Just Perfect

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Just Perfect Page 11

by Lynn Hunter

  Lily didn’t know if she should ask any questions. She didn’t want her to feel like she was prying. It had been so long since she had a friend, she didn’t know how to make one. “You haven’t seen strange until you’ve spent time with me. I’ll call you if I hear of anything.”

  “Hi, Mom!” Johnathan called from a doorway off the small living room.

  “Hey, kiddo. Having fun?”

  “Yeah! We stayed up late. Almost eleven o’clock!” His eyes were wide and his smile huge. Johnathan’s happiness was contagious. She couldn’t help but feel good when she was with him.

  “Oh my goodness, wild man!” She laughed and motioned for him to come and give her a hug. Derek followed him out of the room to lean up against his mom’s side and watched them silently.

  “Hi there Derek,” She greeted. “Did you have fun too?” Definitely got his shyness from his mom.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good. You guys will have to do it again soon.”

  “Absolutely.” Candace agreed.

  “Get your stuff Johnathan, we’ve got some errands to run.” He ran back to the room he came out of and Derek was hot on his heels.

  Turning back to back to Candace, she smiled. “Thanks for having him. When we move to town, they can play more often.

  “That sounds great.” Candace’s cell phone rang she stood to walk the short distance to the kitchen. After glancing at the screen, she pursed her lips and silenced the phone. On her way back to the living room the phone rang again.

  “I’m sorry, Lily.” She grabbed the phone “I’ll just turn this off.” Lilly noticed Candace’s color become pale.

  “It’s okay if you want to answer that.”

  “No. I don’t ever want to answer that.” Her voice was quiet.

  Lily stood up. “Candace, are you okay?”

  “Ready, Mom.” Johnathan came into the living room. She looked down at him and then back to Candace. She wanted to say something, to let her know she could talk to her if she needed. She’d been so wrapped up in her own little world she never noticed other people’s pain. Here it was, right in front of her.

  “I’ll call you soon, Candace, alright?”

  “Sure, anytime.”

  “We’re off. Bye, Derek, see you soon.”

  “Drive safe.” Candace saw them to the door. Unable to say anymore with the boys present, she said her goodbyes.

  Since meeting Sam, she felt…awake. All she cared about for so long was Johnathan, then her father’s death and making ends meet. Candace was worth her time and she promised herself she would do what she could to help her if needed.

  “I missed you,” she said to Johnathan.

  “I missed you too, but I had fun.”

  “I’m glad. How about a movie and popcorn tonight?”

  “Can I pick the movie?”

  Lily chuckled. Her child knew his mom’s love of romantic movies. He definitely didn’t want to get roped into watching another one.

  “I guess it’s your turn.”

  Her phone rang from the passenger’s seat. Not recognizing the number, she hoped it might be a cake order. “Hello?”

  “Hey, baby.”

  Sam. She quickly glanced at Johnathan through the rear view mirror.

  “Hello?” His deep voice rumbled in her ear.


  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I am. I just picked Johnathan up.”

  “Did he have fun?”

  “He had a blast at his sleepover.”

  Sam’s voice lowered. “I had fun at mine too.”

  Her face heated. “Um…”

  His laugh was deep and rich. “What are you doing tonight?”

  “I have a date,” she said brightly, relieved that he changed the subject.

  “You better be talking about me.”

  “Nope. I have a date with a very handsome seven-year-old boy and I’m going to force him to watch romantic Christmas movies with me.”

  “No way! You said I could pick!” Her date cried from the back seat.

  Lily laughed. “What are you doing tonight?”

  “Well, I was going to take you two out to dinner, but since you already have plans, we’ll do it tomorrow.

  “Probably best. I need to get to bed early. I have a huge cinnamon roll order in the morning. Plus, an anniversary cake. I have to deliver the cake to the venue. They’re paying extra.” She sighed. “I don’t have anywhere to store it anyway.”

  “Well damn, you make me feel lazy.”

  “I doubt that. I’m sorry for going on about myself. How was your day? Did you have a lot of trucks needing work?”

