Loves Me NOT: A Small Town, Second-Chance Romance (Slade Brothers Book 4)

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Loves Me NOT: A Small Town, Second-Chance Romance (Slade Brothers Book 4) Page 18

by Alexis Winter

  “Now, let’s get started on the plans, shall we?” Clay says, reaching behind him and grabbing a notebook and pen.

  I go through the list of everything the store will need: built-in shelves, a restroom, a small office, a counter, and dressing rooms. He jots it all down then moves on to floor and wall choices. I decide on hardwood floor with white and teal walls, wanting it to have a country charm. I’ve already found some decor items with the color scheme. Clay quickly draws up a sketch and I’m blown away. It looks perfect and Clay promises to get to work on it as soon as he can—hoping to finish everything within six to eight weeks. In the meantime, my job is to find a distributor who can stock the store.

  Over the next couple of weeks, I’m busy with online shopping. Not only do I order the things my boutique will sell, but I’m also busy tracking down what my boutique will need. It’s all a lot of money and I’m glad I’m forced to stick to a budget. I had no idea how much opening a store would cost.

  Before I know it, the store is halfway done and I’m officially in my second trimester—not that you can really even tell. When I’m naked and turned to the side, I have the tiniest of bumps between my hip bones. With clothes on, you can’t see a difference, so no one has discovered our secret just yet. However, that changes today. As I’ve been planning for the baby and the wedding, and working on the store, everything seems to have passed in double time. Even the minutes pass too quickly as I gather my things and head down to Mama’s car.

  “You look like you didn’t sleep all night,” Mama says, taking some things from my hands. “Look at those bags under your eyes.”

  I shake my head. “I couldn’t sleep,” I admit.


  “No. It’s just the first time I’ve had to sleep without Wyatt since I moved in. I just couldn’t get comfortable.”

  Mama offers up a smile but moves to put my things into the back of the van as I slide into the passenger seat. She joins me by climbing behind the wheel and shifting into drive. It only feels like a few moments have passed when we’re pulling into the church parking lot.

  “Where did Wyatt stay last night?” Mama asks as she throws the van in park.

  “Drake’s. They should be getting here soon.” I take off my seatbelt and move to the back of the van to get my things.

  Mama and I are shown to a room where we can get ready. I sit down and look at the dark hardwood floor, white-flowered wallpapered walls, and stained-glass windows. It really is a beautiful church. It’s the church I went to every Sunday and Wednesday night as I was growing up. I remember coming to Bible school here and volunteering during the summers in my teen years. I have so many memories of this church. I’m happy to have one more to add to that list.

  “I’m going to go check to make sure the flowers are right. I’ll be back,” my mom says, rushing from the room.

  My cell phone rings and I pull it out of my pocket and answer Wyatt’s call.

  “Good morning, my soon-to-be wife.”

  I smile from his words. “Good morning, my soon-to-be husband.”

  He chuckles. “How’d you sleep?”

  “Horrible. In fact, I have dark circles and bags under my eyes.”

  “I’m sure you look beautiful,” he coos.

  “Aren’t we not supposed to talk?”

  “No, I’m not supposed to see you. There’s a difference. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t going to change your mind at the last minute and sneak out the window in some runaway bride move.” He lets out a nervous-sounding laugh.

  “No way. I can’t even sleep without you anymore. I can’t look like this the rest of my life. My sleep depends on you,” I joke.

  He laughs. “I’ll be there soon.”

  “I’ll be the one in white,” I say, hanging up the phone.

  I sit back and take a long, beep breath to clear my head. Then I get to work on relaxing and making myself beautiful as I marry the man of my dreams.

  After a beauty mask and a load of makeup, the dark circles aren’t even visible. Mama helps me into my dress just as Julie is walking into the room, already wearing her bridesmaid dress.

  She smiles when she sees me. “You’re beautiful. You’re going to knock his socks off,” she laughs. “Or his pants,” she jokes.

