Grayson (This is Our Life Book 1)

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Grayson (This is Our Life Book 1) Page 10

by Adams, F. G.

  “Yes, sir. I will continue as planned until further notice. My objective hasn’t changed. I’ll get the intel required. It may take longer than anticipated, but I won’t fail. Thank you, General.” I disconnect the satellite connection with General Colin Fox.

  It’s been five days since I was discharged from the hospital and had to wait for an audience with the General. Apparently, there has been more happening around the world to other special operation teams than just mine. We have been infiltrating smaller terrorist cells for several years, and our efforts have paid off many times over. The happenings on September 11th ignited our resilience to fight terrorism and secure our Nation’s freedom for its people. We are reminded daily of the lives lost, civilians and brothers in arms. I was just beginning my military career, but the loss is felt just the same.

  With the mission on my mind, I start plotting my plan of action with the limitations of an arm sling and stitches. Now that I know the direction the General wants me to pursue, I can assemble my team and enact a plan. My head’s about to explode from the pressure of exposing the individuals responsible for the rebellion. There are not enough rocks in this world for the troublemakers to crawl under and hide. Eventually, they will make a mistake and we will be there.

  When the team arrives, we start brainstorming the most likely scenarios to bring the culprit to justice for the ambush. We’re all sitting in my quarters, drinking coffee and speculating how the location of the meeting with Mustafa was leaked. We’d spent months cultivating the relationship with his cell and others in the region. Our cover was legit. Radar had made sure the trail was believable. The room isn’t spacious, and chairs have been pulled together around the table as a makeshift command center.

  “How’re you wanting us to attack this?” Beauty opens the discussion again. “We were set up by Aabdar and I’m sure we can all agree somehow he’s responsible. Being shot could be a diversion from the truth.”

  “He’s pretty messed up, man. Not sure you’re on spot with that assessment,” Animal comments.

  Styx adds, “Yeah, dude. He was fighting for his life when they were dragging him across the road. Not somethin’ you’re gonna do if it’s your plan. They were stabbing him while I was pulling him out of their clutches. They didn’t want to let him go alive.”

  “His wounds were significant. He’s lucky to be alive,” Doc inserts. “Maybe he was set up and didn’t know the extent of the plan?”

  “Doesn’t matter if he was part of it or not; it happened on my watch, and I’m not gonna rest till I know the truth,” I say.

  “We’ve received confirmation for a secondary meeting site. Mustafa wants the arms. He’s not letting this setback affect his business. He has a buyer and wants what we promised him. The transaction will go forward as planned,” Radar mentions.

  “The General wants him and his cronies served up on a platter. We’ll proceed with caution. Once Aabdar is up and going, we’ll get the answers. Until then, we’re on alert for any suspicious happenings in the area. Beauty, you’re our contact for the area. Keep your ears to the ground and find something out,” I order, reminding them of the mission.

  “Yes, sir. I’ll put out feelers and keep you posted.”

  “Radar, you’re our presence on the web. Do your magic and find us a trail. Something we can use to end this faster. You all have your assignments. Keep me abreast of your findings, boys.” I stand, signaling the meeting is over.

  I want the ones responsible for Aabdar’s hospital stay. The ones who made the mistake to mess with my team. My mission and country. I want them to pay for their actions. One way or the other. We’ve eliminated several contacts, including Mustafa, the elusive head of the cell.

  It will take time and planning. I can’t have any distractions. Yet Ella keeps hounding my mind, every waking hour and even in my dreams since our brief encounter. But the threat is real, and no one is safe until this mission is complete.

  * * *

  Today the stitches will be removed. Beauty arrives at my temporary quarters early with black coffee and donuts. Sometimes his intuitive senses leave me staggered. He knew I would need a ride to TMC without me asking.

  Beauty updates me on Radar’s search for an electronic footprint among the unlimited World Wide Web, as well as the Dark Web. Something to link Mustafa with an outside seller or possible buyer. It’s a needle in the haystack, but if it can be done, Radar is the one. He uncovers it all, smart son-of-a-bitch.

