Tempted by a Rake’s Smile: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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Tempted by a Rake’s Smile: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 7

by Meghan Sloan

  Taking a deep breath, Cassandra made her way through the tables towards the bar. He was here for a reason, and Cassandra needed to find out why. Gabriel wasn’t here for gambling. There had to be another reason why he was in Seton Hall when he wasn’t here to play cards.

  She reached the bar, nodding at Adam behind the counter. Gabriel gave her a lazy smile, his eyes drifting over her body in a blatant perusal. His brief bewilderment seemed to have completely vanished from earlier when he had her in his arms.

  Don’t think about that. Focus.

  “Impressive, Miss Cassie,” Gabriel drawled. “I’ve never seen a woman handle herself so well.”

  “You get used to it after a while.” Cassandra sat on a stool, keeping her distance from him. “But not all our customers are like that. They’re normally respectable people with respect for our staff. It’s just a few people who think they can hold their liquor.”

  “Like Mr. Jackson?”

  Cassandra made a face.

  “He’s only been with us a month after Mr. Montgomery threw him out for drinking too much. If you don’t know your limit, he won’t have anything to do with you. Unfortunately, that means he comes here. Father refuses to cut him off with the drink as he’s a paying customer, but I won’t stand for our staff being accosted.”

  “As you shouldn’t.” Gabriel sipped at his drink. “Hopefully, your father will change his mind and just ban the man from Seton Hall.”

  Cassandra sighed. Even once he heard what happened to Ada, Ernest wouldn’t ban Jackson. He was too soft.

  “He’s a tough but fair man, but…” Should she be saying this to the former heir to the viscount’s title? “He’s been getting softer since Mother died.”

  “I see.” Gabriel paused. “When did she die?”

  “During the influenza epidemic.”

  Gabriel winced.

  “My apologies, Miss Cassie. I didn’t know.”

  “You weren’t to know. I keep my private life private.” Cassandra arched an eyebrow at him, “Just as I’m sure you want your private life to be kept private.”

  “You mean it isn’t now?”

  “You know how society works, Mr. Tattershall. Rumours do go around very rapidly.” Cassandra grinned, “The one where your father caught you with a woman in bed when he was on his way to cut you off after going through your inheritance is a strong contender.”

  “I’m sure there was a rumour as to what position we were in as well.”

  “There were quite a few. Some of the positions I didn’t think were possible.”

  “Oh, really?” Gabriel arched an eyebrow at her with a slight smirk. “Not experienced them yourself, have you?”

  The look he gave her had Cassandra momentarily speechless. The heat in her belly built to a point it made her gasp. Whoa. She had never spoken like that with a man about something so intimate. Before, she would have been scandalised. But teasing Gabriel had been almost a natural reaction.

  She wanted the man on the back foot, to make herself feel less unbalanced. All it had done was to make her feel even more unbalanced, images floating through her head over the various sexual positions several of her friends had giggled over regarding Gabriel’s prowess in bed.

  Sexual positions involving the two of them. Cassandra gritted her teeth as a throbbing began between her legs, and she squeezed her thighs together. Hopefully, Gabriel wouldn’t notice the reaction her body was experiencing.

  What had she been thinking, talking like that? It was her own fault.

  Admit it. You wanted to talk like that. You wanted to think about it.

  “I…” Gabriel blinked. Then he cleared his throat and looked away. He actually looked ashamed. “Forgive me, Miss Cassie. I keep forgetting myself. The women I used to keep company with have fewer...morals. They’re not as refined as you.”

  “I wouldn’t call myself refined.” Cassandra squared her shoulders, “But I do draw the line at some conversations. And you, sir, were going a little too far.”

  “You started it.”

  She had, but that wasn’t the point. Cassandra swallowed and fixed him with a cool stare.

  “Are you always this argumentative, Mr. Tattershall?”

  “I have to be good at something.” Gabriel sipped his drink, his eyes never leaving hers. “And I am. Just not with the things that are useful, according to Father.”

  “I’m inclined to agree with his assessment.”

  “Ouch,” Gabriel clasped at his chest. “My heart hurts now, Miss Cassie.”

  “Serves you right.”

  Cassandra found herself liking the twinkle in his eye as he looked her over. There was more to him than just being a rake. She mentally shook herself. She needed to remember who he was and that Gabriel was dangerous to be even associating with, considering his reputation. She needed to keep him at arm’s length.

