The Minute Boys of York Town

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The Minute Boys of York Town Page 17

by James Otis



  When we went out of old Mary's cabin, leaving the two prisonersunguarded in the loft, and Uncle 'Rasmus, who could not be depended uponin case either of the fellows should succeed in working himself free, onthe floor below, it came into my mind just for an instant that we had nowarrant for being so careless. Yet while the booming of the Americancannon was roaring in my ears and the Britishers moving to and fro likeants whose nests have been disturbed, giving little or no heed to thedefense, then did I comfort myself with the belief that nothing of harmcould come to us.

  It was in my mind that the hour of our danger had passed, and now it wasonly a question of a short time before our troubles would be over and wein the midst of our friends.

  Then, as we walked slowly and unmolested through the encampment, seeingon every hand signs and tokens of preparations for flight on the part ofthe enemy, was I yet further convinced that we need not fret ourselvesregarding the future save so far as Silver Heels and Saul's mare wereconcerned. I yet had hope that it might be possible to regain possessionof our pets. As a matter of course there was no idea in my mind that wewould be able to do it before Cornwallis's army had begun to retreat;but I said again and again to myself that if we lads carried the newsof the evacuation speedily to our people, then would they set off insuch hot pursuit that there were many chances I might have Silver Heelswith me but little the worse for her experience in the British army.

  So thoroughly well satisfied was I that this struggle had come to anend, that the Britishers were willing to acknowledge themselves beatenand now were only striving to prevent themselves from being takenprisoners, that I gave little heed to anything save the hope of beingable, by the aid of our friends in the American army, to regainpossession of the dear little colt. I even put from my mind as if theydid not exist those two scoundrels in the loft of old Mary's cabin,saying to myself that they could do us no harm even though they were setat liberty this very moment, because my Lord Cornwallis had on his mindmore important matters than the taking into custody of three boys whomight be charged with being spies, by a dissolute fellow who couldproduce no evidence save his own word.

  We lads spent the entire day roaming here and there throughout theencampment without hindrance, and I had even grown so bold that I wentup to Silver Heels while she was tethered on the bank of the river,caressing her silky nose as she whinnied with delight at being with meonce more.

  "Keep up your courage, my dear little Silver Heels," I whispered in herear as if it were possible she could understand me. "You may have a hardtime during the next four and twenty hours; but no longer, for then Ipromise you we two shall be on our way to the plantation. Once there weneed have no fear that you will again be disturbed by the red-coats,for our General Washington of Virginia is nigh upon the point of drivingthe last servant of the king out of this colony."

  Never a man interfered while I was caressing Silver Heels; but littleFrenchie speedily began to drag me away, whispering sharply in my ears:

  "Don't get the idea into your mind, Fitz Hamilton, that all the dangeris passed, and strive not to grow reckless in your hour of triumph, forthis army will not move until after dark, and 'twixt now and then thered-coated soldiers have it within their power to do you a deal ofmischief."

  I was near to laughing at these words of caution, thinking howcompletely the tables were turned between us, when it was him whoseemingly had grown timorous, and I showed myself the venturesome one.

  Saul apparently gave no heed to over-cautiousness or impudence; butwandered here and there with his hands in his coat-pockets as if he wasan honored guest, and I could well fancy that the lad much the same asforgot all the fears which beset him a short time before.

  We noted with glee the fact that the Britishers were gathering all theboats that could be come at, and even from Gloucester Point did theysend over barges and skiffs until the river front was completely linedwith small craft.

  The afternoon was not yet more than half spent before baggage wagonswere being loaded into the larger boats. I saw more than one officercarrying his belongings down to the river to stow them in this or thatcraft instead of trusting a soldier to perform the labor, as would havebeen done had matters not been so pressing, and if each man who wore ared coat was not looking forward with somewhat of fear to thepossibility that the retreating army might be choked before it hadgotten well on its way toward New York.

  As the day drew nearer to a close I became painfully nervous, fearinglest something even at this last hour should prevent my Lord Cornwallisfrom carrying out his plans, and seeing the expression of trouble on myface, understanding perhaps from that which was in his own mind, littleFrenchie whispered to me in a tone of encouragement:

  "Don't fret yourself, Fitz Hamilton, fearing lest the red-coats will notcarry out the manoeuvre. They only await the coming of night, when itwill be possible to steal across the river without being seen by ourpeople, and then you may set it down as a fact that all these valiantsoldiers of the king will make every effort to get out of the way ofthat French boy who, as my Lord Cornwallis has said, is striving to'play war with a handful of rebels.'"

  "Then there is in your mind no question but that the retreat is much thesame as begun?" I asked, wanting to hear him confirm that which was inmy mind.

  "I can see no evidence of their failing to go on as they have begun,"the lad replied cheerily, and added as he dropped his voice to awhisper: "The one chance which may work against us is, that my LordCornwallis will take some steps to prevent any of the people in thevillage from carrying word regarding his movements to the Americans,therefore let us get into some place of hiding, where we may watch allthat goes on here about the river bank without presenting ourselves tothe eyes of the red-coats."

  Hardly more than fifty yards from where we were then standing were theruins of a house which had been literally torn into fragments by shotfrom the American lines. Under these splintered and partially-burnedtimbers would it be possible for us to find a fairly good hiding place,unless peradventure strict search might be made, which was not probablebecause so far as we knew, the red-coats had no reason to suspect us asbeing other than lads whose parents so loved the king that they had beenwilling to remain in the village of York even during the siege.

  Saul was not at first inclined to go into hiding. When Pierre told himwhat we would do, he declared that it was putting ourselves to uselesstrouble, for these gentry who wore red coats no longer had the time northe inclination to concern themselves about us; but when little Frenchieexplained that we might in some way be prevented from carrying earlynews of the retreat to the American lines, then my cousin followed,unwillingly, mayhap, still he kept at our heels until we had wriggledour way beneath the shattered timbers to where it was possible to have afairly good view of the river.

  It was not until we had snugly stowed ourselves into this place that Ibegan to realize how great was the danger which menaced. Our people hadthe range so well that the buildings roundabout this place were torn andwrecked, while now and then a shot came unpleasantly near, and I saw twomen killed while they were striving to get one of the heavy baggagewagons on board a barge.

