Esra's Prohpecy (Book 3 An Angel-blood Novel)

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Esra's Prohpecy (Book 3 An Angel-blood Novel) Page 4

by Linda L. Creel

  Arthur was appalled. “Fenryr and Faelan were once mortal? How could they have survived such an act?” “I couldn’t imagine what they must have been like as humans. Paul said only a handful survived, after receiving the blood of the hounds.”

  “You should have seen Meredith’s face when Rita and Jessica rolledtheir heads on the table in front of her and Richard,” Henry laughed.

  “Pity I wasn’t there to witness their reaction. I’m sure it was priceless.”

  “What should we do now? Frankly, I don’t want to sit around and wait for another attack,” Arthur said. “We’ll keep everyone at the sanctuary, until we know what Natalie’s plans are. I’m sure we won’t have to wait long. Patience has never been one of her virtues. I’ll be returning to New York, but Axel has agreed to remain in Utopia.” Caspian looked at the ring on his right hand. All members of the guard wore similar rings, with a sword and a shield, sitting atop a pair of white angel wings. The center stone was made with a blue diamond; the gem of Heaven.

  “We can communicate through the rings. If Axel sees, or hears anything threatening, he will notify me, or the other members of the Guild.”

  “Let’s get this meeting over with. I’m sure the rumors have reached the residents by now,” Arthur said. Henry walked back into the hall, while Caspian and Arthur headed towards the sanctuary. Arthur wanted to make sure Winifred Whitehall was safe. He had grown quite fond of Winnie over the years. Arthur’s wife died in childbirth, leaving him to raise Renatta on his own.

  That was nearly eighteen years ago. Arthur barely remembered his wife. In some ways, she reminded him of Meredith. Like so many others, the marriage had been arranged. Never one to disobey his father, Arthur agreed to the union.

  He soon learned that Raine was not the sweet girl that she pretended to be. She drank like a fish, cursed like a sailor, and was often in the company of other men. Arthur forgave his wife for her indiscretions because she had blessed him with a daughter.

  It was almost a blessing that Raine died in childbirth, leaving the rearing of the child to him. Winnie had been a big help to him, even then.

  With all the other truths that came to light, Arthur had to wonder if Richard wasn’t responsible for the death of Winnie’s fiancée. Since they were both dead, there was no way of knowing the truth, unless Aura’s visions could show them. Arthur didn’t even want to pursue those questions. Aura had more than enough to worry about at present. Perhaps in time, he would ask if she had seen Glenn’s death.

  With Richard out of the way, Henry hoped that one day Caspian would take over as Governor of Utopia. He knew he would make a fine successor because the people loved, and respected him.

  Of course, if Caspian decided to reside at the Godwin Academy in New York with Andromeda, the post would be offered to his daughter’s husband, Axel. He too, would make a fine Governor.

  Henry suspected the residents already heard the rumors that Richard was dead, but they needed to hear it from him. It was New Year’s Eve. After they were all gathered, he would keep the meeting short, so the families could prepare for their annual New Year’s celebration. This year, they would have a great deal to celebrate.

  When Caspian and Arthur arrived at the sanctuary, he was surprised to find Andromeda waiting. “I trust you got Arthur’s message?” Caspian said.

  “Is it true? Is Richard dead?” She asked. “It’s true. Richard was planning to kill Arian, but Rita and Jessica thwarted his plans.

  “Arian is alive? Where has he been all this time?” “Richard was holding him hostage, with Virgil’s wife Mahlyssa. Aura was able to find Mahlyssa and Arian. She convinced her to go to Aeden to meet her daughter Myra. They hadn’t seen each other, since Myra was a toddler.”

  “Was it wise to bring her there, knowing she was dealing with Richard?” “Aura believes Mahlyssa saved Arian’s life. He was attacked by the same creatures that killed his parents. Mahlyssa worked diligently to keep him alive. The poor woman suffered a horrible existence, after being cursed by her father.”

