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by A. G. Lafley

  “Midnite Ramble” (show)

  Midnite Ramblers, The. See Original Midnite Ramblers

  Mikell, Gene (cl,as)

  Milenberg Joys

  Miles, John (v)

  Miles, Josie (v)

  Miller, Glenn (ldr,tb)

  Miller, Irvin C. (show producer)

  Millinder, Lucky (ldr)

  Mills, Irving (music publisher, producer)

  Mills Blue Rhythm Band

  Minnie the Moocher

  Minor, Orville “Piggy” (t)

  Minor, Walter (ts)


  Misenheimer’s Springs Health Resort (Richfield, N.C.)

  Mississippi Mud

  Missourians, The

  Miss Rhapsody (Viola Wells) (v)

  Mister Gallagher and Mister Shean

  Mitchell, Alex “Razz” (d)

  Mitchner, William “Happy” (as)

  Moke and Poke (dancers)

  Mole, Miff (tb)

  Money Blues. See Sugar Blues

  Montgomery, Neal (ldr)

  Moore, Arnold “Gatemouth” (v)

  Moore, Freddie (d)

  Moore, Tim (comedian)

  Moore, Willie (t)

  “More Blues and Jazz from Harlem” (album)

  Morning Star Methodist Church (Gold Hill, N.C.)

  Morris, Adolphus (sb)

  Morris, Mel (ldr,d)

  Morrison, Montgomery (tu)

  Morton, Benny (tb)

  Morton, Jelly Roll (ldr,p)

  Moten, Bennie (ldr)

  Motley, John (p)

  Mt. Pleasant Brass Band

  Mule Face Blues

  Murphy, Mr. (club owner)

  Murphy’s Cafe (Newark, N.J.)

  Murray, Kitty (M.C.,v,dancer,producer)

  Music Exchange, The (N.Y.C.)

  musicians: attitudes of

  life styles of

  opinions by King Oliver of

  Musicians locals. See American Federation of Musicians locals.

  Musicraft Record Company (N.Y.C.)

  Myers, Ernest Wilson (g,arr)

  My Heart Belongs to You

  My Honey’s Lovin’ Arms

  My Little Dog Got Kittens

  My Wild Irish Rose

  Nathan, Syd (record producer)

  National Scala (Copenhagen, Denmark)

  National Studios (N.Y.C.)

  Negro Actors Guild (N.Y.C.)

  Nelson, Dave (ldr,arr)

  Nelson, Louis (tb)

  Nepton, Lionel (tu,sb)

  New Amsterdam Club (N.Y.C.)

  New Eden Baptist Church (Newark, N.J.)

  Newman, Cyril (t)

  New Orleans Creole Jazz Band. See also Oliver, King

  New Orleans Jazz Band

  New Orleans Marching Band

  New Orleans Rhythm Kings

  New Orleans Society Orchestra

  New York Amsterdam News (newspaper)

  New York Council for the Performing Arts (N.Y.C.)

  New York School of Music (N.Y.C.)

  New York Times (newspaper)

  Nicholas, Albert (cl)

  Nicholas Brothers, The (dancers)

  Nichols, Sonny (ldr,v)

  Nigger, Nigger, Never Die

  “Night in New Orleans” (show)

  Nola Studios (N.Y.C.)

  Norris, George “Dusty” (t)

  Oakie, Jack (actor)

  Oasis Ballroom (Michigan City, Ind.)

  Odd Fellows Hall (Harrisburg, Pa.)

  “Oh Baby” (show)

  “Oh Daddy” (show)

  Ohio Theater (Columbus, Ohio)

  Oh Lord, Oh Lord, Let Me See the Light Again

  Oh Mr. Clyde, Play That Trombone

  OKeh (record label)

  Oklahoma City Blue Devils

  Olga Hotel (N.Y.C.)

  Oliver, “King” Joe (ldr,c)

  first meeting by CB of

  impressions by CB of

  opinions of CB by

  opinions of musicians by

  Oliver, Sy (ldr,t)

  Olsen and Johnson (comedians)

  “1000 Years of Jazz” (show)

  Original Blue Rhythm Band

  Original Hoofers, The (dancers)

  Original Midnite Ramblers. See also Grear, Charles

  Orpheum Theater (Harrisburg, Pa.)

  Orpheum Theater (Newark, N.J.)

  Ory, Kid (tb)

  ’O Sole Mio

  Overseas Jazz Club (N.Y.C.)

  Oxley, Harold F. (booker). See also Lunceford and Oxley Booking Bureau

  Page, Oran “Hot Lips” (ldr,t)

  Palace Theater (Dayton, Ohio)

  Paradise Club (Linden, N.J.)

  Paradise Theater (Detroit, Mich.)

  Park Central Hotel (N.Y.C.)