  Then I realized that it was more than possible we might never come outfrom beneath these timbers alive because of having been killed by ourown friends. The triumph which had been mine was sadly marred by thetimorousness which came over me, as I understood that death might benearer at hand than when we were in old Mary's cabin, with Abel Huntroaming around the village in search of us.

  Not for anything I owned of worldly goods would I have allowed Pierre toknow that which was in my mind. I strove manfully to drive out the fearby saying to myself that while we remained in the village of Yorkexposed to the fire of our friends we were as safe in one place asanother, and if it was written we should die that day, then did it makelittle difference what precautions might have been taken.

  When the sun had set the activity of the red-coats was redoubled. I
n thetwilight we who were hiding beneath the ruins could see the officers asthey went to and fro hurriedly, and hear their sharp words of command orof reproof as they chided this man or that with lingering, or strove toincite a squad into more rapid movement.

  Now was my heart beating so loudly and so violently that it was as ifeven the enemy on the river bank must hear it, for I realized that thesupreme moment for us of Virginia had come, and could conjure up nothingwhich might prevent the Britishers from carrying out their plans.

  I ceased to think of Uncle 'Rasmus who had been alone in the cabin allday, and gave no heed whatsoever to those scoundrels in the loft; forgotall else save the fact that the moment was fast approaching when Iwould be on my way to the American lines with the most welcome news evercarried by a lad of Virginia.

  It was not until nigh to ten o'clock, as nearly as I could judge of theflight of time, that we saw the first of the boats loaded with men pushoff, heading for Gloucester Point.

  The retreat had begun! Barge after barge, skiff after skiff, and craftof every kind, all heavily laden with soldiers or with baggage, set offfrom the shore, while as far back from the river as Governor Nelson'shouse, where my Lord Cornwallis had his headquarters, the men weremassed awaiting their turn.

  "Now has come the time, Fitz, when we must make ready for a swiftjourney," little Frenchie whispered, as if counting it a long distancefrom old Mary's cabin to the outposts of the American lines, whereas itwas within less than half a cannon-shot. "Every minute is precious now,and I am counting that we should be ready to set off on the instant themen have been called in from the outer works."

  "What preparations have we to make?" I asked in surprise.

  "Have you forgotten Uncle 'Rasmus and the prisoners?"

  "I count that they are yet in old Mary's cabin, and there they mayremain until our people have entered the village," I repliedindifferently.

  "But none of them have broken their fast this day, and those fellows inthe loft have had nothing whatsoever of drink."

  "Well, what then?" I asked irritably. "Neither have we lads had anythingto eat, and, save that it is possible for us to drink our fill, I seenot that we are any better off than they."

  "But we must not have ever on our consciences the knowledge that wedoomed two human beings to starvation."

  "Surely there is no danger of their dying 'twixt now and to-morrow, andby that time our people will be here."

  "As to that you cannot say, Fitz Hamilton. True it is the enemy isretreating; but the night is half spent, and it may be that the last ofthe troops will not have gone over much before daylight. Then our armyis like to set out in pursuit, and I am minded to go with it, whereasmatters be arranged properly at the cabin, we are confined here in thevillage with no opportunity of showing ourselves as Minute Boys amongreal soldiers."

  I had almost forgotten that we decided to call ourselves Minute Boys.There had been so much of pain, fear and hope during the past four andtwenty hours that all else had gone from my mind, save the fact that theBritishers were much the same as whipped, and that it might be possiblefor me to regain possession of Silver Heels.

  When, however, Pierre thus reminded me that we might, even at thiseleventh hour, do something toward showing ourselves worthy of beingcalled Minute Boys, although we really accomplished nothing more, thenwas I fired with the same desire that was in his mind.

  Although as I have said many times, I had little knowledge of militarymatters, it appeared to me that as soon as it was learned the red-coatshad crossed over to Gloucester our people would, by using the boats andvessels which were lying in the stream 'twixt York and Williamsburg,cross directly over to the other shore without coming down through thevillage, for thus they might circle around the advance of the retreatingfoe.

  In the meanwhile both encampments would be in the hands of such Toriesas had remained throughout the siege, and, most like, a certain numberof camp followers would linger behind.

  "What can be done with Uncle 'Rasmus?" I asked anxiously, fearing lestit might be necessary we take him with us and thus have a drag on ourmovements, for the old man could not travel very swiftly; but littleFrenchie had the matter already mapped out in his mind as I might haveunderstood, and replied:

  "It has been decided that you shall go on a westerly course, whilecarrying word across the lines, and therefore it is I propose you takeUncle 'Rasmus with you. Once beyond the enemy's works, where there is nodanger either Tory or camp follower can molest him, set the old fellow'sface toward the Hamilton plantation and let him plod his way on alone,for there is naught of danger on that road."

  "But the prisoners?" I asked.

  "They must be set free, else will it become our duty to remain hereinstead of joining in the pursuit."

  "When do you count that should be done?" I asked, and much to mysurprise little Frenchie replied thoughtfully:

  "There is no reason why we should not begin at once, and everyinducement for us to have our preparations made for a quick departurefrom the town. Suppose you go back and attend to it? Within the hour wemust be on our way, for when those boatmen who have just put off, comeback and take on another cargo, then is the retreat much the same asaccomplished, for by that time every soldier from the works roundaboutwill be called in."

  Because of the past, when Pierre had shown himself so quick-witted andhaving such a good idea of military matters, I made no protest againsthis proposition; but stood ready to obey implicitly any orders he mightgive. Therefore I asked how he had it in his mind we should release theprisoners, for I was not burning to go into the loft and set Abel Huntfree, because of knowing that the first of us lads with whom thatscoundrel came in contact when he was at liberty to use his hands, wouldsuffer most severely.

  Pierre had it all planned out, and, as I believed, in a most skillfulmanner. He proposed that after Uncle 'Rasmus had left the building, andhad gotten say twenty or thirty yards on his road toward the Hamiltonplantation, I should bring Horry Sims down to the lower floor, and thereset him free with instructions for him to remain where he was a certainlength of time, after which he was to go up and release Abel Hunt.

  Before this could be done I ought to be well toward the enemy's outerworks, where I was to remain in hiding until all the Britishers had lefttheir posts. This would give me the advantage of starting instantly theworks were abandoned, and even before the last of the army had embarked,therefore was it reasonable to suppose I might gain speech with some ofthe officers of our army while there was yet time to draw the netsaround the fleeing red-coats.

