Grayson (This is Our Life Book 1)

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Grayson (This is Our Life Book 1) Page 17

by Adams, F. G.

  He grins and exclaims, “Checkmate, Capt’n. I win. Place your weapon on the ground and kick it toward me.”

  I hesitate, and he pushes the gun further into Ella’s temple. She yelps, and silent tears freely fall from her beautiful blues. She’s looking directly at me, conveying all the love she has in her heart.

  “Now, Capt’n. My patience is wearing thin. Me and the missus have places to go, people to see.”

  I don’t want to be without my weapon, but I know my brothers have got my back. I slowly bend down, place my firearm on the floor, and then give it a nudge with my foot to send it in the direction he had said.

  “Let her go now. I’m here,” I command him with a firm and even tone.

  He caresses Ella’s chest and smirks at me. “I never said I would allow her to leave with you. We’ve become really close. I’ve decided I want her as my pet.”

  “You’ll be leaving here with her over my dead body,” I promise, allowing the loathing to filter through my voice.

  He shrugs and says, “I can arrange for her to watch your demise. Her training has begun with her friend over there. What’s a little more to ensure her obedience?”

  I notice Ella, and the look on her face calms me. She’s furious. If she gets the chance, she’s going to try something dangerous. Beauty’s gun is no longer aimed at Ella. He’s slacked his hold during his ranting. Ella shifts and tries to offer a small resistance, causing him to tighten his hold around her waist, which takes his attention off me. It’s the distraction needed to get her out of his clutches.

  I shift to the right as he lifts the gun and aims it at my chest. His fingers curl around the hammer, and moments before the release, Styx rolls in front of the doorway, landing on his belly, takes aim, and shoots the gun from Beauty’s hand. I leap toward him as the gun releases from his grasp. It falls to the floor, firing when it lands, hitting Ella, and she’s thrown from Beauty’s body, screaming from the impact of the bullet. She’s joined Savannah on the cold ground, slumped over and unmoving. My mind shuts off the terror of losing her to focus on eliminating the person who put her in this position to begin with: Beauty.

  He holds his hand close to his body, using his left hand to grab the weapon holstered in his boot. Lifting, he aims and fires, missing his intended mark. A loud yelp fills the air when Styx powers off another shot, hitting Beauty in the knee. He collapses to the ground, and I strike. Moving swiftly, I secure the weapon from him and wrangle his arms behind his back. Animal walks up and fastens the handcuffs tightly on his bleeding hands.

  “You can’t stop us. We’re everywhere. You can’t even be sure that I’m the only sleeper amongst you, can you?” he rasps as pain begins to register in his psychotic brain.

  He’s trying to divide and conquer with his ranting, but his words are falling on deaf ears. My brothers-in-arms gather around as we bind and lock Beauty to the chair, ensuring he will not leave this place until we’re ready. I turn to my girl. Jacobs is there and is staunching the blood flow. Her eyes are on me as I make my way.

  “Hey, Bluebird.”

  “Hey, Grayson, I’ve been waiting for you. Kinda took your time finding me,” she jokingly sasses.

  “Like hell I did.”

  She smiles at me, “I never you.”

  I bend down and hold her small hand. Lightly kissing her, I vow, “Love you always, Bluebird.”

  Duty calls when our moment is interrupted by Johnny. He’s returned from helping Styx get Savannah into the waiting van. Jacobs is ready to move Ella now. He’s taking them to TMC for care. I’ll be with her soon. We’ve got some unfinished business to attend to here.

  “See ya soon, Captain,” Ella says as Jacobs carries her from the room.

  “You can bet on it, Bluebird.”

  Momentarily, Styx is back, and the three of us turn to the traitor, needing answers. He’s in the same position he forced Ella to be in for two long days. We each share the same expression: fury. Beauty smirks and doesn’t quiver under the stare. He’s relishing the fact we’ve caught him and know of his transgressions. He’s proud of his accomplishments and doesn’t regret what’s he’s done.