  Mama squeals when she hears this and quickly covers her ears. “Let me at least pretend my little girl is a virgin on her wedding day.”

  Julie and I laugh long and hard. “That ship sailed long ago, Mama.”



  I’m standing at the altar, dressed in a tux, with my four brothers standing behind me. As I wait for the ceremony to get started, I can’t help but think of the time I told Destiny I would marry her one day. It was long ago, back when we first started dating.

  “You look beautiful,” I say when she steps out of the house dressed in a jean skirt with a white flowing tank top that shows off her sun-kissed shoulders.

  She smiles and her cheeks turn the slightest shade of pink. “Thank you. You look nice too.”

  I can feel my heart hammering away in my chest as we walk across the driveway to my car. I open the passenger-side door and she slides in. As I walk around the car, I give myself a little pep talk. I don’t know what it is this girl has on me, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her since the moment I met her. Every minute has been spent daydreaming about kissing her, touching her—hell, even marrying her one day.

  I climb behind the wheel and start the car before turning to look over at her. Without warning, she leans over and presses her mouth to mine. At first, I’m shocked and can’t move. I’ve never been with a girl who knew what she wanted and took it. Every girl I’ve dated waited around for me to make the first move, and that’s always been something I hated. It’s nerve-racking, not knowing if the girl wants you to kiss her. With Destiny, I don’t have to worry about that.

  My hands move up to cup her cheeks as I deepen the kiss. Her tongue is so soft and sweet moving against mine. God, I’d marry her right now if she’d let me. Our kiss slows then breaks off completely. I’m breathless with my heart racing. I’m only a few inches from her face when I look into her blue eyes and say, “I’m going to marry you one of these days.”

  She smiles and rolls her eyes. “You probably say that to all the girls.” Her cheeks flush under my stare.

  I shake my head. “I’ve never said that to anyone. Only you. And it’s true. You wait and see.” I sit upright and shift into drive. “One of these days, you will be mine.”

  I smile at that memory. It’s funny how all it took was one kiss—one shocking touch—to seal my fate. I glance behind me at my brothers, who are all dressed in their tuxes, and give them a smile. Drake winks as he looks down at me proudly. He’s taken care of me most of my life. It’s almost like he’s been more of a father to me than my own dad.

  My dad sits with his nurse in one of the pews. I notice Destiny’s mom and a few long-lost family members on her side. There’s Julie and Mark and a few other people we went to school with. Then there’s the newly-added women to the family: Celeste, holding a little baby to her chest; Brennan, holding a baby and whispering something to Milly; and Autumn, bouncing Logan on her lap as Bryce sits quietly next to her.

  When the music starts up and the doors open, a surge of excitement takes over my body. My eyes lock on those doors and don’t move until I see Destiny walking through them. She takes my breath away. She’s wearing a long white lace dress that drags the floor along with her intricate white train. Her father is walking her down the aisle and he’s wearing a proud smile of his own. The bodice of Destiny’s dress is tight, stretching over her growing abdomen, but only I know about our little secret that rests there—until later today, when we announce it to the rest of the family.

  These past several weeks have been flying by, but now that we’re finally here, it feels like this aisle she’s walking up is a mile long. I just want to hold her in my arms and make her mine.

  Destiny and her father stop right beside me as the preacher signals for the music to end and allows everyone to sit.

  “We are gathered here today to join Destiny Parker and Wyatt Slade in holy matrimony. This is a wonderful time when two become one—two lives are joined as one—in God’s eyes and in man’s. Who gives this woman away?” the preacher asks.

  “Her mother and I do,” her father says before kissing her on the cheek and turning to me, where he hands her off. “Take care of my baby,” he says to me.

  “I promise, sir,” I say, taking her hand and finally stepping up to her side where I belong.

  She looks up at me and smiles, her cheeks flushing the way they always do.

  The preacher looks at us both, then at the crowd. “The bride and groom have prepared their own vows. Mr. Slade, if you’d proceed with the ring, please.”

