Nightworld Academy Box Set 1

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Nightworld Academy Box Set 1 Page 20

by L. J. Swallow

  I rub my head.

  "Jamie also found this alongside a second set of tyre tracks." Tobias holds out a silver cigarette lighter. "Someone followed Ash."

  "Hunters," puts in Jamie. "I picked up the lighter and tuned into the energy and memories attached. I saw them planning to attack Ash’s pub, but instead they followed him here. There are three of them somewhere in the school and they’re looking for Ash."

  "Just Ash?" I ask.

  "From what I saw, they’re only tracking him tonight."

  "But," adds Tobias, "The hunters will figure out there are several other supernatural creatures with him. This could help their ‘kill figures’. If they kill you all, they may earn a promotion."

  His voice raises more chills. However much I hate Tobias’s words about my stupidity, I can’t help but admit I’ve brought us all into danger. I slump against the car bonnet and put my head in my hands. "Sorry."

  A hand touches my shoulder and I look up to Jamie. "I understand why you did this, but the others were stupid to involve themselves."

  Tobias runs his tongue along his teeth. "If you knew how volatile Ash is, you would never have asked him to come with you. Where do you think his protectiveness stems from? Or his sudden shifts in mood? He’s growing closer to his nineteenth birthday, and he’s been skipping the class he needs to help with these issues."

  "The meditation classes?" asks Jamie in shock.

  "That’s not something I’d associate with shifters."

  "Shifters need to connect with their minds and build awareness of their emotions and reactions, in order to control them," explains Tobias. "What triggers anger in young shifters will trigger a full shift once they’re mature. It’s imperative that young ones learn to recognise and control their physical reactions. If they shifted in public, it would be a disaster."

  Once again, I’m embarrassed by my ignorance. "Why would Ash skip classes? He toes the line in the academy."

  "Ash believes meditation classes will make him weaker, because developing this connection between mind and body would limit his shifter abilities. This isn't true, but Ash searches for reasons his brother couldn’t protect himself from death. This is something he blames."

  "But he’ll be dangerous," says Jamie. "Not just towards humans but to everybody. Look how powerful he is just in his human form."

  "Well, let us hope he’s not a dragon shifter," Tobias retorts and strolls away towards Amelia and Tessa.

  I shake my head as if I didn’t hear. "Dragon?"

  Jamie blows air into his cheeks. "Dragon form is in his ancestry. His dad is a wolf and so’s his mum. Vincent, his brother, was a dragon."

  I take another giant stride away from understanding the new world I’m in. Every time I'm sure I comprehend this life, another curveball hits.

  My best friend and crush is a dragon.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  I look between my phone and the men, fighting within myself what to do next. Returning to the others makes sense, but I’ve spent every minute on high alert tonight, and each second more adrenaline builds in my bloodstream. I can sense the strength growing, and I love it. Tonight couldn't have worked out any better—helping Maeve is good, killing hunters is better.

  "Did you see him?" asks a male voice and I flatten myself against the wall, heart pounding.

  "The shifter? Oh, yeah, we came to the right place. You know he has a vamp and two witches with him?" The glee in the second man’s voice raises hairs on my neck, but at least they can’t see me right now. "Four for the price of one. Heh."

  "Maybe keep away from the vamp. I didn’t bring anything sharp enough to decapitate the bastard. Is it a blood-sucker?"

  "Dunno. At least the shifter’s young enough to kill easily. I bet his friends are easy to put down too."

  I clench my teeth at their chuckling. What’s worse? That they claim it’s easier to kill me, or that they’re planning to kill the others?

  "Did you see where the shifter went?"

  "I’m sure he’s tracking me," says one guy loudly and I press myself harder into the wall. I can’t disguise myself the way some witches can, but I’m harder to find.

  They laugh again and the noise grates like fingernails down a chalkboard.

  "Maybe we should start on the witches first. Logan headed into the hall to find them. He can make a start." The guy pulls something from his pocket and he waves a small handgun in the air. "What do you think, shifter?"

