Falling In Maths

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Falling In Maths Page 9

by Melissa Bender

  “Mia,” he spoke kissing me cupping both m cheeks as his body pressed hard against mine.

  “Yes?” I asked, breaking the passionate kiss to catch my breath, I was panting heavily as was he.

  “We need to stop,” he said, his eyes roaming over my face like he was searching for answers for a hidden question.

  I nodded, “Ok,” I brought my hands down, but he reached out and caught them.

  Interlacing our fingers together as he lent and kissed me ever so gently again, “You’re my type, exactly my type,” he whispered and then kissed me once more.

  I was so speechless, did he really mean that?

  “I don’t know what to say,” I said, feeling like a dork.

  Noah just gave me a gorgeous smile and said, “You don’t have to say anything, I’m not forcing anything on you, but I like you. More than a teacher should like a student, but you’re far from young, you’re not an annoying chick who’s trying to get my attention constantly. You’re shy, quiet and so beautiful, it’s a struggle not to look at you constantly in class. I just want you to know that I’m all in if you are too, if you think it’s worth us giving this a shot then we-”

  I cut him off, “I’ve never had a boyfriend, and you were my first kiss. I’m so inexperienced.”

  He pushed a finger to my lip. “I don’t want a girlfriend who’s been around the block, we’ll go slow and steady. I won’t rush you, it can be the same as we’ve spent the past week,”

  “With kissing?” I asked, I really liked kissing him and this past week had been fun with him.

  Mr Wade chuckled, “Yes Mia, I want to kiss you constantly now that I’ve kissed you twice.”

  My head was screaming no, don’t do this you silly girl. He’s a teacher and you’re a student, think of all the trouble you both can get into if you’re caught.

  But my heart was swooning, I was smitten and crazy in love with the man in front of me. I stood up on my tippy toes, hands holding his tighter as I pushed my lips against his, letting him know that I wanted this too, letting him know that my heart had won.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I strolled into the bakery with a massive smile across my face, the rain had stopped while I walked home which was lucky. I think today was possibly the best day ever. I thought having my first kiss was amazing, it was nowhere near as amazing as finding out the guy you’ve been secretly pining over for the last few months likes you back.

  I wanted to shout it out from the rooftops, I had a boyfriend. Mr Noah Wade was my boyfriend.

  The only downer was that, we had to keep it a secret.

  I didn’t mind, honestly I didn’t because I wasn’t the type to gossip, brag about things in my personal life.

  After out hot and heavy make out in the maths closet I was walking on a cloud for the rest of the day. Focusing in his class was definitely hard, my body was remembering just how he kissed me. The way his tongue moved against mine, his hands holding me, not too tight but still possessively.

  James asked why I was smiling to myself, I wanted to tell him to shove it because I did in fact kiss the man he said I had no shot with. I just said I was looking forward to work after school.

  Mrs Dalton came out, covered in flour again and grabbed some milk from the fridge, “Mia,” she beamed as she noticed me.

  “Hello,” I smiled, “busy?” I let out a slight laugh, she was always busy cooking. I loved that about her.

  Mrs Dalton nodded, “My dear I have a doctor’s appointment in half hour, are you able to watch the shop on your own?”

  I nodded, reaching for my apron and putting my head through the top, “Sure, is everything ok?”

  “Course dear, just an old woman like me needs to have silly medical checks every year that’s all. I completely forgot until this morning,” she shook her head, looking like she was mentally scolding herself.

  “Alright,” I replied.

  I made my way towards the front counter and checked on what food needed to be stocked and made for the week, I loved Mondays at work. I always finished and then spent a good three hours afterwards cooking all new recipes.

  I was smiling as I was making a latte for an elder couple when Mrs Dalton came over and pursed her lips, “I have to go now, are you sure you’re going to be alright here on your own?”

  I chuckled, “I promise, I will lock up also and then call you when I’m heading home so there is no need to worry,” I assured her.