  "I will go whenever you shall say the word," was my reply after littleFrenchie had explained thoroughly the plan. "But what is Saul to do inthe meanwhile?"

  "I am counting that when you start for old Mary's cabin, he shall setoff further to the eastward, where he will remain hidden as I proposeyou are to do, until the works have been abandoned."

  "And you yourself, Pierre?"

  "I am counting to wait here only until I see the boatmen return from theGloucester shore to take on another cargo, and then I shall follow yourexample, giving no heed, however, to either you or Saul; but bending allmy energies toward getting within the lines of our people with as littleloss of time as may be."

  After this there was nothing for me to say, unless peradventure I hadsome fault to find with the plan, and I lingered only to press each ofmy comrades by the hand as I whispered:

  "God grant that we Minute Boys of York Town, as from this instant wewill call ourselves, may be able to do that thing to-night which willresult in the capture of Lord Cornwallis and all his troops!"

  Then I crept out from the shattered timbers, not taking overly greatcare to avoid making a noise for there were none who would payparticular attention to me at that time, and once free of the ruins Iwalked without undue haste in the direction of old Mary's cabin, knowingthat I had ample time to do all which was set me before the way into theAmerican lines would be opened.

  When I entered the cabin Uncle 'Rasmus was
seated by the window, as heever had been since we came into this place of refuge, patiently waitingfor our coming, and surely the old man's heart must have been triedduring that long, long day when we failed to give any token of ourwhereabouts, for he had good reason to fear, because of our continuedabsence, that some trouble had overtaken us. Yet there was never a wordof repining or reproach upon his lips when I showed myself.

  "Bress de Lawd, honey; bress de Lawd dat you'se come back! Whar's deodder chillun?"

  I speedily made the old man acquainted with all that was going on; butdid not tell him what it was proposed he and I should do, for luckily Irealized that Abel Hunt's ears were open, and if I should advertise allour proposed movements there might possibly be a chance of hisovertaking us to wreak revenge before our task could be finished.

  Therefore it was I told the old man only that the British army wasretreating, and made an overly long story because he could not refrainfrom crying out in his joy now and again, and insisted on hearing allthe little details concerning the movements of the soldiers.

  But the story was told finally, however, and then I led the old man outof the cabin, he following me obediently, never asking where we weregoing, and when we had come to a ruined building mayhap fifty yardsdistant from old Mary's cabin, I halted, explained what we would do,saying that he should stay there while I went back and released theprisoners.

  For the first time in my life Uncle 'Rasmus set his face against thatwhich I would do. He declared that Pierre was in the wrong when hewould handle the Tories so tenderly; that our first and only thoughtshould be of our own safety, and no heed be given to the sufferings ofthose who would have sent us to the gallows.

  I was not able to argue successfully with the old negro because therewas in my mind much the same thought as in his, yet did I know that thefellows must be set free since it was a portion of Pierre's plan. I hadpromised him it should be done, and if I failed in my part of the workthen might all the rest go awry. It was to my mind a question of doingexactly as the little lad had planned, or else let him understand that Iwas set against a certain portion of it.

  All this I said to Uncle 'Rasmus, striving to make him understandclearly why I must go on even though it was against my inclination, andwhen I was finally come to an end the old man said in a tone ofresignation:

  "Well, honey, I'se 'lowin' you'se gwine to do jes' as dat yere littleFrench boy says; but I'se tellin' you, chile, dat de only way to treatdese yere Tories is de way you treat a rattlesnake, an' dat is to get'em on de end ob a split stick an' leabe 'em dere, widout worryin' yo'head ef dey's habin' it comfortable or not."

  "I'll go back and do as I've promised, Uncle 'Rasmus. You stay here, andin five minutes I shall return unless something unfortunate happens."

  "Keep your eye mighty sharp on dat Abel Hunt, chile. Don' let him get debest ob you no how, kase he's slippery, an' like de rattler, he's gwineto strike when you ain' lookin' for it."

  "I'm not counting on having any trouble whatsoever with Abel, Uncle'Rasmus. Horry Sims is to do that part of it, as I have told you."

  Then I went hurriedly away, feeling ill at ease on this errand of mercybecause of the old negro's insistence that it was dangerous and borderedon folly to set loose such as Abel Hunt, when we had him trussed upwhere it was not possible for him to do any mischief.

  I hastened back to old Mary's cabin, and, halting not on the floorbelow, went directly into the loft, where, cutting the bonds that heldHorry Sims's feet, I ordered him to follow me down the ladder. At thatmoment I would, had it not been for Uncle 'Rasmus's warning, have takenthe gag from Abel Hunt's mouth that he might be saved just so many moremoments of suffering; but having in mind all the old negro had advancedas an argument against showing such mercy, I withheld my hand, and HorrySims followed me in surprise and bewilderment at this sudden change inaffairs, as obediently as a well whipped cur would have done.

  It had been Pierre's command that I bring the Tory lad down to the floorbelow, there set him free, and then make my escape; but, because of thedoubts in my heart, I exceeded little Frenchie's instructions by leadinghim some distance, say an hundred feet, from the cabin before tellinghim what were my intentions.

  "You are to go back now and release Abel Hunt," I said, after havingexplained to him as much as I thought necessary, although I took care tohave the lad understand that his British friends were retreating.

  "And after that has been done?" Horry asked as if counting that he mustcontinue to obey me however the circumstances might be changed.

  "When you have released Abel you may go whithersoever you please."

  "And do you count that the time will never come, Fitzroy Hamilton, whenI can repay you, Saul Ogden and that French boy for what you have done?"the young Tory cried as soon as I had removed the bonds from his hands,his courage reviving immediately he was free of limb, and the angerwhich he had been bottling up while he was helpless, pouring from hismouth in a torrent of words as he threatened this, that and the other,which should come to me and mine.

  "I have no care as to what you can do, Horry Sims," I said, holding himby the shoulder so he should not be able to leave until I had given himdue warning. "Remember you this, that the next time you come across mypath with any intent of evil, or with any token that you would raiseyour hand against me, from that moment what you have already suffered asa prisoner will be as nothing compared with the punishment we lads willdeal out. Now that your friends the Britishers are being driven from thesoil of Virginia your fangs are gone. If you have any commonsense inthat Tory head of yours you will keep a still tongue, and never raiseyour hand against any of the people in this colony."

