Save the Sea

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Save the Sea Page 2

by G. Bailey

The crown needed to win, can only be found where life lives within water. Only ice will bring the map, if she does not fall. If the deal is not agreed, then the sea will never be saved,” I finish off the deal, and they all look between each other.

  “Well there is only one person to ask about an heir,” Ryland says, and I know he means Laura.

  “And the rest?” I ask, because I don’t have a clue.

  “We will figure it out,” Ryland says, and I know a promise when I hear one. A promise from my pirates.


  Chapter Two


  “Can we go and see Everly?” I ask, needing to let her know I'm alive. At the same time, however, I don't want to move from my spot, snuggled in between Chaz and Ryland in front of the stone fireplace in the living room. While Zack has filled me with food, Hunter and Jacob have been explaining the mountains to me. It’s difficult to understand it all, but from what I gather, Master Light and four other masters are the leaders of the rebellion here, and they are all changed ones. Ryland reckons there are around three thousand people living in the mountain, but only five hundred of those are changed ones or chosen. Yet everyone supports the changed ones, loves them, and treats them like gods instead of being frightened of them. From what they have told me, there are nothing but good people here, but I want to see that for myself.

  “Sure, I will take you to her. She would be training at this time of afternoon,” Zack says from where he is leaning against the wall.

  “Training?” I ask, curious because the Everly I grew up with never had any interest in fighting or training of any kind.

  “Yeah, she trains a lot. We all train . . . but Everly, she never stops. Tyrion stays with her, making sure she actually gets some rest,” Zack explains. I slide off the sofa, stretching out as they all watch me. I can see it in the twitch of their fingers, in the way some of them almost get out of their seats, they don’t want me to leave. I can’t say I want to leave them either, but I need to see Everly is well and alive. She went through so much in the castle, and she is like a sister to me. The only family I have left, really, and I know I won’t be able to rest until I see for myself she is good.

  “I won’t be long,” I tell them all gently.

  “Go and see your friend. We understand. We know what she means to you,” Ryland says firmly. The others don’t have to say anything. I can tell they all seem to agree as I look around the room at them. I smile, walking to the door of the little lounge. Zack slides his leather glove-covered hand into my mine as we walk through the kitchen, and down the corridor past the guys’ rooms. Zack opens the wooden door for me, leading us outside. It's pretty empty, hardly anyone in sight.

  “It’s dinner time for most people, so we won’t see many others on the way,” Zack explains like he can read my thoughts. I rest my head on his arm as we walk down the stone path and up the stairs at the end. The stone is carved so well, with little marks on the higher parts of it. I can’t really see what they are, but it looks like dozens of circle marks. I look back up at Zack, wanting to see every little thing that possibly could have changed in the time we were apart. I don’t see much difference, though there is more stress, more worry in his kind eyes.

  “What has it really been like for this last year?” I ask, trusting Zack to tell me everything.

  “Knowing you were alive but being unable to find you . . . it was hard. We have all trained and built the army up. Helped out however we could here, just to distract ourselves,” he explains to me, and I can picture them all doing just that. It would have been their only way of distracting themselves.

  “I wish I could change that, been here for you all,” I whisper, but he hears me.

  “You are here now, that is all that matters in the end,” he says, and lifts our hands, kissing the back of my hand gently. I hear the sound of clashing swords in the distance as we get to the end of this pathway and see a huge archway. The archway leads to a massive stone room. It has stone floors, and weapons are littered around the room and are secured on the walls. Right in the middle of the room is Everly, spinning around and smashing her sword into the sword of a guy I don’t recognize. Her long hair is up in a bun, her blue eyes seem completely focused as she strikes hit after hit. She has tight black trousers and a white tank top on that make it easier for her to move. All I can think is how much better she looks from the last time I saw her. She's put some weight back on, and maybe even some muscle. I watch her fight the man that is nearly twice her size. Her every hit is precise/perfect, and she seems to know exactly what she is doing. She is so fast as she moves, and I almost don’t recognise her as my Everly.

