Bella Mafia

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Bella Mafia Page 17

by Sienna Mynx


  I hope this answers all the questions you have about your mother. Please don't hesitate to call me if you want to talk about her. This is Lisa's journal. She kept it with her when she ran away. She talks about her life. I never read it. I wish I had because I would have known about you. Welcome to the family.


  “What is that?” Dominic asked.

  Tears slipped down her cheeks. It appeared Minnie had a closer bond with Marietta than they ever shared. Her mother's precious journal was in the family for decades, and she never knew. Marietta kept it from her, too.

  “It's my mother’s,” Mirabella said. She sat the record over to the side. She opened the book and ran her fingers over the cursive writing. So neat and pretty was the penmanship, she smiled. Tears dropped from her cheeks on the precious pages. She was careful not to smear the ink.

  “Marietta kept this from you, too?” Dominic asked.

  “Yes,” she said sadly.

  “Where did she get it? America?”

  “This is what Minnie gave her. I was so focused on what I lost I didn’t appreciate the gift of truth that Minnie offered us. So she and Marietta conspired to keep this precious memento from me. I guess I was too weak to be deserving. Or maybe they just didn’t think I was worthy. After all, I had our grandparents. Marietta had no one.”

  “It does not excuse what they did. You deserved to see these things.”

  “Oh, I’m not making excuses. In fact, it’s very clear to me now. My sister is not who I thought she was.”

  Dominic stepped closer and put his hand on her shoulder. “There's nothing else here. We should leave now,” he said.

  “I want everything taken that they brought here. The record and journal are to go in my room.”

  “Done.” Dominic agreed. “I’m sorry to tell you this, but you have a meeting with the Carabinieri. I’ve delayed it for as long as I could. You must see them. We can make a stop before we get back to the hospital.”

  “I’m not sure I'm ready. Look at me. I'm trying, Dominic, but I feel so useless,” Mirabella said. “I was wrong. I don’t know anything.”

  “Don’t let them get into your head. Marietta may not be who you thought she was, but that doesn’t change who you are. At the hospital you made it clear that you were in charge. You are. And your strong enough to do this.”

  She sighed. “What do I do? What do I say to them?”

  “They will try to get you talking. Let them do the talking. Give them 'no' and 'I don’t remember' answers. Okay?”

  “Are they looking for who shot Giovanni?”

  Dominic gave a sardonic smile. “No. They want to get into your head. Scare you. Convince you to turn on Giovanni to save your children. Convince you to give away secrets of the clans.”

  “I don’t know anything.”

  Dominic nodded. “We all know a little about things we shouldn’t. That is why during this meeting you stay away from talking about your love for him or your children. You give them no openings.”

  Mirabella set the journal and album to the side of her. She wiped under her eyes. “Everyone, leave me. I want to speak to Dominic alone.”

  The men walked out. Mirabella closed the door. Dominic stared at her with curious eyes. “Talk to me. What is happening to you? I know Catalina hurt you. I know you love her. But this, Domi, you’re stronger than this man before me? What is it?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t process things like I should. Something in my head is turned off, or turned on, and it’s making me feel like... I can’t explain it.”

  “Come here,” she reached with open arms. Dominic went into her embrace and she hugged him the best she could. “My sweet Domi. You’ve had more losses than wins in life. I know. Giovanni told me. I’m scared, too.” Mirabella pushed him back and grabbed his face. She held it with both hands. “Listen to me. If you don’t find her, if you don’t bring her home and forgive her, you will lose her. She will close part of her heart to you and it’ll change you both forever. Armando has been after Catalina for years. He’s going to win in this game if you don’t prove to her, to all of them, that you can be strong enough to accept the good and the bad in the person you love. Do you understand me?”

  “I don’t know what to do with my anger,” he said.

  “Then let me help you.”

  Dominic nodded and hugged Mirabella again. She kissed the side of his face and rubbed his back. “I have another question,” Mirabella said. “Something I wasn't sure I should ask.”