  “You can talk to me about your business anytime. We had driver’s come in but it was a quiet day. Mostly scheduled maintenance.”

  “That’s good. Were there enough cupcakes for the drivers that came in today?”

  “Hell no. I had to threaten Dean after he had three. They were delicious by the way.”

  “Thank you.” His praise made her pleased with herself. She always got compliments on her baking and it made her feel good. However, Sam’s made her feel accomplished. He didn’t seem like a man who handed out praise without it being earned.

  “What time can I pick you and Johnathan up tomorrow? I thought I could take you for pizza.”

  “Well, I don’t know. My mom and I are going to look at an apartment downtown.”

  Sam was quiet for so long she thought she lost the call.

  “Do you want me to go with you?”

  Did she? No, they were just starting to get to know each other. She didn’t want to start depending on him so early in their relationship.

  “No, it’s fine. We’re just looking, but Mom said she was accepting the offer on the house so we have to start looking.” Her heart sank. She couldn’t stop the sale of the house.

  “I’ll bring pizza to you guys tomorrow night then. Do you have time for me then?”

  She laughed. “Yes. Make sure you bring one pepperoni. Johnathan’s favorite.”

  “You got it. What about you? What kind do you like?”

  “I’m not picky but no olives, green peppers, Canadian bacon or pineapple. I love mushrooms, though.”

  “Not picky, huh?” She could hear the smile in his voice.


  “I’ll be there at seven tomorrow.”

  “Sam? How did you get my number?”

  “You don’t want me to have it?”

  “Of course, I do. I just don’t remember giving it to you.”

  “I called my phone after I talked to Glen last night.”

  “You’re a sneak.” She teased.

  “I didn’t want to argue with you about it.”

  “I don’t argue.”

  “Yes you do, Mom!” Johnathan added his opinion.

  “I rest my case.”


  “Well? What do you think?”

  The owner of the vacant building was a kind man. He was about as big around as he was tall with thinning gray hair and thick glasses. His smile was friendly and he seemed more than happy about the possibility of a bakery opening in his building. The apartment upstairs was only a two bedroom and nicely updated but so different from their spacious farmhouse.

  “It’s nice,” Lily’s mom said, “the apartment is only two bedrooms and there are three of us. We’ll have to think about it.”

  “That’s fine, take all the time you need. I’m not in a big hurry to rent it out.” He ran his hand up and down his blue elastic suspenders and rocked back on his heels. “I knew your husband, Mrs. Young. He was a good man. I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Whitehead.”

  There was a time when her mom wasn’t able to hear someone’s condolences without tears. However, today there was sadness in her eyes but they were dry.

  “Are we gonna live here, Mom?” Johnathan was quiet throughout the tour of the building. She assumed he was thinking how different it was
from their house.

  “I don’t know yet, kiddo.” She hugged him tightly. “We’re just looking right now.”

  There was a cafe in the building at one time but closed down when the owner decided it was too much to handle. There was a small commercial kitchen. That was a plus.

  As they were leaving the building, she saw Sam parked out front leaning up against his truck. Her stomach fluttered at the sight of him.

  “Hi, Sam,” Johnathan called.

  They walked to meet him while her mom continued her conversation with Mr. Whitehead.

  “Hey there, little man. How are you?”

  “Fine.” He motioned to the building. “We might live here so Mom can bake.”

  Sam’s eyes found hers. “Is that right?”

  “Yeah,” her son’s voice grew quiet “someone’s buyin’ our house so we gotta move.”

  Lily ran her hands through her son’s curls. “You’ll get to be closer to Derek. Won’t that be fun?”

  “Yes.” He gave her a small smile.

  “Go tell Gramma we’re ready to get home.”

  “Okay.” He turned to Sam. “Are you bringing pizza tonight?”

  “Yes. Pepperoni for you.”

  “Awesome.” Giving Sam a questioning look he asked, “Are you going to take my Gramma on a date like Mr. Glen?”

  Lily was shocked by the question. Why didn’t her son assume that Sam was going to take her out?

