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Truth or Dare: Ash Born Vampire Series

Page 2

by Merris Hawk

  They made their way through the crowd to another hallway that led to a private corner. With his back to the wall he stroked a hand over her cheek, sliding fingers into the hair at her nape to pull her towards him. He widened his stance so that she could stand between his knees. As he tilted his head sideways to whisper in her ear, anyone looking their way would assume they were doing more than talking. “You need to stay close for the illusion to work."

  "This is crazy.” She whispered the words into his ear and was glad the Ash Born were behind her. This was the fourth time he'd touched her, and she was still a little stunned at Kezred's idea of a disguise. He'd covered them with the illusion of Tanderious and Silka, the Ash Born Warlords of the western cities. The Elites at the table hadn't dared to probe the minor illusion they wore; such an action could be considered an attack. No one wanted to die over something as simple as an illusion of appearance. They would perceive it as Silka's vanity and leave it alone. Only Kezred had big enough balls to try and pull this off.

  "If you'd told me this earlier I would never have come.” Cameo's hands lay flat on his chest as she whispered in his ear. The muscles under her palms were firm under the soft silk. It bothered her that she noticed.

  "I know.” He smiled.

  As she felt the movement of his lips on her ear, goose bumps spread down her arms and she stiffened. Anyone else would have let it go. Kezred's quiet chuckle sent color racing up her face.

  "Well, well, the Ice Princess has a soft spot.” He breathed the words across her skin, getting the same involuntary response.

  "So do you.” Cameo shifted her weight to one foot so she could raise her knee in front of Kezred's crotch.

  He drew back enough to sniff the air. “I smell fear."

  "Have you noticed where we are? You should be afraid too.” Cameo let her leg drop. She wasn't going to knee him in the nuts here. She'd save it for later.

  "That's not who you're afraid of.” He lifted his head to look at her face.

  "Who? I'm not afraid of you.” At the moment she wanted to sock him.

  "No, not me. Yourself.” A half smile turned up the corners of his mouth.

  "You don't know a da...” Kezred laid two fingers across her lips, startling her into silence.

  "I know you. Always in control, always closed off behind your walls.” He let her move his fingers away from her mouth as he laced their fingers together. “You're scared shitless to let anyone in, afraid to care because if you do it's a weapon."

  "That's not true.” Cameo denied it even as her mind searched for any reason to make it a lie. How much did he know, or guess?

  Kezred's silver-smoke eyes flashed at her, the irises brightening for a second, a sign of strong emotion. He was being serious, giving up a little bit of himself at the same time he took a little bit of her. “Keep hidden behind your walls, Cameo. Eventually you'll suffocate in the dark and no one will know."

  She realized when his eyes met hers that he knew, because he lived with that same closed in, lost darkness. She knew the familiar sense of being alone in a crowd, unwilling to risk another blow to an already damaged heart. A rush of painful sympathy went through her.

  "What happens if you take a chance?” He dipped his head so that they shared a breath between them. “What happens if you let yourself feel for just a while?"

  Kezred's face was so close, that only she had to move the last inch to touch his mouth with her own, to show that she understood. He froze against her mouth for a half a second before he kissed her back. His tongue pressed into her mouth, tasting her. He lifted his head after a few moments to see her face, to search her expression while his own was so guarded, as if he wore a mask.

  Cameo gave him the same jackass smile he'd used before. “Now who's afraid?” She wasn't sure if she meant it as a question or a statement. Kezred took it as an invitation.

  His lips touched hers and stayed there, sharing her breath. His hands kneaded her hips and pulled her forward to press against his body.

  She felt his erection through the silk of his slacks. The beat of the music pulsed through their bodies. She didn't pull away, no blushes this time. As wrong as it would be in the light of day, she had found comfort with the enemy. A need they both felt—to let down the barricades and be a creature of the moment. To be able to show need without any risk of censure or damage. They didn't know each other well enough to throw emotional stones.