  He stepped back.

  Mirabella put a hand to her forehead and the other to her hip. “The night Giovanni attacked Catalina. He was drunk. He had found out the truth and was out of control. I tried to reason with him and we fought. He said some things, Domi, mean and cruel things. He said Kei raped me. He said you had me checked by doctors and they confirmed it. I need to know the truth. Did Kei rape me?”

  “Giovanni would never say that.”

  “Why? Because it's true?” Mirabella asked.

  “No. Because it's not. Kei did not rape you. We checked. Hell, Giovanni had the doctor double check. But...”

  “What? What is the but?”

  “It doesn’t matter. Gio would never hurt you by lying about rape. He knows how fearful you were over that.”

  “What is the but, Domi? What is it you’re not telling me?”

  “The doctor didn’t find signs of rape. But consensual sex, if it happened between you and Kei, he couldn’t rule that out.”

  “Consensual?” Mirabella cringed.

  “You were drugged. Heavily drugged. You weren’t yourself.”

  “I could be stone cold dead and I wouldn’t consent to sex with Kei!” Mirabella shuddered.

  “Of course not. I only meant to answer your question.”

  “Stop. Stop talking.” Mirabella closed her eyes and shook her head. “I need to think this one through.”

  “Are you okay?” Domi asked.

  “Yeah,” she heaved a burden sigh and wiped the moisture from her eyes. “Yeah, I’m fine. Forget what I said. I think the journal, hearing my mother’s voice, it got to me. But I’m fine now.”

  Dominic went to her. It was his turn to comfort her. “Lorenzo destroyed this family. And Giovanni was the only one of us willing to accept it. We have to accept it. No more blaming. It's time for us to save la famiglia.”

  “Va bene, I agree. Take me to the Carabinieri.” She pushed him away and turned for the door.

  “He's a liar, we are all liars,” Dominic said to her before she left. “But the one thing he never lies about is his love for you. That's the truth.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The Prophecy

  Sorrento, Italy

  “What are you doing?” Shae chuckled.

  “Cooking,” Carlo answered. He wore nothing. He pulled on his dick and then continued to scramble the eggs in the frying pan. Shae wore her pink robe. Everything on his woman was pink—even her pussy.

  Shae smiled.

  Carlo smiled.

  “Smells delicious. Honey, I appreciate the effort, but you and I both know you can’t cook.”

  He looked down at the overdone eggs. They were just how he liked them. When he turned his head to suggest she finish breakfast for them he was met with stark terror on her face and in her eyes. A masked man had Shae by the mouth with one hand, and a large knife to her throat. Carlo was defenseless.

  “Wait! Don’t hurt her!” he said and put up his hands. It was too late. The assassin slit his beloved’s throat, and let her drop to the kitchen floor. In disbelief he watched her blood ooze from her neck. When he snapped out of it, the assassin was gone. Like a puff of smoke. Carlo ran out of the kitchen in pursuit. He went from his kitchen to the hotel en suite in Vegas. Confused he stopped. One masked man stood with a gun. The other masked man had a knife and stood behind three people. Giovanni was gagged and tied to a chair. Next to him was Lorenzo. And then on the far right was Marietta.<
br />
  Carlo shook his head to wake from the nightmare. It had to be a nightmare. But when he opened his eyes they were still there. He clenched his fists. The masked man with the gun raised it aimed it at him. And then he turned it on the hostages.

  “No! No! No!” his mind shouted.

  The gunman fired. He killed all three. Carlo charged the man with the gun, determined to kill or be killed. But before he reached them he took a bullet in his chest. He gasped as the hot led ripped into him, and he was thrown several feet on his back. Paralyzed with grief, guilt, and pain he gurgled as blood began to fill up in his throat and clog his breathing. He couldn’t speak.

  Two men walked over to them. They wore ski-masks that covered everything but their eyes. They stared down at him and then looked up at each other. Carlo wished they just ended it. He was ready to die.