  Sam’s smile stretched across his face. “Actually, I think I’ll take your mom on a date.”

  “Really?” Jonathan looked shocked. His eyes jerked between them. “Mom doesn’t do dates,” he informed.

  “Maybe she will with me.”

  Why were they talking about her like she wasn’t there? They could just ask her what she thought about it.

  “Are you sure? Aren’t you kind of old?”

  “Jonathan!” Lily was horrified at her child’s lack of manners.

  Sam chuckled. “Trust me, I’m young enough to date your mom. That okay with you?”

  Johnathan’s brow knitted in thought. “Well, yeah. I just didn’t know. Mom’s never been on a date.”

  Lily started to fell uncertain. Was this going to be too much for her son? What if it didn’t work out? Would Johnathan be confused and uncertain about relationships?

  “Johnathan, go ahead and tell Gramma we’re ready.” She urged, wanting to put an end to the conversation.

  “Okay, bye Sam.”

  “See you in a bit.”

  When Johnathan walked away, she turned to Sam and nervously licked her lips. “Sam-”

  “No, Lily,” he interrupted “whatever is going on in that pretty head, forget it. It’ll be fine.”

  He sounded so sure she decided to believe him for now. “What are you doing here?”

  “Sarah told Glen you were coming to check out this place.” He jutted his chin in the direction of the building.

  She took a deep breath. “Yeah. It has a decent apartment on the top floor but it only has two bedrooms. It has a kitchen downstairs to bake in and a small walk in cooler. I would be able to bake those wedding cakes in the spring if we got this place.”

  “What about Johnathan?”

  “What do you mean?” She was confused by his question.

  “You have to think about him. Are you going to make him share a room with you?”

  Anger shot through her so fast her brain almost exploded. “Of course, I’m thinking about him,” she hissed. “Johnathan and my mom are all I think about.” Who the hell did he think he was? Her situation was none of his business anyway. And he just stood there looking calm, like he didn’t just criticize her parenting.

  “I have to go, Sam,” she just wanted to get away from him. “Don’t bother with the pizza.” She lashed.

  “I’m bringing pizza. I told Johnathan I was. I do what I say Lily and you’re acting like a brat. The first time I say something you don’t like and you’re ready to call it quits.

  “It’s not the first time,” she snapped “you can’t seem to help yourself from saying things that upset me.”

  He laughed so suddenly and with genuine amusement, it caught her off guard. She blinked and her anger fled. Her lips twitched with the need to smile with him but she wasn’t going to let him off that easy.

  He took a step closer and gave one of her wayward curls a tug. “I’ll see you at seven with pizza.”

  She didn’t say anything. Just stared up at his deep blue eyes. He was so attractive and when he laughed it warmed her insides.

  “Okay, Lily?”

  She let out a long sigh so he knew she was still irritated with him “Okay. Don’t forget, I like mushrooms.” She might as well get the pizza she wanted.

  “I’d never forget anything about you.”

  Chapter 13.

  Sam pulled into the farmhouse drive at seven sharp. He saw a familiar gray truck. Glen. Good thing he brought extra pizza. As he gathered the pizza boxes and drinks out of the backseat, he took a look around the property. This was going to be his new home. He shook his head. He really needed to tell Lily. But if he told her right now she’d lose her mind. There was no way she would think he bought her parents’ beloved farmhouse so she wouldn’t have to leave. As soon as he got a quiet moment with her, he’d tell her. Then let her blow off some steam. The thought made him smile. She was hot as hell when she was blowing off steam.

  His smile fled and fierce jealousy took its place looked through the kitchen window and saw Glen’s son, Jake, sitting at the island with Lily smiling down at him.

  He was through the door instantly without bothering to knock. Lily and Jack both jerked their heads towards him. A flash of pleasure in Lily’s face and it made him feel a little less like murdering someone. His eyes left her and landed on Jake.

  “Sam? Are you alright?” Sarah asked, but he was unable to move his eyes away from Jake. Jake’s pale green eyes held Sam’s steadily.

  “Sam,” Jake greeted, “good to see you again.”

