The Shoma

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The Shoma Page 22

by Lola St. Vil

  Marcus and I get back to the motel just as the sun rises. I can’t believe everything that’s taken place in the past few hours. It feels like weeks have gone by. Heading back with Marcus, we didn’t really talk much. We both needed time to let things sink in.

  I still can’t believe I kissed Alex. Or he kissed me. But it happened. It was wrong and I put my relationship at risk. I’m relieved that Marcus wants us to stay together, but I know he’s still hurting. For one thing, he can’t look at me for too long. I think when he does; he sees a flash of Alex and I kissing.

  To make things worse, there’s tension in the courtyard when Marcus and I enter.

  Everyone can’t believe we are walking in together. I avoid Alex’s eyes because I fear just looking at him will cause Marcus to reconsider us staying together.

  “Okay, we need to head to the exhibit. When we get there look for anything out of place near the plant. That will be our next and hopefully, our last clue to finding the location of the first Alpha,” Marcus instructs.

  The team and I head over to the center where the “Devil’s Cigar” plant can be found. On the way there, I try to talk to Ameana and set things right between us.

  “I know you’re worried about your Sib. I would never do anything to jeopardize your family. My kissing Alex was a mistake and I won’t be doing it again,” I tell her.

  She doesn’t answer me right away. When she does, she sounds very removed.

  She tells me his name is Aaden. I nod, as if I didn’t already know.

  “Well, I don’t want Aaden affected by this in any way,” I reply.

  “Do you ever wonder what it would have been like?” She asks.


  “What it would have been like if we just loved the beings we were supposed to love? What if you had loved a human, Marcus and I stayed together and Rage had found a Demon to settle down with?” She says.

  “I don’t know. I guess things would be…easier.”

  “You think?” She scoffs.

  “Anyway, I’m sorry if I upset you,” I reply.

  “I’m sorry for what I said about your mom. That was cruel,” she says sincerely.

  “Thank you for saying that,” I add.

  “Can I tell you something?” She asks.


  “While I regret what I said about your mother, do not for one second think I have changed my position on you and Alex.”

  “There is no ‘me and Alex.’”

  “Good; keep it that way.”

  Once we enter the center we find what we are looking for. The booth with the elusive plant is located at the center of the room, making it hard for us to view it privately. The crowd surrounds the plant and talks at length about its history.

  Meanwhile, we look at the glass casing it’s under to see if anything seems out of place, but as far as I can tell, it’s just a plant inside a glass case. Marcus checks in with the others and they fail to see anything that could be a clue.

  “There’s nothing at all,” Miku says.

  “Yo, I got nothin here, too,” Jay confirms.

  “Could we have been wrong?” Eta asks.

  “Maybe, there’s nothing here,” Rage adds.

  “Is this the only ‘Devil’s Cigar’ they have on display?” Ameana wonders.

  “Yes,” I reply.

  “We’re missing something,” Marcus says.

  “Can you believe someone would deface something so beautiful?” A staff member says to her coworker, as they view the plant.

  “Did something happen?” Marcus asks her.

  “Well, early when it first arrived, someone spray painted all over the glass case. It’s weird, because they left a bunch of unfinished symbols on it. Why would they vandalize the case and not finish? Kids these days. I mean, really,” The woman says, pursing her lips.

  “The graffiti was unfinished?” Rage asks.

  “Yes, pointless I know,” she replies as she walks away.

  The team exchange a look among themselves that I can’t really read. Marcus goes after the woman and has Jay Convince her to let us take a look at the original glass casing.

  She takes us all to the back area where the case has been set aside to be trashed later. The case is covered in spray paint and incomplete symbols and letters. They make no sense at all. The team studies it with dread on their face. Even Alex is noticeably concerned.

  “I’m sorry, what are we looking at?” I ask.

  “It’s a Sern,” Marcus replies.

  “What is that?” I ask.

  “You ever walk by a building spray painted with unfinished graffiti?” Rage asks.


  “Well it’s not unfinished. It’s a Sern, a hidden message,” Alex replies.

  “Um…okay. But how is it hidden? I can see it.”

  “The scribbles are not the real message. Think of Sern as a hidden message written in black light. You need special equipment to read it,” Miku says, equally tense.

  “Okay, so what do we need to read it?” Eta asks. Eta and I are the only ones who seem to be missing something very important.

  “To be able to read it, you have to…see the world differently,” Jay says with caution.

  “Okay, guys, really enough with the cryptic talk. The Sern is a hidden message. I got that, but what do we need to decode it?” I ask, growing restless.

  “Serns are messages used by Tics to tell other Tics where they can score. It’s the perfect way to stay under the radar, because Angels and Demons can’t read Serns.”

  “Why not?” Eta asks.

  “Because the only way you can read it is to be high,” Marcus replies grudgingly.

  “I’m sorry, what are you saying?” I ask.

  “There’s a message written on the case. It’s a Sern. And the only being who can read it is a Tic,” Ameana says, filled with regret.

  “No,” I reply as I head for the back exit. Marcus quickly comes after me.

  “Emmy we don’t have a choice. We need to know what’s written on the case. That’s the only way we can get to the first Alpha.”

