Silver’s Triad

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Silver’s Triad Page 10

by Cooper McKenzie

  Max laughed, delighted at Annie’s devious side. Even though they had only known her a few days, he knew she would fit into their little family perfectly. The only thing that might hold her back would be her son, and if he became a problem, Max would go and have a talk to him.

  There was nothing he would not do to keep his Master happy, and he had known since their visit to Club Esoteria that Silver wanted Annie to join them. Now they just had to get the man healthy enough to leave the hospital so they could all be together the way he wanted.

  * * * *

  When the doctor came into the room two mornings later, Annie tried to leave so the three men could be alone, but Silver would not release her hand. When she looked at him, he said, “You’re family. You stay.”

  She nodded, but Silver did not release her hand. “So, doc, when do I get out of here?”

  Dr. Bradley looked at the chart he had carried into the room and then at Silver. “As soon as a bed opens up at the rehabilitation center, we’ll transfer you over there.”

  “Why the rehab center?” Annie asked, then wondered if she should when the three men frowned at her.

  “It’s my understanding that Mr. Baer lives in a motel, which is not conducive to safety. Being on crutches, he will have a hard time getting himself down stairs and out if there’s an emergency.”

  Annie looked from the doctor to Silver, Max, and then back to the doctor. “He won’t be staying at the motel. They’ll be staying with me. My house is one story and has only two steps up to the front door.”

  “We are?” Silver asked, one eyebrow raised, showing the dominant man’s skepticism.

  “Yes, you are,” Annie stated, hoping she would not have a fight on her hands once the doctor left the room. “Or do you have a problem staying in my house?”

  Silver blinked as his lips turned up. “No, ma’am. No problem at all.”

  “Good, then it’s settled. Now, back to Silver’s original question, doctor. When will he be able to leave?”

  “I’ll write the discharge papers up, and he can go home tomorrow. Today he’ll need to be fitted for crutches and learn how to get around on them,” Dr. Bradley said before he started scribbling in the chart.

  He went over care instructions with the three of them and instructed them to call his office for a follow-up in two weeks to make sure things were healing properly. Then he left the room, leaving Annie with the two men.

  “Are you sure, Annie? We don’t have to stay with you,” Max asked.

  Annie looked from Max to Silver and found she could not look away from the injured man’s hypnotic gaze. “I’m sure. We love each other and should be together, don’t you think?”

  Both men nodded. Max then pulled his phone out and stared at the screen. “If I hurry, I can pack up what’s left in the room and check out before they charge us for another day. Master?”

  Silver nodded without looking away from Annie’s eyes. “Do it. Annie and I will wait here.”

  Annie pulled her keyring out of her pocket and handed it to Max. “Here, take the Jeep.”

  “Thanks, sweetie,” Max said as he took the keys.

  He came around the bed and gave Annie a lingering kiss before leaning down and kissing Silver. After the kiss ended, Silver wrapped one hand around the back of the man’s neck and pulled him down so his forehead rested on the front of his shoulder. He then whispered into the man’s ear.

  Annie walked to the window, giving them as much privacy as she could. Staring out at the gray day, she wondered if she was setting herself up for a lifetime of happiness, or a heartbreak that would do more than have her standing by the river in the middle of the night.

  “Girl,” Silver said, pulling her attention away from an intense study of the parking lot below the window.

  “Sir,” she responded, her lower belly quivering with a familiar need.

  “Come sit down so we can talk.”

  Without a word, Annie did as ordered. She pulled the straight-backed wooden chair next to the bed and sat down. It was time to have the serious discussion she had been anticipating since her declaration of love two days before.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Girl, if you don’t get your ass out here now, your evening is going to start with a spanking,” Silver growled as he and Max waited for Annie to emerge from their bedroom.

  In the eight weeks since his accident, his submissives had taken good care of him, but now that he was back on his feet, with the assistance of a cane, it was time to reclaim his role as head of their triad. He had been looking forward to this evening at Club Esoteria for the last two weeks since the doctor had claimed his leg healed and removed the cast. With Dominic’s assistance, Silver had planned an evening of surprises that would solidify their family into one being.

  Annie stepped out of her bedroom, looking nervous. “Are you sure this is what you wish for me to wear, Sir?” she asked, looking down at her costume.

  Silver could not help but smile at the vision their Annie made as a warrior princess. A trip to the hairdresser that afternoon had her auburn hair tamed into loose curls, a small leather and metal tiara somehow holding her hair away from her face. Her makeup was flawless, and the nails on fingers and toes were painted blood red.

  The black leather bra pushed her tits up and out, the metal chains and coins softly jingling with each movement she made. The straps wound around her arms and neck so that the majority of her back was naked. The front and back of her torso was bare to the black leather skirt hanging from her hips.

  The top part of the skirt was eight inches wide and a solid leather panel, except for where it overlapped and three snaps held it together over her left hip. From the bottom of that panel to her bare feet, the skirt consisted of one-inch-wide strips of leather. As long as she did not move, the skirt covered her legs and looked perfectly respectable. It was when she took a step that things got interesting. The strips wiggled and swayed, showing a lot of bare skin from her toes all the way up to within an inch of her pussy. She currently wore a pair of black clogs on her feet, but they would be removed once they reached the club.