  Then I released the cur, and watched for an instant to see that he wentstraight back toward the cabin, after which I turned about to rejoinUncle 'Rasmus, and at that instant it was as if all nature had suddenlybeen convulsed.

  Because of my excitement, and owing to the fact that I was so intentupon that which was to be done, I had given no heed to the tokens inthe sky, and the clouds may have been gathering half an hour or morewithout my knowledge. Certain it is, however, that on the instant, andsuddenly as the lightning's flash, came the roar of a tempest that shookthe half-ruined houses nearabout until the last timbers were overthrown,and I was forced to exert all my strength in order to stand against thatfurious blast. Then came peal upon peal of thunder, which drowned theroaring of the guns, for our people were yet firing upon the doomedvillage in order to show the Britishers that they were on the alert.

  The vibration of the thunder had hardly died away when the lightningflashed great sheets of flame across the eastern sky, illumining theriver whereon boats were plying to and fro, and showing clear as in amirror the red-coats massed upon the banks awaiting their turn to goacross to Gloucester Point.

  After that came a downpour of water, when the wind drove the rain-dropsin solid sheets, as you might say, which stung one's face like thousandsof needles. The roaring of thunder, for after the first outburst of thetempest it seemed to be almost continuous, the blinding flashes oflight, together with the deluge of water, all served to confuse one, andI believe I stood there struggling against the elements to hold myfooting, a full minute before gathering my wits sufficiently to turnabout in order to rejoin Uncle 'Rasmus.

  "For de Lawd's sake, honey, am de earth turnin' upside down?" the oldman cried when I came to where he stood exposed to all the fury of thetempest, for he dared not remain amid the ruins of the building wheregreat timbers were being flung about by the wind like straws. "What'sGin'ral Cornwallis gone done to bring on dis yere ter'ble racket?"

  "I have released the Tories, Uncle 'Rasmus," I shouted, forced to speakclose in his ear else he could not have heard me. "Why should we notpush on even as Pierre has planned for us to do?"

  "Was you gwine to tell our people dat de Britishers were takin' to dereheels for Gloucester Point?" Uncle 'Rasmus asked, as if having forgottenall that I had told him.

  "Of course that is the story. Why else s
hould it be necessary for us tomake such haste?"

  "Den stay whar you are, honey. Dere's gwine to be no retreatin' dis yerenight."

  "What do you mean?" I asked in bewilderment, almost fancying the old manhad taken leave of his senses. "We saw a portion of the army go across."

  "I'se 'lowin' all dat, honey; but yer Uncle 'Rasmus am tellin' yer datdere won't any odder Britishers go ober dis yere night. I'se libed righterlong dis riber all my life, an' I knows dere ain' de bigges' skiffeber was built dat could make a landin' on de Gloucester shore sence disyere storm got up. Gin'ral Cornwallis am boun' to put an end to dat erefun ob his kase he can't get across, honey, I'se tellin' yer he can'tget across, not till dis yere racket done died away, an' den dere'sboun' fo' to be a ragin' torrent."

  It was not until several moments had passed that I realized the truth ofall Uncle 'Rasmus had said. Then was borne in upon me the memory of whatI had seen in ordinary hurricanes, when the river had been lashed intoa fury by the wind, and the ablest boatmen along the shore dare not putout, for I venture to say there is no other body of water in thiscountry so quickly changed to a boiling flood, or so dangerous to cross,as that portion of the York river which turns around Gloucester Point.

  While I stood there in painful indecision, tears of disappointmentrolling down my cheeks because at the very moment our time of triumphwas apparently come it was turned aside by the elements themselves, Isaw as the electric flashes lighted up the sky even more brilliantlythan before, two forms come out of old Mary's cabin and set off in thedirection of Governor Nelson's house, where my Lord Cornwallis made hisheadquarters.

  "There go Abel Hunt and Horry Sims!" I cried bitterly. "The tempest isas nothing to them so that they may lodge a charge against us as beingspies, to the end that we may come to the gallows here in this villageof York."

  "Hab dey done gone out ob de cabin, honey?" Uncle 'Rasmus cried, andwhen I repeated again that which I had seen the old man said as he heldmy head down to his mouth that no word might be swept aside by thefurious blast:

  "You'se boun' to go back, honey, boun' to go back inter de house, kasewhen de mornin' comes you'se gwine to be in a pickle wid Abel Hunt an'Horry Sims gallivantin' 'roun' tryin' to lay you by de heels. Go back indar 'fore dey comes dis yere way!"

  "But why should we go there, Uncle 'Rasmus?" I cried angrily. "Why shutourselves up in a trap where the Britishers may lay hands on us wheneverthey may be so disposed?"

  "You'se gwine back dar, honey, kase dere ain' any odder place in disyere village. Dere's no show ob gettin' trou de lines now, chile, an'what you'se needin' is dem yere guns what we done hid under de floor."

  "You're crazy, Uncle 'Rasmus! You're crazy to think we three lads maystand up against all these Britishers!" and now indeed did I lose mytemper; but Uncle 'Rasmus, still holding my head where he could makecertain every word he spoke might be heard by me, said earnestly:

  "Tell me whar's you gwine to go, honey, ef you don' hide yoursef in oleMary's cabin? Does you count on bein' run 'roun' dis yere village whende sun comes up, like a fox wid a houn' at his tail? Ef de Britishershab begun to get across to Gloucester Point, dere's a chance dey'll keepat it when de riber quiets down, an' all you chillun's needin' to do iskeep whar you can hol' your own. Get back inter de cabin, honey!"

  Then it was that Uncle 'Rasmus took me by the arm with a strength whichI never suspected was in his frail body, and although I struggled not,he literally dragged me through that howling, raging tempest to thehovel which I thought I had left never to return, and we two entered,the water running in streams from our garments as we stood in the middleof the floor silent and motionless, each striving, most like, to decidewhat should next be done.



  Uncle 'Rasmus and I were still standing on the puncheon floor in thedarkness of old Mary's cabin when the door was suddenly thrown open, andin came Pierre and Saul, bringing with them such an onrush of water asthe rain swept through the opening, that it seemed as if the hovel mustsoon be flooded.