  They’re saying these things to rile me further, suspecting I’m watching them, and his words are working. Blood pounds in my ears as I picture Maeve in their hands. Witches are the easiest race to kill because they're the closest to humans.

  Boots stomp along the path back towards the school building.

  They’re insane. Their secretive order would never shoot people in public. Would they?

  I need to stop them finding the third guy.

  Adrenaline pumping through my veins, I step from my hiding place and launch myself at the two men, knocking them over from behind like bowling pins. The guy with the scar, who Maeve predicted looks up, but not in surprise. The other man, older with a weary face, laughs up at the sky and their scorn infuriates me.

  I lift a fist to smack the closest face, but someone behind seizes my wrist.

  "I knew you'd be easy, but not this easy," says a male voice.

  Something hard hits the back of my skull with a crack, and I fall forwards.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  I sit beneath a tree, behind a large square building, close to the main school grounds. If this is anything like the academy campus, I’m betting I’m near a sports hall.

  The cloying scent from a school full of sweaty humans still covers my skin and clothes. I underestimated how overwhelming this would be — this is my first time around a large human group for years. Sure, they’re around the academy campus but never like this.

  I wrap my arms around my knees and draw them to my chest. The bloodlust gradually loosens, but the need pumps through my body. I chew gum hoping the strong mint will take over my sense of smell and taste and drive away the desire. Not working.

  Even though I fed before I followed Maeve, this craving is different to satisfying basic hunger.

  Why did I come here tonight? To prove a point to Maeve about my self-control? I wanted to prove a point to myself as much as the others. I don’t want a life hidden from humans. We share a world, and I refuse to be controlled by something that will isolate me.

  Walking away from the school hall and drifting off to spend time alone with the girl wasn’t the smartest move, but hell am I proud of myself. But what if Maeve hadn't found me? What would’ve happened?

  I smelt her witch blood in the hallway before she found the girl and me, and my senses immediately switched focus from her to Maeve.

  Witch blood.

  The ultimate taboo. One taste can lead to disaster, because witch blood guarantees loss of control. A vampire who takes too much and kills a witch faces an instant death sentence.

  The Dominion point at this reaction as an example why the supernatural accords are unnatural. Vampires once preyed on all races. Some still want to.

  At the academy, I waver between keeping my distance from witches or trying to spend time around them to inoculate my senses against their effect. Most don't want me near. Fair enough. Few outside of our race trust hemia vamps—or any vamps. Katherine’s smart, worming her way into Clive’s affections and Gilgamesh house. She has less success with infiltrating the witches, but none hold the same sway in the school as Clive. They don’t matter to her.

  Yet. Maeve is about to change the witches’ importance as a rare future-sighted witch. She thinks her life is tough now? Maeve’s life is about to get damn complicated.

  I tip my head so my cheek rests against my knees and inhale the autumn scents of mud and decaying leaves. The breeze helps fill my nostrils with the earthy smell and clears my head.


  I want her close even though I want her far away from me, and not because of her blood. I’m attracted to her because she’s nothing like me and want her because she resists me. This attraction could be purely physical, or more. That’s difficult for me to tell; I’m not the emotional type despite the dumb emo kid category they place me in.

  Something prompts me to find excuses to spend time around Maeve. To talk and have her focus on me, even if the reaction I elicit isn't the one I’d like. She’s fun to argue with, but the whole blood pumping faster as she gets annoyed is enough to make me back off. Maeve may believe she wins our verbal sparring, but if she knew the real reason I step away, or push her away, her disgust at me would be greater.

  Maeve looks at me as if I’m scum. Listens to others and believes their prejudices to the hemia. Maeve won't accept what I am, and I’m unsure she ever will.

  I’m unsure I ever will.

  I pull a face at myself. Ugh. Whiny little boy. But how many kids at that school are born vampires and have a mother who left the family and joined the Dominion? I'm aware that fingers point, and I’m kept under a closer watch. They don't want to know me; I live under her shadow and she clouds my life.