  Parker, Charlie “Yardbird” (as)

  falls out at the Paradise

  impressions by CB of

  Parker, Jimmy (d)

  Parker, Louvenia (teacher)

  Parker, Ray (ldr,p)

  Parker, Rose

  Park Terrace Ballroom (Bronx, N.Y.)

  Paxtang Park Pavilion (Harrisburg, Pa.)

  Payne, Dolores (dancer)

  Payne, Sterling “Buddy” (as)

  Payton, F. B. (ts)

  Peepin’ in the Wrong Keyhole

  Permillion, Herbert (tp,v)

  Perry, Nettie (v)

  Perseverence Brass Band

  Peshine Avenue School (Newark, N.J.)

  Pete Peaches and Duke (dancers)

  Peter Sisters, The (v)

  Petiford, Ira (tb)

  Philadelphia Folk Festival (Schwenksville, Pa.)

  Phipps, Jimmy (p)

  Pillars, Charley (ldr)

  Pioneers of Jazz. See also Alvis, Hayes

  Piron, A. J. (ldr,arr)

  Pithian Hall (Washington, D.C.)

  Pittsburgh Courier (newspaper)

  Pizza Express Jazz Club (London, England)

  Plantation Club (Chicago, Ill.)

  “Plantation Days” (show)

  Poet and Peasant Overture

  “Popeye” (t)

  Poston, Lonnie (tb)

  Potter, Jack (bj)

  Powell, Frank (as,cl)

  Powell, Jesse (ts)

  Powell, Jimmie (cl,as)

  Powell, Rudy (as,arr)

  Pratt, Alfred (ts,cl)

  Preston, Kenny (v)

  Pretty Mama Blues

  Price, Hilary (p)

  Price, Lloyd (v)

  Price, Sam (p)

  Prichard Hotel (Huntington, W.V.)

  Princess Grace Theater (Monte Carlo, Monaco)

  Princess Theater (Harrisburg, Pa.)

  Princess Wee Wee (v,dancer)

  Pulliam, Steve (tb)

  Purnell, Alton (p)

  Quarles, Leslie (g)

  Queen Isabella

  Quogue Inn (Quogue, N.Y.)

  Rabbit Foot Minstrels


  radio broadcasts

  Raft, George (actor, dancer)

  Rainey, Madame Gertrude “Ma” (v,dancer)

  Rainier, Prince

  Ramblers, The. See Original Midnite Ramblers

  Ramey, Eugene “Gene” (sb)

  Ramirez, Ram (p)

  Randolph, Amanda (actress)

  Ravens, The (v)

  Reagan, Nancy

  Reagan, Ronald (president)


  ban on. See also Discography

  Redman, Don (ldr)

  Red River Blues

  Red Wing

  Reid, Sambo (comedian)

  Renaissance, The (basketball team)

  Renaissance Casino Ballroom “The Renny” (N.Y.C.)

  Renaissance Casino Orchestra. See Andrade, Vernon

  Renny, The. See Renaissance Casino Ballroom

  rent parties, chitlin’ struts, breakdowns

  Reynolds, Ellis (p)

  Reynolds, Ellsworth (ldr,sb)

  Rhapsody in Blue

  Rhodes, Todd (p)r />
  rhythm and blues

  Rhythm Club (N.Y.C.)

  Richard, Priscilla (ldr)

  Richardson, Lee (v)

  Richmond, June (v)

  Riviera, The. See Club Riviera

  RKO theater circuit

  Roane, Eddie (t)

  Roane, Kenneth (t)


  Roberts, Charles “Luckey” (ldr,p)

  Robertson, Howard (bs)

  Robeson, Orlando (v)

  Robinson, Bill (dancer)

  Robinson, Fred (tb)

  Robinson, “Sugar” Ray (boxer)

  “Rochester” (dancer)

  rock and roll

  Rockettes, The (dancers)

  Rockland Palace (N.Y.C.)

  Roll ‘Em

  Romance in the Dark

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. (president)

  Roosevelt Hotel, The (N.Y.C.)

  Rose Danceland Ballroom (N.Y.C.)

  Roseland Ballroom (N.Y.C.)

  Royal Garden Blues

  Royal Garden Dance Hall (Pittsburgh, Pa.)

  Royal Theater (Baltimore, Md.)

  Roy White Stock Company

  Rubin, Mrs. (record company owner)

  Ruby (record label)

  Rug Cutter’s Swing

  Rushing, Jimmy (v)

  Russell, Luis (ldr,p)

  Russell, Nipsey (M.C.,comedian)

  Russell, Strawberry (entertainer)

  S.S. Bremen (ocean liner)

  S.S. Drottingholm (ocean liner)

  Saddler, Josh (vio)

  St. Louis Blues

  Salerno, Larry (t)

  Sanders Recording Studio (N.Y.C.)

