Time Loops

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Time Loops Page 49

by Eric Wargo

  30 Guite, 2017.

  31 Kripal, 2011.

  32 Peake, 2013.

  33 The few cases I have discussed in this book are just the tip of the iceberg. Time-reversals in the world of literary influence, or “altered states of reading,” is a topic I have examined on my blog (Wargo, 2015a). In a more tongue-in-cheek vein, the French literary critic Pierre Bayard (Bayard, 2009) writes about how great authors “plagiarize” from writers who come after them. For instance, he argues that Sophocles plagiarized from Freud when writing Oedipus the King .

  34 Beitman, 2016.

  Postscript: A Ruin from the Future

  1 Wargo, 2015c.

  2 Wargo, 2015c, 2015e, 2016b

  3 Siegel, 2017.

  4 Although see Guite, 2017.

  5 Dick, 1992, 91.

  6 Pagels, 1979, 126.

  7 On one previous occasion, I had been stunned to discover a lucid dream referring specifically to an upheaval in my life exactly a year removed in time (I wrote about that dream on my blog; see Wargo, 2016b.). But this “ruined tower” dream now took the proverbial cake. I suspect based on many temporal coincidences like this in my own and others’ dream lives that there may be some way in which calendrical dates “resonate” in our biographies, possibly related to hippocampal spatial calendars that give basic structure our internal chronology, as discussed in Chapter 5.

  8 Wargo, 2017.

  9 On the Sunday in question, when I was wrestling with the rough draft, I was trying to meet a self-imposed deadline for sending it to my editor at Anomalist Books.

  It was just after I discovered the correspondence of my 18-year-old dream to my current concerns, excited and a little bit awe-struck at the possibility that my old dream may have pointed to that very afternoon in my life, that my wife’s friend “Anne”—the software engineer quoted in the Introduction—arrived at our apartment so I could interview her about her precognitive dreams. I did not share the discovery I had just made about my own dream, but I did have the thought, as she was talking, that I might use her stories as a kind of introduction or preface to my book. The fact that she told me three stories about death, and that the first symbol on my dream chalkboard consisted of three interlinked Omegas , struck me only later, as did the possible significance of the stylized A at the end of the series.

  10 Popova, 2015.

  11 Emerson, 1951, 32-33.

  12 Eliot, 1971(1943), 59.


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