  Cameo's hand rubbed a path to his neck, where his skin was exposed and warm. She ran the pads of her fingers up his throat, catching his chin to change the angle and get a better taste. A low rumble of sound, almost a purr, vibrated through his chest and into her mouth causing an answering rush of heat that spread outward from her navel. Cameo felt muscles contract low in her body, and her mouth let go of his to pull in air.

  His lips touched the corner of her mouth, “I can smell you."

  A shiver started at her spine and came out her mouth. She licked the soft skin of his bottom lip and drew it into her mouth. Her fingers explored beneath the jacket. She felt a thrill of satisfaction when he sucked in air as her fingers traced his abdomen, making the muscles clench. He returned the feeling, sliding his palms over her backside and kneading his fingers into her flesh. She could feel the heat of his hands through her dress. He pulled her hips into his and raised her up just enough to get the hem of the short dress out of the way.

  "You are summoned.” One of the vampires stopped a few feet away.

  Cameo's eyes went wide for just a moment before she pressed her flaming face to Kezred's shirt and tried to regain her usual cool composure. She'd forgotten where they were, the danger they were in. She'd been completely distracted.

  Kezred's hands shifted from her ass to tug her hem back into place. It made her look up at him; he was usually anything but helpful. He licked his lips and Cameo couldn't help but watch.

  "We come.” Kezred's words were for the servant, his eyes were on Cameo.

  She caught the double meaning easily enough.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Four

  They followed the vampire to the back of the hallway and up a flight of stairs. The stairs led to a hall with several doors and an elevator. All three of them got in then the vamp hit the down button. Curious, Cameo looked at Kezred, but he only patted her rear. Did the real Silka put up with this much crap from Tanderious?

  When the elevator bumped to a stop they walked into a cavernous room. Every eye turned toward them, except two. They belonged to a male figure curled on the floor, holding his hands over his bloody face and keening. The Ash Born from the elevator walked up to the injured vampire, kneeling down to pick him up and carrying him back the way they had come.

  The few other Elites present ignored the man and spoke quietly to each other. They were just far enough away from the elevator to be considered in the room. A sneer and the jut of a chin by one of the Elites waved them forward to a wrought-iron stand at the other end of the egg-shaped room.

  Apparently even the Elites didn't want to stand too close to the Stone. The elevator doors closed on the only exit to be seen, Cameo realized just how much trouble she was in. She finally noticed the pulsing energy in the room that made the air feel thick. Kezred's muscles tightened under her hand. He seemed to be straining to move smoothly, to keep up with her.

  Was it because of the Dawning Stone? There was a list of scary ‘I don't know’ that scrolled across her brain. There was nothing else in the room that she could see. The Stone had to be the reason.

  She tried to be unobtrusive as she pulled him along with her. They made it to the stand as evenly as they could and stood there.

  Cameo tried to whisper as quietly as she could. “What do—” Kezred's eyebrow went up and she stopped talking. The Elites couldn't see their faces but they could still hear. A wicked smirk slid across his face as she waited for him to show her what came next.

  He had no fear of death, punishment or pain, she was certain. He car
ed nothing for the rules of the Ash Born or the Warders. Everything he did was for his own reasons and everyone else be damned. Cameo wished she had even a little of that courage. To be so strong as to tell the whole world to go to hell once in a while. To do as she wanted no matter how wild it might be.

  Kezred was like a taste of that power. He exuded the self-confidence and strength to stand alone or care about consequences.

  As she looked down at the Dawning Stone's clear amber color, she wondered if she could borrow enough of Kezred's power to make it through the next fifteen minutes.

  "Together.” He whispered to her.

  He placed his palm over the back of her hand and lifted their hands to hover just above the Stone. Cameo resisted as her fingers neared the Stone. This thing was supposedly dangerous.

  "It can't hurt you, you're human."

  She barely heard the words. Cameo's hand touched it. Nothing. She let out the breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. The Stone was just barely warm to the touch, not what she'd expected. Truth, she'd expected burning heat or electricity or some other horrible effect that would leave her in the same state as the man with the bloody face.