  Jake still looked the same with dark blond hair and tall, lean build. He resembled his dad, Glen, in many ways. But where Glen’s eyes had an open friendliness, Jake was more subdued and watchful. In fact, in the few times he’d been around Jake, he never saw him wear a genuine smile. Until today when he smiled at Lily. His gut clenched. She smiled at Jake too. They looked good sitting next to each other. Like a picture perfect couple. It made Sam want to do real damage to Jake’s handsome face.

  Sam set the pizza boxes and drinks on the island and reached over to shake Jake’s hand.

  “Welcome home.” He meant it. He usually liked Jake, but not right now. No, right now he wanted Jake to disappear and never talk to Lily again.

  “Thanks, it’s good to be home.”

  “Hi, Sam!” Johnathan ran into the kitchen.

  “Inside voice please.” Lily reminded as she walked around the counter to Sam’s side.

  He wanted to grab her and kiss her so thoroughly, no one would doubt who she belonged to.

  She gave him a stern look. “You got my mushroom pizza, mister?”

  He found a smile. “I wouldn’t dare show up without one.”

  “You can stay them.” She smiled and leaned slightly against his arm as if testing how she should behave around her everyone.

  “Sam’s gonna date my mom,” Johnathan announced to the room as he tried to open the pizza boxes no doubt looking for his pepperoni.

  Sam ruffled his hair. Good kid.

  “Go wash your hands before you touch the pizza please,” Lily said before getting the plates from the cabinet.

  “I brought beer, juice and soda.”

  “Wonderful. Thank you, Sam.” Sarah said and began to help Lily set the table.

  “I’ll take one of those beers,” Glen said.

  After grabbing a beer for himself, he handed one to Jake.

  Despite Sam’s initial irritation when he first arrived, the evening was pleasant. After dinner, Lily excus
ed herself to help Johnathan get ready for bed. Sam and Jake sat in the living room with a fresh beer while Glen helped Sarah do the dishes.

  “You going to drive for your dad, Jake? Or you got something else in mind?” Sam asked one they were settled.

  “I’m going to drive for him. I don’t think I can sit in one spot long. I’ll probably do some local and regional loads.”

  “You’re welcome to work in the shop too. We could always use another set of capable hands.”

  “Thanks. I might do that.” After a minute, he said, “Lily and her mom are about the sweetest women I’ve ever met. Have you known them long?”

  Sam’s first instinct was to warn him off Lily but Jake hadn’t shown any interest in her other than friendly conversation.

  “No. I ordered dessert from Lily for the guys at the shop. That’s how your dad met Sarah.”

  Jake nodded. “My dad seems pretty taken with her. He deserves a nice woman like that.”

  Lily appeared in the room and looked between the two of them. She seemed a little uncertain about what to do and her eyes found his. He held out a hand to her and without hesitation she settled on the arm of his chair and rested against his shoulder. Contentment washed over him.

  “Johnathan didn’t want to go to bed. He thinks we’re having fun and he’ll miss out.” She smiled across at Jake, and it made Sam want to growl. He didn’t want her smiling at anyone but him. His jaw clenched with the effort not to let the growl slip out.

  “He’s a good kid, Lily,” Jake commented. “You’ve done a great job.”

  “Thanks. I didn’t do it alone, though. My mom and dad helped.”

  Sam noted the sadness in her voice. She still missed her dad a great deal. He looked over at Jake to see if he heard the change in Lily’s tone. Jake was studying Lily’s face thoughtfully. Sam narrowed his eyes, jealousy made his body tight. Jake needed to keep his eyes to himself. As if sensing Sam’s anger, Jake jerked his eyes to meet his.

  “Here we go.” Sarah entered the room. “Here, Lily, I brought you a glass of wine.”

  “Oh, thank you.” Lily accepted the glass and Sam saw her eye the other glass still in her mom’s hand. She didn’t comment on her mom drinking, but he could tell she wasn’t happy. He put his hand on her knee and squeezed until her eyes met his. He gave her a hard look and she let out a quiet huff before taking a sip from her glass.


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