The Seduction of Cassidy Flint

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The Seduction of Cassidy Flint Page 6

by Samantha Lucas

  "I went to the beach."

  She put her palm flat against his shoulder, the one she'd bit earlier. The realization almost made her blanch. She simply couldn't get over she'd done that, and doubted very much that she ever would. After a moment, she re-focused and pushed him back.

  "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've had an exceptionally trying day."

  She rounded the back of her car, intent on not stopping until she hit her shower, only to spy her poor azalea planted beside the porch steps and doubled back to her car. After fishing through several articles of clothing, a collection of magazines for new hair cuts, a roadside first aid kit that she thought she'd stuffed in the trunk, and a bag from the local taco place, she found what she was looking for under the front passenger seat—a half-empty bottle of water. Feeling slightly victorious she walked back to the immature plant, twisting off the cap, she poured the remaining contents over the small bush.

  "I'm so sorry. I can't ever seem to remember you."

  Aiden came to stand by her. Together the two stared at the little shrub.

  "Not much of a gardener?"

  She shrugged, feeling tired and strangely comforted by his presence rather than perturbed by it for the moment.

  "Actually, I love gardens. I just never planted one here because...” She paused and then sighed. “This wasn't supposed to be permanent.” With the rest of her optimism draining, much the way the water had drained from the bottle to pool around the tiny azalea, she moved over and sank to the top step. “My life hasn't exactly gone as planned."

  Aiden stepped around and sat beside her. As there wasn't much room on the tiny step, his leg pressed firmly up against hers. They sat in bookend positions in the shade of a willow, elbows resting on their knees, heads down, and the sound of traffic in the distance.

  Aiden carefully asked, “What happened, Cassidy? Why'd you run from me?"

  "It was stupid. And embarrassing."

  He smiled and leaned into her. Shoulder to shoulder she drank in his warmth.

  "You get embarrassed easily, don't you?"

  Her only response was another blush and a small smile.

  "I can't seem to help it.” She looked up. “Do you think there's medication for it?"

  He kissed her on the forehead, and she drew in a breath, accepting the moment of truce and strength he was somehow delivering.

  "No. I don't."

  "Oh.” Heat infused her as she watched and felt Aiden's finger run a trail up over her knee.

  "Talk to me, Cass."

  She gave him a sad smile. “No one calls me that. My dad used to, but he died when I was ten."

  "Sorry, I'll try not—"

  "No. It's okay. I liked it.” It made her feel at home in a weird way. She sighed again, liking way too much the casual, comfortable way it felt sitting on her top step with him. It was something she'd never found with anyone else and it was a really nice feeling.

  He reached over and twined his fingers in hers, then brought his other hand over the joined ones. Cassidy looked at the sight for an extended amount of time, her hand sandwiched between both of his. It had been so very long since she'd seen her hand held by anyone. The sight seemed foreign.

  Resignation floated softly down on her. All the years she'd dreamed of a man who'd treasure her. Someone who'd kiss her on Saturday night in front of the movie theater, and then spend all day Sunday in bed with her. Someone who'd stay up until three in the morning just talking, or would walk the dog with her, or read to her, or kiss her in the rain.

  She'd been so sure he was out there, a man who'd want to build a life and a future with her, and help and provide for her. As archaic as that sounded, the truth of the matter was, she'd simply always wanted to be a housewife. Sadly, that man—whether he existed or not—wasn't going to be airlifted into her bedroom one day with a big pink bow around his neck. And she was discovering that she was just too chicken to go out and search for him.

  She felt the dream die. Felt herself letting it go and accepting that this was it. She was going to live out the rest of her life alone.

  "Maybe I'll buy a few plants for the back yard.” Her voice sounded strangely thick with surrender. “It's a decent size, and Harold loves to spend time out there. I guess if I fixed it up, I could sit out there with him."