  “She is one of the best fighters we have, other than the changed ones. But then, they don’t fight fair,” Zack whispers to me. We both watch as Everly whacks the other guy, and sends him flying across the room, where he lands outside the rectangle marked on the floor.

  “I give up, you win! Everyone is right, you are too good. It’s not natural!” the guy huffs, his cheeks bright red. He stands up, storming out of the room past me and Zack.

  “Someone’s a sore loser,” I mutter as I watch the man leave. I can hear Zack's muffled chuckle behind me.

  “Cassy?” Everly’s shocked voice makes me turn back to her, and she drops her sword on the floor as we stare at each other. We both begin to run towards the other at the same time, crashing together as we meet and embrace each other.

  “They were right. You’re really alive,” she mumbles, pulling back and running her eyes over me.

  “I’m back. It’s a long story,” I explain quickly.

  “You’re almost glowing, and you look so much better,” she says, pulling my arms to her and examining them in clear shock.

  “No scars? How?” she asks me.

  “Again, a long story, but the short story of it is that it was a gift from the sea god. A gift I didn’t ask for,” I say, and her eyes widen. “Anyway, how did you learn to fight like that? You look amazing!”

  “A lot of training, and I mean a lot. I refuse to be weak ever again, and in case you didn’t hear, there’s a war coming,” she says, walking back over to where she dropped the sword and picking it back up. She puts the sword away and comes back to me, hugging me once more.

  “Oh, I know all about the war,” I say, stepping away. "I have a lot of things to do and to figure out so we can win this thing, but first, I want to spend the night reconnecting with my fiancés," I say, lifting my hand and wiggling my fingers. She stares at my ring as a big grin climbs her face.

  “Congratulations, I really mean that. You deserve every happiness, and those pirates are the ones for you,” she says and pulls me close. “Your father and mother would have been so proud of you. You marry those pirates and be happy. War or no war, I won’t let you lose a chance of your future.”

  “Thank you, Everly. They are my chosen, and I love them all. I won’t let the war stop us being together either,” I say simply.

  “From what I’ve learnt of chosen and changed ones here, they are your soulmates, and nothing can stop souls who are destined for each other from being together,” she says, and hugs me once more before stepping back.

  “Go before I hug you again and have a good night. Can you come and see me tomorrow? I want to catch up, and I have some things to tell you," she asks me.

  “Like what?” I ask curiously, and she looks behind me to Zack at the door giving us some privacy.

  “Things we need to be alone to discuss,” she says quietly.

  “Sure, I will see you tomorrow then,” I place my hand on her shoulder and gently squeeze. “I’m so happy you are alive and well,” I say, and she nods with a small grin.

  “I’m more than well. I’m finally home,” she says with a small smile on her lips I watch her go as she walks away. Zack comes to my side, sliding an arm around my shoulders.

  “Let’s go back to our home,” Zack whispers close to my ear. Instantly, I relax as he speaks of home. That’s exactly where
I want to be.

  “Our home is on a ship, but for now, this will do,” I mumble.

  “Your home is with your pirates, no matter where we are, on land or at sea,” he says, kissing the side of my head, and making me smile.

  “That’s true,” I sigh.

  “Is that what you see for our future? All of us on our ship together?” he asks me, and I rest my head against his chest, sliding my arm around his back as we walk out of the room.

  “It’s my dream. I want us to be free, and together. I can see us all on our ship, rescuing changed ones, and bringing them here with their chosen and families. Helping people and travelling the world. I spent so much of my childhood and teenage years stuck on one island and hating it. I know it was necessary, but if we are going to fight for freedom, I want to truly be free,” I explain to him.

  “I want that for you. I want to show you everything in Calais. You have seen so much of a world full of horrors, but little of its true beauty that is underneath the surface,” Zack says as we walk down the stone steps. Both of us go silent as two people in hoods walk past us. I'm only able to catch a glimpse of purple hair and purple eyes that almost seem to glow as we pass them. I turn back as we get to the bottom of the steps and see the man is looking back at me, but he turns away before I can make out anything else about him.