  “Oh, yes, pet, that’s exactly the look I was going for. Put on your coat and we’re ready.”

  Max already wore a long black coat, covering his skimpy costume, along with a pair of Dockers on his feet. The evening’s superhero theme proved a challenge when it came to his own costume, because he was not a big cosplayer, but wearing a pair of camouflage cargo pants, jump boots, and a set of dog tags, he felt he had the hero image down.

  At the club, he waited as his slave boy and submissive woman stripped down to their costumes. Silver smiled with pride when Max shrugged off his coat and hung it up, eliciting a gasp of delight from Annie.

  “Dr. Strange?” she asked, looking at the front of the bright blue boxer briefs with the white symbol painted on the placket covering his slowly inflating cock. The black leather play collar replaced the silver ball chain necklace he normally wore with the single dog tag that read, “Silver’s boy.”

  Max smiled and gave a slight bow. “At your service, milady.”

  “It’s perfect,” she said with a giggle before turning to look at him. “And you are, sir?”

  “The biggest, baddest superhero of all time,” Silver said as he shrugged out of his motorcycle jacket and handed it off to Max to hang up. He wore no shirt, showing off the ripped upper body he had worked so hard on during his confinement. “United States military veteran.”

  Annie’s renewed giggled harmonized with his and Max’s chuckles.

  They settled down when a submissive barely dressed as a sexy Catwoman pushed through the curtains to the club. “They’re ready for you, Master Silver.”

  “Thank you. Now, my pets, let’s go and have some fun,” Silver said, holding out the arm not clutching his cane for Annie to take. Max followed carrying their toy bag.

  Their eight weeks together had molded them into more of a family than he had ever had before. He and Max had mo
ved in, and the three of them had redecorated the master bedroom to be a welcoming oasis instead of a nun’s cell. They had also taken Ryan out for a beer, and after an interrogation that reminded Silver of his military police training more than a friendly getting to know one another session, Ryan finally decided that they were exactly what his mother needed and gave them his blessing.

  After hours of talking, loving, and training, Silver felt Annie understood them, understood their dynamic, and he felt ready to ask her to permanently join them in life, love, and kinky sex. Max had agreed, as Silver knew he would.

  Now it was just a matter of claiming Annie as their own, which was what tonight was all about.

  * * * *

  Max trailed behind his master and the woman they both loved across the main room of the club. They had visited the club every Friday night for the last month of Silver’s recuperation, though more to meet people and socialize than to play. Tonight, though, Silver was back on his feet and excited to exert his in-charge dominance over them. The man had something special planned, though Max was not sure what it was. But, no matter it might be, Silver was his Master.

  Instead of going to the bar for a drink to start the evening, Silver guided Annie toward the raised stage in the back corner of the room. Keeping one eye on his Master, Max looked around the room, admiring the wild costumes, some of which were barely legal even by what he knew of the club standards of dress.

  No one was currently playing on the various pieces of equipment. Instead, they were standing around the bar, talking. As if they were waiting for something to happen.

  The stage was lit bright, and as they approached, the lights in the rest of the room dimmed. Silver did not hesitate as he led the way to the side of the stage and up the stairs. Max followed, as he always did. Silver stopped and they huddled up.

  Silver looked at him and said, “Get a big flogger and the purple cane from the bag, and join us in the center of the stage.”

  “Yes, Master,” Max murmured, slipping easily into his slave role.

  By the time he dug the requested toys out and walked to the center of the stage, Silver was standing at parade rest with Annie kneeling just to his left with her back to the audience. Silver nodded to Annie’s left without a word. After laying the flogger and cane at Silver’s feet, Max knelt beside Annie.

  “Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Superhero Night at Club Esoteria,” a dark, sexy voice came through the speakers.

  Though Max wanted to find the source of the voice, it was unimportant in the grand scheme of the evening.

  “Tonight, we are privileged to bear witness to the expanding of a family. Master Silver, you have the stage.”

  Silver looked across the stage and nodded his thanks, but did not speak immediately. Max heard cloth rustling and whispers behind him and realized the man was waiting for the other club members to approach the stage because they would not be using the microphone.

  “Max Wolff, we have been a couple for five years, and you have worn my collar for the last three. I love you more than I love my Harley, and we know that’s saying something. Like everything else, life and love changes. It is time to open our family to include our Annie. What say you?”

  Max blinked, surprised that he had a say in this public forum. They had already discussed their changing dynamics, and how Annie would fit into their lives, and Silver knew that Max was all for whatever he had planned. He had even driven Annie’s Jeep when Silver demanded they go shopping for a day collar and a play collar for their woman.

  With a smile, he said, “Master, I say yes.”

  Silver met his gaze with a smile and a nod of approval. Then Silver turned his attention to the woman kneeling beside him. “Annie McLaughlin, we love you. We want you in our lives from now until we take our last breaths. We want to love you, protect you, make your wildest dreams come true. We want you to join our duo to become a trio. Will you wear my collar, and pledge your submission to both Max and me? What say you?”