  She stared off into nothingness for a while thinking about porch swings that would only be for one—or one and a dog, she supposed—and the cedar chest in her bedroom filled with baby things that would never be used. She supposed there were sperm donors and adoption, but she was past forty, so the chances of her even being able to get pregnant now were slim, and most adoption agencies didn't want to hear from you after you were forty. She'd checked and couldn't afford the ones that would take her on.

  She was so completely soaked in her own self pity that she didn't even catch a glimpse of Aiden, had no clue before it happened, before his mouth covered hers. As wonderful as it was, her first impulse was to push him away. She wasn't ready to go through another round of shame and regret, but then she paused. If this is it, I might as well go out with a bang. What difference will it make now, anyway?

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, twisting her body on the step until she was pressed up against him. Slow and thoroughly, he kissed her until she was weak and glad she was already sitting. He moaned against her mouth, and his hand came up to caress her breast through the silk blouse.

  Cassidy shivered despite the heat of the afternoon, then he pulled back just far enough to look into her eyes.


  "Mhmm?” Too far gone to think clearly, she hoped he didn't want the theory of relativity. Or my grocery list, for that matter.

  "If I make love to you again, are you going to run away from me when we finish?"

  His tongue made a very educated pass across her lower lip before gliding inside. Cassidy couldn't stop herself from sucking on the visitor. It wasn't something she'd ever done before, but when he'd done it to her earlier it had just about blown her mind. Sucking on his tongue was making her hot, and she could feel moisture growing between her legs, along with that double-edged sword known as need.

  Since she'd already surrendered to her fate, she pulled back just far enough to answer him on a whisper, “No. But I don't want you to make love to me.” She placed her hands against his cheeks. “I want you to fuck me."

  He grinned. “Well, all right then. Prepare yourself, Miss Flint. I'm about to ruin you for other men."

  She didn't have a single doubt that he was.

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  Chapter Five

  Before Cassidy could change her mind—not that she was going to this time—Aiden stood and held out his hand to her. It reminded her so much of earlier that she blushed again. Taking his hand, she felt somewhat awed that such an incredible man would want her.

  Some of that wonder must have shown on her face, because as he pulled her from the step and into his arms he asked, “What?"

  Then he kissed her too fast to give her a chance to answer. When he separated their mouths she'd forgotten her embarrassment, as her desire was burning too hot for anything else to live beside it.


  She nudged them into his hand. Aiden never let go of her, his hand securely engulfed hers, as he turned the key in the lock and opened the door. It was strange how something so small could make her feel so cherished, but it did. She loved the feel of her hand in his, loved how strong and powerful he was and yet how gentle he could be with her. She also loved the way it made her feel less alone and as if she'd found something wonderful. She tried furiously to keep her brain from looking at the pragmatic side of things, the basic fact that she hardly knew the man, or that this would probably only be a one-time thing. Every part of her cried out to go for the ride, and she wanted to do it without hesitation or doubt.

  As usual Harold came barreling towards her, all tongue and wagging tail. Cassidy laughed as he pummeled his soft little body against her a
nkles. Aiden's laughter drew her attention. It relaxed her to know that he didn't mind Harold. More, it made a warmth spread through her heart, and a smile bloom on her lips. “I'm glad you don't mind him."

  It was Aiden who bent down and scooped the small dog up. The furry body wriggled so much in attempts to attach his tongue to human skin that Aiden almost dropped the little guy, but carefully recovered and tucked the dog close.

  "My mother has ten dogs living with her, she has a large estate in Italy and the dogs are part of the family. I've never actually had a pet, but I certainly don't mind them.” He cuddled the dog against his chest. “What should we do with him? Though I don't mind his presence, that doesn't mean I want an audience for what I'm about to do to you."

  Cassidy felt the shiver slide down her spine at the thoughts of what he was about to do. She smiled and took the dog from him, giving Harold kisses as she pulled away from Aiden.

  "I'll just put him out back for a bit."