  “I don’t want to talk about that place, so tell me something else. Anything else,” I implore as I face back forward, knowing I’m not ready to face the memories of my time with the king. I may have survived, and I may not have any scars on the outside, but there are plenty on the inside. I know I have to deal with them at some point, but it will have to be sometime in the future. Hopefully in the future when there isn't a war, and I know I'm safe. I’m not safe here, and that’s the problem. It’s all an illusion, because the king will never let me be free. One of us has to die, I'm determined that it's not going to be me.

  “You don’t have to put on a brave face for me, little fighter,” he says and stops as we get to our door, holding it open for me.

  “It’s not a brave face, Zack. It’s just I don’t want to spend too much more time focusing on the past and not the future,” I say, leaning up and kissing his rough-feeling cheek.

  “So where should I sleep?” I ask awkwardly as Zack shuts the door behind us. He smiles, holding out a hand for me. I slide my hand into his without a second thought, and he leads me to the first door on the left. He opens it, and we walk into the bedroom hand in hand. It’s a big room, with a large bed with blue sheets and two candles lit on the bedside cabinets.

  “We left this room for you,” he says, “I’ll leave you to get some sleep . . .”

  “Don’t,” I say with a bit of panic. “Can’t you stay with me? I don’t want to be away from you,” I ask, grabbing his arm, and he turns slightly. His eyes lock with mine, and neither of us wants to look away as I await his decision. He doesn't answer, but goes to the door and shuts it, staying in the room with me.

  “Cassandra, you deserve so much more than me . . .,” he begins as he walks towards me, sliding his leather-gloved hands onto my face, “but if you will have me, I’m yours. I will never leave your side, and I will always love you.” He kisses me before I can say a word, a harsh, but beautiful, kiss that takes my breath away. He pulls back, making sure my eyes are locked with his as he speaks.

  “I’m not pretty, not under all this,” he says, and I shake my head.

  “I love you for you, and for every scar you have, because it shows your bravery. I love every mark on your skin because it shows you’re a survivor. They make you who you are, Zack, and they are beautiful,” I say, and pull his hands from my face. He doesn’t move as I pull each of his gloves off, pausing to kiss each hand before letting them go.

  “Cassandra,” he warns as I start unbuttoning his shirt. I don’t stop, even though his gravelly voice makes my hands shake a little, and sends goose bumps all over my skin. I pull his shirt over his shoulder, before smoothing my hands over his chest and feeling all the little scars that are littered around. I lean down, kissing each one, falling to my knees as I work my way down, and then I reach for his belt. I look up, locking my eyes with his as I undo his belt, and his trousers fall to his ankles. I take his length into my hand at first, before leaning forward and sucking the tip into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it as he moans. I’ve never done this, and I have no idea what I’m doing, but the noises he is making suggests I’m doing something right. Inch by inch I attempt to take him deeper into my mouth, but he slides his hands into my hair and gently pulls me up.

  “I’ve never done this, you’re my first, and if you keep doing that, it’s going to be over far too quickly. I want to see you first,” he explains to me and slams his lips onto mine. I wrap my legs around him as he walks us to the bed, his length pressed against me, but my dress stops us. He lays me on the bed and leans over, using his hands to slowly pull my dress off me until I’m naked in front of him.

  “I dreamed about you, about seeing you like this,” he says, running a hand from my neck down to my breast, making me gasp when his rough hand slides over my nipple. “But dreams are nothing like the real thing, not one tiny bit,” he says as he reaches my core and rubs a finger over my swollen nub.