  Breaking protocol, Max turned his head to look at Annie instead of keeping his gaze on Silver. She was smiling so big her cheeks had to be hurting even as tears rolled from her eyes.

  “I say yes, Master Silver,” she said loud enough for only the two of them to hear her words. “I love you both. Please make me your woman, your partner, your slave.”

  Silver looked out to their audience, grinning as he said loud enough to be heard across the large room, “She said yes.”

  Max could not help but grin at the ahs and ohs, laughter, and applause that swept through their audience. But Silver was apparently not done yet. Instead of having them stand for hugs and kisses, Silver bent down and picked up the toys at his feet.

  “Annie, I know you are not into pain, but will you prove your submission to your Master by standing for a flogging and five strokes with a cane?” Though he phrased it as a question, Max knew Silver was laying a challenge before their woman. A challenge he hoped she was up for.

  Annie swallowed hard before her chin lifted, and she said softly, “Whatever you wish, Master.”

  “In that case, girl, rise, take off your skirt, and stand before me.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Taking a deep breath for courage, Annie gracefully rose and crossed the stage to where Max had left their toy bag. She stood and stared for a moment before unsnapping the skirt and laying it across their bag. She had grown more comfortable with her body over the last weeks, but being naked for this scene to seal her commitment to these men was testing the bounds of her strength.

  Taking a deep breath for courage, she returned and took her position standing in front of Silver. She stood proud as he pulled a black leather collar out of his pocket and buckled it around her neck.

  “You do me proud, girl,” he murmured as he slid a finger under the strap to make sure it was not too tight.

  Annie closed her eyes and dropped her head forward to rest against Silver’s chest. The hand that Silver was holding his cane with wrapped around the back of her neck. She was not sure if it was to assure her she was not alone, or to hold her in place.

  Time seemed to stop as she waited for Max to begin, but she used that time to admit to herself that she was aroused to the point that she might, possibly, orgasm before this little show of dominance and submission was completed.

  “Master?” she whispered into Silver’s chest.

  “Yes, girl?”

  “May I come if…”

  Silver did not wait for her finish her question before he said, “Yes, if you can find your pleasure, you may come. But remember, we will be going upstairs afterward and you will be coming many times over up there.”

  “Yes, Master,” Annie sighed.

  The first stroke of the flogger was a surprise that had her sucking air. Before she could tense up, Max stroked the strands of suede across the other side of her back. He quickly set up a back and forth motion with the flogger, hitting the left side of her body and then the right.

  Annie wasn’t sure whether it was the flogger or the way Max was laying down the strokes, but the flogging was not at all what she expected. It was more a massage than painful punishment, loosening tight muscles and dialing her arousal to a higher level. Taking a deep breath, she felt herself slipping out of her mind and body to float amongst the stars.

  She barely recognized when Max stopped and the men changed positions. Max’s hands rested on her shoulders with her forehead resting against the front of one shoulder. She roused when he dropped his head so his lips were an inch from her ear and whispered, “You’re doing so well, sweetie. A few more minutes and we’ll be finished.”

  That was all the warning before Silver laid the first stroke with the cane across the center of her ass. She gasped as the pain bloomed, but after a moment it morphed into heat and near pleasure, driving her further into subspace. So lost to her growing pleasure, she found herself hovering over the edge of orgasm as strokes two and three were placed on either side of the first stroke.

  Stroke four was harder, more painful, and threw her headfirst into her orgasm. She bit her lip to keep from screaming, though a loud whining moan gave her away. Her entire body shuddered as her orgasm washed from pussy out to her fingers and toes and back again. Max chuckled as his fingers tightened on her shoulders, holding her in place for the last, harshest stroke, which had her crying out in pain even as her orgasm continued to roll through her.

  Almost before her brain could process and respond to the pain, she became the filling in an Annie sandwich with Silver pressed against her back and Max against her front.

  She heard both men praising her strength and submission. Their words made little sense to her as she continued floating in a happy place she had only experienced a few times before, and only with these men. When her knees loosened and she began to drop to the floor, she was surprised when instead, her body began floating as well as her brain.

  Forcing her eyes open, Annie looked up to see Max was carrying her. Her head flopping around, she saw that Silver led the way with the toy bag slung over one shoulder. Her world had narrowed to these two men though she did hear murmurs around them as they passed through the crowd, though the words made no sense to her. Closing her eyes, she relaxed deeper into Max’s hold, knowing with utter confidence that these men would take good care of her.

  * * * *

  Silver found the room he had requested with the reserved sign on the door. Pushing his way into the room, he held the door open for Max who carried their still floating woman. After closing and locking the door, he set the toy bag and Annie’s skirt down on the small table next to it.

  Then he crossed the room to the bed where Max had laid their lovely woman down.

  “Strip,” he ordered and watched as Max had his pre-cum-soaked boxer-briefs peeled off in two seconds.

  The man then knelt and undressed him. After pulling the diamond ring from the pocket of his pants and sliding it on his pinkie, and with cocks leading the way, the men climbed onto the bed. They relieved Annie of the rest of her skimpy clothing, before lying down on either side of their still floaty woman.


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