  “Shall we head to the meeting?” Andromeda nodded, and Caspian took her hand as they walked to the Hall of Justice. With Caspian’s marriage annulled, there was no reason he couldn’t start a new life with Andromeda, immediately.

  Caspian swore no one or nothing would ever come between them again. Perhaps Heaven was smiling on them. He knew from his conversations with Paul, the Guild would certainly not object to the union, nor would the members of the High Council.

  As the residents assembled in the hall, they could see no evidence of the attack that took Richard’s life. The servants had mopped up the black blood and then burned the rags and towels outside in a pit. Judging by the whispers going around the room, most of them already heard the news, but Henry insisted on them hearing it officially from him.

  “Where is his body?” someone in the back of the auditorium asked. “The body was taken by Natalie and her cousin Jeziel.” “Why would they want his body?”

  “We can’t answer that question. Perhaps they wanted to give him a proper memorial service. Suffice it to say, Richard is dead and he won’t be returning to Utopia,” Henry said.

  “Where is Natalie? Did she not come forward and demand there be an inquiry to file charges against Rita for her father’s death?” “No one knows where she is, but I can assure you, the Guild will be doing everything in their power to locate her. As far as Rita is concerned, the Committee has decided that she was acting in selfdefense and no charges will be filed against her.”

  “Who is this Jeziel and why have we not heard mention of her before?” another resident asked.

  “Jeziel is Lucifer’s daughter.” A hush fell over the crowded room. “Do you think it’s safe for us to return to our homes now?” Winnie asked. “Arthur and I have discussed this at length. We feel it would be safer for you to remain at the sanctuary for now. Most of you know Natalie is brash and impetuous. She will want retribution for Richard’s death.”

  Axel arrived at the Hall with Analie and Ambrosia, as Caspian took the floor. “We know with certainty that Richard was responsible for the deaths of our Utopian friends. We also know he was planning an attack on the Utopian government, and planned to eventually declare war on the other colonies.”

  Caspian smiled at his brother-inlaw. “Axel and I have been working under the direction of the Guild, to collect evidence to bring Richard to trial. Obviously, that is a mute point now. I will be returning to New York, but Axel has agreed to remain here in Utopia.”

  “Natalie has had her appearance altered,” Axel said. She now uses the name Monica. She has brown hair and brown eyes. Jeziel’s appearance is unaltered, but I warn you,while you may think you’re seeing Natalie, it will be Jeziel.”

  “Do you think Natalie will be foolish enough to return?” Winifred asked.

  “She is impulsive. She may remain close to Aeden because she blames Rita for her father’s death.”

  “We should go about our business and allow the Guild to handle this business with Natalie and her cousin Jeziel,” Winnie said. “I think that’s for the best. Natalie will regard it as a victory if we are forced to change our way of life. There is no reason to live in fear.I have every confidence the Guild will protect us,” Henry said.

  “We’ll meet again in a few days, but if you hear or bear witness to anything suspicious, you are to let me, Axel, or one of the Commission members know, immediately,” Arthur said.

  “We thought with Richard gone, our troubles would be over, but from what you’re saying, they may be just beginning,” Winnie said. “We will do all we can to protect the children Winnie. You have my word,” Caspian said. “Your word has always been good enough for me.” The others shouted out in agreement. They would never give darkness the satisfaction to change them; not today, not ever.

  Chapter 6

  Before the meeting adjourned, Arian and Jade walked into the hall. Everyone gasped when they saw him. He walked up to the dais.

  “We ha
ve lived a peaceful existence for the most part, but change is coming and we need to prepare. I will be a member of the defense team and I’ll ask volunteers to join me. The more prepared we are, the better we will fare.”

  Arian walked towards the back of the hall, carrying a large white poster, which was blank. “I will post this notice and anyone who is interested; need only place their name below mine. I should warn you, age will not be a factor. In Aeden, the little ones are just as involved as the elders.”

  The residents watched as Arian hung the poster and signed his name. Everyone in the hall remained silent. They truly believed that with Richard out of the way, they would be safe, but now it seemed that Natalie and her cousin, Jeziel, were an even bigger threat.