  But for the life of her, she couldn’t leave. Not yet. Just a little longer…

  “Just so you know, I’m not going to hold your current situation against you. As long as you respect my father’s business and the other customers, you’ll be fine.”

  “That’s good to know.” Gabriel tilted his head to the side as he regarded her. “It’s interesting to see you here. I wouldn’t have thought women other than a select few would work here.”

  “Ada, Grace and Christina help out where they can because they need the money. We make sure they’re not out in the cold.”

  “And what about you?”

  Was he trying to feel out her position here? Cassandra narrowed her eyes.

  “We have a close relationship. He entrusts me with a lot of things.”

  “On your own?” Gabriel looked bewildered. “I’m sure people will question where the chaperone is.”

  “I’m in my father’s building. Everyone who works here is a chaperone. Besides, my Aunt Alice comes with me.” Cassandra gestured at the handsome middle-aged woman sitting at the end of the bar, almost out of sight of everyone else. “She’s sitting right there. I’ll never be alone.”

  “That’s a good thing.” Gabriel looked at her over the rim of his glass. “You don’t want anyone worrying about you, do you?”

  He was up to something. Feeling her out, for certain.

  “Why would anyone worry about me? Are you concerned that people will worry that I’m talking to a man known for seducing women at the drop of a hat?”

  “I wouldn’t say at the drop of a hat…” Gabriel began, but Cassandra cut him off.

  “I would.” She slid off the stool, glad that her legs didn’t give way. “If you’ll excuse me, Mr. Tattershall? I’ve got to make sure everything’s back to relative normality.”

  “Of course.” Gabriel gave her a nod, his eyes twinkling as they drifted over her face. “I won’t keep you.”

  Somehow, Cassandra managed to turn around and walk away without falling over. Her stomach felt like she was housing butterflies, and her body was a lot warmer. Just by being in his company. That wasn’t a good thing, was it?

  Whatever it was, Cassandra hoped it was just a passing thing. She couldn’t afford to be distracted right now. Her father needed her, and she certainly shouldn’t be spending her time with a man known for his roguish ways. Definitely the type of man she needed to keep away from.

  She could do that. Couldn’t she?


  “Mr. Gabriel?”

  Gabriel looked up. Allen was standing in the doorway to the living room. He could barely make out the man in the shadows, his face half-illuminated by the candle he was holding. Gabriel sat up.

  “What is it, Allen?”

  “I’m just going to retire for the night.” Allen regarded his master, “Are you going to sleep yourself?”

  “Not just yet. I can get myself sorted.” Gabriel fought back a yawn. “Just have my clothes laid out for the morning, will you?”

  “Very good, Mr. Gabriel.”

  Gabriel had only returned half an hour before. Somehow, he had manag
ed to get a carriage back to his home for the cheapest of prices. It hadn’t been the most comfortable, especially in the rain while grasping onto the seat on top of the carriage with the footman, but it had been better than walking back. He was cold and wet, but his clothes were drying now and Gabriel had had two more brandies to warm him up.

  Besides, he wouldn’t be able to sleep with his mind going over everything that had happened that evening. It had been a lot, and Gabriel knew he had done too much. But he was glad he had made a head start. Although he had a feeling that seducing Cassandra Seton was going to be a lot harder than he anticipated.

  She was beautiful and clever, quick-witted with a kind heart. Nothing like any other woman Gabriel had come across. She was a remarkable woman. Gabriel had spent most of the evening sitting at the bar watching her as she made her way through the tables. The customers who weren’t Jackson with a drinking problem talked to her, and treated her with respect. There was also some admiration in their eyes as they looked at her.

  Gabriel had found himself growling at the sight. And then he caught himself. What was he doing? He wasn’t supposed to be falling under whatever spell she must’ve cast. She was supposed to fall under his spell, but from the look of it, that was going to be a tougher task than he had anticipated.

  For a moment, Gabriel thought he had got through to her. With his flirtations, women didn’t back down. That was when he knew they were ripe for the taking. With Cassandra, however, once she realised they were stepping into dangerous territory she backed off and scolded him. It was a bizarre thing to see a woman back away from his flirtations.

  Cassandra was going to be a tough nut to crack, and Gabriel didn’t think he would be able to manage without coming unglued at some point.

  “Mr. Gabriel?”

