Hair-Breadth Escapes: The Adventures of Three Boys in South Africa

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Hair-Breadth Escapes: The Adventures of Three Boys in South Africa Page 11

by H. C. Adams



  Two or three weeks now passed during which nothing of any importanceoccurred. Lion continued to mend, though very slowly, and was unable towalk any distance. A messenger had been despatched southward, and hisreturn was impatiently looked for. Spies also had gone out to track theBushmen, but they too were still absent. Meanwhile the Englishmen weretreated with all civility; Toboo every day supplying their table withHottentot luxuries, and the chief, attended by Omatoko as interpreter,paying them continual visits. It was very amusing to the boys to watchthe asides between their two visitors, which the latter supposed to bequite unintelligible to their guests, but which were always explained tothem by the doctor, as soon as the Hottentots had departed.

  They learned in this way that Umboo was very anxious to possess one, atleast, of the guns which the travellers carried, and was disappointedthat an offer to that effect had not been made to him by one of theparty. They were, therefore, in no way surprised, when one day Toboomade his appearance, ushering in Omatoko and two of the principalpersonages of the village, who announced that they came with a messagefrom the chief. The latter had heard of their skill with the"fire-tube," as they styled it, and was desirous of measuring his ownskill as a marksman against theirs. He proposed that a mark should beset up at the distance of a hundred yards, which the doctor shouldendeavour to hit with a bullet from his rifle, and Umboo with hisassegai. Whichever made the more successful shot was to be accountedthe victor, and the weapons employed in the contest were to become hisexclusive property.

  "The cunning old rogue," exclaimed Nick, _sotto voce_, to his neighbour,Frank. "He is determined to get hold of Charles's rifle, if he can.But I suppose Charles can hardly decline the contest."

  "No," said Frank, "and there is no reason why he should. He istolerably sure to beat this nigger hollow. But let us hear what hesays."

  As soon as Omatoko had delivered the challenge, the doctor replied thathe was quite ready for the trial proposed, and accepted the conditions.A day was then named, and an invitation given to all the party to dinewith the chief after the settlement of the contest. All preliminarieshaving been arranged, the ambassadors withdrew, followed by Omatoko,--all three apparently greatly pleased at the result of the interview.

  "What a flat that Umboo must be," exclaimed Nick, when they haddeparted, "to believe that he could throw a spear with a better aim thanCharles can take with his rifle! Why, even Omatoko, with his bow andarrow, was no match for Charles and his gun; and it is much easier tohit with a bow and arrow than with a spear, or assegai, as they callit."

  "Well, I don't know that Umboo is so very far wrong," said Lavie. "Someof these Hottentots can throw the assegai with wonderful skill. IfUmboo is a good performer, as I suppose he is by his challenging me,he'll surprise you with his skill, I expect, though I hardly think hewill outshoot me."

  "Outshoot you! Well, as a fellow is said to take a _shot_ with a spear,I suppose it may be called shooting, though it is shooting after a veryfunny sort," said Warley. "What is the day appointed for this match,Charles?"

  "Wednesday--the day after to-morrow. I suppose two days are allowed forpreparing the banquet with which he means to celebrate the victory hemakes so sure of."

  "Probably. But it really is odd that he should feel so confident.Omatoko must have told him of the affair of the ostriches, and thatwould hardly encourage him."

  "They're up to some scheme," said Nick, "I have felt sure of that fromthe first. They are going to give you something that will make yourhand unsteady, or play some trick with your rifle. If I were you,doctor, I'd hide my rifle away in some safe place till Wednesday."

  "Well, I'll tell you what happened the night before last," said Warley."I thought little of it at the time, but it looks different now. Youwere all asleep, and I was just going off too, when I fancied I sawsomething moving near the door. It might be a snake, I thought--I'malways fancying snakes are about now--so I lifted my head and looked.Presently a black head came in at the door, and lay motionless for twoor three minutes. The eyes seemed to be taking stock of everything inthe hut, but particularly of Charles's figure, and his rifle, which waslying by his side. After a little while the head disappeared ascautiously as it had come. I thought it was one of the Hottentots,whose curiosity had been roused by what he had been told, and wanted tosee everything with his own eyes. But it looks now as though there wassomething more in it."