  “No, you are not taking CP so you can read some hidden message. Fuck it. The mission is over,” I say storming out the back door.

  I find myself outside, near an alley used for shipments. Marcus and the team follow me.

  He refuses to let the subject drop.

  “We don’t have a choice,” Marcus insists.

  “Yes, we do. I can take CP and read the message,” Jay offers.

  “No. You can’t,” Marcus replies.

  “Why can’t he? Why does it have to be you, Marcus?” I ask frantically.

  “Only experienced Tics can read the Sern. Not someone who just got high for the first time. And even if that wasn’t the case, I’m not letting Jay anywhere near that stuff,” Marcus counters.

  “That makes no sense. When you were a Tic, you barely could keep your eyes open. How are Tics able to read coded messages?” I ask.

  “It’s usually just one short phrase. And when reading what’s on the wall will tell you where you can score, you find a way to concentrate,” Marcus informs us.

  “So how long would it take you to decipher the Sern?” Rage asks.

  “It doesn’t matter,- because he’s not taking it, Rage,” I remind him.

  “It would take me only an hour or so,” Marcus replies.

  “No, you’re not taking CP,” I protest.

  “It can’t be a coincidence that the Shoma has chosen this method to tell us the next clue,” Miku says.

  “I agree. The Shoma isn’t just giving us clues, its testing us to see if we are strong enough. It’s going to find out our weaknesses and use them against us,” Marcus replies.

  “Why?” Eta asks.

  “Knowing the Council, they would have built the Shoma so that it can only be put back together by a team that’s worthy. A team that can pass the test,” Ameana suggests.

  “I don’t care. He’s not taking CP. P
eriod,” I reply.

  “Well it’s been weeks and Marcus hasn’t relapsed, that’s saying a lot. He’s been strong enough to stay away from the drug so far, that takes will power,” Miku encourages.

  Marcus and I exchange a quick look. The team picks up on it. Marcus clears his throat and addresses them.

  “Actually, I almost relapsed a while ago,” he admits.

  He goes on to tell them about the night we had the big fight at the beach house. The team listens quietly until he is finished. Their expressions range from anger to disappointment and concern.

  “Cool, so you can’t be the one to read the Sern,” Jay says in a firm tone that leaves no room for arguments.

  “I have to, Jay, I’m the only one here who can,” Marcus reminds him.

  “C’mon, son. You almost went back to that mess and we’re supposed to just feed it to you? Man, that’s dirty. I ain’t down with it,” Jay says.

  “I’m only gonna have enough CP so that I can read the Sern, then I will stop,” Marcus says.

  Alex scoffs absent-mindedly.

  “You have something you want to say?” Marcus asks Alex, clearly pissed at the Reviewer's reaction.

  “You can’t just have ‘enough’ to read the Sern. If you could do that, you wouldn’t be an addict. The whole point about being addicted is that it’s never enough. You have a little bit here to read the Sern and in a few hours, you’ll be roaming the streets looking for more. That’s what CP does,” Alex responds.

  “Don’t tell me what you think I will or won’t do. You have no idea who I am or what I’m capable of,” Marcus counters.

  “I’ve never met an addict that could control himself. You are delusional,” Alex snaps.

  “No, you’re the one who’s delusional if you think you can stand there and challenge me,” Marcus warns him.

  “I’m just telling you from experience,” Alex replies.

  “I don’t really give a damn about your experience.”

  “Funny, because a few hours ago, all that mattered to you was what I was experiencing,” Alex counters.

  “Alex, stop it,” I warn.

  “No, I won’t stop. Marcus is being reckless, as usual. He should know better than to try and read the Sern.”

  “And you should know better than to piss me off. Really, I’m running out of reasons not to kill you.”

  “You’re just pissed because you know I’m right.”

  “I’m pissed because you touched her, yet I still allow you to draw breath,” Marcus roars.

  “Let’s just be honest here. You’re pissed because she has options now, and so you can’t go on treating her like shit.”

  Marcus tackles Alex to the ground so hard the alley shakes. Before any of us can stop him, he wraps his large hands around Alex’s neck. Alex is turning a terrible shade of crimson.

  “Marcus, no! You’re gonna kill him!” I beg.

  Marcus ignores me. Jay tries to rescue Alex, but Marcus is holding him at an angle that makes it impossible to reach him. Eta tries to stop time, but her powers are on the blink, yet again.

  Ameana and Rage beg Marcus not to kill Alex, but Marcus pays them no mind either.

  Now Alex is turning bluish grey. The Reviewer is dying right in front of our eyes.

  Ameana and I beg Rage to help.

  He makes us stand back as he hurls a fireball at Marcus. Rage purposely angles it so that it hits Marcus, but not anywhere fatal. In the last second, Marcus has no choice but to release Alex and leaps out of the way.

  Alex gasps for air as he tries to get up from the floor. The team tends to him while Marcus gives his unwanted attention to Rage.

  “You ever shoot at me again, Thomas, you better aim to kill,” Marcus vows venomously.

  “Is he alive?” Jay asks the girls.

  “Yeah, he’s fine,” Ameana replies, relieved.