  Then the man with the knife removed his mask. Carlo stared in disbelief. It was his brother Carmine. The other man removed his mask and it was his brother Ciro. Both of his brothers looked at him with hateful accusation.

  Tears slipped from the corners of Carlo's eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but began again to choke on his own blood. There was no plea for forgiveness. He didn’t deserve it.

  Ciro lifted the gun and pointed it at him. Carmine raised the knife as he went to his knees ready to strike. Together they both put an end to him.

  Carlo sat up in bed punching at the air and kicking off the sheets. It took several deep breaths to wake. When full consciousness returned he remained tangled in confusing thoughts. And all of them were about Shae. Where was she? Did she need him? Did she know how badly he still needed her?

  Carlo put a hand to his brow. He kept losing time. He could no longer tell if he’d been sleep for minutes or hours. The room was dark and so were his thoughts. Every time he closed his eyes he conjured death and blood. Like a switch flipped in the dark, his thoughts were suddenly flooded with light. He knew it all, the good and the bad. Adara had taken everything electronic from the room. Not even a lamp remained. No matter how much he rested, or how many pills he took, nothing relieved him of the constant pain in his skull.

  “Tutto bene?” Adara asked, and rose up, propping herself by her elbows.

  He looked to his left. He didn’t know she was next to him. She reached over and rubbed her hand over his bare torso. “Lie down, let me hold you.”

  Carlo ignored her request and forced himself to get up from the bed.


  He staggered a bit. He put his hand to the wall and found his balance. Then he walked into the bathroom. He went straight to the toilet and vomited.

  Adara sat fully upright at the sound of him retching. Vomiting was the worst sign. She needed to get him to a doctor.

  “Carlo? You aren’t getting better. Something could be seriously wrong.”

  Adara fretted. She didn’t want to fight with him. She didn’t want to be the one to take him into the hospital and alert her bosses to where she’d disappeared to.

  “Do you hear me, Carlo?”

  When he never answered she left the bed and went to the bathroom. When she walked in she didn’t see him at first. “Car...” And then she saw him on the ground. He was unconscious.

  “Carlo! Oh no! Mio Dio!”

  In a state of panic, she went to him. She grabbed his face and tried to wake him. “Carlo? Carlo, please! Wake up, bambino!”

  Nothing worked. Adara feared he was dead.


  It had been almost two hours since they arrived. The paramedics came and Carlo regained consciousness. But he was incoherent. He asked for Shae. He asked for Ciro, and then Carmine. He said other things she didn’t understand. She rode with him to the hospital and did the best to comfort him while the medics worked to keep him stabilized.

  After all the sacrifice and help she offered, once they arrived at the hospital she was turned away. Blocked from his room. No one told her anything. And she fretted. What if this was far more serious than she initially thought? She should have brought him into the hospital sooner. What if he was truly hurt?

  “Scusi, Signorina, can you please come with me?” A nun asked.

  “How is he? Is he okay?” she asked.

  “Per favore, come... Come...” The nun said.

  Adara followed the woman out of the waiting room into the hall. She was led past the few patient rooms on the floor. Several nurses looked up at her, and then away when she passed them. Most were pious nuns who didn’t appreciate her appearance. In her haste, she left the house in flip-flops, his boxer shorts, and a thin t-shirt—no bra. She felt shameful for her appearance.

  “In here, Signorina,” the nurse said.

  She walked inside. Carlo was there. And a nun was tending to him. He glanced over at her, and for the first time since the whole ordeal began she saw the hint of a smile.

  “How are you? How do you feel?” she asked.

  “He’s better now. But he’s got to get rest. The doctor has changed his medication. Only rest is going to heal you. Capisce?” the nun asked.

  Carlo nodded. The nun smiled and patted his arm. She turned to Adara. “He will be irritable, suffer the headaches a while longer, keep him in a dark, quiet room when you take him home. No loud noises or bright lights, Okay?”

  “Sì. I understand. What about the nightmares?” she asked and glanced to Carlo.