  "Thank heaven you did not start as I counted on!" Pierre cried in a toneof relief as he set about barricading the door to keep out the elements,and I cried bitterly, remembering that if I had heeded Uncle 'Rasmus'sadvice we would not be in such great peril.

  "The storm came in time to prevent us from making an effort to getthrough the lines; but not sufficiently soon to stop us from settingloose that miserable scoundrel, Abel Hunt, and the sneak Horry Sims."

  "What?" Saul cried in a tone of mingled surprise and dismay. "Are theyat liberty?"

  "Surely they are, for I obeyed Pierre's orders to the letter, despiteall Uncle 'Rasmus could say against it. The old man has more sense inhis black head than we, for he declared that such scoundrels should betreated like rattlers, and no heed given to their possible sufferings."

  "Then are we undone!" Saul cried helplessly. "The retreat has beenprevented by this tempest, for no boat can live on the river while thestorm rages as it does, and we know without being told that Cornwalliswill not attempt to send more troops across, at least until anothernight has come. In the meanwhile Abel Hunt and Horry Sims will have laidus by the heels, as they have threatened to do! It is only a matter ofaccusing us of striving to get across the lines to tell our people whathas been done, when Lord Cornwallis will make certain we come to aspeedy end."

  I believe even little Frenchie was daunted for the moment, as he came torealize what our blunder, for it was not less, might mean; but he strovemanfully to repress any show of fear as he said in what he countedshould be a cheery tone:

  "I dare venture to say that neither red-coat nor Tory will go abroadthis night while the storm is so furious, therefore we had best makeourselves as comfortable as possible," and he set about kindling a fire,for surely it was needed that we might dry our clothing which had beenthoroughly saturated.

  "We will take our comfort for the last time," Saul said bitterly, as hethrew himself down upon the floor like one from whom all hope has fled,and Uncle 'Rasmus, for the first time since we had left the Hamiltonplantation, seeming to count himself as one of us lads, said in a toneof deepest satisfaction:

  "Ef it's de las' time, honey, we'll make it mighty oncomfortable forwhoever comes to drive us off, kase we'se inside our own fortifications,an' I'se 'lowin' dat ef de Americans keep it up as lively to-morrow asdey did dis yere day, den can we hol' de fort quite a spell afore deywork dere will."

  It was this remark which showed Pierre Laurens the single ray of lightremaining for us, and, ceasing his task of building the fire, he sprangexcitedly to his feet as he cried joyously:

  "Uncle 'Rasmus is right! Cornwallis has begun to retreat and sent aportion of his troops to the other shore. Now he's weaker than before,and if we can hold our own in this cabin four and twenty hours, then isthere good reason to believe the Americans will have possession of YorkTown. If we made a blunder in freeing the prisoners, it was not so greatas that which my Lord Cornwallis has made because of not first lookingat the signs of the weather before he began to move his forces. When daybreaks our people must see what has been done, and seeing, will striveto take every advantage. We will hold this fort, and it must be thatsome power beyond that of earth paved the way for our safety, else hadwe not been provided with weapons and ammunition. Through the death ofthe red-coats who were shirking their duty, we may hold quite a force ofthe enemy for a considerable time."

  "How long can you hold your own in this miserable hovel with two ofthree hundred Britishers surrounding it?" Saul cried, and Pierre addedyet more cheerily:

  "Do you believe for an instant, Saul Ogden, that while matters are sobad with him, General Cornwallis will call off three or four hundredsoldiers to obey the behest of such as Abel Hunt? Even though he maybelieve all that scoundrel can tell him, he has other fish to fry thanthat of capturing three boys and a negro. I tell you, lads, we are notbeaten yet, for within four and twenty hours there will be a wondrouschange come over this village of York, and even tho
ugh the Britishersmay not have been taken, our forces, seeing the advantage that can begained, will advance their earthworks; when there's a chance we shall beable to get word to them."

  This caused me to have what, for the instant, I believed to be abrilliant thought, and straightway I cried out:

  "Why is not now the time when we might have speech with our people?While the tempest rages as it does, I dare venture to say it will bepossible to cross the British lines--"

  "Less possible than if the moon was shining. The red-coats will be intheir works and along the intrenchments to screen themselves from thestorm, instead of moving around, and therefore you have no chance ofmaking your way across. It would be death to attempt it."

  "And it is very near like death to stay here?"

  "In this cabin we may die fighting, as Minute Boys should, which to mymind is far better than being killed like rats in a ditch, as would bethe fate of him who attempted now to cross the lines. The red-coats inyonder fortifications are not fools. Every man jack of them understandsthat this attempted retreat is a failure, and must of a necessity be yetmore keenly on the alert, therefore I say, you had best have tried toget across the lines this morning, in the light of day, than just nowwhen Cornwallis's troops are smarting under what is very much likesignal defeat."

  I was silenced if not convinced by what Pierre had said, yet did notresign myself to the inevitable as a lad of Virginia should have done.

  Instead of accepting the consequences of our blunder with cheerful faceas Pierre and Uncle 'Rasmus were doing, I threw myself down by the sideof Saul in sulky humor, never offering to lend a hand toward putting thecabin in a state of defense until the old negro and little Frenchie hadworked desperately ten minutes or more, after the fire was kindled, tobarricade the door.

  Then it was I grew ashamed of myself; realized what a miserable part Iwas playing, I who had conceived the idea of forming a company of MinuteBoys with the thought that I might stand at their head, and, springingup, I joined Pierre and Uncle 'Rasmus until Saul, in turn taking shame,did his part.

  First we tore from the floor of the loft the heavy puncheon planks whichwere laid across the beams but not fastened in place, and with them asprops and bars fastened the door that the side of the building itselfwould yield to pressure from without before would that barrier,strengthened as we had succeeded in strengthening it.

  Then we fastened planks across the windows, forced to tie them in placewith strips which formed the bonds that held Abel Hunt and Horry Simshelpless, for we had nothing else with which to work, and after all thathad been done we made a rude platform just beneath where the roof of thebuilding had been torn away by a cannon ball, so that one of us couldstand sentinel watching the approach of the enemy and give due warningof his coming.

  This done we took from beneath the floor the muskets, loaded each, andportioned out the cartridges fairly, giving to every one his share,after which, at Pierre's suggestion, we made a hearty meal of the lastfragments of food in our possession.