  "You're about right, Ernest," said Nick. "There's a good deal more init. Well, doctor, the first thing I advise is, that you and I changeguns till Wednesday. I don't imagine they know the difference betweenone gun and another, and if your belt is fastened to my weapon, and youcarry it about, they'll think you've got your own, and any tricks theymay attempt will be tried on the wrong article. And in the secondplace, we'd better take it in turns to keep watch at night tillWednesday, and so find out what they're up to."

  "I think you're right, Nick," said Lavie. "You're such a dodgeryourself, that these fellows can't hold a candle to you. Well, here'smy rifle, and I'll take yours, and put it into my belt. We'd betterwatch from about ten o'clock to six in the morning--the same time aswhen we were on the journey. What time will you have, Nick?"

  "Oh, between twelve and two, if you like," said Nick, "that is the timeI prefer."

  The others making no objection, this was agreed to. No disturbance tookplace that night or the night following it; but on the Wednesdaymorning--the morning of the match--Nick announced to his companions thatthe same fellow, no doubt, whom Ernest had watched a few dayspreviously, had entered the hut last night and carried off, as hesupposed, Lavie's rifle.

  "You didn't let him take it away, did you?" exclaimed Frank in surprise.

  "I did, though," said Nick, "and let him bring it back again half anhour afterwards. We had better overhaul it, and see what he has done toit."

  "Hand it here, and I'll examine it," said the doctor.

  The gun was passed to him, and he made a careful examination. At firsthe could not perceive that there was anything amiss; but on thrustingdown the ramrod it was found that there was something about a half-crownin thickness at the bottom of the barrel. Probably some thick glutinousmatter had been poured down the gun, and had hardened almostimmediately. This would of course prevent the spark from reaching thepowder, and so render the gun useless.

  "We must take this to pieces by-and-by, and clean it," said the surgeon."Meanwhile, let us change rifles again. How nicely they will be takenin, to be sure!"

  About an hour afterwards notice was given them by Toboo, that all wasprepared for the match. They stepped out of their hut, and found thewhole kraal present, and in the greatest state of excitement. The largeoval space inside the ring of houses had been chosen as the mostsuitable ground. At one end a square piece of dark-coloured wood hadbeen fastened to a post, and in the middle of the wood, secured by apeg, was a round piece of white leather, some four inches in diameter.At the other end was a smaller post, at which the marksmen were to standwhen discharging their weapons. Near this spot one or two lads wereholding bundles of assegais intended for the use of Umboo, who wasleaning against the wall of a cottage a short way off. He was nowdivested of all his finery, and looked in consequence a far moreimposing figure. He was a tall and finely formed man, though somewhattoo stout; and the great muscles of his arms and legs might have serveda sculptor for a model. On a row of mats about ten yards distant fromthe mark, were seated his wives, fully a dozen in number, all clad intheir most sumptuous apparel in honour of the triumph which their lordand master was about to achieve. Each of them wore half a dozen heavynecklaces round her throat, on which were strung beads and shells andstuds; fish bones and birds' eggs; teeth of fishes and wild beasts;small bells and thimbles, and wooden reels on which thread had beenwound, purchased of European traders and converted to these strangeuses.
It was not round their necks only that they wore theseencumbrances; wrists and ankles and waists were similarly loaded, untilit became almost impossible to distinguish any part of their persons,and they were absolutely unable to stand upright under the heavy burdenof their garniture. The rest of the women and the men formed two longlines on either side of the scene of the contest, and it was evidentfrom their looks, that they took the keenest interest in the issue ofthe struggle.

  "Now you look here," began Omatoko as soon as the chief and theEnglishmen had saluted one another; "you each take weapon you mean touse--no allowed to change it. Chief throw three assegais, whitemedicine-man fire three shots; whoever hit nearest middle white leather,he win. If white man win, he have three assegais. If chief win, hehave white man's fire-tube. Is it good?"