  “We can’t wield the angelfire. How do you propose we defend ourselves?” one of the younger men asked. “You don’t need angel -fire to be effective in battle. Paul’s daughter Bren and her best friend Tracy have volunteered to help. They may be only four years of age, but they have experience in battle. They started their training shortly after they learned to walk. I can assure you, they are more than capable of bringing down men, ten times their size.”

  “Do you truly believe toddlers will be efficient in the art of battle?” One of the other men laughed. “These toddlers are unlike any you’ve ever met. They are fearless, loyal, and each one of them would lay down their lives to protect any one of you,” Henry confirmed.

  “What are we supposed to use as weapons? Surely the swords and daggers we have, will be no match for the descendants of Lucifer?”

  “Need I remind you that Richard was also Lucifer’s descendant? Rita had no difficulty killing him, and she used an ordinary dagger,” Arian said.

  “I’ve had the pleasure of meeting these little ones and Arian is correct when he says they are special,” Winnie said. “I know you may find it ridiculous now, but trust me when I tell you, these little girls have amazing insight. It isn’t about what weapon you have, but more importantly, how you use it. I have seen what they can do with a butter knife.”

  “Do you really think Natalie will wage war against us?” Ronnie Presley asked.

  “We can’t trust her,” Henry stated. “I agree with Henry, it won’t do us any good to sit and wait for trouble to come. We should use this opportunity to prepare ourselves,” Arthur said.

  “What if they return, before we’re ready?” “The sanctuary will keep us safe. We need to make sure we never leave the property alone. I realize it may be inconvenient, but better to have a little inconvenience, than to deal with any more deaths,” Henry said.

  Everyone in the room agreed. “Where do we sign up?” Ambrosia asked. “Not all of them can wield angelfire. Paul’s son, P.J., taught me a few things while I was visiting the valley. I think we can do more than we realize,” she said.

  Though Ambrosia was of slight build, she had heard the rumors that Richard targeted her, and her mother. There was no reason to think that Nataliewouldn’t pursue her father’s wishes and try to eliminate the rest of the family. She was the first to place her name on the board, and it wasn’t long, before the others followed her lead. Even the younger angelbloods signed. Some of them were no older than Bren and Tracy. In a short time, there were at least fifty names on the board.

  “We’ll start training the first group and they can help us teach the others,” Arian said. “I don’t want us to be constantly looking over our shoulders. Paul has assured me, his wife Eve will add some protection to the city and surrounding areas. She can call for her father Gideon’s shield. If that shield can protect Heaven, I’m certain it can protect us too,” Henry said.

  “Why don’t you all go home and celebrate the New Year. Aura has assured us that we will have a few days of peace,” Arthur concluded.

  When Charisse walked to the door, she was not surprised to find Natalie waiting there.

  “Where are my grandmother and Desiree?” Natalie asked. “They’re waiting for you in the other room. Should I have the servants bring you some tea?”

  “Wine would be better. Have you heard what they did to my father?” “I’m sorry for your loss. Make yourself comfortable, and I’ll see to the wine. It’s best if we don’t speak in front of the servants. Please allow me to dismiss them, before you say anything,” Charisse warned.

  Meredith ran to give Natalie a hug. Desiree remained in her seat. The effects of the wine were already having a dizzying effect on her. “I’ve been worried sick about you,” Meredith cried. “I stopped to see Phillipe and Jeziel before I came here.” “So Jeziel knows about your father’s death?”

  “Yes - and she thinks we should meet with those Enchantors in London, and continue with Father’s plans to overtake the Utopian government.”

  “How are we supposed to do that without Richard?” “Jeziel has some powerful friends, who will be only too happy to help us. Phillipe suggested we separate for a short time. I agree - it will make it more difficult for the Guild to find us, if we go in different directions. He thinks you and I should stay with Jeziel, until the baby is born. Jeziel promised me that Lucifer will protect my baby brother,” Natalie said.