  When my stomach was fairly well filled, then did there come back to methat courage under which I should never have lost hope.

  There was no token that the storm might be losing its force; in fact itseemed to me as if it increased momentarily, if indeed such could be thecase when the wind was raging, the rain falling and the thunder pealingas I had never heard or seen it before.

  It was almost as if we were in a ship at sea, so violently did oldMary's cabin rock to and fro under that mighty blast, and there weremany times before the coming of morning when I really believed the hovelwould be rent asunder by the wind, and we deprived of this seemingly ourlast opportunity to sell our lives at somewhat of a fair price.

  When we had made ready our defense so far as was possible, and hadsatisfied our hunger, Uncle 'Rasmus would have it that we lads shouldlie down to sleep, trusting him to stand guard over us; but never oneamong our company was willing to act upon the suggestion, for whatfellow could have slept with the elements raging and roaring without,while he knew full well what must be before him when the sun rose again.

  It was not even possible for us to seek repose; but all three paced toand fro from one end of the small room to the other, as if by thusremaining in motion we could the better hold in check our fears and ourforebodings.

  Before we were aware that the new day was breaking, it was possible tohear dimly as though far away in the distance, the roar of the Americancannon, drowned at times by the howling of the hurricane, and Pierrecried as if those detonations were promises of safety for us:

  "Could anything be working more to our advantage, lad? It must be thatour people understand somewhat of that which was done last night, forthey are sending their iron messengers into this village with more offury and determination than since the siege began."

  I failed to understand how it could advantage us greatly even though ourpeople made a direct assault, as I said to Pierre; but the lad could notwell answer me, and I understood when he held his peace that he hadsimply cried out in the hope of heartening us.

  Then I listened intently for noises from the outside, and, unable todistinguish between the roar of the cannon and the pealing of thethunder, proposed that I be the first to go on watch in the loft above,for I was burning to be able to see something other than the four wallsof that miserable hovel.

  No one said me nay, and with two of the loaded muskets so that I mightbe able to shoot twice in rapid succession if need arose, I clambered upthe ladder into the attic where Abel Hunt and Horry Sims had spent somany, and such painful hours.

  It was not yet sunrise, but the light of the coming day was sufficientto enable me to see surrounding objects, and yet I could perceive nochange in the disposition of the British troops.

  Overhead the clouds were rolling swiftly in token that the terrifictempest had well-nigh spent its force, and I said to myself that whenthe rain ceased to fall in such torrents, then would Abel Hunt andHorry Sims present themselves, knowing full well where we would takerefuge in event of having failed to make our way outside the lines.

  The hurricane ceased almost as quickly as it had begun. It was as if therising sun stilled the wind and caused the rain to cease, for withinhalf an hour, as I now remember, all nature was at peace; but man wasyet struggling and with desperation to kill his brother.

  Never had the guns within our lines been served so rapidly; never wascannonading continued so long, nor had such great destruction followedas a result.

  While yet I stood looking out I had a view of our Governor Nelson'smansion which Cornwallis had taken possession of, and speedily saw thatthe Americans must be using it as a target, for in as many seconds adozen balls struck the building, or passed close to it, and I could wellfancy that Governor Nelson himself must be directing or agreeing to thedestruction of his own beautiful home, for I had learned during my visitto Williamsburg when I went out to aid the Jerseyman, that the governorhimself was leading the Virginia militia.

  When the first ball struck that stone mansion tearing away the wallsuntil two of the upper windows were made into one, I saw the red-coatedofficers pour out like wasps from their nests, and scatter in everydirection, at which sight I laughed aloud in my glee, rejoicing that theenemy were finding themselves in quite as disagreeable a situation as welads who were waiting with as much of courage as we could command forthe coming of those soldiers who would drag us off to the gallows, mostlike without even the formality of a trial because affairs had come tosuch a dangerous pitch with my Lord Cornwallis.

  I believe the day was no more than an hour old, and the fire from theAmerican guns had not slackened, but continued to do quite as muchexecution as when I first took my post, that I saw in the distancecoming toward us, but unattended, those two scoundrels who were bentupon our destruction.

  Leaning over so that my voice might carry the better to the floor below,I cried:

  "Here come Abel Hunt and Horry Sims!"

  "How many red-coats have they with them?" Saul asked.r />
  "They are alone; but carry muskets."

  Then it was Pierre shouted triumphantly:

  "It is as I told you! My Lord Cornwallis has other fish to fry than thetaking into custody of three boys who may or may not be spies, but whocan do him no harm at this late day. Those scoundrels may tell theirstory wheresoever they please in this village of York; but no one willgive heed to them while our people are making matters so hot."

  I could not quite agree with little Frenchie in this, because ofbelieving that the curs might find here and there among the privates onewho would like nothing better in the way of pleasure than the smokingout of a rebel, and I strained my eyes in every direction that I mighthave ample warning of the approach of the soldiers. Yet none appeared.

  Those who were in the fortifications had quite as much on their hands ascould be attended to just then, if they would preserve their lives,while those off duty were by no means inclined to come within the lineof fire. I also understood that there must be considerable of confusionarising from the fact that a portion of the army and a goodly part ofthe baggage was already on the Gloucester side.

  While believing that an attack would not be made upon us by considerablenumbers, I grew brave at seeing only Hunt and Horry coming toward thecabin, and hailed them by shouting:

  "I am giving fair warning that if either of you come a dozen pacesnearer, we shall fire!"

  The two halted, and Abel Hunt cried derisively, pointing out to HorrySims my head which appeared above the splintered timbers of the roof:

  "There is one of the rebels who has come to the end of his rope, andbefore this day closes we will see him dancing on nothing."

  To this I made no reply, and before the scoundrel had ceased speakingPierre Laurens was at my side, resting his musket upon one of the logsin order the better to take aim.

  "Are you going to shoot them down without warning?" I cried in what wasvery like alarm, and he replied in a matter-of-fact tone:

  "You have already given sufficient warning, and if I can drop either ofthem now, we shall have one the less to fight."

  He discharged his musket as he ceased speaking, and the ball, missingthe target, passed so close to Abel Hunt's head that the fellow leapedback at least six paces, and then wheeling about, ran like a frightenedrabbit, followed by Horry, until the two were beyond musket-shot, whenthey halted as if to take counsel.