  Do they realise that their treatment could transform this traitor’s son into what others expect? To what my mother wants me to be—a powerful, ruthless vampire on the Dominion council.

  Teenage hormones and bloodlust? Way to go, parents. Thanks for that. All because you wanted a rare child to hold up to show how damn special and important you are. You were happy to consort with witches and dark magic to achieve that aim, weren’t you?

  I grit my teeth. Witches who are dead now.

  Three figures appear from the shadow dragging a fourth with them, interrupting my self-absorbed thoughts.


  I leap upwards and swing myself into the tree, crouching down on a thick branch. I have little cover. Will they look up? I shrink back further into the bough. I may not understand humans, but I sure as hell know that they shouldn't drag each other around unconscious.

  As the group come into view, I dig my fingernails into the bark. Ash. I’d recognise the size of him compared to most humans here tonight.

  Biding my time, I plan what to do. I’ve no doubt these are hunters and they’re preparing to kill a shifter kid. His race are easier to "put down" at this age. Young shifters take longer to bleed out, and their hearts longer to stop beating than a human, however much damage their attackers do. At least they can’t turn and rip you to shreds.

  Interesting. I toss the gum to one side to regain my senses and prepare myself. Perhaps I could help, but how many of the three could I take on? I pull my bottom lip down, as I think. Their blood would give me more energy, but if I kill a human, I’m screwed. Tobias hid my last fuck-up. And then there’s the other issue—how do I dispose of the bodies? Would Ash help if he knew I’d saved his life?

  The three men throw his body to the ground and one pulls cable ties from his pocket. I swallow as I watch them bind an unconscious Ash’s ankles and wrists, sizing up each guy’s strength and agility. One is definitely older, but that could mean more experienced not weaker. Another has the gun tucked into his jeans, and the third is slimmer and younger. I tip my head. Is that one hesitant?

  The men speak in low tones, all crouched around Ash’s body. Ash moves, yelling as he regains consciousness and a guy pistol whips him. Another leans in and his harsh voice reaches me, but I can’t make out the words. Ash kicks out and knocks the third to the ground.

  He scrambles to his feet as Ash kneels in an attempt to do the same. The guy with the gun reaches behind and his hand closes over the handle.

  As he lifts the gun to aim at Ash, I’m left with one option.

  I leap from the tree and land on the guys back wrapping an arm around his thick neck. He yells out and the gun in his hand fires, the bullet hitting the tree trunk I jumped from. I dig my nails into the hand holding the gun as the noise rings in my ears.

  "Let the gun go or I’ll break your fucking fingers and rip your throat out," I hiss into his ear and tighten my legs around his broad chest.

  He flails from side to side as I squeeze his neck. My urge to sink my teeth in grows as his panic pumps blood faster through the vein pulsing beneath my forearm. The gun falls to the ground.

  The other guys hesitate before one launches himself at us. I deftly jump from the guy I’m attacking and onto him, sending the new assailant sprawling backwards. Wow. I’ve fought with other vamps and shifters before, but few humans, and this is like throwing soft toys around.


  He scrambles to his feet, and I bare my teeth at him, loving the terrified expression on his face as he backs away.

  "Vamp!" he yells at his friends.

  I leap forward and grab his shoulders, and my fingers dig into the bone until he yelps in pain. He’s paralysed by the threat I’ll bite him as he stares at my grinning face. I won't use the sharp teeth he sees.

  Or I don't think I will.

  "Andrei," shouts out Ash.

  A shape flies through the air and a body crashes against a tree close by. The guy with the gun slumps to the ground, groaning. Ash stands behind me, fists clenched, and the broken cable ties hang from his arms and ankles.

  He charges into the third man who’s backing away from the scene. "Do you think you’re decent hunters?" he growls as he seizes him around the throat. "You can’t subdue a shifter with bloody cable ties. Do your research."

  He tosses this guy against a tree too.

  There’s a flash of metal as the first guy he threw lifts the gun with a trembling hand. He holds his second over the top to steady his aim and points the gun straight at Ash who sneers.