  I’m anxious to possibly see Ella again. With all that’s been going on, we haven’t connected yet. I need to talk to her... need answers from her. The sooner, the better. I need to protect her.

  Seven days, seven nights have passed since seeing my Bluebird. As soon as we walk into the hospital, I know she’s here. My Ella radar is on alert. Standing back, I’m able to see the woman she has grown into. She’s a looker. Fuck. Prettier than in high school. If that’s even possible. She has a body that oozes sexual delights. Her feminine curves have developed into luscious handles that my hands ache to hold on to while ramming into her from behind. Damn. Her cupid lips are strawberry red and her long, curly hair is bundled on the top of her head, accentuating her neck. I’m losing focus as she turns and walks down a hallway, her hips swaying as she leaves. It takes all my willpower not to run after her.

  We approach the nurse’s station, sign in, and take a seat to wait for my name to be called. It doesn’t take long before Savannah is there, ushering us to a room down the hall.

  “How’s the shoulder, Captain?” Savannah asks and helps remove the sling. “Need ya to remove your shirt, so we can get those nasty stitches out.”

  As I take my shirt off, she gasps and stares at the tattoo on my chest. It begins above my right pec and extends upwards over my shoulder. There are two bluebirds soaring from flaming red and yellow flowers into the sky. One is smaller than the other. The male following and protecting his female into the blazing sun ahead with a menacing scowl for others outside their world and eyes only for his mate. Their journey beginning together into an unknown world. It’s Ella and me. Together. In love. Happy.

  When I graduated from high school, I knew what I wanted. It took time to find the right person and several sittings with the artist to capture my vision. I was marked. For life.

  Savannah is momentarily stunned. Not a word is said as tears form in her eyes. Then she knocks the wind from me. “She’s engaged.”

  Oh hell, no! This can’t be happening. I’m stuck in a nightmare and want to wake the fuck up. Now. My mood just took a nosedive from bad to raging.

  “Who?” That’s all I need to know. My voice is husky and raw with emotions I don’t want to give away.

  “Dr. Barnes.” Seriously? What the fuck! Ella’s forgotten my promise. “They’ve been together for a long time. He just recently asked her, and he makes her happy.”

  I make her happy. Or I did at one time. She was happy with me until I left. I need to remind her of what we shared.

  “Thanks for the heads up. I got this,” I murmur.

  I push my emotions down deep so this woman won’t know my intentions. Not yet. I’ll have Ella again. I don’t need any outside influences.

  Savannah finishes her task and gives me instructions for the care of my healing wounds. I’m not sure what she’s thinking right now, because the looks she keeps giving me are definitely not helping my wounded heart. I need to get out of here. When she’s done, I dress, thank her, and head off to find Beauty.

  We’re walking toward the exit when my little Bluebird appears. There she is, and this time she sees me as I walk toward her. There’s no running from me, even though she tries to ignore the command my eyes are sending her way. Stay put. Her eyes dart to the door leading to the stairs and she opens it, trying to avoid me.

  “Beauty, wait for me here. I’ll be right back,” I command and begin pursuing Ella.

  She’s leaning against the wall, her head back and her eyes closed. When the door slams shut, she
immediately sees me and panic settles on her beautiful face. What have I done to cause this reaction? Calmly, I walk toward her like I did with the young calves on the ranch, letting her know my next move. She’s skittish.

  “Long time no see, my little Bluebird,” I try to ease into a conversation with her. “How have you been?” She’s reluctant to answer, so I press on. “I’ve tried to find you. You moved away before I could. All my searches stopped with dead ends.”

  I see her vulnerability and it breaks the walls of my discipline. I reach for her, capturing her in my arms. Her body stiffens and I begin rubbing my hands up and down her back in a soothing pattern, leaning toward her succulent neck and inhaling her unique scent. Strawberries and vanilla. This feels so right. She belongs with me. My body ignites, a fire burning deep for her.

  She pulls away quickly when I lay a light kiss behind her ear.