  "All right. I make no objection," said Lavie, with a nod ofintelligence to his companions; and the chief also signifying hisassent, the trial began.

  Umboo was the first to step forward. He motioned to one of theattendants to bring him the bundle of assegais which he carried, andmade a careful examination of them. The lads had never before had agood sight of this weapon. It was nearly seven feet in length, the ironhead being some eight inches long and two broad. As the spears inquestion had been designed for the chief's own use, the best workmen hadbeen employed upon them, and Lavie was really astonished at the skilland taste displayed in the manufacture, which could hardly have beenoutdone by the best English workman. Having chosen his missiles, Umboonow prepared to throw them. Brandishing the first of them in the air,and moving his hand to and fro, until it was exactly poised, he bentbackwards and hurled it with all the force of his herculean frame. Itflew straight to the mark, and buried itself in the dark wood a fewinches from the white leather circle. Some applause was bestowed; butit was plain, from the faces of the bystanders, that this was notaccounted one of his most skilful efforts. He hastened to mend hisfortune with the second spear, but with no better result than before,the assegai being fixed in the board, nearly about the same distancefrom the centre as the first. With an impatient exclamation he caughtup the third missile, resolved that this time he would not fail Hisexertions were successful. A burst of admiration broke forth as theweapon was seen sticking in the leather itself, though not within aninch and a half of the actual centre.

  It was now Lavie's turn, and as he advanced to the spot which Umboo hadjust quitted, he was regarded with the utmost curiosity by theHottentots, many of whom had never witnessed the discharge of firearms.The doctor's rifle was already loaded. He raised it to his shoulder,slowly lowering it again, until the bead exactly covered the centre ofthe leather. Then, instantly drawing the trigger, the crack of thereport was heard, and the bullet passed so exactly through the middle ofthe mark, that the wooden pin was driven out, and the leather dropped tothe ground.

  The three lads vociferously applauded, and the greater part of thebystanders could not help lending their voices to swell the shout,albeit aware that they might incur the wrath of the chief by such adisplay of feeling. Umboo was, it was plain, equally astonished andannoyed. He threw a fierce glance at a man of slight supple figure whowas standing near, and muttered something which the Englishmen did notunderstand. For a minute he seemed inclined to resent Lavie's victoryas a personal injury; but he changed his purpose, and observing that, asthe medicine-man's first shot had beaten all three of his, there was noneed for him to shoot again, he withdrew to his hut, followed by theHottentot of whom mention has been made; nor did he reappear until thefeast was ready.

  This did not take place for some two hours afterwards, by which time hisequanimity appeared to be restored. He placed the four white visitorson his right hand, each seated on a separate mat, while on his left weretwo of his sons, Kalambo and Patoo, Omatoko, and the attendant of themorning, whose name they had now discovered to be Leshoo. He was an oldfavourite of the chief, it appeared, and was disliked and dreaded by hiscountrymen generally. He did not seem to bear the Englishmen anyparticular goodwill, frequently scowling at them as they sat at thefeast, and whispering remarks into Umboo's ear, which were evidentlydisparaging, if not actually hostile.

  "I say, Frank," whispered Nick, "that chap there, on the chief's left,is the one who tried to damage the rifle."

  "Is he?" answered Frank. "What makes you think so?"

  "I know him by that bald patch on the scalp. He has had a wound there,I suppose; I noticed that as he crawled out of the door of the hut intothe moonlight. We'd better keep an eye on him."

  The feast lasted a long time, the quantity devoured by the Hottentotsbeing only equalled by the gross greediness with which they seized whatthey considered the chief delicacies; and it was a great relief to theEnglish guests when it was announced that a dance was going to takeplace outside the hut in their honour.

  "A dance?" repeated Nick; "does any one expect a fellow to dance after afeed like this?"

  "They don't expect you to dance," said Lavie who overheard him. "You'veonly to sit by and see them dance."

  "That's lucky, at all events," said Nick, "but I should think hisMajesty here and his wives were still less in dancing trim thanourselves. Why, a boa-constrictor, after gorging an ox, would be as fitto dance a hornpipe as he."

