Her Elemental Dragons: The Complete Series

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Her Elemental Dragons: The Complete Series Page 40

by Elizabeth Briggs

  I began stroking his length the way Jasin had showed me, and was rewarded with another low rumbling from Slade. He slipped a second finger inside me, while his thumb began to rub that spot Auric had once called a clit.

  Slade started up a slow rhythm that felt divine and fondled my breasts with his other hand as he claimed my mouth again. While we shared deep, passionate kisses, our fingers began to move faster, bringing us both closer to release. We moaned and sighed as we touched each other, our hips rocking together while my breasts crushed against his broad chest. His thumb pressed harder against my most sensitive spot, and I gasped into his mouth as sensations crashed over me. My body tightened up around his hand as pleasure took hold of me, and then I felt him surge in my palm as he joined me. He kissed me the entire time while the last tremors ran through us both and a sense of satisfaction settled over me.

  As our heartbeats slowed to a normal pace, Slade wrapped me in his dark, muscular arms and pulled me against his chest. I snuggled up against him, savoring this closeness and how right it felt. I no longer had to wonder if Slade wanted me or cared for me—he’d showed me the depths of his feelings tonight.

  “Thank you,” he said, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. “It’s been a long time since I touched another woman that way. I was worried I’d forgotten how.”

  “You definitely don’t need to worry about that,” I said with a smile.

  “I’m glad to hear it.” He slipped his fingers through the long strands of my hair, idly playing with it. “We have a few days while the Resistance prepares and moves into position. I thought perhaps we might visit my village in that time to make sure my family is safe.”

  I sat up a little to look him in the eyes. “Truly? You’re all right with me meeting them?”

  “Yes. I think it’s time.” He cupped my cheek and brought his lips to mine again. “You’re my future, Kira. I’m not going to deny that any longer. And it’s time everyone knew it too.”



  When I woke the next morning, I found the Resistance base a frenzy of activity. Soldiers were arming themselves and preparing for travel, while other people rushed around, delivering supplies and messages, or gathering their things. It would take a week for them to reach Salt Creek Tower since they didn’t have dragons they could ride to get their people into position quickly. Those who wouldn’t fight would remain here in relative safety, but were prepared to escape if things went badly and the Dragons tracked the Resistance back to Slateden.

  I avoided the commotion and found a quiet room used for training that now sat empty, where I pulled out my twin swords. When something was bothering me I found physical exertion and the familiar slice of my blades helped clear my mind. Not that something was bothering me, not exactly. It just annoyed me that I hadn’t seen Kira much in the last few days, except when we were in meetings with Parin. She spent all her free time with her other mates, the ones who followed her around like they couldn’t stand to be apart from her for a single minute and proclaimed their love daily. I would never be one of those men, and I had no right to demand her time when I couldn’t give her anything in return. I shouldn’t be annoyed. I shouldn’t want her attention all to myself. But I was a selfish bastard at the best of times.

  “There you are,” Kira said, from the doorway. “For a while there I’d worried you’d run off again.”

  “I haven’t, but I can still change my mind.” The reminder of how I’d left her once stung, but I ignored it as I lowered my blades. She wore her hunting leathers today, and I admired the way they clung to her body and showed off her shapely hips and ample breasts. She’d come looking for me, and that was something at least.

  “I came to tell you that we’re leaving today to visit Slade’s village and check that his family is safe. I’d like it if you would come with us, but it’s your decision of course.”

  “I might.” If she wanted me there I would go, but I didn’t want to seem too eager either. I raised one of my swords. “Care to join me for a couple rounds?”

  She stepped into the room, her eyes bright. “I think I can spare a few moments.”

  I passed her one of my swords, since hers was absent. “How generous of you.”

  She swung the blade, growing accustomed to its weight. “Don’t tell me you missed me.”

  If only she knew. I gave her a wicked smile. “I’m sure you wish I did.”

  We each took position across from each other and got into fighting stances. I’d been training with Kira whenever we had a spare moment, usually when we camped for the night or before we took off in the morning, and her form had improved a lot over the last few weeks. She’d never be as good as me (then again, who was?), but I was satisfied she could defend herself better now.

  Kira attacked first, but I easily parried her blow and countered with my own. She danced out of the way, and I admired how light on her feet she was. Her eyes took on that determined look I’d seen a lot lately, and she adjusted her stance and struck again.

  “You’re getting better,” I said, as I sidestepped her strike.

  “All thanks to you.” She gave me a wry grin. “Or should I say thanks to the Black Hood?”

  I shook my head at that ridiculous name. “No one calls me that anymore. And I’m happy to take the credit, but you’re also more focused these days.”

  Her grin faded and she gripped the sword tighter. “If I’m going to stop the Dragons, I need to be focused.” We traded blows again for some time, before she asked, “What do you think of the plan?”

  “It’s risky. It assumes the Dragons will leave the Earth Temple to defend against an attack, but there are a lot of things that could go wrong. And you’ll be in the center of the danger if it does.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I’ll have you with me to watch my back.”