  After mayhap a full minute they went away in the direction of thewesterly redoubt, and we stood there speculating as to what might betheir purpose in thus seemingly abandoning the attack before it wasreally made, when they reappeared, leading five soldiers, and then did Iunderstand that that which I feared had come to pass. Most like byrepresenting to these red-coats that a bit of sport could be had bysmoking out four rebels, they succeeded in persuading some of the moredissolute ones to join them, and now was our moment of trial come.

  "Now we shall have a taste of their metal, and they shall know what wecan do," Pierre said grimly, his lips tightly shut and an expression onhis face such as I have never seen him wear. "The time has come, Fitz,for you and me to go to the floor below."

  "Why should not one of us stay here to keep watch?" I asked, impatientin my nervous fear.

  "Because he who stands in this place offers too fair a target for yonderrebel hunters, and I am not counting they shall draw Virginia blooduntil we have left our mark upon some of their scurvy bodies."

  I was not pleased at the idea of stationing all our force at one point,for surely it seemed necessary those who were defending the cabin shouldknow what was going on outside; but Pierre was so insistent, and socommanding in his tone, that even though it was his blunder which hadthus trapped us, I could not disobey.

  There were loop-holes in plenty for us four, and we counted Uncle'Rasmus among our number. Between the puncheon planks which had beentied at the windows, and even 'twixt the logs of the building itself, wecould thrust the muzzles of our muskets, and when Pierre, who tookcommand of the company without question, had stationed us to hissatisfaction, he said as he walked once around the room like a generalsurveying his troops:

  "Do not fire until the enemy are so near that you can make certain ofhitting the target, and then shoot to do harm. We are trapped here, andwill pay the forfeit if we fall into the hands of yonder men and lads,for there will be no question of military trial, or even of reportingour capture to Lord Cornwallis. Remember that our lives depend upon youraim."

  It so chanced that Pierre himself was the first to open the battle, ifsuch it could be called. Abel Hunt walked side by side with the soldiersas they advanced at easy pace; but I noted that Horry Sims hung back asif he had no stomach for such work as was evidently before him, and whenthe company were come within mayhap fifty paces Pierre shouted shrilly:

  "Halt where you are, or we shall fire, and there is little chance of abullet's going amiss at such close range."

  Just for an instant I fancied the red-coats wavered, and certain it isAbel Hunt nimbly sprang back behind the man at whose side he had beenwalking; but the soldiers themselves kept on, and before I could havecounted five little Frenchie fired.

  One of the Britishers plunged forward and then sprawled out on theground, looking there like a clot of blood because of the color of hisuniform. The other four continued at a steady pace when I fired,wounding one of them in the leg so sorely that he was fain to turn tailand beat a retreat for the redoubt.

  This last shot brought all the would-be rebel hunters to a halt, and Ihad taken up my second musket, counting to send another ball amongthem, when they wheeled suddenly about, while Pierre, clutching me bythe shoulder, said hurriedly:

  "Do not shoot a man in the back! Thus far we have but defendedourselves, and will not shed blood needlessly. It may be they have got afull dose, and we are done with them for the time being.

  "Don' let dat idee run away wid you, chile," Uncle 'Rasmus cried inquavering tones. "Once a Britisher hab done trapped sich as we, he'sboun' to keep up de sport."

  I myself believed Uncle 'Rasmus spoke the truth, for it did not seempossible these soldiers of the king would allow themselves to be beatenoff so suddenly, more particularly since one of their number lay at fulllength on the ground in front of us apparently unable to move.

  Pierre and I reloaded the muskets which had been discharged, and thenduring ten minutes or more we stood with our eyes glued to the crevicesbetween the puncheon planks, watching for the next token of danger,while all around the cannon of the Americans roared and thundered,sending across the village balls and flaming bombs until it was as if wehad above our heads a veritable roof of flying, deadly missiles.

  When mayhap ten minutes had passed we received good proof that Uncle'Rasmus was in the right, for then from out the redoubt came a squad ofred-coats, no less than twenty I should say, and tailing on behind them,seemingly not eager to occupy any post of danger, were Abel Hunt andHorry Sims.

  "It looks to me as if our race was well-nigh run," Saul said grimly, andeven in that time of deadly peril did my heart go out in rejoicingtoward the lad whose courage revived at seemingly the very moment whenhis doom was sealed.

  This last force of the enemy was not disposed to venture as carelesslyas had the first, for while they were yet a musket-shot distant theyseparated into three squads, two of which made a wide detour around bothends of the cabin, taking good care meanwhile to keep out of range, andthe third halted in their tracks, evidently waiting until their comradeshad taken up such positions as had previously been decided upon.

  "They are going around to the back of the cabin, and most like count onattacking us through the roof, for it must be plain to them, even atsuch a distance, that the hovel has been shattered by cannon balls,"Pierre said, and I leaped toward the ladder, whereupon he sprang afterme, counting on pulling me back as he said almost angrily:

  "That is my place, Fitz Hamilton! It was I who caused us to be trapped,by advising that the prisoners be set free at such an early hour, and Iam the one who shall go i
nto the loft!"

  "Because it is a place of greater danger!" I cried, still swarming upthe shaky bars of wood which were nailed across the side of thebuilding, and when I was come to what was left of the floor above, Ithreatened to throw Pierre down if he attempted to join me.

  "I have shown the white feather more than once since we have been inthis town of York, and now am I determined to prove whether I be acoward or no!" I cried shrilly, hardly knowing what I said, for theimminence of the danger had stirred me into a fever, and once more in mylife did I see a reddish hue before my eyes, while my one desire was tokill those who counted on speedily overcoming us. "You are needed below,Pierre, where some execution may be done, and I shall take my standhere."

  Even while speaking could I hear sounds from the rear of the cabin as ifthe soldiers were piling up timbers, or something of that sort, to maketheir way to the roof, and although it was borne in upon me clearly thatwithin a few seconds most like I would be struggling hand to hand withmen who had been trained in the art of warfare, yet I set it down astrue that never did there come into my heart the slightest idea ofwavering or of fear. Yet that may not be put to my credit, for, as Isaid before, the fever of battle had seized upon me, and I burned to seethe first red-coated scoundrel show himself at the aperture in the roofthat I might send a bullet into his worthless carcass.

