two boys next to the door and gave them a thumbs up or down, hoping they were all right. They both gave me a thumbs up, and I let out a sigh of relief. Howling Wolf was right in that I did the right thing by killing the bear.

  “Bears are normally hibernating during this time. I wonder what caused it to wake up so early. What did the boys say?” Howling Wolf asked Grandfather.

  “They say they were by the stream, and they heard a roar. They started to run, and just before they got into the village, the bear appeared out of nowhere.” He unwrapped my arm, pulling the herbs the warrior put on them. Grandfather whistled at the five deep claw marks. “Do they hurt?”

  I nodded, my arm throbbing in time with my heartbeat. He sat me down, and I watched him work.

  “So, I heard that your eyes became blue when you heard the boys screaming. Mind telling me about it?” he asked, pulling my mind from the pain in my arm. Grandfather had been showing me how to talk with my hands, but he was the only one in the village who could read them accurately.

  I told him about the deal I made with the Snow Cat, where I would give her a body to take revenge on the human who killed her kittens and herself. In return, she would help me whenever I needed her.

  Sparrow and Howling Wolf tried to keep up but were not able to. “And that Snow Cat’s eyes are blue?”

  I nodded to him.

  “Howling Wolf knew this?”

  I nodded again.

  “I found out the night she was trying to steal my Wolf pelt. She had blue glowing eyes, then the next morning, they were their normal green,” he told Grandfather.

  “Did the Snow Cat help you get away from your bondage?” Grandfather asked, but the question was not as innocent as it sounded. I thought about if I trusted these people and decided that I did. I nodded to him. “Are you willing to talk about it?”

  I shook my head. I trusted them, but not that much. I especially did not want to know how they would react if they knew the full truth about me.

  “Does it have to do with the larger fire fear you have?”

  I nodded, willing to give him that much.

  “All finished.” He smiled, my arm blissfully numb and fully bandaged. “Now, that arm will be weak until it heals. So, you and Howling Wolf will need to be careful when you two spar at night.”

  Howling Wolf and I stiffened, not sure how Grandfather knew about those sessions.

  We both looked to Sparrow. She put her hands up. “Do not look at me. I did not tell him.”

  “I told him.” The Elder walked into the healing room. “You three thought you were being sly by waiting until nightfall to practice, but nothing goes on in this Clan without my knowledge.” He pinned me with his eyes. “I allowed it because the women were saying how much of a hard worker you were, and many of them hoped you could stay.” He turned to Sparrow and Howling Wolf. “Leave us.” They both nodded, giving me one last look before leaving the large building. “If you want to stay in this village, you will tell Grandfather and I what you will not tell those two.”

  I took a deep breath, willing to get my heart rate to slow down. I asked them where to start.

  “At the beginning,” Grandfather said softly.

  I started from my earliest memory of being sold into slavery by the City Elf Seller, and why the other City Elves called me the Cursed One. I told them about the masters I went through, how I would sacrifice my body to save other slaves, then about the master who killed the Snow Cat and her kittens. I gulped before telling them about the other deaths, the fire, and why I ran. The Elder waited in silence as Grandfather translated everything that I told them. I expected their condemnation and an immediate ejection from there if they did not choose to outright kill me.

  “We need to discuss this, 13-87-22. Can you give us room by seeing what the women are making for dinner?”

  I nodded, accepting the Elder’s dismissal. I left the building and followed the chatter that led me to the women cooking up something delicious. I knew better than to ask what it was, because the one time I did they told me it was a snake.

  One of the women, Xerinae, saw me and dragged me over to the kitchen. “Are you okay?”

  I pulled up my sleeve showing them the bandages.

  “Oh, Goddess Above!” one of them exclaimed.

  “You did not even hesitate when you heard those screams. We all froze, yet you charged in to save those boys.” Xerinae gave me a sly look. “And we heard that even the warriors were impressed. I think a few of them are going to be looking at you in a different light.”

  I did not like the way she sounded when saying that.

  She was using her matchmaker voice and that worried me. “But we also heard that a certain warrior held you while you cried…”

  Now, I really did not like what she was implying. I waved my hands in front of me, dispelling that idea.

  “Dang, that would have burned Sparrow’s butt if that was true.” She handed me some food. “Get something to eat, since you’ve done more than enough today.” She kicked me out of the kitchen and into the large food area.

  There were people already sitting and eating, some people tried to wave me over, but I went to my normal spot next to Sparrow. “Are the gossip girls done harassing you?”

  I nodded, hoping they were.

  “So, what did the Elder want to talk to you about?”

  I gave her a shrug that gave nothing away.

  She glared at me, then at her food.

  “Keep glaring, and you will sour your drink.” Howling Wolf smiled at his sister before sitting across from us. He looked at my arm, but since I was using my other one to eat, he did not say anything. “Did you hear that the First Son is supposed to be returning tomorrow?” he asked Sparrow, changing the subject away from me.