  After she slid the lock on the doggie door, she spent a minute peering outside. It was a nice yard, or could be. She'd been foolish to leave it the way it was when she could have had twelve years to enjoy it. In the morning she planned a trip to Home Depot, but right now ... She turned to find Aiden watching her. She wondered if he was afraid she'd chicken out again. With how she'd behaved today, she could imagine what he must think of her.

  And she'd had the nerve to question his sanity. She watched in fascination as his eyes grew dark, taking a step forward he held out his hand again.


  Peace flowed from the top of her head to the tips of her sore feet. Those shoes might look great, but they killed her feet every time she wore them. She quickly redirected her thoughts. This was the right thing to do. “I think so. Aiden, are you sure that..."

  He cut her off with a soft kiss.

  "I'm sure. And I'll go slow and be gentle or anything else you need from me."

  She drew a deep breath and climbed the stairs behind him, her hand in his, quivering from head to foot with anticipation. She'd never had a man in her bedroom before, the only man she'd ever shared a room with—a bed with—was Charlie. This would be very different.

  They got to the landing, where Aiden quietly asked, “Which way?"

  She pointed to the front of the house where her bedroom overlooked the street, and he continued to lead them into the small alcove and then through the door to her room. A room she'd spent every night of the last twelve years in suddenly took on a whole new light.

  She'd always loved this room, although sometimes she wished it looked out over the cliffs out back with the ocean beyond. But she loved the pale blue color she'd painted it, and the Spanish tiles surrounding the fireplace. But now here she was with a man, about to let him do anything he wanted with her, and none of the things that had always surrounded her mattered anymore.

  "It's beautiful, like you,” he whispered, and then dropped a feather light kiss on her lips.

  "I've never made love to a woman in her room before, and I don't suppose you've got a box of condoms in the bedside table.” Another dizzying kiss left her speechless, so he assumed her answer. “I didn't think so. I've got a couple on me..."

  He sucked at the curve of her neck, then whispered, “Do you suppose that'll be enough?"

  She tried to clear her head enough to answer. She just nodded a half second before his lips captured hers again. He pulled with one hand at the long piece of silk that usually made up the blouse's bow, but now hung straight down her front, while the other hand went for her buttons.

  Cassidy shivered again, and her eyes met his, needing reassurance. She instantly found it. His eyes literally glowed with the desire he felt for her, giving her strength and courage. She reached for the buttons of his shirt. Together they undid buttons and slid cloth off the other's shoulders, neither speaking, but both taking in the other's beauty.

  Cassidy had never seen a man this beautiful up close before. Her hand trembled as she reached for him, first touching, then exploring the hard planes and ridges that made up his chest. She liked the coarse hairs that covered him, loved how they looked, loved how they felt beneath her palm, loved that he also shivered when she made a pass over his nipples.

  "Cass.” He breathed, and cupped her cheek as he did so often and she was coming to love. “I want to see you."

  He kissed her breathless, and undid the clasp on the front of her bra. It took only the slightest movement to have the scrap of lace fall to the ground, and there she stood, exposed to a man that wasn't her husband, wasn't even her boyfriend, but as his eyes gazed over her and lit with fire, she felt a heady feminine power rush through her veins that told her everything was going to be okay.


  He gave her a cocky smile, which she returned—albeit somewhat more shyly—overwhelmed by the compliment and amused by the word choice. Charlie had never liked her body, or at least had never told her he did. To hear such a word come from such a man now was the stuff of high-priced fantasies.

  He reached out, seductively cupping one breast, while his other hand went to her hip, pulling her just a fraction closer, but close enough that he was able to lift that breast into his mouth. Cassidy felt a sharp pull of desire like she'd never known before and moaned her approval as he twirled his tongue over her erect nipple.

  A moment later his mouth came back to hers, his tongue gliding across hers, exploring, mating, until she felt senseless. His mouth found the curve of her neck, his tongue slid over the shell of her ear. His teeth nibbled on her lobe, before his husky voice asked, “Did you put them back on?"