  “Grayson, please don’t do this...” She moves from my arms toward the exit. “I’m involved with someone. He’s special to me. I care for him and would never hurt him.”

  Nodding and grabbing her again, I place her in my arms and declare my intentions. Renewing promises from years past.

  “Bluebird, you can fly away from me as many times as you need, but I will chase you, your place is with me. I’m not giving you up. Ever. Just give us a chance. You know you are mine.”

  Finding her here is an omen. Paradise is with Ella. I won’t let her go again now that I’ve found her.

  Her eyes begin to falter as her resolve breaks down. “Grayson…”

  The siren blares, signaling our moment is over. She’s gone in a flash, pulling away from me. Duty calls. I know what was said between us was enough said to push us to the forefront. I’m patient sometimes when it’s necessary. This is one of those times. She needs the reassurance that we were meant to be. As long as I’m the one she’s with in the end.

  Approaching TMC in the early morning calms my beating heart. It’s the time in the wee hours of daybreak that set the stage of quiet accord through the grim desert. All I can detect are the subtle sounds of a vehicle and faint whispers of helicopters moving through the sky. Peaceful.

  Apprehensive ripples encircle me after another restless night spent in my bed all alone. Michael came home this morning just as I was stepping out of the shower. We’re on different shifts this week. Entering the bathroom, he kissed me breathless. He took my towel and gently wiped the droplets of water away from my arms and legs before he moved to my core and most intimate areas. Paying significant attention to my breasts and my special place. Not missing a drop. I was so hot and bothered by the time he finished, I wanted to jump his bones, but the weariness in his eyes told me it would have to wait.

  Also, I was feeling a little guilty for my fantasies of Grayson I’ve had every night since our brief encounter in his hospital room. Ultimately leading me to come so hard each and every time. Well, shit! I left Michael to shower and sleep. He has to be back at the hospital after lunch for surgery and needs some rest.

  I push open the heavy steel doors, the blipping beeps of medical equipment along with the antiseptic smells of a hospital engulfing my senses. I trudge through another set of doors and come to the nurse’s station. The smell of freshly brewed coffee tickles my nose. Walking over to make myself a cup of steaming brew, I notice Savannah coming toward me with a shadowed look on her face.

  “Hey, ladybug. What’s up?” I say in my cheeriest voice.

  “Not much, buttercup. Long night, and I have a feeling today’s going to be even longer,” Savannah sighs then plasters a smile across her face. What? Reaching over, she takes my coffee cup right out of my hands, inhales the delicious java, and begins to sip.

  “Vanna!” I giggle as her nickname leaves my mouth.

  Typical Savannah. I love this girl. I begin to make another cup as we converse about patients and chitchat, never once mentioning the elephant in the room. Grayson. After we’ve devoured our second cup of go-go juice, it’s time to start making the rounds.

  “See ya later, alligator,” Savannah calls over her shoulder as she heads in the opposite direction.

  “After ‘while, crocodile,” I reply after her, forging down the stark white hallway, laughing as I go. She knows what I need to help start my day off right!

  Functioning on autopilot, I advance from room to room, checking in on my patients while chatting with a few wounded soldiers. I enjoy this. This is the reason I became a nurse, to help people. There is little time for my erratic meandering imagination. After grabbing some lunch, I continue with my day.

  Entering the largest bay area of patients, the one where five soldiers share the space, the sounds of laughter blast through the opening door. My smile beams from ear to ear, literally sending out the message of my inspiration and love for these men. I really enjoy sharing my time with them. It amazes me that even with legs gone, arms missing, and bullet holes, this is the most positive group of guys. Men of high caliber. Knowing if they could just get out of the bed they’re stuck in, they’d be back on the front lines serving.

  These guys sacrifice so much every day they go into battle. Some of them never make it back, and others return with broken bodies. Not their spirits, though. The fondness for the character of each soldier I interact with gives me peace.

  I’m swamped with so many emotions as I go from hospital bed to hospital bed. Grayson could be lying in one of these beds. I push that thought from my mind and continue checking on my guys and making small talk.