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes. The gossip girls have been talking about it all day.” They talked about this First Son only when she was around. Any other time, they were also talking about Howling Wolf. “They say that he is ready to complete the Gauntlet, along with his friends.” Her eyes tautened. “Do not go easy on them.”

  I looked between the two of them, confused. Who was the First Son? What was the Gauntlet?

  Howling Wolf saw my confusion and explained, “The First Son is the son of the Elder, and next in line to lead the Clan. The Gauntlet is a test that all males who want to be warriors must go through to become full-fledged warriors. The First Son and this next group were in training with a couple other warriors as preparation.” He gave me a grin. “Truthfully, you could beat them if you went through it.”

  I did not believe that, since my only training was what I got from the months I had been here. These males had been though years preparing for it. I watched as the Elder and Grandfather went in front of everyone.

  “May I have your attention please.” There was no hint of question in the Elder’s voice. The room fell silent, waiting for his announcement. “As you all know, we had an outsider
come into the village.” I felt people’s eyes on me, as he continued. “Today, she was willing to lay down her life for the Clan. Grandfather and I have decided that if someone is willing to die for the Clan, they should become a part of it.” I felt something in my chest. Maybe it was hope? “We have also decided that she will go through the next Gauntlet to test her skills against other dangers. If she passes, she will become a Guardian for the village, standing vigilant against any persons who come to harm us.”

  “Father, why would you give a City Elf female the honor of being allowed in the Gauntlet?” another voice entering the dining building. Sparrow growled next to me, as she glared at the door. I looked at the newcomer, who I assumed to be the First Son. He had his father’s hard face and body, but his short, tousled hair was not as dark as his father’s and his eyes were too bright.

  The Elder spoke, “Arrogance does not suit you, First Son. Especially when you know nothing about this decision.”

  I never thought the Elder would be defending me to anyone, much less his son.

  “Tomorrow night, we will celebrate our newcomer. The night after, she will join you on the Gauntlet. Maybe you can see how to be a leader instead of the arrogant man you seem to have chosen to become.” He and Grandfather left the dining building.

  The First Son set his eyes on me, and I realized that he had a very punchable face, seeing more differences between the Elder and him. He and his friends came over to us, a smirk on his face. His voice was just above a whisper, menacing, “Just because you are sexing the Enforcer does not mean that you deserve more than what you have now. I will make sure you learn your place here, dog. When I am done with you, you will wish you never left the human cities.”

  Sparrow stood up, looking like she was going to attack him. Howling Wolf grabbed her. I stood up and touched her shoulder. I looked at him in the eyes, before giving him my familiar rude gesture, telling him that he and friends did not scare me.

  He looked like he was going to hit me but stopped himself from going through with it. He got in really close to me and said, “You will see just how wrong you are for being here.” He looked to his friends. “Time to go.”

  Elves whispered around us, the entire dining building watching us. I glared at the food left on my plate before I took off on my own. I needed to calm down so the Snow Cat could rest in her den, since I knew I would need her in two days. I walked to the river, letting myself rage near the shoreline. He reminded me too much of the masters I served and subsequently killed. I was passed from master to master after a series of deaths against those who owned me. There was no way to pin their deaths on me, so I was just passed through the royal courts.

  A shuffle sounded behind me, and I grabbed the dagger’s hilt with my non-dominant hand. I whipped around, pulling it out at arm’s length, and threw it.

  Howling Wolf caught it between his hands. He walked back over to me, handing it back. “Are you all right?”

  I shook my head, miming wanting to punch someone in the face.

  “He has that effect on Sparrow as well.” He sat on the bank of the river and patted the ground next to him.

  I sat down and stared out at the dark water.

  “It is funny, because the three of us used to be close friends.”

  I made a disgusted face, and he just laughed.

  “He was a good man growing up, until his mother was killed by another Clan. He hardened his heart after that and became the asshole you saw today. The old him would have never said anything like that.”

  He looked at me, as I calmed down and said, “You know that you can talk to Sparrow and me about anything, right? We are not going to judge you for your past. We know that you have been through things that none of us could imagine having to go through. Yet you survived, and by fate, you attacked me instead of another Wood Elf.” He lightly punched me in the non-injured arm. “Even though you almost won, I am glad that I was able to beat you.”

  I laughed silently at that since he completely kicked my ass.

  He sobered up. “I cannot help you with the Gauntlet, more than what I have already taught you. I also cannot tell you what the challenge of the Gauntlet is, but I can tell you that you have survived tougher situations.” I yawned, my energy and anger spent. “Sparrow said to come get you to bed, so that you can rest up for tomorrow. Grandfather says that your arm will be better by the start of the Gauntlet, so no worries there.” He stood up, and then helped me stand up.