  Kezred's quick grin let her know that he could tell how she felt. Slowly, he wrapped their fingers around the Stone, his own never quite touching it. He carefully turned their hands over, lifting the stone and tipping his sleeve forward while flexing the muscles in his arm.

  A rounded, perfect copy of the stone rolled into the holder and Kezred used the ruse of a kiss to move their joined hands to his coat. Cameo stood speechless and horrified. They were stealing one of the objects of power right in front of the Elites! Kezred's lips touched hers and she wanted to draw back, tell him the game was over and she didn't want to play. It was too late to back out now, she knew, but the stakes were so high!

  Kezred saw everything written plainly on her face and his kiss brought her out of her state of shock, into a whole new area of embarrassment. He moved the stone to a pocket of his coat but he kept their hands joined, pressing her fingers into the silk slacks over his groin.

  She felt his hardness as she tipped her head back to glare up at him. She was going to be tortured and killed because Kezred got his jollies by stealing from the Elites! All they needed now was to have the real Warlords pop in for a visit. Cameo curled her nails into his flesh, better to be angry than petrified by fear.

  Kez pulled her hand away. His low chuckle rolled through the room as he kept his eyes fixed on her. One eyebrow lifted in question. Was she going to give them away now ... or play the game to the end?

  Cameo's answer was a smile that showed her teeth without being the least bit friendly. Her eyes promised dire retribution if they made it out alive.

  Kezred's smirk turned into a big, happy grin. He tucked her hand into his elbow again and faced the gathered Elites. “The Stone has accepted us, we will return to the hunt.” He used that same raspy voice that gave Cameo shivers. The Elites only nodded and went back to their talk. Warlords were beneath the notice of the Elites unless they wanted action.

  Cameo thought the Elites were making a mistake, but she wasn't about to correct them. If the Warlords turned on their snooty masters it was all good for the Warders. A fight among the Ash Born would keep them too busy to cause trouble for anyone else, right? Now that they'd ‘passed’ whatever test was expected it was time to get out.

  They walked back across the chamber with Cameo doing most of the work and Kezred keeping up as best he could. The elevator seemed miles away, and by the time they finally got in, Cameo was nearly gasping with the effort to breathe normally. She hit the button and leaned on the wall next to Kez. Her mouth felt dry and her hands were sweaty. His skin was paler than usual, and a faint sheen of sweat beaded his forehead.

  The Dawning Stone had to be the reason; it was draining his strength just being close to it.

  The elevator stopped and the doors slid open. Three of the enforcers stood ready to enter. Cameo tensed as Kezred made eye contact with each of them, daring them to do something. They stepped aside and waited for Cameo and Kezred to leave the elevator so they could get on.

  She held her breath when one of the Ash Born behind her sniffed the air and said, “Human."

  They were so close to escaping! Cameo forced her features into a feral smile and looked over her shoulder at the three vampires. They watched as she licked her lips like she'd just had a taste of something savory. One of them smiled back as another hit the button and the doors closed again. Cameo let out a sigh of relief and tried to make everything look normal and casual as she helped Kezred through the crowd and out the door to the street. The doorman let them out and Cameo felt the tingle of fading power as they made their way up the steps and down the sidewalk.

  "Stop, wait.” Kezred stilled his feet, and Cameo had to stop or drop him.

  "What?” Cameo looked around; they were alone at the edge of the park.

  "There's a pouch in there.” He pointed at a trash can chained to a bench. “It will hide the stone from them."

  She didn't have to ask who they were. As soon as the stone was discovered missing, the Elites would tear the club apart and then go hunting for their own Warlords.

  Slowly Cameo worked Kezred to the nearest tree, leaning him against the trunk. The trash can was not her idea of a perfect hiding place. She couldn't see much of anything beyond her nose in the semi-dark. She lifted the lid to carefully reached inside. The feel of newspaper came first, then something leathery and soft.

  "Please be the pouch. Digging in garbage is so not on my list of fun things to do.” The muttered words were almost a prayer. The glow from the streetlight was just enough to make out the shape of the bag. Cameo put the lid back on the trash can and returned to Kezred.

