Falling In Maths

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Falling In Maths Page 14

by Melissa Bender

  I wanted Mum back, I just missed her so much and I wanted to see her again, hear her voice just one last time.

  “Morning, birthday girl!” Noah grinned, walking into the kitchen and placed a kiss against the side of my head before going to grab his coffee.

  I smiled back at him as I tilted my head to the side, “Good morning Mr Wade, ready for a big day at work?”

  He laughed, coming over and taking a seat beside me at the dining table. “I sure am, did you sleep ok?” he asked, a smile over his face that he was trying to hold off.

  “Very well,” I mumbled, my cheeks starting to turn pink as I seen Dad walking over.

  He had allowed Noah to spend the night even though he was home also, of course there was a pyjama check before we went to sleep, but that didn’t stop Noah and I from heavily making out underneath the covers.

  “Mia, you excited for tonight?” Dad beamed, sitting down with a plate of pancakes. He decided this morning he was going to cook for me.

  I nodded, “Yes I am, but it’s just another day.”

  Noah laughed. “I think she is excited but too shy to get up and jump around.”

  I kicked his foot underneath the table. “Ok, I am excited for cake. It’s the best part of birthdays.”

  Both Dad and Noah laughed, it was nice to sit and have breakfast together.

  Soon I was on my way to the driving school, super nervous as Dad drove me. Today I also got to have the day off school, Dad wasn’t going to work either. I think he wanted to make up for Mum not being here and somehow wanted to make sure I had a good day. I knew I was going to have a good day, I could feel it.

  I looked up nervously as we arrived to the car park. Dad put his hand to my thigh and gave a soft squeeze. “Just remember if you don’t pass then its ok, but good luck sweetheart.”

  “Thanks Dad,” I smiled, leaning over and kissing his cheek. “Be back soon.”

  Driving out of the car lot I was extremely nervous, of course I indicated left when I was meant to turn right but the instructor warmly smiled and told me it was ok, to just relax and take my time. I soon relaxed and felt more comfortable as we began talking. She knew who my Dad was and asked how he was doing in between giving me driving instructions. Thirty minutes later I pulled back into the car lot and parked.

  “Mia, how did you feel you did today?” She asked, placing her notepad down on her lap.

  I felt my cheeks flaming, “I hope I did ok, I know I messed up a couple times.”

  She gave a light chuckle. “Well you passed, congratulations.”

  I excitedly walked back to Dad and handed him my licence form. “Look who passed!”

  “I’m so proud of you, well done! Let’s go get some lunch and then head back home,” he smiled and got out of the car. I looked at him confused as he opened my side of the door, “come on, get out and drive me.”

  I sent Noah a photo of myself and my passed form once back home, he replied with a photo of him giving me a big grin and wrote congrats. I couldn’t wait to see him after he finished work. James sent me a text and I replied, I wasn’t going to be mean to him and ignore him anymore. I just didn’t want to focus on him anymore. I had final exams coming up and needed to focus on that.

  “Mia can I come in?” Dad’s voice said from the other side of my door.

  “Yeah,” I called out. “I’m not doing anything,” except sending photo’s to Noah and flirty texts.

  He walked in with a small parcel, “I thought I should give you your gift before the others come here.”

  I laughed sitting up, “You didn’t have to get me anything Dad, but thank you.”

  He looked at me sadly, reaching and taking my hand. “Well this first one is actually something your mother and I brought for you, before she-” he paused, taking a breath to compose himself as he finished, “She picked it out.”

  I didn’t want to cry, I didn’t want to break down and turn into an emotional wreck today. I looked at the small box with pink and silver wrapping. “Can I open it now?” I asked quietly.

  He nodded, “Yes of course. Please open away, I still have another gift to give you.”

  I began to unwrap the gift and lifted the lid on the blue box, smiling as I seen the sterling silver Tiffany’s enchant bangle. I wiped the tears from my eyes as they begun to form, “I love it.”

  It was more than perfect.

  Dad handed over a smaller box, “Now this is from me, and you better take care of it and I better not see your name at work on the booking sheets.”