  “You want me to leave Desiree after everything that’s happened?” “It’s just until the baby is born. If we stay together, we’ll be like sitting ducks. It will be better for Charisse to take Desiree to an unknown destination. We can stay in contact with each other; provided we’re discreet.”

  “Where is Jeziel staying?”

  “Her home is just outside of Aeden. She can continue to meet with her friend Aidan and keep us informed of the Guild’s plans.” “How can you ask me to stay so close to those girls? They killed your father. We heard a rumor that you and Jeziel took his body. How did you know to be waiting there today?”

  “Samhael told Jeziel we needed to be there. He must have known something was going to happen.” Desiree and her mother both remained silent during the entire discussion. Charisse was hoping silently that Meredith would stay with Natalie and Jeziel. “Where is Jeziel now?” Meredith asked.

  “She went to meet Aidan at his sister’s wedding.” “Was she invited? What if the Archangels are there? Does she realize how dangerous it is for her now?” Meredith asked the questions so rapidly, that Natalie was barely able to keep up with her.

  “Jeziel is convinced that Aidan won’t let anyone harm her. I tried to talk her out of going, but she insisted that she would be safe. Once she has her mind set on something, she doesn’t budge.”

  Desiree started to sob. “I should be planning my own wedding. Instead, I am left to raise my son alone. I didn’t even say goodbye to Richard. How could they be so cruel?”

  Meredith still didn’t understand why her son’s body was taken. “Why would Samhael want your father’s body? He’s dead; nothing is going to change that.”

  “I asked Jeziel the same question, but she said not everything is as it seems.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” “She didn’t tell me, but apparently Lucifer wanted father’s body.”

  “Perhaps Lucifer wanted to reunite Richard with your father,” Desiree said. They all looked at each other. None of them wanted to discuss the death of Meredith’s father, though they were sure he was sent to Hell. They had to consider the possibility. Lucifer was still a powerful angel; even if he was exiled from Heaven. No one really knew what powers he still possessed.

  “Richard does share his blood. Perhaps he intended to give him a proper burial. I’d like to believe that,” Desiree said. Meredith remained silent. She knew only too well what happened to her father at the hands of the Guild. She doubted he made it to Hell, considering he was killed by angelfire. She didn’t want to upset Desiree in her delicate condition, so instead, she said nothing.

  Chapter 7

  After lunch Aura got the girls ready for the wedding. They were careful not to say anything about their vision in front of Aidan. Tristan decided to change the time to four o’clock, instead of six o’clock. Aura let Andr
omeda, and the other out of town guests know about the change in time.

  By three o’clock Aura and the girls were ready to leave for the church. Bren insisted the men leave before them; swearing it was bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony. No one dared argue with her. Bren might be only four years old, but she carried a lot of weight. It wouldn’t do to get on her bad side, because she would be relentless in her reprisal. Ten minutes after the men were gone; Bren signaled it was safe for them to follow.

  The wedding was beautiful. Jasmine wore a long, sleeveless, white lace gown, with a periwinkle sash at the waist. The men wore black suits, with white linen shirts, and periwinkle vests, and ties. Everyone else dressed in white dresses, with pale blue accents. As always, Father Patrick kept the service short.

  They returned to Aura’s afterwards, for the reception. Despite the Christmas tree in the living room, the house was decorated with white steamers, and tissue bells hung from the rafters in the ceiling.

  The caterers arrived earlier, so the food and drinks were ready, when the family returned. There was an assortment of hot and cold foods, including favorites of the bride and groom. Marinated steak, alternated with assorted roasted vegetables, were placed on wooden sticks.

  The little ones loved these grab and go type foods. They were more interested in dancing, and waiting for the gifts to be opened. “So how does it feel to be a married man?” Logan asked Tristan. He laughed. “Ask me tomorrow. I’ll have a better answer for you then.” Raphael and Michael both made an appearance, and stayed to celebrate with Jasmine and the little ones. It was hard to believe a few hours before; Rita killed Richard.

  Rita had to kill him. She wasn’t ab out to let Will lose his brother a second time. Michael and Raphael both confirmed the death was justified, and there would be no actions taken by the High Council.


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