  That was something I’d insisted on before agreeing to this mad scheme. The plan had Kira and Slade sneaking into the Earth Temple, and there was nothing stealthy about Slade. They needed me to scout ahead and keep them safe. But even if we succeeded, that was only the beginning of our problems.

  “And what will we do when it’s time to visit the Water Temple?” I asked. “The Dragons won’t fall for this trick twice.”

  Her brows pinched together. “I don’t know, but we’ll have to worry about that when the time comes.”

  She attacked me with renewed vigor that I sensed was born out of her own frustration and grief. I decided to let her gain the advantage to boost her confidence, but she struck harder than I expected. The blade flew out of my hand, and a victorious smile lit up her face.

  She levelled her sword at my neck. “Surrender.”

  “Never.” We were both breathing heavily from the exertion, and the air became thick with sexual tension. I darted forward and stole the sword from her hand, then pressed her back against the wall, the blade at her throat. “You still have a lot to learn.”

  She gazed into my eyes as I pinned her there, and I became aware of the rise and fall of her breasts and the feel of her soft body against me. “I’m eager to learn anything you want to teach me.”

  Her words brought all sorts of naughty things to mind, and I couldn’t resist capturing her lips with mine. The sword fell from my hand and hit the ground with a sharp clang, but I was too wrapped up in kissing Kira to care. I caged her in, then dragged her arms up over her head, pinning them to the wall. With one hand I held her there, as I let my other hand skim down her side, finally allowing myself to touch her the way I wanted. Last time she’d initiated the kiss, but now it was my turn.

  Her body melded against mine as the kiss grew deeper and more intense. When my thumb slid over her taut nipple it earned me a soft, delicious gasp. Her touch, her taste, her responsiveness…it all made me want to devour her.

  “Kira, are you in here?” Brin’s voice called. I jerked away from Kira and released her arms as the door to the room opened. Brin poked her head in, then flashed a knowing grin. “Sorry,
didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  I reached down and picked up both my swords, then sheathed them. “It’s fine. We were done anyway.”

  Brin nodded. “We’re almost ready to get going.”

  “I’ll be right there,” Kira said.

  Brin shut the door and left us alone again. I turned back to Kira, who stared at me, her face flushed, her lips parted. I immediately wanted to haul her against me and take her mouth again, but that moment had passed.

  “Will you join us?” Kira asked.

  I had no interest in meeting Slade’s family or visiting another small, boring village, but the thought of being apart from Kira suddenly seemed unbearable. If it were any other woman I would have walked away by now, but for some reason I couldn’t stay away from her. “I will, but only because someone needs to be there to keep you all out of danger.”

  “Of course.” She granted me another smile that tempted me to reach for her again, and I forced myself to turn away. Curse this stupid destiny that tied me to her. It would make fools of both of us before the end. Especially when she realized I would never be able to love her the way she wanted.



  Slade’s village, Clayridge, was to the west of the Resistance hideout, and as we flew toward it, anxious butterflies flittered around my stomach at the thought of meeting his family. I’d already met both Jasin and Auric’s parents, but for some reason this visit made me the most nervous. Maybe because I sensed how close Slade was with his family and I desperately wanted them to accept me. I worried too that the Dragons had found out who Slade was and done the same thing to Clayridge as they did to Stoneham. I could only pray that his family remained anonymous and safe.

  Jasin and Auric flew high, their wings brushing the clouds, to avoid us being detected. Parin’s words made us cautious, knowing that rumors were already beginning about us—rumors that could bring the Dragons after more innocent people if we weren’t careful.

  When we flew over Clayridge and saw it was still intact, I let out a sigh of relief. From where he sat behind me, Slade gave me a slight squeeze of his arms. His family was still safe from the Dragons—now I just needed to get them to like me.

  My dragons discreetly set down in the nearby forest and returned to their human forms, and then we walked toward the town. Clayridge was about the same size as Stoneham, but it was set up on a hill with a river flowing down below. The terrain was especially rocky, but Slade led us along a well-trodden path up toward the village. Red clay roofs began to appear as we crested the hill, and soon I could see a cluster of stone buildings with a thick wall between them and us. A wall that was meant to protect against elemental attacks, dotted with braziers that could be lit at any moment and large buckets likely filled with water.

  A lookout guard stood on top of the wall near the gate, and called out to us as we approached. “Slade, that you?”

  Slade chuckled softly. “It’s me, Lon. Let us in, will you?”

  “Aye!” the young guard called out, then disappeared from view. The gate slowly creaked open moments later, and we were quickly surrounded by cheery dark-skinned men and women who all wanted to welcome Slade back to the village. He greeted each of them with a kind word, a pat on the back, or a warm nod as he led us inside. My nerves wound even tighter as I smiled at everyone, who would no doubt know who we all were by the end of the night. In a small town like this, nothing remained a secret for very long.

  As we moved inside the village, more people came out of the houses and shops to give Slade a wave and a fond greeting. Everyone seemed to know him and love him here, and with each step some of his hard demeanor melted away. It made me wonder what he was like before he’d been sent to find me against his will. Or before Faya had broken his heart.

