Silver’s Triad

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Silver’s Triad Page 3

by Cooper McKenzie

  “Language,” was all that Silver said before he picked up his fork and began eating.

  Wondering if maybe she had completely gone ‘round the bend into insanity, Annie turned her attention to the food before her. The platter held more food than she had eaten in a day recently, much less one meal. Ignoring the waffles, she had no intention of eating, Annie began to pick at the rest of the meal.

  Silence reigned at the table for the next few minutes as the three ate. Annie’s tension grew for she knew soon there would be questions. Not only about her experience as a submissive, but also as to why they had found her standing beside the river in the middle of the night.

  Questions she wasn’t sure she wanted to answer.

  Questions she wasn’t sure she could answer.

  After consuming the bacon and hash browns, she pushed away the plate and sipped at her hot chocolate. The two men had finished their meals at about the same time, each consuming approximately twice what she had.

  Oh, what she would give to have such a hearty appetite.

  She was so busy wondering how not to answer any questions they might ask, she jolted when Silver asked, “Do you have a job to go to in the morning?”

  “No,” she answered as she lifted her gaze from her plate. When he raised an eyebrow at her, she hastily added, “Sir.”

  With that, the typical getting-to-know-you, first-date-type questions began. She learned that the two men were retired Air Force officers, currently traveling the country looking for a place where they felt comfortable and would be happy living for the next few years. She shared that she had lived in New Bern since her husband had decided he had to have a sailboat and moved them there ten years before. Both men were divorced, Silver twice. From the shortness of his answer, followed immediately by a question about her favorite foods, there was a story there. Annie knew better than to probe too deeply. After a lifetime of dealing with men, Annie had figured out that most men had an interrogation limit of three to five questions. After that, they would deflect the conversation to something completely unrelated.

  “So, still want to meet us at Club Esoteria?” Silver asked several hours later as they watched the sun brighten the sky. They were all yawning at regular intervals and were clearly ready to crash for some sleep

  Annie nodded. “I do.”

  “And you won’t go swimming in the river before then?” Max asked.

  She smiled at Max. “I won’t.”

  “Give me your phone,” Silver said, holding his hand out.

  Without argument, Annie pulled it from her purse and handed it over. A moment later, he returned it, having saved a number to it and then sending a text to himself.

  “Do you have any club wear?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said with a nod. “It’s old, and I’m not sure how well it will fit, but I’ll figure something out.”

  “Good girl. Something hot and sexy and black.” With that, Silver handed Max a credit card and sent him to pay their bill.

  Annie nodded then reached for her undergarments. Before she could touch them, Silver’s hand covered them. “No, sugar. From now on I’d like you to go without panties. You may wear a bra if you need to, but no panties. And no pants. I like my women to dress like ladies.”

  This had Annie cocking an eyebrow even as her pussy muscles clenched. “Ladies on the outside, bare sluts underneath?”

  Silver’s smile sent a shiver through her. It was that of a predator, knowing he had his game trapped and was moving in for the kill. “Something like. You never know when I might want to flip up the skirt and fuck you. Or watch my boy eat you out before we take you together. It’s also why you’ll never see him wearing them either.”

  “But you do?” she could not help but ask.

  Silver gave her a slow wink and his smile broadened. “I didn’t say that. Now, I want you to go straight home and text me when you get there and again when you wake up. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered automatically.

  With that, they left the booth. Silver held her gaze and licked his lips as he tucked her underwear into the pocket of his sweatpants. She sucked a breath and pressed her thighs together to keep her pussy juices from escaping down the insides of her legs.

  After running her hand down the back of her dress to confirm it was hanging down and covering her ass, Annie turned toward the door. Before she had taken a step, Silver’s big, hot hand settled on her back just above the slight curve of her ass.

  Max waited for them on the sidewalk just in front of her Jeep. When they reached him, Silver’s hand slid down over her ass cheeks. She jumped when he goosed her. His dark chuckle proved there would be more where that came from. Then his hands landed on her shoulders, and he pulled her to stand in front of him.

  “Say good night to Max, sugar,” he said.

  Max stepped up in front of her, then leaned in and gave her kiss. This time it was longer and harder, a planting of lips on lips instead of the quick brush of a kiss he’d given her in the restroom. She was surprised that she was disappointed when he pulled back and ran the back of a finger down her cheek. “Good night, sweetheart,” he said with a gentle smile.

  “Good night, Max,” she replied.

  Once the man stepped back, Silver turned her and pulled her to lean fully against him. Wrapping one arm around her to hold her in place, he used the other to cup her face and turn it up. Then he kissed her with the strength, solidarity, and purpose of a man staking his claim. But again, there was no parting of lips for a deeper kiss. His kiss lasted only a few seconds longer than Max’s, but the effect was devastating.

  “All right, sweetheart. Time to go home. We’ll see you at Club Esoteria tomorrow night at nine,” Silver said as he guided her around to the driver’s door. “And don’t forget your instructions.”

  Annie nodded as she climbed in. “Text you when I get home and again in the morning. Wear something black and sexy to the club tomorrow night.”