  He walked us back to the village, dropping me off with Sparrow. She pulled me inside, where the gossip girls were sitting everywhere. “They think there is something going on between you and my brother. Can you explain what you have been doing, so they will stop annoying me?”

  I nodded to her, then mimed that Howling Wolf had been teaching me to fight.

  “And tonight? After you left dinner?”

  I mimed that we talked.

  “Anything more salacious than that?” Xerinae hoped.

  I shook my head.

  “So, you two are not laying together like the First Son said?”

  I shook my head again; she seemed crestfallen.

  “See? Nothing has been going on. The First Son has no idea what he is talking about. Now, can you girls leave, so I can check her wound before bed?” Sparrow ushered them out of her house.

  Xerinae looked at my shirt. “Pass it, so I can repair it.”

  I took it off and handed it to her.

  “As for what the First Son said about you wishing you never left the humans, he was an ass for saying it. We are glad to have you here, City Elf.” She bounced on her feet, excitement radiating from her. “Maybe she will get a name tomorrow night! I mean the warriors get them when they bring back their first kill. Since she killed the bear, I bet that counts!”

  “Only if the Elder and Grandfather agreed to that. You just try telling them to give her one,” Sparrow replied. “She is also going to need clothes for tomorrow night. Think you have anything that would fit her?”

  Xerinae grinned. “I am sure I can find something.” She stood up and stretched, with the rest of the gossip girls. Just before she left, she tossed a comment over her shoulder. “Maybe I can find something that will help Howling Wolf see her as a potential wife.” She shut the door quickly, as Sparrow’s shoe hit it.

  Sparrow retrieved her shoe and looked at me. “They mean well, but Goddess Above. She has been trying to set my brother up for decades now. She does not understand that he will not go for just any woman because his heart is already taken.”

  I tilted my head to ask her to explain more.

  She huffed. “Get changed, and we will discuss it.”

  I changed into the bed clothes and climbed into my side of the fluffy bed.

  She climbed into her side. “So, you really want to know?”

  I nodded.

  “There was a woman named Resting Doe. Doe was easily the most beautiful woman in the Clan. He was courting her, hoping to be her husband. She was in training to become the next Healer, but one day, she just up and disappeared.”

  I looked at her, concerned.

  “She ran away from the Clan in order to be a male from another Clan.” I mimed a gasp. “She was in the forest, where she fell in love with another warrior. They met in secret for a while before she decided to join his Clan.” She gripped the blankets hard. “It is because of her that I warn women off. It is not just for him; it is also for the women who could never get his heart. I do not want someone waiting for him if he cannot fix the heart that Doe broke.”

  I pat her on the arm, trying to give comfort to her anger.

  She smiled at me. “Please do not take this the wrong way, but at first, I did not want you near my brother because I thought you were temporary. But I wonder if by warning women off, that I was not allowing him to heal. Since you are permanent, maybe he can learn to love, just by you keeping his heart warm. Even if he does not love you or you him, he laughs more when you are around. He is more of himself
when you are around, and I want that for him.”

  I gave her a light punch in the arm.

  “Fine! I will let women see him as available.”

  I smiled, letting her know she was doing the right thing for him.

  She grinned as she pushed me into the pillows with her. “Get to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long night, then an early morning.”

  Chapter 05

  We woke up when Xerinae knocked on Sparrow’s door.

  Sparrow opened it, and the other woman flounced in. “I fixed your shirt!” She tossed it at me as I sat up and then turned to Sparrow. “Elder has given everyone the day off in preparation for tonight. But you and I are to get our City Elf ready for it.” She looked at me, and I was not sure I liked the predatory look in her eyes. “Grandfather said that she is to wear what women would during our namings.”

  “But we are named when we begin bleeding yearly,” Sparrow pointed out.

  “Correct, but the clothing is the same.”

  I looked between the two women, trying to decipher what they were saying.

  “I found something that will make the males want to see what is hidden under it.”

  “You are still not trying to make my brother see her naked, are you?” Sparrow mumbled.

  I was not sure whether to tell her that he already had.

  Xerinae caught my look and said, “She has got a secret.” She grinned. “Has Howling Wolf seen you naked?”

  I nodded, and Sparrow glared at me like I cursed her ancestors. I quickly mimed about the river and needing to get warm, or we would die.

  Sparrow looked relieved while Xerinae was aggravated. “That is not what we meant at all!” she grumbled.

  I mimed that he did not see me as a woman, but as a friend, and maybe a fellow fighter. Sparrow laughed, as Xerinae kept grumbling about Howling Wolf was hopeless.

  Someone knocked on the door, and they jumped into covering me up with the blanket. “Hey, Sparrow, can I talk to you?” Howling Wolf asked through the door.

  “Yeah, give me a second.” She gave a threatening gesture to Xerinae and I. She walked out the door, leaving the two of us in her house. We both ran to the door to listen in, as I changed into regular clothes. “What is going on, Wolf?”


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