  “Nightmares?” the nun asked.

  “Yes. He has them, every night. Is it because of the injury to his head?” she asked. Carlo stared at the women expressionless. He seemed disinterested in the answer. The nun looked between them both.

  “Sometimes, my dear, a nightmare is just a nightmare. I imagine he has had plenty in his life,” the nun said without malice. “Monitor him. The doctor will be in soon after he has reviewed his test results.”

  “Va bene,” Adara said.

  The nun left. Adara walked over to Carlo’s bedside, eager to be near him. “So I was right. You did need to rest.”

  He winked.

  “I was so worried for you, Carlo.”

  “I told them you were my family.”

  “You did? Why?” she asked.

  He averted his gaze and didn't explain further.

  She touched his hand. “What do we do now? Do you stay here?”

  “For the night or so. It's up to the doctor. Will you stay with me?” he asked. Surprised by the tenderness in his voice, her heart was the first to respond. She didn't want to seem too eager. But she was. “You want me to?”

  “You saved my life. Doctor said so. I don't have family to bring here, not in Italy. And the Battaglias are busy now. Very busy. I need... for you to call my sister. Tell her where I am, and keep in contact. Don't worry her. I just. In case the doctor comes back and says it’s serious, we won't alarm her."

  “I’ll do it, Carlo.”

  He gave her another weak smile.

  “On one condition,” she said.


  “Yes. I want to know who haunts you.”

  “No one haunts me.”

  “Shae does. Who is she?”

  “Did I say her name?”

  “Often. In the night. In the morning. When you are in pain. When you sleep. You say her name. Who is she Carlo?” Adara asked.

  “A woman I once knew. We were, friends. She helped me see things differently for a while. Now we're nothing. And I think... it’s been hard to deal with having nothing.”

  “Were you in love with her?” Adara asked.

  “I thought I was. Now, I’m not so sure.” Carlo's gaze slowly returned to her. She smiled for him. She put her hand over his. “When I think of her, of what I wanted with her, it makes me...feel...lonely.”

  The truth stung. It wasn't supposed to sting, but it did. She found that strange and curious. Carlo wasn't a man she could have. He was an assignment. Everything she learned was for the purpose of bringing Giovanni Battaglia to justice. But, her heart now functioned as an organ with no
attachment to her brain. And the way he said the words to her, she felt his torment. She understood the loneliness.

  “What we had is over,” he said to Adara. “Per sempre. Her choice. I'm not looking to love a woman. I just want my life back. The one I had before I knew her. Can you help me get out of this bed and on my feet? I'll pay you.”

  “She's a fool,” Adara said and ignored the offer of money. “A damn fool. And yes, I will help you. Because I'm no fool, Carlo. I know who you are. And I don't care.”

  Adara laid her head on his chest. Carlo lifted his arm and wrapped it around her. She lay there listening to his heartbeat. It was calm to her. Very slow and steady. He was healing. And when he was strong, he'd have her at his side. She'd learn the secrets of the Battaglias. She will avenge her family. And maybe, she'll find a way to protect Carlo while doing it. For reasons she didn't understand at that moment, but would hope to later learn, she was going to try.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Secrets, Lies, Carabinieri

  Salerno, Italy

  Mirabella was greeted by Giovanni's attorneys. They waited in the hall of the building she and Dominic arrived through. On the drive over, Dominic tried to prepare her. It was hard to understand the structure of Italian law enforcement. Italy divided it between the military and civil guards. The Carabinieri were not police. They were a militarization of the police. When she resurfaced after the world thought she was dead, it was the Polizia di Stato that kicked off the investigation. Then she heard in whispered conversations from the staff, that the Guardia di Finanza were investigating the family. She'd never really had to deal with either. The lawyers and Giovanni took care of everything. However, Dominic informed her that the Arma dei Carabinieri was different. After the firebombing of the warehouses in Napoli, a kidnapped child, heroine, and a disfigured woman's body, the meeting was required.


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