  I turn to Drake and he hands over the ring, after patting his pockets and making everyone laugh. I turn back to Destiny and hold her left hand in mine. “Destiny, I prepared something to say, but now that we’re up here, nothing seems good enough. So I’ll just talk from the heart. I knew I wanted to marry you the first day I laid eyes on you at the age of 16. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I promise to be the best husband you could ask for. I vow to protect you, love you, honor you, and respect you for as long as we both shall live. Together, there’s nothing we can’t overcome. With this ring, I thee wed.” I slide the ring onto her finger.

  She smiles as she turns and takes the ring from Julie. “Wyatt, there’s always been something about you I couldn’t escape. I have a feeling that’s what happens when you’re made into a pair instead of being alone. When we’re apart, I feel as if I’m missing a part of myself. You’re just as much a part of me as my lungs, my heart, and my soul. And I never want to be apart again. I vow to love, protect, honor, and respect you for as long as we both shall live. With this ring, I thee wed,” she says, sliding the ring onto my left ring finger. The weight of the metal feels right, like it’s been there my entire life.

  “It’s my honor to pronounce Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Slade. You may kiss the bride,” the preacher says, just as everyone stands and cheers.

  I pull her against me, my lips finding hers without even trying. She molds against my chest as her arms come up and wrap around my neck. I kiss her deeply. Finally, she’s my wife. It feels as if I’ve waited my whole life for this. I kiss her until my lips are numb and my lungs are begging for oxygen. Drake taps me on the shoulder and I pull away with a grin.

  Destiny laughs and her face grows even more red, but she wraps an arm around my elbow as I walk her down the aisle. When we’re outside the doors, I pull her into the room that holds my clothes and press her back to the wall.

  “What are you doing?” she asks, tossing her bouquet onto the table and wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “We have 10 minutes before we have to walk out of here and into the limo. I’m putting those 10 minutes to good use,” I tell her, working her dress up her legs, which are already wrapped around my hips.

  She giggles but doesn’t argue. Instead, she throws her head back and moans when I slide into her. “You think we’ll go to hell for having sex in a church?”

  “Nah, we’re a married couple now,” I say, thrusting into her.

  It doesn’t take long until we’re both riding out the waves of our release. When someone comes knocking on the door, we’re already righting our clothes. I hold out my elbow and she wraps her hand around it as we head for the doors. Outside the church, everyone is crowded around the walkway, hands full of birdseed. As we run to the limo, we’re pelted with birdseed that sticks to my hair and lands inside my shirt collar. We both rush to get in the limo, slamming the door closed behind us.

  When we’re both in our seats, she shakes her head and causes birdseed to fall all around. I lean forward and shake my head over the carpeted floorboard. I lean back and kiss her shoulder. “Are you ready to spill our little secret here?” I ask, placing my hand on her stomach.

  She smiles and nods. “I can’t wait to let everyone know about our little jelly bean.” Her hand covers mine.

  The limo drives us around for about 20 minutes, giving everyone the chance to get over to the reception hall before we arrive. We use this time to talk, laugh, and burn everything into our memories. When we walk into the hall, the DJ announces us.

  “Everyone, please welcome the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Slade!”

  Everyone stands up and cheers as we walk into the room, hand in hand. We walk to the center of the dance floor and wave at everyone and have our picture taken. Then the music starts up for our first dance. “The Way I Am” by Ingrid Michaelson fills the room. The lights are dimmed but a bright spotlight comes on, lighting only us as everyone watches. Everyone else falls away. I only see her. The way her cheeks turn pink, the way her eyes light up, the way the corners of her mouth turn up slightly. But as relaxed as I am, she’s stiff as everyone watches.

  I lean in. “It’s only you and me. Forget about all of them,” I tell her, kissing her shoulder. I pull her closer, and with her body against mine, she begins to loosen up and relax. I breathe her in deeply and let her scent carry me away.

  “Everyone, Destiny and I have something to tell you,” I say, standing up before dinner is brought out.