  Johnny’s the first to approach Beauty. When he’s only a few feet away, he slams his fist square into his nose. We all hear the horrible crack reverberate against the walls. Styx is there next, punching him in the gut, taking his breath. He continues until the sound of bones fracturing permeates the air. His fists are bloody when he stops and spouts, “You deserve more, you low-life son of bitch.”

  Beauty’s head hangs from the punishment when I approach him.

  “Now who’s winning, motherfucker?” I lunge forward, planting the toe of my boot in his crotch. His chair falls sideways to the ground. One more loose end needs to be tied up before we’re leaving this hellhole.

  I lean forward, snatching his hair and yanking his face closer. “Where’s Mustafa’s headquarters?”

  He looks at me with disdain and triumph, shaking and panting for air, “I’ll never tell you.”

  “You will by the time we’re finished,” I guarantee.

  Several hours later, the intel we needed to finish our mission is complete. “Styx, set the charges,” I command, keeping my eyes on the worm in front of me.

  “All good, Animal?” I want to make sure we have all we need from the pile of shit in front of me before we leave.

  “Yes, Capt’n. Locations check out, and the General has teams deploying as we speak.”

  Styx returns and hands me the detonator. “Time to go home, boys.”

  We gather our gear and ready for the vehicle. I glance behind me as Styx yanks Beauty’s hair taut, slitting his throat. Garbling noises continue from the dying scum as we exit the hellish prison. Once we’re in the Humvee, Animal cranks the engine, while Styx is staring at my hand in anticipation of the fireworks as I lift the detonator and push the button. We drive away as the building explodes.

  One year and a few months later.

  Looking across the car, I watch as Grayson grips the wheel with his muscled forearms. My eyes travel to his extensive chest, and I watch his pecs move up and down in fascination. He’s gorgeous with a capital G. My man, my everything.

  So much has happened. We moved back to Lakeview last year, after the kidnapping. I was honorably discharged and am now working at the hospital as a surgical nurse. Grayson hasn’t left the military yet. There are lots of loose ends he’s still taking care of. His plan is to be released next year, when his time is up. But he’s taken a lot of much needed leave.

  His brother-in-law Keagan is working on making him a permanent part of Trident Security, his security firm in the View. They take on missions the military wants to keep out of. Grayson has taken part in several assignments since coming home. He won’t tell them yet, but I know he loves it.

  Glancing back at my husband, the all-familiar butterflies invade my belly. I don’t have a clue where we’re going, because Grayson won’t tell me.

  “It’s a surprise, Bluebird. Just relax and let me take care of you for the weekend. My treat!”

  What girl wouldn’t be excited about that, right? That’s the way it’s been this past year. Grayson dotes on me, loves me, and leaves me breathless every chance he gets. Not that I don’t reciprocate, because I do. It’s magical, a fairy tale with hearts and flowers. And I can’t get enough of him.

  Gazing out the window, I notice we’re on a bridge crossing over the bay. My heart rate spikes as it brings back the memories of prom. One of the greatest times of my life other than the night he proposed.

  After I was released from the hospital, Grayson took me back to his place. We didn’t get out of bed for a few days. Igniting the need and diminishing the fears that plagued us both. The only time we came up for air was when he got down on his knees and asked me to marry him. It was perfect, like my husband.

  I’m lying in bed with my head on Grayson’s chest, our legs and arms entwined from our most recent love-making session.
He’s insatiable! And I love it! Grayson kisses my head and begins to unwind from our embrace.

  “Where are you going?”

  He separated from the comfort of my arms and got down on his knees beside the bed. My insides were going crazy, not with butterflies this time, but big birds fluttering around, causing me to take deep, long breaths as I waited for his response.

  “I spoke to my mother about us. She was so happy, Bluebird.” He gazed up at me, his heart in his eyes. “Through her tears and smiles, she told me she had something she wanted to give me.” Reaching down to his bag, he pulled out a tiny, black velvet box. My heart was going berserk, waiting for what came next.