  “So how are you today, Sergeant Eastman?” I lean in to wrap the blood pressure cuff around his one good arm.

  Sergeant James Eastman, hailing from the great state of New York, came in two weeks ago. He was caught in the crossfire of a pipe bomb explosion en route to give aid to a small rural village outside of Kandahar. He lost his right arm that day. When he came to TMC, all that was left of his arm was a bloody stump just below his shoulder socket. Even after he woke up, his spirit never broke. Soldiers know the risks. Sergeant Eastman was just glad to be alive.

  Clearing his throat and smiling up at me, he replies with his Northern American accent, “I’m tight, ma’am. Wishing for a bodega right about now. There’s one right around the corner from where I live. The coffee is sick! How ‘bout you, ma’am?” He waits on my reply.

  “Pretty good, thanks. I’m always good when I get to visit with you.” I smile sweetly at this hero.

  His wife and two baby girls are back in the Bronx in New York. He finishes telling me how he Skyped with them last night, choking up while relaying his wife’s tears. My heart is in my throat from all the emotional baggage this soldier will carry home with him. However, knowing he has a good support system awaiting him helps.

  We banter back and forth a little while longer, then I leave after he takes his meds.

  As I’m retreating from my last patient’s room, I hear a voice that stops me in my tracks. A voice that still lingers in my fantasies. Looking up, I’m captured by his penetrating stare. Grayson. Those amber-hued eyes are full of mischief and dominance. Catching me and pulling me in. Oh shit! I’ve got to get out of here. I glance around for the nearest exit like a nervous little rabbit. Spotting the stairwell, I scurry away, or better yet, run away from the man who haunts my dreams.

  Slamming the door open then shutting it tightly behind me, I lean against the wall. I have a moment to catch my breath. Hearing the door open and smack shut, I open my eyes to Grayson approaching me carefully. No, no, no, no, no! I begin to panic and look around for another escape. There’s no way out. Grayson is now blocking my only pathway.

  As he advances on me and crowds my space, I hear him call me ‘my little Bluebird.’ Bits and pieces of his conversation register in my brain. “I’ve tried to find you...dead ends.” All the while he caresses my arms, soothing my soul. Then my body betrays me as I ignite into a thousand particles of electrical charges spiked with passion as Grayson drops his head to my bare neck, giving me a soft
whisper kiss behind my ear. A simple kiss I realize I’ve missed desperately.

  Snatching myself back to the real world, I pull myself together, dissolving Grayson’s grasp. Get it together, Ella! Think about Michael... I gather what’s left of my resolve and make my way toward the door. Stopping only to tell him we can’t do this.

  “I’m involved with someone. I care for him and would never hurt him. This can never happen between us. Our time has passed, Grayson.” I utilize as much steel in my voice as possible, but only convey my sadness.

  Determination fills his chestnut eyes as he captures me yet again. Wrapped up in his warm embrace, I’m submerged in the spicy, male scent that only belongs to Grayson. The earthy flavors I’ve missed. My body heats up with a longing desire from the pleasures only Grayson can quench. He speaks the words, memorable words, using my pet name that will haunt me forever.

  “Bluebird, you can fly away from me as many times as you need, but I will chase you, your place is with me. You know you are mine.”

  The emotion in Grayson’s voice gives me pause. How can he say this? He broke that promise a long, long time ago.

  For a brief instant, shivers of bliss rush throughout me just as the blaring of the siren comes over the coms. Shaking my head from the high being near Grayson has caused, I sever the connection between us. This isn’t right. I can’t do this to Michael. I give Grayson one more look, conveying everything he means to me and how at the same time this can never happen again, then I exit the stairwell. Leaving behind the one man who will ever truly own my heart.

  Hiding in the shadows, Bahadur awaits. Holy Allah. This wasn’t supposed to go down like this. Everything was carefully planned. In. Out. The bastard is too smart. I underestimated him. Talking quietly into the earpiece using the native language of the region, he says, “The Captain will cause problems for us.”


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