  "Hush, Nick," said Lavie, "somebody may understand you enough to reportyour words, and I don't consider our position here over safe as it is.If it hadn't been that we could not spare the rifle, I would have letthe chief beat me to-day. But there is no need to provoke them morethan can be helped."

  Nick promised compliance, and followed the doctor out of the hut into anopen space near the village, under the shade of some large acacias,which had been selected as the fittest place for the dance. It seemedthat this was to be performed by the Hottentot girls, no men beingvisible among them. They were gathered in a circle divested of allornaments, indeed of all attire, excepting a linen cincture round thewaist, and a headdress of the same material. Several of them heldmelons in their hands, not the large water-melons, with which the partyhad been regaled, but a smaller size, about as big as a large cocoa-nut.The moon, which had risen about an hour before, and was nearly at thefull, poured down a bright light, which rendered every object clearlydistinguishable.

  When all had taken their places, Umboo gave the signal, and the dancebegan. The spectators clapped their hands, keeping a kind of rude time,and accompanying the performance with a low monotonous chant, whichswelled louder and louder, as the excitement grew greater. The girls,whirling their arms and throwing out their legs right and left, flewabout, following each other in a circle, tossing the melons from one toanother, under their thighs, and catching them with wonderful dexterity.As the dance went on, the rapidity of the movements increased. Theirlight figures and animated faces, as they flashed out into themoonlight, and back into the shade of the acacias, the dark forms seatedround, the wild and somewhat melancholy refrain of the voices, combinedto make up a scene, which was alike strange and striking. At length thechief threw up his hand; the girls, panting and exhausted, threwthemselves on the ground to recover their breath; and soon afterwardsUmboo retired to his hut, and the others followed his example.

  On the following morning, our travellers were no sooner up and dressed,than they became aware that a great commotion was going on in thevillage. Assegais, bows, and quivers full of arrows had been broughtout of the cottages, and several men were employed in rubbing the barbswith fresh poison. About ten of the stoutest men were smearing theirbodies with fat, over which they spread a yellowish red powder; the twobetween them covering their persons as with a second skin. The stenchfrom this ointment was scarcely bearable; but the boys, on inquiry, weretold that its purpose was to render them supple and active, as well asto guard them from the stings of insects.

  Lavie soon ascertained that the spies had returned, reporting that theBushmen were encamped at a distance of not more than twenty miles, andthat it was Umboo's purpose to set out almost immediately, before theheat of the
day came on, intending to attack the Bushmen an hour or sobefore sunset. These tidings were soon afterwards confirmed by amessage from the chief, conveyed through Omatoko, desiring their companyin the course of another half-hour. The manner of their quondam guide,who was now fully armed and equipped for the march, had undergoneconsiderable change. It was no longer deferential and submissive, butimperious and threatening. He seemed to expect a refusal, and to beprepared to take measures for punishing the contumacy of the Englishmen.But Lavie was too wary to permit this. He returned a civil answer,informing Umboo that they would be ready at the time named. Then,calling to the others to follow him, he went into the hut to get ready.

  As soon as they were safe inside, and free from the jealous scrutiny ofthe Hottentots, the doctor addressed his companions.

  "It won't do for us to stay any longer among these fellows," he said;"our lives won't be safe if we do. I have learned that they mean to useour help in picking off such of the Bushmen as may be able to escapethem at close quarters. But as soon as we have done their work, theywill strip us of our arms, and knock us on the head, if we resist Iheard that scoundrel Omatoko, and the fellow they call Leshoo, talkingover it. The chief is to have my rifle, and Omatoko Ernest's, whileLeshoo _is_ to have his choice of Frank's or Nick's."

  "I'll make him a present of a bullet out of mine," cried Frank, "if Ionly have the chance."

  "Hush, Frank!" said Ernest, "they'll hear you. But, Charles, how comesit that their manner towards us is so strangely altered all of asudden?"