  Ahead of us, an older, sturdy woman with warm brown eyes rushed out of a small house. “Slade! You’ve returned!”

  “Mother,” Slade said, as a smile lit up his face. An actual smile. Had I ever seen him truly smile before? Not like this, certainly.

  The two of them collided in a tight embrace, and then she pulled back and took his face in her hands. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re safe. Let me look at you.” She patted his cheeks like he was a boy, even though he towered over her. “We were all so worried after you left. Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.” He turned toward us as if to begin introductions, but was interrupted by another woman leaping out of the house and running toward him.

  “Big brother!” the young woman cried out. She was about my age and strikingly beautiful, with smooth dark skin and braids piled atop her head. Like Slade, she was tall, but she had also the curves of her mother. I remembered Slade mentioning his younger sister was a troublemaker, and I suspected part of it was because of the way she looked—she would always turn heads.

  “Leni!” Slade laughed as he swept his sister up in his arms and twirled her around.

  More people streamed toward us, enveloping Slade and giving him warm hugs and kisses on his cheek. I sensed family resemblance in most of them, and a sense of longing spread through me as I watched awkwardly from the sidelines with Brin and my other mates. We were outsiders, forced to watch the celebration, and it was a keen reminder that I didn’t have a family anymore. And even when I had one, it had been nothing like this.

  Jasin glanced at the others and cleared his throat, before speaking to me. “I think we’ll go find an inn and get some rooms while you meet the family.”

  I started to protest, but then saw how tight Jasin’s face was and remembered how he’d been upset around Auric’s family too. His own parents had betrayed us not long ago, and seeing this probably reminded him of what he’d lost. Explaining the situation to Slade’s family would be easier without my other mates at my side too.

  I gave Jasin’s arm a quick squeeze. “All right. I’ll find you later.”

  The four of them slipped away, leaving me alone to face the crowd. I swallowed hard and plastered on a smile, unsure of what else I should do.

  Eventually Slade was able to break apart from his family. He moved to my side and took my hand in his, sending a signal to all of them that we were close. Warm happiness filled me, even as color spread to my cheeks. “Everyone, this is Kira. She’s the one I was sent to find by the Earth God.”

  “Kira, welcome to Clayridge,” Slade’s mother said, as she moved forward to embrace me in a warm hug. “I’m Yena, Slade’s mother.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you,” I said.

  Slade brought two women over to me—the curvy sister I’d seen before, and another one who was a little more plain but had the same striking green eyes as Slade. “These are my sisters, Leni and Wrin.”

  “Hello—” I started to reply, but Slade was already continuing his introductions.

  “And this is Wrin’s husband Merl, and their son Tam,” he said, indicating a lighter-skinned man and a boy I guessed to be about five. Slade then pointed to more people surrounding us. “I’d also like you to meet my aunt Edda, my uncle Heim, and their son Noren, who took over as the town’s blacksmith for me.”

  I quickly nodded at a woman who looked a lot like Yena but taller and thinner, an older bearded man, and a young man who had Slade’s muscles and gave me a kind smile. Slade then went on to introduce me to a dozen other cousins, distant relations, and friends of the family who had joined us—so many I knew I would never remember anyone’s names. They all gave me hugs or shook my hands, and it was both overwhelming and wonderful. With so much love it was no wonder Slade had never wanted to leave this place.

  “Get back, let the poor girl have some room to breathe,” Yena said, as she forced her way through the crowd to me. She interlocked our arms and began to lead me toward the small house I assumed was her own. “Come now. We must have dinner, and then you can tell us everything about yourself.”

  Everything? I swallowed hard as the nervous butterflies returned to my stomach. Now the interrogation would begin.



  Yena led us inside her home, which was cozy and warm with a stone hearth already lit. Slade spoke a few more words to the people outside before following us, along with his sister Leni. We were immediately swept into the dining area, with a long wooden table and two benches. The air smelled of freshly baked treats.

  “Sit down and relax,” Yena said, as she nudged me to the bench. “You must be exhausted after all your travels. I’ll get us some food and you can tell me all about your journeys.”

  “That’s very kind of you.” I slid onto the bench and Slade moved in beside me.

  “Be careful, or mother will stuff you so full of food you’ll never be able to walk again,” Leni said, as she sat across from me. She gave me a warm, dazzling smile that reminded me so much of Tash it sent a pang of longing and grief through my heart.

  The door banged open and Slade’s other sister Wrin came inside too. “You better not start without me.”

  “Of course not, dear,” Yena said. “We’d love for you to join us. Where are Merl and Tam?”

  Wrin sat beside her sister. “I sent them home for the night. They weren’t happy about it, but I’m not missing out on hearing what Slade’s been doing all this time.”

  “I’m sure it will be all over town by the morning anyway,” Leni said, rolling her eyes.

  Wrin studied me with intelligent, serious eyes that looked so much like Slade’s. “So you’re the woman he left Clayridge to go find.”


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