  I was a little confused until I lifted the lid on the box. “Oh my god what is this!” I said looking right at him and holding the black and silver key.

  “I’m not too sure, better go outside and have a look,” he wiggled his brows standing up off the bed.

  I raced out and there it was, a metallic blue Mini Cooper. I was in shock. “You’re kidding me. Dad oh my gosh I can’t believe you brought me a car!” I said excitedly, I couldn’t believe it.

  He smiled as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged tightly. “Yeah well you can thank Noah, he said you’d like something like this, it’s not too manly as he said.”

  I laughed, “That’s definitely something he’d say.”

  “Well come on, I want to take this thing for a spin. Or you can if you want to drive it,” He grinned, taking the key from my hand.

  I giggled, warning him as I let him drive. “Don’t you dare dent it!”

  The day had really been amazing, more than I actually ever expected it to be. I was imagining some terrible cheesy birthday but it was far from that. It was actually great to spend it with Dad and get a closer bond with him. A bond that hadn’t been there for a long time. Noah was now on his way over and Mrs Dalton was in the kitchen cooking with Dad. I was really excited, I of course was back up in my room and looking at the other gift Dad had given me after our drive. I hadn’t been able to bring myself to press play and watch it.

  I felt like all the pain was coming back, her voice was so fragile and weak as she began talking. My eyes filled with tears instantly. “Mia, first of all I have to say is, happy birthday beautiful girl. You make sure you spend your day at home and if your father let you go to school then clip him around the ear for him,” she smiled. “I hope you loved your bangle, and your car. Congrats on the licence, I knew you could do it! I really wish I could be there to see how you’re growing up, I know you would make me proud each day, and your father. I know he’s extremely proud of you. Now listen carefully, I think there is a boy in your life who means a great deal to you, if he treats you right and loves you the way you deserve to be loved, then you don’t let him go. Keep hold of him and make sure you love him hard. I don’t want you to ever be unhappy Mia, you deserve a life of love and smiles. Also, if your father has banned this boy from seeing you, then tell him he promised me to let any boy that stole your heart stay in your life.”

  I felt my eyes filling with more uncontrollable tears, she was the reason Dad hadn’t forbid Noah and I from being together. He promised her that he wouldn’t do that. I looked back as my tears kept flowing.

  “Mia, I would give anything to be back with you both. I know you needed me when I couldn’t be there. I just hope you know, I am so proud. I love you so much baby.”

  I closed the laptop and just laid to my side, sobbing my heart out. I didn’t hear the door open but I felt the bed dip down lower. Noah’s arms holding me closely and tight, I sniffed back my tears as I rolled over and looked up at him.

  “You ok beautiful?” he asked stroking my cheek, brushing the tears away with his thumb.

  I nodded, “I am. I love you so much Noah.”

  “I love you so much too, are you sure you’re ok?” he pulled me closely, his forehead against mine.

  “I just watched a video from Mum, it upset me a little but I’m ok. How was work?” I asked putting my leg over his hip, pulling him in closer to me. I just needed to feel him against my body, I wanted him to hold me so tightl

  He chuckled, looking down and kissing my nose, “Oh no baby, work was work and today is about you. You got your license, and a new car! That’s awesome baby. I’m so proud of you.”

  I grinned big, “Yes and thank you for helping him chose it. I love it, it’s so cute.”

  He laughed, “I knew you would say that, you can take me for a drive later after dinner. Which by the way is ready, but I wanted to give you something first.”

  I narrowed my eyes, “Noah we can’t do that now,” I said blushing, was he really wanting to fool around.

  He laughed, “Oh baby, you’re staying at mine tonight. I will give you that then, but for now I have something else.”

  Noah sat up and I moved up also. He handed me over an envelope and I looked at it then him. “What’s this?” I smiled opening it, he shook head not telling me. I laughed as I opened the card and read the note aloud that he had written on the inside, “Dear Mia, Happy birthday, I love you. Love Noah,” I looked at him smiling, “awe you’re too sweet,” I said turning the two pieces of paper over in the middle in of the card and gasped. “We’re going to Thailand! Are you kidding me?” I said excitedly.