  “You better Mia, I worry about you,” She placed a hand on my arm and pressed her lips to my cheek, bless her heart she was truly an amazing woman, so kind and thoughtful.

  Six minutes to go and it was time to close up. I was in the back kitchen getting the ingredients ready to make pies, savouries and some slices when the shop door chimed. Typical, I made my way into the shop and found a grinning Mr Wade. My heart raced.

  “Hi,” I said trying to hide the massive smile spreading over my face.

  Mr Wade walked closer towards me, “When do you finish, is your boss in here?” he asked quietly, not taking his eyes off mine.

  “No she went home, and very soon, but I was going to do some cooking,” I said feeling bummed that I wasn’t going to be able to see him for long.

  He walked over and took a seat on the bar stool at the counter, “Well then, I would like a lime thick shake.”

  I grinned, “You want me to feed you?” I asked him, I wasn’t expecting this at all.

  He nodded, “I would like to spend some time with you, if you’re going to be here for a while and alone then it’s my duty as your boyfriend to make sure you get home safe.”

  I wanted to jump up and down at the word boyfriend. “Say that again,” I grinned.

  Mr Wade stood, walking back towards me and brushing a fallen part of my fringe back over my ear, “Say what?”

  He was smirking, I knew he was teasing me. So, I decided to play his game, “Lime thick shake,” I fought so hard not to laugh.

  He cracked a smile, “You’re so cute you know that, you like that I’m your boyfriend Mia?” he asked, his fingers brushing over mine as he held both my hands in his.

  I nodded, “I do, very much so Mr Wade.”

  He scrunched his face up into a sexy scowl, “If you’re going to make out with me and all that, then no more Mr Wade when we’re alone.”

  I blushed, “Sorry, Noah.” I added.

  He simply smiled at me, I held his hands back and squeezed as I waited for what I knew was coming. Another kiss. Noah leant forward and kissed me softly. “I missed you today,” he spoke between feathered kisses over my soft lips.

  I smiled, standing still and trying to control my rapid heartbeat. “I missed you also.”

  We parted and I walked to the door, bringing the menu sign in, then closing and locking the door, lastly flicking the open sign over to closed I breathed a sigh of relief that I didn’t have to deal with a rush of last minute customers coming on. That was a long couple hours alone, but now I was excited to bake.

  “You want anything to eat?” I asked Noah as I poured his drink in a large metal cup, placing a pink straw in it for fun.

  “No, I’m good,” he grinned and went to slide $2.50 over.

  I looked confused, placing my hand on his and pushing it back towards his body, “I’m not charging you.”

  “I’ll give you two fifty in kisses then,” he grinned.

  I leant forwards, it was a good thing I closed the blinds. Otherwise people would have seen me do this, “You can start now,” I said as he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.

  Having him here turned out great, we had been talking and laughing the entire time. Noah insisted on watching me cook, I became increasingly nervous as he sat in the kitchen. Watching me as I rolled out the dough, baking and then setting the slices. I even had him turn around when I made the pies he loved, I couldn’t show him my secret ingredient. Which wasn’t anything, I just did that for fun.

  By the time 6pm rolled around the time had gone s
o fast I didn’t realise that I’d be going home to my dad who I hoped wasn’t drunk, and then leaving Noah for the night.

  I closed the large fridge door shut and sighed, a set of arms came around my waist and I spun around. Noah pulling me into his chest, my arms finally came up and held him back. Tightly.

  “You ready to leave?” I asked.

  “Yeah, do you want a lift home?” he offered.

  I looked up at him, “When do we see each other again?” I was so nervous to ask him this but my mind wouldn’t rest until I knew, “I mean Mrs Dalton rarely leaves early and we might not get to see each other much.”

  “Would you like to come over to mine?” he asked, rolling the words off his tongue without a second thought.

  “Let me go home first, see what Dad’s up too and then if you want I can go for a run over to your place?” I suggested, I wanted to suss out what happened at home first before I went anywhere.

  “Send me a text, I will pick you up,” he said and I agreed on that with him.