  "Well, in the first place, it appears to be owing to Leshoo's secretmachinations. He is afraid, it seems, of our favour with Umboo. In thenext, the delay in the return, of the messenger sent southward isinterpreted unfavourably to the English, at least Leshoo represents itso. He says the Dutch must have got the better, or the man would havebeen back before this. Umboo has now quite taken up this notion."

  "Well, what do you advise, Charles?"

  "That we go with them without any apparent reluctance, and acceptwhatever service they ask us to undertake. But as soon as the attack onthe Bushmen begins, we will, all of us, make off as fast as we cansouthwards. There are not very many of the Hottentots going on theexpedition. They will, almost certainly, be scattered in variousdirections, and be too busy to notice our movements; some will probablybe killed or wounded. But even if that be not so, and if at the end ofthe fighting we have not got too far to be followed, still they willhardly dare to attack us. They are notoriously afraid of Europeans, andhave seen what we can do with our guns."

  "And if they do attack us?" asked Nick.

  "Then their blood be on their own heads. It is our lives or theirs, andthey wantonly provoke the contest."

  "We can't do better than follow your advice," said Frank; "I'm your man,at all events. Poor old Lion! we must leave him behind; but that can'tbe helped."

  "No," said Warley, "men must be thought of before dogs, however much onemay like them. Well, I agree, Charles, and so I can see does Nick."

  "That's right, then," said Charles; "now we had better join them. Don'tlet us give the notion that we are hanging back."

  They went out accordingly, and found the party just preparing to start.They were greeted by Umboo with feigned civility, which they returnedwith similar politeness, and were requested to take their places in themarch next to him--Lavie and Frank on his right hand, and Warley andNick on his left, with Omatoko walking next to Frank and Leshoo to Nick.In this order they proceeded at a rapid pace for several hours, untilthe heat of the sun became overpoweringly oppressive; then they haltedin a place shaded by some trees, and provisions were served out, theHottentots digging roots to supply the place of water. Umboo seatedhimself on the grass, and motioned to the Englishmen to do the same,their two attendants, or jailers, as they might more properly be called,taking the same positions as in the march.

  They remained in their resting-place for three or four hours until thegreat heat of the day was past, and then resumed their route. Aboutfive o'clock a second halt was made, and Omatoko having spoken a fewwords apart with the chief, addressed Lavie. He informed him that Umboointended to post them at various places of ambush, in the neighbourhoodof the Bushmen's camp, and their duty would be to pick off any fugitiveswho might endeavour to make their escape--adding that Umboo would give alarge reward for every Bushman so killed. Lavie and the others acceptedthe commission without the smallest hesitation--again apparently to thesurprise of Omatoko, and the evident disappointment of Leshoo. Butthere was nothing more to be said on the subject. It only remained toconduct the four whites to their several stations. They had now arrivedwithin a mile of their enemies; who it appeared had just succeeded inkilling two buffaloes, and were about to make a feast on the carcasses.

  Just as they were on the point of setting out, Lavie purposely droppedthe case which contained his rifle bullets, which were scattered in alldirections on the ground. His companions ran to pick them up, and astheir heads met, he said in a subdued but perfectly clear tone, "Thelarge motjeeri to the south, in a quarter of an hour from the presenttime."

  The boys made no answer except a nod of intelligence, as each moved offwith the guide assigned him. Then the rest of the Hottentots begancreeping through the scrub, as stealthily as serpents, towards a largerock, under shelter of which a number of the doomed Bushmen might beseen, seated in a circle and engaged in devouring huge lumps of meat,which they had roasted at a large fire still smouldering close by.

  Lavie watched their dusky figures as they disappeared among the foliage,and remained motionless at his post for the prescribed number ofminutes. Then hurrying as fast as he could go towards the motjeeri, hefound all three of his companions awaiting him.

  "All right!" he exclaimed; "they are just on the point of making theirattack, and won't have eyes or ears for anything else. We must put onbest speed, and not stop till we are five or six miles away at theleast."

  A loud yell broke forth from the rock, as they commenced their flight,and was followed by another and another in quick succession. But theygrew fainter as the boys hurried on, and soon ceased altogether.


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