  “You said you wanted to go, and I want to take you. Here’s your other gift baby,” he handed me over a small box, the size smaller than my key box.

  My heart sped up as I stared down at the ring, it matched my bangle with a small swirl diamond around the band. “Noah it’s gorgeous.” I said staring at it as I lifted the box up closer. I couldn’t believe how spoilt I had been today, the ring was perfect.

  As I went to place it to my finger Noah stopped me, shaking his head and putting it on my left hand, ring finger. “I love you Mia, we’ll be together forever so wear it here until I can replace this with a proper ring for you, then when I do you can switch hands.”

  I was absolutely speechless, I just wrapped my arms around him and kissed him with so much passion and desire. “God, I love you so much Noah,” I said between kisses.

  He chuckled, pulling back as he tangled his fingers through my hair, “Same baby, we better get down there before I can’t hold off any longer and get you naked,” he wiggled his brows.

  I laughed, nudging him in the chest, “Ok stud. Let’s go eat some food then go for a drive and make out in my car.”

  “Fog up the windows ay baby,” Noah said getting up off the bed and pulling me up with him.

  I definitely had the best birthday, I was so worried that Mum not being here would put a damper on things, but Noah being here made me smile so much. Dinner was full of laughs, and Dad remembering all the embarrassing moments of my childhood. This was probably the cheesy part I was worried about, having my boyfriend listen to Dad go on and on about things I couldn’t even remember was definitely humiliating. Noah just laughed, rubbing my thigh as he listened. The cake of course was black forest and I could have eaten the whole lot. I was so full by the end of dinner but we took a huge piece back to Noah’s to eat later.

  Mrs Dalton hugged me goodbye, giving me a kiss on the cheek. “Now dear, come in tomorrow evening and I have a small gift for you,” she smiled warmly.

  “You didn’t need to get me anything,” I said, but the look she gave had me changing my mind. “Ok, I will come in then and pick it up.”

  She chuckled, walking over and kissing Noah on the cheek. “Good girl, you two kids go and have fun.”

  Dad looked up from the kitchen sink, “Not too much fun, I don’t want to catch you down a gravel road. That car can be returned Mia,” He grumbled.

  I blushed hard as Noah laughed, “Mia’s car is too tiny for any of that, we’ll be good.”

  “Noah!” I muttered, slapping him in the side. I couldn’t believe he had just said that to my father.

  Mrs Dalton chuckled, “Go on, and get out of here before your father has a heart attack.”

  Noah drove us back to his place, I actually let him and didn’t mind at all. It was kind of adorable seeing him in my car, since his was much bigger and manly. It wasn’t long as I he pulled up and parked, turning to face me he cupped my cheeks in his palms and leant in for a slow and steady kiss. I could have kissed him all night like that, when Noah pulled away he just smiled, stroking my cheek and kissing me on last time.

  Noah was in the shower, my eyes went from his eyes down to his toes. I skimmed over his mid-section pretty quickly. Cheeks flushing as he spoke, “Mia, don’t hide or be embarrassed in front of me.”

  I looked up again, taking a couple steps forward until I was now naked in the shower with him. His warm, wet hands reaching out and resting over my naked waist, melting against his simple touch as the water came down over us both. “I love you Noah,” I said, my nerves slowly subsiding.

  I stepped closer, wrapping my arm around his waist as his slid further around mine. “I love you too Mia, I am definitely enjoying showering with you,” he smirked.

  I rolled my eyes and kissed him quickly. “Me too, it’s not as bad as I imagined it to be.”

  “Bad? No, but I knew you were nervous. There’s no rush for anything Mia, I can wait for as long as you need.”

  I bit my lower lip a little, “I’m ready Noah, and I like showering with you and all your sexy muscles.”

  “Sexy muscles?” he grinned, pulling back. “Yeah well I don’t mind showering with your naked chest, quite a view from up here.”