  “Zack,” I gasp, and he rubs faster, making me feel so close to the edge that it’s borderline painful. Just when I think I’m going to come, he suddenly stops. He grabs my hips and rolls me on top of him, his length easily sliding straight into me. I moan, losing all control as I start riding him and feel his hands dig into my hips as his head arches back. I come harder than I ever have before, screaming out his name. Zack finishes with me, and I collapse onto his chest, both of us breathing heavily. We are silent for a long time, with him still inside me until he finally pulls out, but still keeps me close.

  “Zack?” I ask.

  “Yes?” he replies.

  “Want to do that again?” I inquire, and I feel him harden against my leg. He grins down at me before rolling me over. He slips back into me once more, making me moan out loud.

  “Little fighter, I’m definitely not done with you yet,” he says and kisses me thoroughly.


  Chapter Three


  “Little fighter,” Zack whispers in my ear, making me blink open my groggy eyes. I see him lifted up on his elbow, with his golden hair falling into his eyes as he looks down at me. I find myself staring at my mark on his forehead for a while. It’s strange how quickly I’ve grown used to seeing my mark on all my pirates. It’s so normal.

  “Morning,” I say, even though we haven’t been sleeping long, yet I don’t regret not sleeping one little bit. I trace my hand over his chest, and he closes his eyes with a contented hum before grabbing my hand and pulling it to his lips.

  “Thank you for last night . . . I never expected it to be that amazing,” he admits.

  “I never expected me to be your first. I remember you saying you had a girlfriend once . . . and I assumed,” I say, blushing a little.

  “We were too young for that. We only ever had a few stolen kisses,” he says.

  “What was her name?” I ask, mildly jealous of his first kiss. At the same time, I know he lost her, and it made him who he is today. I have her to thank for who my Zack is; she helped him get to where he is.

  “Kasa,” he says, kissing my forehead. There are a few knocks on the door before it abruptly bangs open.

  “Morning, you both look . . . refreshed,” Dante teases. Chaz walks in after him, rolling his eyes as I sit up and attempt to keep the blanket wrapped around myself. Zack doesn’t care about nudity it seems, as he gets out of bed and starts pulling his trousers on.

  “We didn’t mean to interrupt, but there is a meeting for Cassandra in an hour,” Chaz explains.

  “And I’m hungry,” Dante shrugs, giving Zack a pointed look.

  “Fine, I will make something for you to hopefully choke on," Zack says playfully as he gra
bs his shirt and walks towards the door. “Toasted banana sandwiches?” Zack turns to ask me, and I nod with a small grin that matches his. I couldn’t think of a better food to eat right now. Zack and Dante walk out, leaving me alone with Chaz.

  “There are clothes in the drawers that are yours, I think I got your size right. And the shower room is through there,” he says, almost awkwardly. I stand up, with the blanket still wrapped around me and walk over to him.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask, and he sighs quietly, reaching forward and pushing a little bit of my hair behind my ear.

  “I’m worried. The masters . . . I don’t know what they are going to say or what they are going to ask from you. I’m worried about you,” he says in a soft voice.

  “Don’t be worried, no one is ever going to control me. No one.” I say firmly, and he smiles widely.

  “I forgot how strong you are, how inspiring,” he comments, stroking his fingers down my cheek, “and how utterly stunning.” I lean closer and press a light kiss to his lips, before moving back.

  “Thank you,” I say, feeling a little overwhelmed, but in the best way. I feel lucky, so lucky, I have all these amazing pirates in my life. It’s almost funny to think back to the times I used to be scared of pirates and fearful of the sea. Both the sea and my pirates are now everything to me.

  “Get dressed and ready. The masters are a fearful bunch of changed ones, though all extremely powerful and smart. You have to remember they have never had a woman changed one around. They might be stuck in their ways and not want anything to do with you,” he warns me.

  “I will be careful, but they will listen to me. I will have you all at my sides anyway, right?” I ask, but Chaz shakes his head with an annoyed look.

  “No, chosen aren’t allowed in the masters’ rooms, only changed ones. It’s a magically blessed room, blessed by the sea god. It literally stops us, or anyone who isn’t a changed one, from walking in,” he explains to me.


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