  Dad wasn’t home, he had left a note on the counter that he was working late. He didn’t need dinner and that he loved me. I think he was avoiding me, I may be an easy going child but I were stubborn like my mother at times.

  Noah was waiting down the road for me, I text him ten minutes ago and said Dad wasn’t here so I was able to come out with him for a while, I was really excited to see him.

  I quickly changed from my jeans and into a pair of thick black leggings, a long woollen jumper top and some slip on shoes. I pulled my hair up into a messed up bun and made my way to the front door. I stopped when I realized I hadn’t text Mrs Dalton to let her know I was home.

  I sent her a quick message, wishing her appointment well and letting her know about the slices in the fridge that I made. I slipped my phone in my back and eagerly took off to Noah’s car, I was excited to see him even though it’d only been thirty minutes.

  My phone started beeping as I walked towards his car. Thinking it was Mrs Dalton replying, I pulled it out and checked the message, it was from James.

  Stopping as I read the text from him. – What’s up? Want to come over and watch a movie?

  I mentally groaned, typing back quickly, – Sorry, going to bed early. Busy day at work and now have headache, see you in the morning!

  Noah looked at me as I got in the car, “Everything alright?” he asked.

  “Yeah, just James,” I answered back quietly, feeling my phone vibrate again but ignoring it.

  A slight scoff came from his mouth, “What did he want? To tell you you’re not good enough for anyone again?”

  “Just asked if I wanted to come and watch a movie with him,” I said, I didn’t know what the rules were with sharing texts but I kind of liked letting Noah know things like that.

  “Tell him too bad, you’ve got plans,” Noah spoke, leaning over and giving me a swift kiss on the lips. I loved that we could kiss now, it was something I was really enjoying.

  I gave him a lopsided grin, “You taking me on another date which I know nothing about?”

  He laughed, “Not this time, but you never know since I am full of surprises.”

  That he was, just out luck as we had gotten out of the car, it poured down hard. Both of us getting wet as we ran to his steps of his apartment building. The most exciting part was when he took my hand and held it tightly as he led me near his door.

  The last time I had been here we fell asleep together, this time I was determined not to pass out.

  I stood under the heat pump, trying to warm up and dry off. There was no way I was undressing and wearing his clothing, no way I could do that.

  Noah came back in the room and sat on the couch, “Do you eat seafood?” he asked.

  “Depends, I don’t eat slimy seafood,” I remembered the first time I tried oysters, or more like a snot in shells as I called them. “I like fish, prawns, crayfish and sushi without raw fish,” I smiled.

  Noah laughed standing up, “Sounds about all I eat also, I’m going to cook you dinner, fish and salad.”

  “Trying to keep me in shape?” I teased.

  He smirked, “If I wanted you in shape I’d suggest something else, but I’m not that much of a pervert with you beautiful.”

  My whole body froze as it finally registered what he was meaning. Sex.

  Then the other thought had finally hit me, I got to do that with him. I couldn’t help but smile, I was taking this slow but I couldn’t say that the thought of Noah Wade making slow love to me for the first time wasn’t appealing. I hadn’t thought of the intimate part of our relationship, what if he wanted that, or needed it.

  “I’m waiting until marriage,” I blurted out. I wasn’t, well I was waiting for my prince charming.

  I was trying not to stare, but it was hard. Noah’s brows were still shot up, mouth slightly opened. Finally he stood, expression disappearing from shock as he came over to where I stood, he was smiling.

  His tall frame towering over mine, those dreamy eyes of his smiling at me. I could look at him all day, well I kind of did at school but I was hoping he hadn’t noticed that yet.

  Noah smiled, gently kissing my nose and then respond to my embarrassing answer, “Perfectly fine with me Mia, as long as I've got you in my arms, then that's all that matters to me.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Oh my god, I can’t do this!” I squeaked from behind the wheel of Noah’s black Audi.

  He let out a laugh, giving my thigh a light squeeze, “I promise you can do it, it’s not hard Mia, just focus and take the break off, and you’ve done it plenty of times.”