  “I’ve dreamed about asking you a thousand times, Ella. I love you with all my soul. You are it for me, Bluebird. Will you be mine forever?”

  Grayson opened up the box and pulled out the perfect ring. It’s a platinum setting with a round solitaire diamond surrounded entirely by small blue diamonds. I gasped.

  “Oh, Grayson, it’s so beautiful.” I choked up as tears sprung forth from my eyes.

  “So are you, Ella. My mom sent this ring to me. She said it belonged to my grandmother. I took it and had the blue diamonds added. Because they remind me of you. Will you marry me, Ella? Will you be my Bluebird forever?”

  A week later, we decided to forgo any more mishaps. Not wanting to wait any longer, we went down to the chaplain on base and said our ‘I dos’. The only ones in attendance were Johnny and Pete. Dressed in our favorite jeans, we tied the knot, and I’ve never been happier. Grayson and I became one, legally, to the world.

  Savannah’s healing. We talk often. Back home in Texas, she’s taking one day at a time. Pete followed her, and I’m still not sure how that’s working out. They’ll be visiting us in a few months. Being captured and almost dying puts a lot of things in perspective. And the fact she was tortured. I shut those thoughts out. We are survivors, she’s gonna be alright.

  I glance at Grayson and smile. He senses my eyes on him and quickly looks my way, giving me a panty-melting smile as he brings my hand to his sinful mouth, showering kisses all over my knuckles and my wedding ring.

  “I love you, Bluebird.”

  “And I love you too.”

  My mind keeps drifting to my good news. I can’t wait to tell him. My anniversary gift to Grayson.

  We drive in silence for a little while longer until he makes a turn I’ve dreamt of over the years. I look toward the beautifully landscaped Hilton. Excitement bubbles up inside of me as Grayson parks the car, making his way to open my door. I can’t contain the buzz anymore as I leap into his arms. Always ready for me, Grayson encircles his firm arms around my shaking body.

  “Oh, my goodness, Grayson. Thank you...thank you...thank you.” I kiss his scrumptious lips, eyes, cheeks, and neck. Thanking him for this special gift he’s given me.

  “Anything for you, Bluebird.”

  “I can’t believe you brought me here. Well, yes, I can. This is where everything changed.” I say in awe at the remembrance of this place.

  “Yes, it is.” It’s all I receive for the moment. He grabs my hand as he slings our duffle across his shoulder, ushering me into the lobby.

  Following Grayson to the elevators, I’m thrust back to our first time here. Giggling like a little schoolgirl, I lean into him as the doors close.

  “Reminds me of something...can’t quite remember though.” Grayson’s dimpled smile is out on display for only me.

  Playfully slapping at his arm for the comment, I throw myself into his awaiting arms. Rekindling the passion that burns so brightly between us, the ever-present fire slow and steady, consistently burning. Even all those years ago, still raging today.

  As we exit the elevators, Grayson swoops me up into his arms. He slides the key card over the lock and carries me into the room.

  I’m struck by déjà vu. It looks just like the first night Grayson and I came together in this very room. Lighted candles and rose petals are scattered throughout. The fragrance in the dimly lit area is sailing over my heated skin. Grayson sets me down beside the bed, focusing on me.

  “I always knew you would be mine. The first time I laid eyes on you, Ella, you captured my heart. Even though it took a while to happen. It was worth the wait. Thank you for being mine.” Grayson leans down and kisses me with the devotion of a happy man.

  Coming up for air, I answer, “I knew it too, Grayson. It was love at first sight, or maybe puppy love.” I sigh. “Whatever it was, it felt real and right. I’m so thankful we found each other again.”

  I enjoy the drizzle of lips as he continues his way to my cleavage. He begins to lick a path, gathering my shirt and yanking it up over my head. I’m caught up in the delicious sensations brought on by his mouth. He continues to undress me until I’m left in nothing but my blue thong. Grayson’s favorite.

  “I have a surprise for you too, Grayson.” I just can’t subdue my happy news any longer.