  At first she was confused, and she hadn't a clue what he could possibly mean. But after a minute of that half smile and those nearly black eyes staring at her, it dawned. Her mouth fell open.

  "Of course I did!"

  She stopped herself from giving that question another moment of her time. That was a path that led farther from where she intended to go. And she wouldn't do it, not this time. She softened, “But you can take them off again."

  His moan accompanied the siege on her mouth. Cassidy's knees buckled, but he caught her, sweeping her into his arms and onto the bed.

  It was little more than a mattress and box springs, but it would do. He took off his shoes and socks, pulled the belt from his pants, and undid the top button before lying partially atop her, his mouth devouring hers once again.

  She had the fleeting thought that this was exactly how sex was supposed to feel, exciting and safe and a little nerve-wracking. His hand ran over her breast followed closely by his tongue, which drove her near mad, because he only licked and she wanted him to suck the whole thing into his mouth. But she squirmed beneath him and accepted his torture, thinking he could do anything he wanted—except stop.

  * * * *

  Aiden ran his hand slowly over the softest skin he could ever recall touching. His hand literally shook with the need to touch her. He watched a very similar shiver take her body, and he delighted in it. He came beside her, brushing his nose along hers, just relishing in the closeness of their bodies. Another shiver took her.

  "You shivered. Is it because you're cold?"

  His mouth slowly covered hers. Her tongue came to meet his in an open-mouthed invasion of all his senses.

  When she looked up at him, her eyes said everything, “I shiver because I ache and I burn."

  Their tongues caressed one another. Aiden couldn't hold back his groan, and he pulled her lower body in closer contact. His own aching need was raging out of control. His cock was rock hard and weeping from the tip, but he wouldn't rush her, not this time.

  "I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you, Cassidy. I can't explain it. It just is."

  An excruciatingly slow dance of tongues and teeth and lips occurred. Aiden wasn't sure he'd ever gotten so aroused just by kissing before, half naked or not. He ran his hand along her spine, her breasts pressed close against him, her silky skin a perfect contrast to the coarse ha
irs on his chest.

  He nuzzled her with his mouth, his nose. His entire face caressed hers. He drew her scent into his body until he prayed it would live there forever. His mouth moved lower, lapping at her breasts. He ignored the wild call from below telling him to hurry. This was simply one of those moments in time that was too good to rush, and he didn't care how much agony it caused him. He intended to enjoy every inch of his Cassidy for as long as his body would hold up.

  Slowly circling each nipple, he blew on the fevered skin until they stood so erect he imagined she ached as much as he did. Only then did he give her what she sought and sucked in one rosy-tipped peak, holding back his own smile when she cried out to him and practically skyrocketed off the bed.

  As he languidly caressed the nipple between his tongue and the roof of his mouth, she arched into him, her body begging for completion he had no intention of giving her yet.

  He waited until she went completely lax in his arms and sighed, a delicious sound of contentment. She dug her fingers into his hair, running the pads of those fingers along his scalp. It was intensely and surprisingly erotic.

  He watched his fingers run up and over the other nipple, pleased when she arched again, obviously hoping he'd take it into his hand, but he resisted. He brushed it first with his finger, watching her shiver, then cupping the side of her breast. His thumb ran over the peak, back and forth.

  "You hate me ... for some reason ... Don't you?"

  He smiled at the tightness her voice revealed.

  "No, this isn't hate. Torture, maybe, but not hate."

  He licked her again, and she writhed. He pushed his erection into her thigh.

  "If it makes you feel any better, I'm tortured as well."

  Moving back to the other nipple, he left the one he had been lathering with attention wet and cooling in the air swirling down from the ceiling fan.

  He touched the side of her head, caressing her hair, kissing her temple, her throat, his hand caressing one perfect breast. He knew it was perfect because of how perfectly it fit his hand. He'd never felt as if his hand had been made to hold a particular breast before. All of a sudden, he did.


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