  She stands up with me, face turning red as everyone looks up at us.

  I look down at her. “You want to tell them?”

  She looks from me to the small crowd sitting in front of us. “Well, you see, the thing is . . . I’m pregnant!”

  Everyone claps and cheers. Her mother cries as she gets up to give us both a big hug.

  “I knew it was only a matter of time,” her father says.

  My brothers are in line, giving hugs next.

  “How far along are you?” Celeste asks Destiny as she pulls away from their hug.

  “Thirteen weeks,” Destiny answers.

  Celeste smiles and points at the two of us. “So you two have known for a while. Congrats!”

  We get through all the hugs and are finally sitting down when the waiters start serving dinner.

  As we eat, I nudge Destiny with my elbow.

  “What?” she asks, leaning closer.

  I nod toward Julie and Mark, who are standing at the open bar, looking to be in deep conversation.

  “What do you think they’re talking about?” she asks.

  I shrug. “I don’t know, but it looks intense.”

  After dinner, we cut the cake, dance, then get to tossing the garter and bouquet. I pull the garter off with my teeth and sling it into the crowd. The blue garter flies through the air and falls directly into Mark’s glass of whiskey. He looks down at it, picks it up, and shakes his head with a laugh.

  “No way, man,” he says, trying to pawn it off on any other single man, but no one will take it.

  “Looks like you’re next,” I say, nudging him.

  I stand on the sidelines and watch as Destiny turns her back to the crowd. She raises her bouquet above her head and tosses it backward. Everyone dives for it. It’s always funny watching the girls fight over the bouquet. The one person not shoving and pushing is the one who ends up with it. I laugh and look over at Clay when Autumn catches it. Her eyes stretch wide and her mouth drops open.

  Clay walks over to her. “Looks like we have some plans to make,” he says, pulling her to his chest.

  The rest of the evening goes by in a flash, even though I don’t drink. I’ve vowed to give up drinking until the baby has arrived and Destiny can drink with me. And I have to admit, this sober thing isn’t so bad. There are no hangovers, and no blacking out or not remembering what happened. It’ll be nice to be able to remember my wedding day, unlike my senior prom.

  Celeste, Brennan, and Autumn volunteer to clean up so Destiny and I can have a little alone time. We climb into the limo and leave our party behind us. Next stop, Hawaii.


  Destiny />
  Even though I can’t do anything too crazy while I’m pregnant, Wyatt and I still go to a resort with plenty of adventure for our honeymoon. Our days are spent eating, sleeping, and making love. Our nights are spent talking, cuddling, and making love on the balcony overlooking the ocean. It’s the most relaxing, most romantic weekend I’ve ever had.

  Originally, our honeymoon was going to be a week long, but that all changed when I realized I wouldn’t be able to do most of the resort activities. We opted to shorten our trip to give us more time at home to get the store ready for the grand opening.

  I go in early the following Monday and look over everything. I want it to be perfect. There’s a large wooden table up front that will be used for select sale items, but for today, it will be the table that holds all the snacks and drinks for the grand opening. The local paper has been running our ad for weeks now, and we’ve placed flyers on every bulletin board in town.

  Even though the town is small, the outcome isn’t. Autumn has a flyer in every room, so even the guests from the B&B make an appearance. The whole family is here. Celeste and Brennan are in charge of refreshments while Autumn is our greeter. My mom is behind the counter with me, and all the guys just seem to be hanging out in a group. They think they’re being sneaky by pouring whiskey in their punch, but I see what they’re doing and shoot daggers at them with my eyes.

  Customers are stripping the shelves clean, buying jewelry, purses, and clothing. Many times, I have to go into the back to restock items. By closing time, everyone is beat from being on their feet all day. There are a couple couches arranged by the dressing rooms and I can’t stop myself from lying down once the doors are locked.

  “That was amazing. How much do you think you made today?” Autumn asks.

  Mama comes walking over with a small piece of paper in her hand. “Fifteen thousand dollars!”


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