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BirthControl Page 1

by Sydney Addae


  Title Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter two

  Chapter 3

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Book 2

  La Patron: The Alpha’s Alpha

  By: Sydney Addae

  BirthControl: Book Two of the La Patron Series

  Sydney Addae

  Copyright 2013 by Addae, Sydney

  ISBN: 978-1-937334-28-4

  First Edition Electronic June 2013

  Published by Sitting Bull Publications, LLC

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author‘s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, businesses, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only. The publisher does not have any control over or assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their contents.

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Erosa Knowles.

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  Book 2 of

  The Patron, the Alphas Alpha

  When you’re the top wolf on the continent with the backing of the Goddess, how does an enemy topple your kingdom? By challenging you to a fight? No. By changing the rules.

  After three hundred years of fighting and service to the Goddess, Silas Knight is the Patron, Alpha to the Alphas on the North American continent. As the top wolf, he fears little and has seen most things. But when he discovers someone or something has been quietly disturbing the natural order of things, he’s surprised. Certain human women have the ability to birth fully functioning wolves, and that’s a major problem.

  Jasmine Bennett has no idea her deceased husband was a wolf shifter or that her twin sons are shifters. Her life changes when she rushes to her son’s bedside after he’s wounded in Afghanistan and returned stateside. Now her life’s in danger because of her ability to give birth to a breed of beings she never knew existed.

  After sending out a mating call which Silas answered, Jasmine’s pregnant and depressed. Her life has spiraled out of control. Silas is angry that his first “litter of pups” are half breeds. A group of human breeders offer her a chance to leave Silas, offering a strange brand of protection. When a human breeder enters the compound using a weapon the wolves are helpess against, Silas and Jasmine understand the true meaning of Birth Control.

  This is the second book in the La Patron series. Book one is BirthRight and should be read first for a better understanding of this book.

  Thanks Sydney

  Chapter One

  Jasmine Bennett released a long sigh as she gazed at the fives pregnancy tests littering the vanity in her bathroom. The sight of the plastic sticks filled her with dismay. Suspecting she was pregnant and discovering that she was in fact pregnant, were two different things.

  Silas Knight, the Patron, head Alpha wolf in the country, had warned this might happen. Her stomach rebelled at the notion of giving birth to his…what did he call them? Pups. The arrogant man had called them his litter of pups right before he left for Texas.

  She cringed at the imagery of birthing… puppies.

  Silas had made it clear he expected her to move to his home in West Virginia and raise her, well, their, children there. The very idea set butterflies loose in her belly. Granted, she’d given birth to her sons, Tyrone and Tyrese, twenty years ago and technically they could be called…pups. Within the past month she’d discovered her sons were wolf shifters. She'd had no idea she’d been carrying partially human babies at the time.

  This time was different. Silas made sure she knew her babies were half-wolf and half-human. Half-breeds he’d called them with derision.

  Groaning, she spun away from the bathroom counter and looked out the window over the shifter compound. “You’ve done it again…” Did she wear a sticker on her forehead that read, 'Men who don’t want to be fathers, apply here?”

  Hell no. After living with her husband Davian's, disinterest and half-hearted parenting for almost twenty years before he died, she wasn’t about to go through that again. If Silas expected her to lay down and roll over, he’d knocked up the wrong woman. They would definitely negotiate whatever happened next.

  A tap on the door startled her. It took her a moment to realize it had to be Callum, Alpha Jayden’s son, checking up on her again as he’d done every day since her sons had left for Texas with Silas. She tossed the proof of her current condition into the plastic store bag, tied it, and threw it in the trash. After reaching the entry, she peeked out and then opened the door.

  “Hello, Callum.”

  The teenager’s face reddened as he dipped his head before meeting her gaze. “Ma’am. I’m just checking to see if you need anything.” He was a few inches taller than her with dark hair that brushed against his shoulders. Square jawed, with a large nose dominating his face, his somber chocolate-colored eyes touched her briefly.

  Jasmine moved back, allowing him to enter. Every since the day she’d found him in the forest during what she'd discovered later was his first change, he’d become a fixture in her life. “I’m fine, just clearing up a few things.” She moved toward the kitchen. “Want something to drink?”

  “Some sweet tea if you have it.” He followed and sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen.

  Chuckling, she eyed him over her shoulder. “Okay but I’m beginning to wonder if you come to see me or for the tea.”

  His eyes widened as he stood abruptly. “No…no, I’m here to check on you. I don’t need anything else. Please don’t think I’m not grateful for everything, I am. I just…I just like the way you make the drink. Water would be fine.”