  He stops his ministrations and looks at me while he licks his lips. He is scrumptious. I tug at his hand from around my hip and place it over my belly. Grayson stares at me and then down at where our hands are placed over my flat stomach. Up at me, then down again. His handsome face is full of awe and reverence as he gives a nod and begins to smile.

  “That’s right. We’re going to be parents, Grayson. Happy anniversary!”

  My tears cascade down my cheeks as Grayson stumbles to kneel before me, caressing and kissing my belly. This is a gift. Another breathtaking moment in our lives. I watch him closely as a lone tear falls from his water-filled, brown eyes. This strong, unbreakable man is showing me how much this means to him.

  “I love you, Grayson.”

  He gazes up at me with his big, amber eyes, expressing his love for me and our baby. He responds in a husky, emotion-filled voice, “I love you too. Happy anniversary, Bluebird.”

  Eight years later.

  For every moment in life there is an action and reaction. For so long, I lacked acceptance from my father. And I wanted an unconditional love, something to call my own. Such is life. We live, learn, and grow. At one time, I thought I would never make it.

  Since the explosion and Ella’s rescue eight years ago, our life has drastically changed. In those long moments when I couldn’t find my Bluebird, I almost lost all sense of honor. I’m just so damn thankful someone up there was watching over me, over us, guiding my moves to bring this beautiful woman back to me. She is my life. She completes me. I will cherish her...forever.

  At the present, I am captured in another awesome moment with my family. A place that stills grips my heart as I take deep breaths due to the surreality of how far we have come. I opted out of signing back up for another tour a year after the kidnapping. Keagan brought me into his security company as a partner, like my other brother-in-laws, Ollie and Lukas. We all work together, fighting the good fight. Brothers-in-arms and family.

  For the most part, it’s become the norm in the family, sharing our lives. Never really was a problem for me and the sisters, or even my mom. Our family has come a long way in healing and letting go of the past.

  Even with dear ole dad. He’s trying to make right all the wrongs he’s created over a lifetime. Maybe cancer was a blessing in disguise, a second chance to love instead of hate. Only time will tell. I took years of abuse from my father and that pain runs deep. He tried to destroy my relationship with Ella. I still haven’t forgiven him for losing those seven years. For now, we take it one day at a time.

  He came to Ella when we moved back to Lakeview as husband and wife, apologizing for the hurt he caused. That was monumental. I’ll never forget what Ella said to him.

  “Thank you, Mr. Blackwood.” He had requested she call him dad, but she just couldn’t let go of the hurt he had caused us and I’m okay with that.

  “But it was never your choice, or my choice, or even Grayson’s choice. Destiny has a funny way of tracking you down and making you surrender. It’s true love, a gif
t from God for us to be together. Even you couldn’t change that.”

  No truer words have ever been spoken. I was bound to my Bluebird from the very beginning.

  I’m standing in the waiting room full of love and hope, holding my son. Not just the first son Ella has given me, our third son... And he's just as precious to me as our two other boys, Taylor and Andrew.

  Proudly, I say to all of my family and friends crowded around, "Everyone, I’d like you to meet Cooper Alexander Blackwood.”

  My voice is gruff with emotion I no longer need or want to hide behind. I’m a daddy for the third time, and I’m walking on cloud nine. The tears are brimming. The coos and awes I hear manifested by my family make me feel like the tallest man in the world. I am complete. This all came to be thanks to the love and passion Ella has for me, and the love and allegiance my family has always given me, even when I couldn't see it.

  This is our life, and I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world!

  … or just the beginning …

  Hello. I’m F.G. Adams. Let me tell you a little bit about me. I come from a large family and learned at an early age to entertain myself which was mostly done through my imagination and reading. My grandmother was an avid reader and seeing her pick up a book inspired my love and obsession with books.

  In the beginning, starting a book blog satisfied that longing, and the desire grew to create my own stories. Bringing my adventures and imagination to life. My first book, Grayson, is book one of five in my This is Our Life series. The series centers around the children of a large family from adolescent years to adulthood. The struggle and angst that they go through growing up and finding their way in the world.


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