  Noah thought it would be a fantastic idea to teach me how to drive again today. Noah had been giving me lessons for the past three weeks and I was slowly getting better at it. The first week when he suggested it, I was so against it and had freaked out all week. The worst thing that could happen was I crashed, dented or scratched his nice car. He told me I wouldn’t do that, but I wasn’t so convinced.

  “Alright well here I go,” I said taking in a steady breath and letting the handbrake lower.

  Driving slowly around the car park near the beach, I shifted into second gear and then third. I wasn’t smiling or getting excited, I was so nervous. The last thing I wanted to do was screw up and grind the breaks.

  Half an hour later I parked the car and cut the engine. I looked over at Noah and smiled, “I’m done for the day.”

  He just gave me a smile, his dimples coming out, “I’m proud of you baby, you did fantastic, no stalling or bunny hopping!”

  I blushed remembering that day, “Thanks for the reminder, like I could ever forget that.”

  With that he leant over, cupped my cheek and crashed his mouth against mine. Making out with Noah was getting more and more fun. It was hot, a couple times we made out on him couch and things got a little too heated. I told him I wasn’t ready for anything more than just kissing, he told me kissing was enough for him also. He was so sweet.

  Pulling away and both of us breathing a little heavier I smiled at him as I playing with his fingers, “You think I’m really doing ok?” I asked, referring to my driving.

  “Promise, you’re going to ace the test in six months, we’ll just do this each day,” he lifted my hand and kissed it, “so what did you tell your Dad you were doing?” he then asked, leaving my hand in his lap.

  “He’s working, thrown himself back into work again,” I sighed.

  Noah looked over concerned, “He’s not still drinking is he?” he asked me quietly.

  I had told Noah about all that happened when we came home from our night away, finding him passed out with his friend. I didn’t want to be a burden and complain but telling him made me feel better, he told me I could talk to him about anything and it was nice to be able to do that.

  “No, he’s been working a lot and told me he wouldn’t drink again, I think my silent treatment scared him,” I chuckled softly.

  It was a plus that Dad hadn’t touche
d another drop of alcohol, but the downside was he was back to working constantly. I barely seem him if I didn’t go into the station myself.

  “Did you pack your swimmers?” he asked me looking out at the clear blue sky.

  I slowly nodded. “You told me to bring them, so I am wearing them.”

  “Well let’s go then, hopefully the tide is in,” He grinned, letting go of my hand and opening his door.

  I was nervous about wearing a bikini in front of him, I had a tank top that I may still wear but to strip off, that was kind of really nerve wracking, probably more than driving with him teaching me.

  I got out, locking the car and tossing him the keys. His arm slid around my waist and he pulled me close into his side, “You’re so cute when you blush Mia.”

  “Stop it, I’m nervous,” I said, a smile growing over my face and I kept blushing.

  He let out a laugh, kissing me cheek. “Don’t be nervous, I’ve seen you in a bra and those black panties”

  “You weren’t meant too!” I blushed again, this man was going to be the death of me.

  I stripped off my clothing, it was so warm out and the water looked amazing. I walked in front of Noah, heading towards the shore line as he let out a loud wolf whistle. I tried to ignore him, but it wasn’t that easy. My cheeks were on fire.

  A set of strong arms came around my waist, I found myself being lifted and spun to face Noah, my legs wrapped around his waist and he carried us into the water. I clung hold of him tightly.

  He laughed, “Don’t look so afraid, I won’t drop you baby.”

  “I don’t believe you,” I laughed, trying to hold him tighter.

  “I promise Mia,” he said as the water line went to my thighs, he was lucky it wasn’t too cold.

  My body slowly lowered and my feet were on the bottom of the sand, I looked back to the beach and we weren’t out very far. It was so quiet here, I was really amazing that no one else were around.

  “So tell me about you and that girl who gives me death glares at the football club?” I asked poking his chest.

  He let out a groan which made me laugh a little, “Really? You’re asking about Minnie?”


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