  It took her a moment to realize he was serious. She burst out laughing.

  His red face alerted her that he failed to see the humor.

  “I’m…I was just teasing you, Callum. I know you come to see me and not for something to drink. It was a joke.” She paused, watching him. “A joke to make you laugh,which you aren’t doing, so I should stop laughing.” His reaction had the affect of pouring cold water over her head. She sobered and touched his shoulder.

>   “Honestly, it was a joke. I wasn’t laughing at you per se.”

  “I understand. And I know you were teasing. It took me a moment to figure it out, but by then I was embarrassed by my reaction.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Father says I’m too serious. He says I need to relax, lighten up. That’s one of the reasons he never refuses my visits to you. He thinks you’re helping me learn not to take myself so seriously.”

  Not knowing what to say, she remained quiet as she poured them both glasses of tea.

  “Do you think I’m stiff? Or too serious?” He took a sip from the glass as he watched her.

  She thought about it for a moment. “Stiff? I don’t know about that. But you’re very serious for someone so young. You’re only sixteen? Seventeen?”

  He nodded.

  “In all the times you’ve visited, all our conversations have been about your preparation for when you become an adult. You talk about Alpha training, pack protocol, learning to cook, or run a den so you’ll be a better Alpha. Don’t get me wrong, preparing for your future is great, but I think you’re allowing your childhood to pass you by. You have the rest of your life to be an adult. To be responsible for others. Now’s the time to have fun, make mistakes, get into trouble, have adventures.” She winked at his open-jawed expression. “Kids are allowed to get it wrong, they get a pass. Adults…not so much.”

  He blinked and then swiped his lips. “Get into trouble? Have adventures? What?…Is that what Tyrone and Tyrese did?”

  Jasmine hid a smile. Callum worshiped her boys from a distance. He could never get enough of her talking about her sons.

  She snorted. “Is water wet? You better believe they did. When they get back I’ll have them tell you about some of their escapades. I had my hands full with those two.”

  “And now…” he cleared his throat. “You’ll do it again.”

  Her head whipped around and she stared at him. “What?” she asked in a horrified whisper. She’d only accepted her pregnancy just minutes ago. Surely, Callum didn’t know.

  His face reddened as he wiped the moisture from the glass. “You’re breeding. I can smell it, although it’s a little different than some of the pack bitches.”

  Her throat tightened. “Smell?” She shook her head, certain she’d misheard him. “Did you say you can smell my…a pregnancy?” she corrected.

  Callum frowned, his brow furrowing deeply. “Pregnancy? If that’s the same as breeding, then yes. The scent is stronger now, but it’s been changing since the day in the forest.” He shook his head and stared up at her. “Is everything okay?”

  “You’re referring to the day when I found you changing into your wolf? That day?”

  He nodded.

  Her heart raced. It was right after finding him that she went into what her sons told her the wolves called a mating heat. Warmth rushed up her neck in remembrance. She’d been so horny she couldn’t think. Somehow her fired-up libido had sent out a 911 call to every wolf in the compound. Fights had broken out as the eager wolves jockeyed to be the one who put out her flame and scratch her itch.

  Problem was she could’ve been killed, or at least that’s what they’d thought at the time. The more her sons learned about her ability to do what should be impossible, giving birth to shifters, the more she discovered her body’s amazing capabilities. According to her sons, women like her lived long lives, healed fast, were strong and could take quite a bit of physical abuse.


  Jasmine noticed the concerned look on Callum’s face and offered a small smile. “Just thinking about what you said. Starting over, babies and the whole nine yards. I hadn’t really given it much thought.” She twisted her neck from side to side to relieve the pressure. “I need to start doing that.” She sighed. Changing diapers was not what she’d meant when she’d decided to do something different with her life.

  “I guess a trip to my doctor is in order.”

  “My mom’s doctor is in town. Much closer.”

  Suspicious of his eagerness, she stared him down. Silas hadn’t said she was a prisoner but you never knew when dealing with the Top guy. “How close? On the grounds or in town?”

  “In town.”

  Her shoulders relaxed a fraction. “Okay. I’ll call and make an appointment.”

  “It’s already taken care of,” he said sheepishly. “The Patron took care of it and I’m here to let you know it’s in an hour.”

  Aggravation raced across her chest. “They sent you? Instead of calling and asking me or better yet, allowing me to set up my own damn…” She threw up her hands. He was a child and she refused to take this high-handed maneuver out on him.