  Suddenly, and so far as I could judge, before those in the rear had beenable to gain a position on the roof, fire was opened upon us from thefront, and on the instant it was returned by our lads with such spiritthat at once dense clouds of smoke from burning powder came up throughthe scuttle, parching my throat, and rendering it difficult for me tokeep my eyes free from the blinding tears of irritation which filledthem.

  I was yet saying to myself that the Britishers had not succeeded ingaining a foothold upon the roof, when suddenly I saw the muzzle of amusket through the crevices of the logs, where as yet the timbersremained intact, and immediately came the report of a weapon as a bulletwhistled past my cheek, cutting the lightest furrow in the skin, andcausing the blood to flow as if I had been grievously wounded.

  I had yet sufficient of sense remaining to understand that by stayinglonger in the loft, if they were counting on shooting at me through thecrevices of the logs, I would sacrifice my life without being able tomake any reprisals, and, stopping only long enough to fire in thedirection where I had seen the musket, I dropped to the floor below,explaining hurriedly to Pierre why I had seemingly retreated.

  "It is all over with us," the dear lad said, and would have examined thewound on my face. "No less than a dozen more men have come from theredoubt, and we can only sell our lives as dearly as possible."

  Then it was the fever of battle so far left me that there was room in myheart for fear, and while taking my stand by the side of the other lads,believing firmly that within the next few minutes I should be dead orwounded unto death, I contrived to hold command over my knees so no onemight see I had again grown cowardly.

  Then it was, when all of us were, as you might say, resigned to death,that we suddenly heard the parley sounded by drums all along the lines,and straightway those red-coats who were facing us, counting to hound usto death, wheeled about, making for the redoubt, while we stood lookingat each other in bewilderment, until Pierre shouted at the full strengthof his lungs:

  "A parley! A parley! My Lord Cornwallis has sounded the parley, whichmeans that he is ready to surrender! He who came to drive us from offthe soil of Virginia is now wanting to make terms with the rebels!"

  It was indeed as the lad had said. From the moment the drums were heardall fighting ceased, and where had been such a tumult and a roaring asdrowned all other sounds, silence fell.

  It was like some work of magic; those who had been thirsting for eachother's blood threw down their arms; men no longer shouted in anger;never a weapon was discharged, and in both the armies every oneseemingly stood silent and motionless awaiting the result of thisflourish of drums.

  There is no good reason why I should continue this story of the MinuteBoys of York Town, for there can be no doubt but that every one whoreads what I have written knows full well all that happened there on theYork river from the time parley was sounded until the vast army ofred-coats were held prisoners in the hands of the "rebels."

  In writing the closing lines let me set down that which happened sometime after my Lord Cornwallis surrendered, lest he who has read thus farmay think I am taking too much credit to my comrades and myself, bycalling ourselves Minute Boys:

  No less a soldier than General Lafayette himself told us four, for weinsisted on having Uncle 'Rasmus with us when an orderly came to saythat the young French general would speak with those who had befriendedthe Jerseyman--even General Lafayette himself told us that we had donein coming to the town of York that which advantaged the Cause, and askedwhat should be given us by way of reward.

  Then it was that Pierre, speaking to him in his native tongue, told howwe lads would have formed a company of Minute Boys but for the fact thatwe were shut up in the town of York, and asked that we be allowed,despite our age, to enroll ourselves as soldiers under his command.

  This prayer he readily granted, claiming that he was pleased to do so,and from then on we served as real soldiers, although as you know fullwell the war was nigh to being ended.

  It was General Lafayette who reclaimed for Saul and me our horses. When,after the surrender, I rode out with my father to see my dear mother,Silver Heels was the beast that carried me, and from that day to this wehave never been parted, although she is getting now so far along inyears that I fear death may soon step in and do that which theBritishers failed of doing.

  * * * * *

  It is to be regretted that he who set down the movements of those ladswho took upon themselves the name of Minute Boys despite the smallnessof their numbers, did not tell what part they played in the surrender ofCornwallis, which must have been a magnificent military spectacle, andbecause he has brought his story to an end without giving any of thedetails, it seems well to set down here that which has been writtenconcerning it by the historian Fiske:

  "The combination against Cornwallis had been completed, and day by daythe lines were drawn more closely about the doomed army. Yorktown wasinvested, and on the 6th of October the first parallel was opened byGeneral Lincoln. On the 14th, the second parallel, within three hundredyards of the enemy's works, was opened by Steuben. On the night of the14th Alexander Hamilton and the Baron de Viomenil carried two of theBritish redoubts by storm. On the next night the British made a gallantbut fruitless sortie. By noon of the 16th their works were fastcrumbling to pieces, under the fire of seventy cannon. On the 17th--thefourth anniversary of Burgoyne's surrender--Cornwallis hoisted the whiteflag.

  "The terms of the surrender were like those of Lincoln's at Charleston.The British army became prisoners of war, subject to the ordinary rulesof exchange. The only delicate question related to the Americanloyalists in the army, whom Cornwallis felt it was wrong to leave in thelurch. This point was neatly disposed of by allowing him to send a shipto Sir Henry Clinton with news of the catastrophe, and to embark in itsuch troops as he might think proper to send to New York, and noquestions asked.

  "On a little matter of etiquette the Americans were more exacting. Thepractice of playing the enemy's tunes had always been cherished as aninalienable prerogative of British soldiery; and at the Surrender ofCharleston, in token of humiliation, General Lincoln's army had beenexpressly forbidden to play any but an American tune. Colonel Laurens,who conducted the negotiations, directed that Lord Cornwallis's swordshould be received by General Lincoln, and that the army, on marchingout to lay down its arms, should play a British or a German air.

  "There was no help for it; and on the 19th of October Cornwallis's army,7,247 in number, with 840 cannon, marched out with colors furled andcased, while the band played a quaint old English melody, of which thesignificant title was 'The World Turned Upside Down.'

  "On the very same day that Cornwallis surrendered, Sir Henry Clinton,having received naval reinforcements, sailed from New York withtwenty-five ships-of-the-line and ten frigates, and 7,000 of his besttroops. Five days brought him to the mouth of the Chesapeake, where helearned that he was too late, as had been the case four years before,when he tried to relieve Burgoyne. A fortnight earlier, this force couldhardly have failed to alter the result, for the fleet was strong enoughto dispute with Grasse the control over the coast."



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