  Saratoga Club (N.Y.C.)

  Saratoga Club Orchestra. See Russell, Luis

  Satan Takes a Holiday

  Saunders, Red (d)

  Saunderland, Lloyd (d)

  Savoy Ballroom “The Track” (N.Y.C.)

  dances originating at the

  impressions by CB of the

  Savoy dancers

  Savoy Lindy Hoppers (dancers)

  Sawyer, Ralph. See Anderson, Jimmy

  Saydisc (record label)

  Schiffman, Frank (theater owner)

  Schmeling, Max (boxer)

  Scott, Cecil X. (ldr,ts,cl)

  Scott, George (t)

  Scott, Joe (sb)

  Scott, Lloyd (ldr)

  Scott, Mabel (v)

  Scott, Melbourne (as)

  Scott, Sammy J. (d)

  Scott, Ulysses “Shorty” (as,cl)

  Scott’s Syncopators. See Scott, Cecil X.

  Seals, Warner (ts,v)

  Sedric, Eugene (ts)

  See, See Rider Blues

  “7-11” (show)

  Shadowland Ballroom (N.Y.C.)

  Shadowland Ballroom (Wichita, Kan.)

  “sharks,” The

  “Sheep & Goat Club” (radio show)

  Shirley, Jimmy (sb)

  Shoo Georgia Rabbit

  Shorter, Reverend J. H.

  “Shuffle Along” (show)

  Sibletown Jazz Hounds


  Silas Green Minstrels

  Simmons, Roscoe (v)

  Simon, Stafford “Pazuza” (ts)

  Singer, Hal (ts)

  Sing You Sinners

  Sissle, Noble (ldr,v)

  Sissle and Blake (entertainers)

  Sittin’ on Top of the World

  Skelton, Red (M.C.,comedian)


  Slidus Trombonus

  Slip Horn Jive

  Slyde, Jimmy (dancer)

  Small, Dave (d)

  Smalls, Ed (club owner)

  Smalls Paradise (N.Y.C.)

  advertisement for

  auditioning for

  Smalls Paradise Orchestra. See Johnson, Charlie

  “Smiles” (entertainer)

  Smiles and Smiles (entertainers)

  Smith, Al (politician)

  Smith, Bessie (v)

  Smith, Clara (v)

  Smith, Jabbo (t)

  Smith, Jimmy (t)

  Smith, Joe (t)

  impressions by CB of

  Smith, Mamie (v)

  Smith, Mamie “Race-Horse” (dancer)

  Smith, Professor (psychic)

  Smith, Russell (t)

  Smith, Stuff (ldr,vio)

  Smith, Tab (as)

  Smith, Viola (store manager)

  Smith, Willie (as)

  Smith, Willie “The Lion” (p)

  “Smitty” (sb)

  Smothers, Pearl (ldr,p)

  Snag It

  Snapp, Troy (ldr,p)

  Snow, Hattie V. (v)

  So Good This Morning

  Sol, John

  So Long Blues

  Somebody’s Knockin’

  Someday Sweetheart

  Some of These Days

  Somerset House (Riverside, Calif.)

  Song of the Wanderer, The. See Where Shall I Go When I Go Where I Go?

  songs: as written by CB

  Blowing My Top

  Cracklin’ Bread

  Daisy Mae

  Gate You Swing Me Down

  Good Woman Blues

  Hey Miss Bertha

  If It’s Any News to You

  Lay Your Habits Down

  Lost Weekend Blues

  My Little Dog Got Kittens

  Red River Blues

  So Good This Morning

  So Long Blues

  Sweet Jam Jam

  Triflin’ Woman Blues

  What Are You Gonna Do When I’m Gone?

  Without You

  Would You Do Me a Favor?. See also specific song titles for other composers

  Sonora Record Company (N.Y.C.)

  Sousa, John Philip (ldr,composer). See also John Philip Sousa’s Brass Band

  Spears, Glenn

  Spears family, the

  Sphinx Inn (N.Y.C.)

  Splawn, John F. (t)

  Springer, Joe (club owner)

  Spring Lake Park (Oklahoma City, Okla.)

  “Stackhouse” (bouncer)

  Stafford, Mary (v)


  Standard Theater (Philadelphia, Pa.)

  Star Dust

  Starks, Artie (as,cl)

  Starr, Kay (v)

  State Theater (Harrisburg, Pa.)

  Statler Hotel (N.Y.C.)

