Esra's Prohpecy (Book 3 An Angel-blood Novel)

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Esra's Prohpecy (Book 3 An Angel-blood Novel) Page 8

by Linda L. Creel

  “I thought the Elite Guard only went after angels?” Natalie asked. “I see you know something of their existence. Its true most of their time is spent tracking angels who have committed crimes against Heaven. I was fortunate to come upon Oliver, and offer my services to him. I brought him here several hundred years ago, and since that time he has remained loyal to me,” Samhael said. “Are all of the other residents angels?” Meredith asked.

  “Most of them are, but there are others who are angelbloods much like you. I can assure you they are faithful.”

  “How did you find all of them?” Natalie asked.

  A languid smile crossed his face. “We are not without power. We like to keep track of our own.”

  “Are there houses available here?” Meredith asked. “Of course we aren’t savages. Most of the houses contain all the comforts of home. No one ever leaves. Everything they want or need is provided for them.”

  Meredith couldn’t help noticing how beautiful the scenery w as. This little island retreat had several palm trees, and there was a white sand beach not far from the café. The streets were made of cobblestone and there were a multitude of shops and restaurants, not far from the square

  “There are some mortals who res ide here as servants, but like the others, they are also faithful to me. Most have found this to be a better way of life. In the event they are needed, there isn’t any one of them who wouldn’t stand on the battleground with us,” Samhael said.

  Natalie was curious. “How many residents are here?” “The last count, there was close to a thousand.”

  Natalie and Meredith saw only a few on the streets that morning. They wondered where the others were.

  Samhael saw the confusion on their faces. “It’s much larger than it looks. The entire area covers almost a thousand square miles.” “And no one else knows about this place? How do you keep it a secret?” Meredith asked. Samhael smiled again. “The Guild is not the only ones who can use wards to keep out unwanted guests. If anyone should happen upon the place by accident, we keep them here. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it provides some entertainment for our residents.”

  “How long will you be able to stay?” Natalie asked.

  “I will remain with you, until after breakfast. Then I will have a guide show you and your grandmother around, so you can do your shopping. I assure you when everyone realizes you are my guests, you will be treated with the utmost respect,” he assured them.

  One of the waitresses brought out a platter full of food, along with a large pot of tea. She poured the tea, and asked if there was anything else they needed before she excused herself.

  “I trust you will enjoy the breakfast. Oliver is an amazing chef who never fails to disappoint me.”

  Each of them started to fill their plates and the rest of breakfast was fairly quiet. Samhael was right, the food was delicious. “Perhaps when we’ve finished shopping, we could take something home with us,” Natalie said to her grandmother. Samhael called for Oliver and asked him to make a package for his friends to take with them. After breakfast a young girl suddenly appeared at the table. Samhael introduced her. “This is Verah. She will show you around. If you’ll excuse me I have to leave duty calls.”

  Natalie and Meredith both thanked Samhael for his kindness. “Verah will see to your needs in my absence.” He looked at the girl. “Bring them back here before they return home. Oliver will have something waiting for them.”

  “Yes sir, I’ll see to it,” Verah replied. Natalie and Meredith couldn’t help noticing this girl was also disfigured. They saw long scars down both of her arms, which she didlittle to hide. They didn’t want to ask how she came to have them, for fear it would anger Samhael. Instead, they finished eating, and Verah offered to show them around town.

  “What do you call this place?” Meredith asked the young girl. “We call it Purgatory,” Verah said, with a smile.

  Natalie and Meredith looked at each other. ‘I wonder who thought of the name,” Natalie asked.

  “Samhael named it. He said it was someplace between Heaven and Hell,” Verah said, still smiling.

  “An appropriate name,” Natalie whispered in her grandmother’s ear. The three of them left to explore the city. Natalie had no doubt the young girl would take good care of them, fearing Samhael’s wrath. “I could grow to like it here,” she whispered to Meredith.

  Soon after Aura and the others were gone, there was a knock on the front door. Eve left the kitchen to answer it. She was not surprised to find Phillipe and Marie Devereaux standing there, with their two daughters, Yvonne and Yvette.

  “Marie, it’s good to see you. Won’t you all come inside?” Eve asked. She led the four of them to the living room. “Have you eaten this morning?”

  “Phillipe and the girls weren’t very hungry,” Marie told her friend. “We’ll take care of that. Why don’t you all follow me to the kitchen, and I’ll get breakfast for you.” Eve could see they were apprehensive about the visit. “I’m afraid you just missed Aura and the little ones, but as always my daughter has cooked enough food for an army.”

  Marie and her family followed Eve to the kitchen, where they each took a seat.

  “It won’t take me a minute and then we can have a nice chat while we wait for Paul and the others.”

  “You have a beautiful home here,” Phillipe said. “Oh we don’t live here. This is Aura’s house. Although I must say, we spend as much time here as we do at home. Please make yourselves comfortable. I’m not sure if you remember my friend, Angela Dunn.”