  Gabriel looked up and jumped. Allen had entered the room and was standing over him. He hadn’t even seen the man move.

  “Allen, you scared me!”

  “Forgive me, I thought you heard me,” Allen frowned. “Is there something troubling you? That’s the second brandy you’ve had since you returned and I smelled alcohol on your breath when you returned.”

  “I just had a few drinks.”

  “I see.” Allen didn’t look convinced. “You didn’t waste your money, did you?”

  Gabriel rolled his eyes.

  “If you mean, did I gamble it away, the answer is no. I just had a few drinks and I was careful with what I bought. It was for a good cause, trust me.”

  “What cause would have you drinking?” Allen demanded.

  Gabriel debated telling his valet. The man had turned into more of a friend than a servant in the last six months, and he valued the older man’s opinion. Maybe if he got Allen’s thoughts on this, he could figure out what to do next.

  “Come sit down.” He gestured at the seat across from him beside the roaring fire. “I’ve got a lot of thoughts on my mind. They’re getting...a little mixed up.”

  “I see.” Allen put his candle holder on the table, the flame still flickering, and settled down, “You want a different viewpoint on a particular problem.”

  “You could say that,” Gabriel grimaced. “It’s complicated.”

  “Try me.”

  So Gabriel did. He told Allen all about what he had found out, what he planned to do with the business and how he was going to make it a success. Gabriel could tell from the way Allen’s face screwed up at the mention of distracting Cassandra that he didn’t approve at all. Allen was very respectful towards women, and he went out of his way to treat them with good graces. Gabriel had laughed at him at the time, but now he understood why. Women didn’t deserve to be treated in such a way.

  Then why are you planning on treating Cassandra Seton like that, you fool?

  “So, let me get this straight,” Allan said slowly. “You want to take over the Montgomery gambling hall and pay the son back over several years like a loan, but to make sure you can pay him back sooner, you have to make sure you get more custom than the rival Seton, who has his daughter helping him out. Best scenario is to seduce the daughter and have her distracted enough that you can swoop in and take the rewards.”


  But having it said out loud like that was making Gabriel feel a little silly. Was he making too much out of this? Was he trying to do too much? Gabriel wasn’t sure, but he knew he had a lot on his hands trying to seduce the beautiful woman that was Cassandra Seton.

  “You want my advice, Mr. Gabriel?”

  “I would like it.”

  Allen didn’t look happy.

  “That sounds far too complicated and rather cold.”

  Gabriel blinked.


  “Yes. You’re planning on using a woman again.”

  “I’m not using a woman.”

  Even as he said it, Gabriel felt himself wincing. He was using her emotions against her for his own benefit. He was, essentially, making her a pawn. Gabriel had vowed to himself he would not do that again.

  But this was for the greater good, wasn’t it?

  Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel any better.

  “Maybe talking to you wasn’t such a good idea,” Gabriel grumbled, rubbing at his belly. Now he was feeling uncomfortable. “In any case, she’s not going to be easy to seduce. She’s far too bright to be taken in like that.”

  “You mean your charm didn’t work on her?”


  Allen raised his eyebrows. Then he chuckled.

  “It isn’t amusing, Allen.”

  “I think it is. I never thought I’d live to see the day when you would say your charm and that smile of yours didn’t work on a woman. I’m sure you were even charming your nannies when you were a baby.”

  “It’s probably them that I learned how to charm people on,” Gabriel rubbed a hand over his face. “Whatever is going to happen, I won’t be at the helm of it.”

  “You mean someone else is going to have to distract Cassandra Seton.” Allen snorted. “You do realise that this all sounds ridiculous?”

  “I know. But I want this so badly, Allen.” Gabriel put his glass on the table and sat back, staring into the fire. “I want to be the boss of something and show my parents that I can do this. I need it to be successful for my own sake.”

  “And so you’re going to take your success by taking it away from another business while making a mockery out of a woman’s emotions?” Allen said dryly. “You’ve really thought it through, Mr. Gabriel.”

  Gabriel glared.

  “I asked you for a listening ear, not so you could criticise me.”

  Allen sighed and rose to his feet with a shake of his head.

  “You’re about to use a woman and play on her emotions. Just like you normally do.”

  “It’s for a good cause.”

  That sounded very hollow. Gabriel was beginning to realise how pathetic he was sounding. He had been selfish before, and had vowed not to do that again. So what was he doing now?


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