  “Good. Now he needs to make tracks,” Jay says sternly.

  “What does that mean?” Alex asks.

  “That means you need to get the hell away from here, right now,” Miku orders.

  “I have to stay with Rage. He’s my assignment,” Alex barks.

  “Fine. Rage, go with him. We’ll call you when it’s safe to come back,” Jay replies.

  “I’ll go too,” Ameana says, fearing what could happen if she leaves Rage and Alex alone.

  I look over at Marcus and he’s way too enraged to do anything but glare at Alex. I want to help him calm down, but at this point, I don’t even know how to do that.

  “Marcus, let’s take a walk,” Jay says, signaling they go in the opposite direction of where Rage, Ameana and Alex will go.

  “I don’t need to walk,” Marcus spits.

  “Yo, be easy, son. Let’s go,” Jay says.

  “I told you, I don’t need a fucking walk!” Marcus roars.

  “Marcus, now,” Jay orders.

  Although Marcus is the leader, he has long since thought of Jay as an older, wiser brother. The two have their issues, but Marcus and Jay’s friendship goes back a long way.

  Marcus begrudgingly follows Jay down the street.

  Ameana and Rage are about to take off with the Reviewer. I call out to them and ask them to give me a few minutes with Alex. They agree and head back inside the center along with Miku and Eta.

  “Are you okay?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” Alex replies.

  “Why did you say that? It’s like you want him to hurt you.”

  “I was just telling him the truth.”

  “Marcus doesn’t treat me like shit,” I counter.

  “Oh, really? So he didn’t marry another girl? He didn’t allow that other girl to defame your character in the media and make you look crazy? He didn’t spend the night with another girl only hours after he proposed to you?”

  “How do you know this stuff?” I ask.

  “There are no secrets in their world and I’ve been in their world a long time. Too long.”

  “Never mind that, I wanted to talk to you about the kiss. I should not have kissed you. I owe you an apology,” I offer.

  “Well, actually, I kissed you, so I guess I should be the one saying I’m sorry, but I won’t say that.”


  “I’m not sorry, Emerson. I’m glad I kissed you and I want to do more of it in the future.”

  “Alex, I’m with Marcus.”

  “I know, and I will fight like hell to change that.”



  Normally, I would go over Alex’s last words in my mind repeatedly. I would try and find another way to make him understand that I plan to marry Marcus. But, right now, as unsettling and crazy as Alex’s declaration is, my mind is on other things at the moment.

  Marcus is seriously still thinking about taking CP. And it’s looking more and more like the team is going to go along with it.

  It’s an hour later and we now have the center to ourselves because Jay Convinced the guards to close down the exhibit. We make sure Alex stays close to Rage, but far enough away from Marcus so as not to go another round with him. Tony-Tone also joins us. He brings with him a vial of CP and awaits further instructions.

  As the team debates letting Marcus use CP again, Tony takes me to the side and tells me he found the being I was looking for.

  “When did this happen?” I ask him.

  “A few hours ago. What do you want me to do now?”

  “Nothing, just keep watch. I will let you know when to make contact.”

  “What about the other thing? What about Julian?” He asks.

  “Is the vial ready?”

  “I didn’t start it, yet.”

  “Why not?”

  “I thought you would change your mind, I mean, after all, he is your father,” Tony whispers.

  “I know who he is, Tony, and I will not change my mind. If you can’t do this for me, then I will go to another Seller. Got it?” I demand.

  “Okay, okay,
I’ll make the poison, but I gotta say this is not what I expected from you. You used to be a nice girl. I blame violent video games, personally.”

  “Tony, just make it happen and remember to keep it between us,” I remind him as we head back to the group.

  “What were you and Tony talking about?” Marcus asks.

  “Why, are you going to tackle him, too?” I reply.

  “Look, Alex—”

  “—Alex nothing, Marcus. You need to exercise some control.”

  “What? I found you and Alex—okay. Okay. I’m not going to argue over this. We are both wrong. Can we please forget about it?” He asks trying to control his temper.

  I want to rant and rave at him, but I can see how hard he’s trying to get past the Alex thing. And honestly, if he wanted to kill Alex, Alex would have been dead by now.

  “Okay, let’s move on,” I reply thickly.

  “What can we expect to happen, Tony?” Jay asks.

  “There are three phases. The first is Euphoria. Marcus will feel happiness like he’s never known before. Then, he will move of to the second phase: Rage. That comes when the high starts fading. He will beg for more CP. When he realizes he’s not going to get it, he will attack everything around him. And the final phase is submission. That’s when he wears out his body, and his powers, under the influence of CP, will react.”

  “How will his powers react?” I ask.

  “We won’t know until he’s in phase three. Since Marcus’s power is strength, he could grow three times stronger than he already is. Or he could become as weak as lamb. There’s no way to tell,” Tony replies.

  “At what phase will he be able to read the Sern?” Ameana asks.

  “In the last phase. If he can see past the haze of darkness and the pull of despair, he should be able to read the code.”

  “How long will it take for me to be able to read the Sern?” Marcus asks.

  “A few hours,” Tony replies.

  “We don’t have that long. We need to decode this clue now,” Marcus protests.


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