  I tried so hard to hold in my creeping blush, but failed miserably. “Just kiss me dork,” I said with a giggle, pulling him back to my body and meeting him in for a kiss.

  Noah and I took our first shower together tonight, it was something that wasn’t planned or made into being a big deal, he said he wanted a shower and I said me too. The next thing I knew we were both undressing in the bathroom and showering together.

  It was what happened in the bed that night that was planned, we didn’t make love. Well I guess you could say we did, by using our mouths on each other in ways that were far more intense than just kissing or grinding together.

  Let’s just say, we slept naked that night.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  I woke the next morning, completely naked and with Noah underneath my chest as I lay against him.

  We had fallen asleep pretty soon after we both climaxed, the way Noah used his mouth over my body still sent a tingle to my toes just thinking about the things we done.

  As nervous as I was about doing things to him, I was glad I did. I loved to see him squirm like that underneath me and moaning my name. We were growing more and more intimate and it was nice to not rush things. We got to take our time and enjoy the moments.

  I ran my fingertips down Noah’s chest, then back up again. I wanted him to wake up, nothing worse sleeping over at someone’s and they sleep longer than you do.

  “Morning,” He yawned, his voice laced with sleep as he lazily looked down at me.

  I smiled sleepily back up at him, “Morning. You sleep ok?” I asked, blushing like crazy as I wrapped my arm around him.

  He gave me a big smirk, “I slept very well. You can do that anytime, His body rolled and he was soon laying on top of me, my legs wrapped around his thighs and locked him in as he lowered his mouth and kissed me deeply.

  My hands ran up his back, fingernails grazing lightly as I held his body close against me as he kissed down my neck, sucking a little and biting. I giggled as it tickled me a little. “Noah.”

  “You smell, really good,” he groaned. His fingers skimming over my hardened nipple, I sucked in a sharp quick breath just before his mouth came back to mine as he kissed me more passionately.

  “Mia, you’re so unbelievably sexy,” he growled, pulling away and stopping himself before anything more happened.

  I laughed, trying to think of something else to distract me as I cooled down, “Oh I don’t know. You may have to wait years to get that kind of attention from me again.”

  He gave me a cute pout, “Years? You’re a hard woman sometimes.”

  I raised a brow at h
im, “You’re just a hard man right now,” I ran my hands down and playfully grabbed his ass, giving a pout back, “I don’t want to go to school, I want to stay here forever like this,” I said kissing his chest.

  I felt his fingertips running through my hair, tangling the ends. “I want that too, I definitely enjoy your company baby. You want to join me for a shower?”

  I nodded, “Please. I need to wash my hair and I am kind of sweaty.”

  Noah didn’t hesitate to jump out of his bed and pick me up, throwing me slightly over his shoulder as he carried me towards the bathroom and walked into the shower, freezing water hitting us until the warmth came on.

  I was extremely excited to drive to school, Noah and I were heading to the beach afterwards since it was such a gorgeous day and then going to visit Mrs Dalton. I had no clue what she wanted to give me. Probably another cake knowing her.

  “I love you, see you soon ok beautiful,” Noah said glancing around the car lot, his arms wrapped around me as he pulled me hard to hit chest and slammed his mouth over mine.

  The sexual chemistry was increasing rapidly between us.

  “Noah, you’re going to get us caught,” I breathed out over his mouth. I fisted his shirt and kissed him back more hungrily. I was so hot for him right now, last night’s activities were definitely stirring things up between us.

  Class wasn’t helping my distracted mind. I couldn’t help but sit and day dream. Dream about the way his abs were toned or the V line that I traced with my tongue down to underneath those tight boxers he wore. I felt my cheeks flush as I remembered being so close to his engorged erection. I always wondered what it would be like, and now I knew. So soft, smooth and yet so hard.


  My head snapped up and I looked at James who stood in front of me. “What?” I asked feeling my cheeks burning up.

  He looked at me confused, “I’ve been talking to you for ages and you were ignoring me.”

  I shook my head, “No I didn’t hear you, I was thinking.”


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