  “I’m sorry.” He looked away with his head down.

  Inhaling deeply, she reined in her temper. Good dick notwithstanding, Silas Knight was a pain in her ass.

  “No, Callum, I’m sorry. I’m not angry, not at you. It’s just…it doesn’t matter. I need to see a doctor and the appointment's in an hour.” She stood and finger combed her hair. “I’m going to get dressed.” She glanced at him, hoping he took the hint to leave.

  He stood. “I’d like to go with you, but if you don’t want me to, I understand.” He spoke fast and stared at the floor. As much as she liked Callum, she didn’t want him or anyone with her when she spoke to the doctor. This pregnancy would be different because she knew the babes she carried were not fully human. The idea was strange and she felt awkward.

  “I’m going to do this by myself. Let’s go for our walk later, around five instead of three. That’ll give me some time to get a few things taken care of.” She needed to call Renee and her mother. Renee would freak, but she’d be happy. Jasmine wasn’t sure what her mom would say. Her mom had finally opened up and told her about her twin sister who'd died at birth. It had been an emotional conversation. Her mom had choked on the memory.

  Callum nodded as he walked to the door. “The car will be here for you in forty minutes.” He left as she thanked him.

  * * * *

  “You already knew you were pregnant, so this visit is just confirmation.” Doctor Grimes tapped on the flat tablet as he walked to the door of the examining room. “You are in excellent health, so I don’t see any problems with you carrying to term. The nurse will give you a packet with information and suggestions for your diet. I’ve prescribed some prenatal vitamins for you. Start taking them today, the nurse will give you a sample pack to get you started.”

  Jasmine clutched the paper gown to her chest for modesty as she watched the tall, muscular man stand near the door. The pregnancy exam had lacked the requisite trip to the bathroom. There was no weighing in or blood pressure check. For the most part, the doctor had inhaled and wrote notes. When he finally touched her, it was only to do some light pushing on her belly. She could’ve remained dressed for that.

  “How long is term?” she asked as he pushed down on the handle to leave.

  He met her gaze, a question in his eyes. “Seven months. You’ve carried a small litter before, how long did you carry them?”

  Since he sounded genuinely curious, she answered. “Seven months. But at the time I thought they were premature. I didn’t know that was the…the normal time.”

  He nodded and smiled. “I see.” He paused and then shook his head. “Any other questions or concerns?”

  She had plenty, but feeling vulnerable in her undressed state, she declined his offer. “No. I’m good for now. I may have some later,” she rushed to add.

  “Understood.” He walked out the door and stuck his head back in before he closed it. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Bennett.”

  “Same here, Doctor Grimes.” He shut the door. She remained in place for the next few seconds digesting the news of her pregnancy. It was too early to determine much, other than she was pregnant. Slowly, she slid off the examination table. The cold of the floor sent a shock through her and broke her out of her daze.

  As she walked through the doctor’s office, she noticed
the stares directed at her. Some were hostile, some curious, and others were kind. The latter was in the minority, and based on what the twins had told her of the Mexican female, she shouldn’t be surprised. Especially since her babies were from Silas, the leader of the shifters.

  “Here you are,” a petite blond nurse said as she reached the desk.

  Jasmine took the packet and opened it. “Is this the information the doctor wanted me to read?” She pulled out a colorful pamphlet regarding food and exercise.

  “Yes. When you get a moment, read through everything. If you have any questions, call our office at this number.” The nurse pointed to the highlighted numbers.

  “Thanks, I will.” She turned to leave.

  “One moment, here are your vitamins. The doctor wants you to start these right away.” Jasmine took the small clear container filled with tiny red pills.

  Frowning, she shook the container of what reminded her of “Red Hots,” one of her favorite candies growing up.

  “How many do I take a day?” She couldn’t believe these small things were the equal of the huge prenatals she’d taken during her pregnancy with her sons.

  “Just one.”

  Jasmine looked at the nurse and saw she was serious. “Okay,” she said with skepticism.

  “I’ve made another appointment for you in two weeks, the reminder is also in your envelope.”

  Jasmine nodded seeing the yellow appointment card. “Thank you.” She paused. No one had mention payment for services rendered. She wasn’t sure what proper protocol was, but she didn’t want to get called out for not paying.

  Leaning forward, she cleared her throat. “How much do I owe you?” she asked just above a whisper. The gasps in the waiting room made a mockery of her attempt to be discreet. Even the nurse looked taken aback.


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