  “Good girl,” he praised before closing the door and returning to the sidewalk. The two men remained there until she had driven out of the parking lot and out of sight.

  It wasn’t until she pulled into the driveway of the house that was too big and too lonely for her to stay in for much longer, that it hit Annie. She had a date, and not with one man, but two.

  Funny how life’s pendulum could swing from the worst moment of a person’s life to what could lead to the best.

  She only hoped that Silver and Max would feel the same.

  After entering the house, she automatically locked the door behind her. She waited until she had turned off the lights she’d left burning and retreated to her bedroom. Only then did she pull out her phone and send a quick text.

  Home safe and sound.

  She was pulling on her nightshirt when her phone pinged. Checking it, she smiled before laying it on the nightstand by the bed.

  Sweet dreams, sweetheart.

  After washing up and climbing into the king-size bed that had felt so empty for the past three years, Annie found herself wondering what it would be like to share the big bed with Silver and Max. Rolling to her side, she curled up and fell asleep trying to decide what she would wear to the club.

  Chapter Four

  After responding to Annie’s text, Silver tossed his phone on the dresser before turning to look at Max. “Why aren’t you naked, boy?”

  Though they had been up for almost twenty-four hours, and they were both exhausted, Silver needed to take care of the hard-ons they were both sporting. He would never leave his boy hanging, though he was tempted to make him wait until they went to the club.

  Hmmm, that was a pretty good idea. But there was no way he was going to wait all day to get off. That was, after all, Master’s prerogative.

  He turned away so Max could not see his grin as the man immediately ripped his T-shirt over his head, while at the same time, he toed off his sneakers. Shoving his shorts to the floor, he stepped out of them. He then picke
d his clothes up and folded them neatly, placing them on the small table by the door.

  When silence descended over the room, Silver turned back to find Max kneeling by the door with his legs parted, back straight, hands resting palm down on his thighs. His erect, red-tipped cock pointed straight out from his groin, his balls full and firm beneath.

  Silver couldn’t help himself. He was hard and needing. Stripping quickly, he moved to stand at the foot of the king-size bed. “Come here, boy,” he said, his voice low and intent.

  He did not want Max to know how much spending the past few hours with Annie had turned him on. It was much too soon to think about turning their duo into a trio, but it was definitely something to think about.

  His cock jerked as Max crawled toward him, his slim runner’s body still tan from the time they had spent visiting a nudist colony in Florida a few weeks before. While he liked the thought of being naked all the time, their BDSM dynamic had not been accepted quite as readily. The colony embraced swinging, and didn’t even mind their being a gay couple, but frowned on their Master/slave dynamic.

  After a visit from a member of the colony’s management team, they pulled out the list of kink-friendly towns they’d had put together over the years. With the help of a map of the United States and a dart, they chose their next destination. Club Esoteria had a good reputation on the internet websites, despite the reports on FetLife that the town where it was located was apparently the buckle of the Bible Belt.

  His breath caught when Max leaned in and warm air blew across his balls. A shiver raced up Silver’s back as one ball was pulled into the wet heat of his boy’s mouth and gently laved and rolled. A moment later, that ball was released, and the other was given the same gentle treatment.

  Threading his fingers through Max’s hair, Silver tightened his fingers as he growled, “Get on with it.”

  In the next instant, he sucked a breath as his boy licked up the underside of his cock, while exhaling warm breath over the skin. That breath whooshed out when Max took just the bulbous head of his cock into his mouth, and closed his lips around it. Already tingles of need shivered down his back, then out to his hands and feet. He fought to keep from fucking his cock down Max’s throat, though it was difficult. Instead he allowed his boy to bob up and down his length, going deeper and deeper. He growled his approval when a nose was pressed into the curls just above the base of his cock. He continued holding back, not forcing anything, but allowing his slave to set the pace of giving him pleasure.

  And then his arousal spiraled up until a blow job wasn’t going to be good enough. He needed to feel the tight muscles of his boy’s ass clenching and massaging the length of his cock. Using willpower he was shocked to discover he had, Silver pulled out and brushed the hair away from Max’s face.

  Then he took a step back. “Get a condom and the lube,” he ordered.

  He grinned as Max scrambled to do his bidding. Their relationship might seem strange to others, but to them it worked. As Max knelt on the bed and slid two fingers in his ass to stretch himself, Silver wondered if bringing Annie in would complete them, or destroy them.

  He waited until Max had four fingers sliding in and out of his back hole before he straightened and crossed the three feet that separated him from the paradise to be found in his slave’s ass.

  * * * *

  Max’s cock was so hard it hurt as he fucked himself. He knew without looking that Silver’s eyes were trained on what he was doing, and that it would not be long before the man pulled his hand out of the way of his ass. And it was Silver’s ass. All of Max belonged to Silver and though they never spoke of it, he knew the man loved him, and that nothing and no one would ever come between them.

  Not even a depressed and needy submissive like Annie McLaughlin. He just hoped they weren’t making a mistake trying to bring a woman into this relationship, as well.