  His head was back, resting against the trunk and his eyes were closed. Darkness moved over his face as the leaves swayed in a light breeze. Cameo stared, fascinated by the play of shadow on that too-handsome face.

  His eyes opened slowly, like he was coming awake. One side of his mouth turned up in a half smile.

  "Something I can do for you?"

  She didn't even want to think about what he could do for her—to her—if she let him.

  Cameo held up the pouch and ignored the blush spreading across her skin. “Where's the stone?"

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Five

  "You'll have to search me."

  His sideways grin had her rolling her eyes. He looked down to open his jacket and started to tip over.

  Cameo caught him. She had to fight to get him upright. His greater height and weight didn't make it easy to hold him and search at the same time. She pushed his hands aside and ran her hands over his pockets. She felt the lump that was the Stone on his right side. Using her left shoulder to hold him against the tree, she stuffed her hand in his pocket and found it empty.

  "What the hell?” She moved her fingers around to find a slit in the back of the pocket that the Stone had slipped through. She unbuttoned his jacket to reach inside to find the Stone through the thin silk of the lining and push it back to where she could get to it.

  "I've got it, just hold on one more minute.” Cameo worked the stone back into the pocket. Kezred slid sideways then fell, taking her with him. Her hand was trapped in his pocket, pulling her down across him so that she landed with her elbow in his gut with her knees in the wet grass.

  "Dammit, Kez! Don't you dare pass out on me!” The stone rolled into her palm. She pushed off his chest to drop it into the pouch. “Kezred.” Cameo watched the frown form on his face but his eyes stayed shut. “Kez!” She shook his shoulder.

  He frowned some more, finally cracking his eyes open. She held up the pouch so he could see it before stuffing it into her own pocket.

  "Beautiful,” he whispered as his hand came up to feel the back of his head.

  Cameo pulled him into a sitting position and then stood up, offering him a hand.

  He lifted an
eyebrow in the faint light, “Nice undies."

  She took a step back and glared at him. “Can you try not to be an asshole for five minutes?"

  "Sure, which five?” Even half dead, he had to have the last word.

  She stayed where she was as he got to his feet, only moving forward to steady him when it looked like he was going to fall over again. Cameo growled under her breath as she draped his arm over her shoulders.

  "Where are we going now?” That wasn't what she'd meant to say. Their little adventure was over; they'd made it out alive. Those damn shoes were killing her arches. Why didn't she just leave?

  He pointed across the dark expanse of the park to the apartments on the other side. “In there, number one-fourteen."

  Cameo helped him across the park while his strength was returning at the same rate it had left now that the Stone was safely cocooned in the pouch in her pocket. By the time they reached the apartment he was back to normal. Kezred opened the door and walked in under his own power, leaving Cameo to make up her own mind. She knew if she stepped in it was her own decision. The curiosity was too much for her, she had to have a look around.

  Inside the small space everything looked absurdly average.

  Kezred walked into the bedroom and started pulling off his clothes. The jacket hit the floor first, then the tie.

  Cameo saw his usual clothing lying over the back of a kitchen chair, except for his trench coat; it hung neatly from a hook on the closet door.

  "What are you going to do with it?” She could just see into the bedroom from where she stood.

  His fingers worked their way down the silk shirt, opening buttons as he scuffed his shoes off. He pulled the shirt off and shrugged, “Nothing, you can have it if you want it."

  Cameo stared at him as he pulled the silver clip out of his hair. He was giving it up? Just like that? After everything they'd just done to get it and he didn't want it? Kezred's hands went to his belt and paused, he looked at her.

  She realized she'd been watching him undress while she was thinking over what he'd said. His fingers caressed the metal buckle and her imagination supplied the mental image of those fingers caressing her skin instead. Her heartbeat increased. It's only a physical reaction she told herself, the logical response to staring at a half naked man after surviving a dangerous encounter. She didn't need to consider adrenaline-induced fantasies.


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