  Steele, Alfonzo (ldr)

  Stenhammar, Bosse (club owner)

  Stevens, Alex (t)

  Stevens, Bob (recording engineer)

  Stevenson, Harry (song writer)

  Stewart, Prince D. (t)

  Stewart, Sammy (ldr)

  Stewart-Baxter, Derrick (writer)

  Stomping at the Renny

  Stone, Jesse (ldr)

  Stormy Weather

  “Stormy Weather Revue” (show)

  Straighten Up and Fly Right

  Strain, Mary (v)

  Straine, Doc (v)

  Straine, Jennie (v)

  Stratton, Sid (ldr)

  street parades

  Sturgis, Ted (sb)

  Stuttgart Jazz Society (Stuttgart, West Germany): program cover for

  Sugar Blues (Money Blues)

  Sugar Foot Stomp

  Sullivan, Maxine (v)

  Sunset Cabaret/Club (Chicago.)

  Sunset Royals

  Supremes, The (v)

  Sutton, Ralph (p)

  Swan, John (t)

  Swayzee, Ed (t)

  Sweatman, Wilbur (cl)

  Sweet Adeline

  Sweet Georgia Brown

  Sweet Jam Jam

  Sweet Man

  Swindell, Bill (as)

  Swinging in the Promised Land

  Sylvester, Bob (arr)

  Symphonium Serenaders. See Deppe, Lois B.

  Synco Septet. See also McKinney’s Cotton Pickers

  Tales from the Vienna Woods

  Tatum, Art (p)

  Taylor, Billy (sb)

  Taylor, George. See Dinah and his Orchestra

nbsp; Taylor, Sam “The Man” (ts)

  Taylor, Tiny (v)

  Teagarden, Jack (tb,v)

  Teatro De La Ciudad (Mexico City, Mexico)

  Tebbett, Walter E. (walkathon producer)

  television broadcasts

  Terrace Ballroom (Newark, N.J.)

  That’s Lulu

  Theater for Performing Arts (Las Vegas, Nev.)

  Theater Owners’ Booking Association (TOBA)

  Thomas, Agnes Barnhardt (sister)

  Thomas, Joe (ts)

  Thomas, Joe (t)

  Thomas, Luther (brother-in-law)

  Thomas, Maceo (v)

  Thompson, Wington (as,cl,flute)

  369th Regiment Band

  Tiger Rag

  Tillie and her Toilers. See Vinnie, Tillie

  Tim and Freddy (dancers)

  Times Square Hotel (N.Y.C.)

  Tishomingo Blues

  Titanic, The (ocean liner)

  TOBA. See Theater Owners’ Booking Association

  Toombs, Rudy (composer)

  Toosweet, Wilbert (dancer)

  Toosweet, Willie (comedian)

  Torrence, George (sax,cl)

  Towles, Leslie (d)

  “Track, The.” See Savoy Ballroom

  Travis, Alvis (tb)

  Tree and a Possum

  Tree of Hope, The

  Tribble, Andrew (female impersonator)

  Trifflin’ Woman Blues

  Tru Blue Record Company (N.Y.C.)

  Tucker, Earl “Snake Hips” (dancer)

  Tucker, Joyce. See Ellington, Ruth

  Tucker, Sophie (v)

  Turf Grill (N.Y.C.)

  Turner, Charles “Fat Man” (sb)

  Turner, Joe (v)

  Turner, Lana (actress)

  Turner, Little Bits (comedian)

  Turnham, Floyd (ts,cl)

  Twist-Mouth Charlie and Betty (dancers)

  Ubangi Club (N.Y.C.)

  Ubangi Club Boys (female impersonators)

  Ubangi Club Orchestra. See Scott, Cecil X.

  United Methodist Church (Gold Hill, N.C.)

  United Service Organization (USO)

  United Sons and Daughters of Georgia (organization)

  United Studios (N.Y.C.)

  University of Indiana (Bloomington, Ind.)

  Up and at ’Em

  USO. See United Service Organization

  Valentino, Rudolph (actor)

  Vallee, Rudy (ldr,v)

  Vanity Fair Ballroom (Huntington, W.V.)

  Variety Record Company (N.Y.C.)

  Velvet-tones, The (v)

  Vennie, Joe (music teacher)

  Vennie, John (t)

  Vennie, Paul (t)

  Vennie, Tillie (ldr,p)

  Victor, Egbert “Sharkey” (p)

  Victor Record Company (N.Y.C.)

  Villa, Pancho (desperado)

  Viola’s Place (Philadelphia, Pa.)

  Vocalion (record label)

  Vollmer, Albert A. (band manager,ss)

  Vollmer, Dot

  Waitin’ for the Evenin’ Mail

  Wait ’til the Sun Shines, Nellie


  Walkathonians, The. See also Coffey, Ira

  Walker, Jonas (tb)

  Walker, Mack (sb)

  Walkin’ the Dog (Get Over Sal, Don’t You Linger)

  Walkup, Williard (p)

  Waller, Thomas “Fats” (ldr,p)


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