  He felt the shift around him as Silver moved closer. He strained to hear the man’s near-silent movements as he gloved up and slathered extra lube on the condom. His breath halted when Silver’s big hand pulled his fingers from his ass. Then, almost before the fact that his ass was empty sank in, it wasn’t. Silver’s long, thick erection pushed in, slowly filling him to capacity.

  Their moans harmonized as Silver continued sliding in, not stopping until his hips pressed against Max’s ass cheeks. Max was panting hard by the time Silver filled him completely, making them one being. Closing his eyes, he focused on keeping still, on relaxing his muscles, on not screaming for the man to move, dammit.

  His attention was so directed inward, toward the black floaty space that was swirling around the bed that he nearly missed Silver’s words when the man spoke.

  “Master?” he whimpered, not sure he’d heard the man correctly.

  “Are you okay with us playing or maybe even more with Annie?” Silver asked, his fingers flexing and pressing into Max’s hips.

  “Master?” he asked again.

  That Silver was asking his opinion was shocking. Especially at this time. During their scenes, Silver simply declared something to be and then the two men made it happen, one way or another. For him to ask Max’s opinion while buried balls-deep inside him had never happened before.

  A sharp pain blossomed over the side of his left ass cheek at the same moment a loud crack sounded in the silence of the room.

  “I did not stutter, boy. Now answer the question,” Silver ordered as he slowly pulled out until only the head of his cock remained inside Max. A moment later, he thrusted deep back inside again.

  The pain sent Max swirling closer to the edge. By forcing him to think, Silver was keeping him in this world instead of floating away into the void that took Max out of his too-busy mind.

  “Yes,” Max cried out after Silver’s hand came down hard on his other hip. “Yes, I’d like to play and more with Annie.”

  “What else?” Silver’s growly voice kept him tethered in this world instead of letting go of his bonds and floating away.

  “Whatever Master wants,” he breathed as Silver pulled out and slid home again.

  “No, boy, not this time. We’re a couple. You have as much say in what happens as I do.”

  “Master, please,” Max cried, needing just a little more…something, so he could fly. And at this moment, with his cock screaming for release, and his ass full of Silver, he needed to fly so very bad.

  Apparently something in his voice appealed to Silver’s basic instincts. The man stopped talking and began to move in and out. Each slide out and thrusting return happened a microsecond faster than the one before. Max rocked back and forth as much as Silver’s tight hold on his hips allowed. Both men grunted and moaned as their bodies came together, the stimulation sending them higher and higher.

  In the next second, Silver changed the angle of his thrusts just enough that his cock stroked over Max’s hot spot. That touch thrust Max off the edge of the planet, and though he wanted to come so bad his teeth ached, his body would not let go.

  “Master!” he cried when the thrusts both sped up and grew shorter.

  “Come, boy.” Silver’s words came as the man’s hands tightened on his hips. Max was pulled back once, twice, and on the third pull, held tight against Silver’s body.

  His fluids left the tip of his cock in hard jets as Silver’s heat filled the condom. Once his body stopped pulsating with his orgasm, Max went weak. Locking his body, he fought to stay where he was, tightly wrapped around Silver’s cock. This was the moment his submission was truly tested. All he wanted was to melt down onto the bed and fall asleep, but first he had to attend to Silver’s needs. It was, after all, a slave’s duties to care for his Master.

  He remained where he was until Silver eased from his back hole. Then, instead of collapsing into sleep, Max crawled from the bed and made his way to the bathroom, no doubt looking like a drunken sailor as he crossed the room. After cleaning himself, he brought a warm washcloth back to the bed. He removed the condom and washed the man u
p. Once he returned the cloth to the bathroom, he crawled into bed and worked his way under the covers next to the love of his life.

  It did not surprise him when Silver pulled him into his arms, his back to Silver’s chest. The big man curled around him, which had Max marveling again at how well they fit together. In the next instant, he wondered if Annie would fit in with them, as well.

  “Go to sleep, boy. It will all work itself out,” Silver said, his voice low and sounding half asleep.

  “Yes, Master,” Max replied before closing his eyes and allowing Morpheus to carry him off.

  * * * *

  Annie stood in the spare room and just looked at the big plastic bin she had unearthed a few minutes before. She’d hidden it at the bottom of the pile, as far from the door as she could put it. Though the clear plastic only revealed bits of reds and greens and other colors intermixed with black silks and satins, she didn’t want her son to see the contents. Not until she was long dead and buried.

  It wasn’t that she was embarrassed by the bin of skimpy clothing she had collected over the years. She did not want to burst Ryan’s mental image of her with the knowledge that his mother was not nearly as conservative as they believed.

  “And how sad is that,” she muttered as she carried the bin into her bedroom.

  Popping the lid off the bin, she began to pull the corsets and skirts and scanty dresses out one by one. She had lost so much weight since her husband’s death, nothing in the bin would fit. She wanted to look good for her date, but she also needed help if she was going to alter one of these outfits to fit like it was supposed to.

  Reaching for her cell phone, she scrolled through, looking for the one person she knew could help without giving her a hard time about what she was doing. The woman might even be able to give her some tips on how to deal with the unique relationship Annie was thinking about.


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