  "That’ll hurt me but won't kill me quick enough to save your life."

  "What’s happening?" comes a girl’s voice from behind, and footsteps run towards us. I spin around and barely register this is Maeve with Jamie and Tobias before the guy turns the gun in their direction instead.

  He shoots at the group.

  The sound of gunfire ricochets between the building and the tree, and my grip on self-control slips.

  Chapter Forty


  I don't see a gun in the man’s hand until he fires. I’ve never heard a gun before, and the volume shocks me as I stare back, rigid with shock.

  "Down!" yells Tobias and pushes me to the ground.

  Tessa screams and freezes. We have seconds to move. Somebody shoves her to one side, and she lands on the ground with another scream. Amelia crouches beside her and a guttural yell comes from the man who shot at us. I can’t make out what’s happening in the darkness, but I recognised Ash and Andrei before I fell down.

  I don’t want to witness anymore and cower with my arms over my head. Chaos surrounds me. Yelling. Terror. Screams for help. Footsteps as someone from our group runs over.

  "Omigod, omigod, omigod," pants out Tessa beside me. "What’s happening?"

  The sounds stop and I’m trembling all over. My wig half covers my face where it’s shifted, and the grass is muddy beneath my hands and knees. I don’t have a clear view of what’s happening close to the trees, but Tobias’s, Andrei’s and Ash’s figures surround two men on the ground.

  Did I see a third before I hit the ground? Where did he go?

  Tessa staggers to her feet and points with a shaking finger. "How do they do that? Ash threw him. Like threw him."

  She stumbles towards them, and I watch in disbelief that she walks towards something dangerous. "Maeve," urges Amelia, distracting me. "Look at Jamie."

  My heart leaps into my mouth at her agonised words as she staggers to her feet. Jamie lies face down on the ground between us.

  "Jamie?" I kneel touching his back in panic. Am I right? Is tonight the future I predicted for him?

  Have I stopped his death?

  As if to answer my question, Jamie rolls over onto his back with a groan. I look on with
my heart stuck in my mouth as he hauls himself upright. His jacket has fallen open and I have a clear view of any damage.

  No blood.

  My legs buckle with relief as he stands, and Jamie catches me in alarm. "Maeve?"

  Embarrassed, I step away. "Are you hurt?"

  He pats his body. "No. I don’t think the bullet hit me or anybody. Amelia?"

  She mutely shakes her head.

  I seize Jamie around the chest and squeeze him to me, pushing my face into his hard chest. His heart hammers against my cheek, and he winds his arms around my back, holding me as tightly.

  In that moment, I’m soothed as a calm washes over me. Jamie’s safe, and he’s here with me. The barrier between us the last days is crumbling at last. I want to cry and hold on to him, to believe that tonight something stopped the death I saw.

  To believe everything will be okay.

  Tessa screams again.

  That scream.

  The one I heard in my last vision of Jamie’s death.

  I tremble and almost sob with relief as the noise confirms my belief. This is the situation I needed to change, in order to save Jamie’s life. The two visions I’ve had recently dovetailed. They were the same night, and Tessa was never the one under threat.

  Amelia’s now beside her, holding Tessa by the upper arms and shaking so that she looks her in the face.

  "He’s bleeding!" Tessa shouts.

  Breaking free from Jamie, I run towards the scene.

  The man on the ground doesn’t move and blood streaks his face too. I gag at the blood pouring from the circular bite mark wound on his arm. Ash sits beside him on the ground, with his head bent over to touch his knees and hands in his hair.

  "Shit. I didn't mean to, but he pointed the gun at you all. How many more shots would he have taken at you all?" stammers Andrei.

  Blood covers Andrei’s mouth and chin and my stomach turns over. Tobias looks at his upper arm, muttering to himself, and I’m ready to vomit as he digs his fingers into the flesh and pulls out a small metal object. He examines a bullet with bloodied fingers, then shoves it into a pocket.


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