  Angie walked over, and greeted each of them with a smile. Yvonne and Yvette remained quiet. They had never been to Aeden before, but they remembered the horror stories Natalie told them, about the Guild and their family.

  As Eve prepared some fresh eggs, Angie brought a pot of tea and placed it on the kitchen table. The cream and sugar was still there from earlier. “I’m sure Eve will have breakfast ready in no time,” she said.

  “Thank you for agreeing to meet with us on such short notice,” Marie said.

  Angie walked over and put her arms around her friend. “We’ll do all we can to help you.” Within minutes, Eve brought in platters filled with eggs, breakfast meats and homemade biscuits. “I wish I could take credit for most of this, but as I said Aura always makes enough for an army.”

  Yvonne and Yvette looked at each other. Maybe they had misjudged these people. They certainly seemed friendly enough. Of course they were basing their opinions on what Natalie told them, and they knew she was a liar.

  Eve saw the skepticism on their faces. “I’m sure after my husband and the others hear your story, they will help you. I don’t know if your mother has told you, but I’m a seer, like my grandmother Esra. I promise I haven’t seen anything in your future to cause you to be afraid.” She smiled compassionately at them.

  Angie poured each of them a cup of tea and began to fix them a plate, realizing they probably wouldn’t have done it themselves. When Marie started to eat, her daughters followed her lead.

  “Paul and the others will be here soon. Why don’t you finish your breakfast? While the men are talking, Angie and I can show the rest of you the house,” Eve said.

  Paul, Adam and the others arrived fifteen minutes later. When Eve went to the front door to let them in, she told her husband how anxious their guests were. “I want you to keep in mind they came to you of their own free will.”

  “We will listen to what Phillipe has to say before we pass judgment,” Paul assured his wife.

  “I can’t ask for more than that.” When Paul and the others made their way into the kitchen, he greeted Phillipe in a soft voice. “I understand you have information for us, concerning Richard Fairbourne and his daughter Natalie?”

  “Yes, though I regret not coming forward sooner. You can imagine I was afraid of retaliation, if Richard suspected I was speaking to you,” Phillipe said.

  “You have no reason to fear us. Any information you provide that
will lead us to the truth will be appreciated. Why don’t we meet in the library? I’m sure Eve and Angie will take care of the girls while we talk,” Paul said.

  Phillipe got up and kissed his wife, before following Paul and the other Guild members into the library. Once inside he sat in one of the chairs. “I’m not really sure where to begin?”

  “Just tell us how you were involved with Richard,” Adam said. Phillipe began to recount the story of how he became involved with Richard. He started with his appointment as a delegate to the Commission and concluded with Natalie’s transformation.

  “So you were not aware of Richard’s involvement in the recent deaths inUtopia?” Joseph asked.

  “No I wasn’t aware he killed all those people until Natalie told me.”

  “Do you know where Natalie is now?” Adam asked. “Not exactly, but I think she is staying close to the valley. After her identity was discovered the first time, Richard took her to see another Enchantor in London. Actually it was a husband and wife. He didn’t tell me their names, only that he would use them to alter his daughter’s appearance again. Her cousin Jeziel is with her. I believe Meredith will also bestaying with her. I’m almost certain she has a house not far the cottage where she used to reside.”

  “Has she alluded to any of her plans?” Adam asked. “They plan to continue Richard’s plot to overthrow the Utopian government. They also want to attack the other colonies, once they have control of Utopia. After they extinguish all of the colonies, they’ll wage a war against you, and your family. They have been in contact with Samhael and he is leading them in their journey.”

  “We were aware of Samhael’s presence some time ago,” Paul said. “There is something else you need to know. I believe Natalie is planning to change her grandmother’s appearance. I heard mention of a book Richard gave to the Enchantors that once belonged to Marcus. He wasn’t able to discern the language in the book, but apparently, the other Enchantor’s recognized it immediately.”

  “Would you be willing to hold the feather of truth and swear everything you told us is fact?” Adam asked. Phillipe hung his head in shame. “I have told you all that I know and yes, I am willing to hold the feather. I know it was a mistake to align myself with Richard. I am willing to accept any punishment handed down to me by this Guild, but I don’t want my wife and daughter’s to suffer. They are innocent,” he insisted.

  Paul called for the feather. “You must know if you have lied or are deceitful, you will burn where you stand. Are you still willing to proceed?”

  “Yes,” he said. Paul placed the feather in Phillipe’s hand, as always, the eye opened and the light traveled to his heart. Although it was not an immediate reaction, eventually the light dissipated, and returned to the eye; causing the feather to disappear.

  “It seems you have been honest. Because you have passed this test, no charges will be brought against you. I must stress to you, when Natalie and Jeziel learn you have betrayed them, the life of your family may be in grave danger. It would be best for you to stay here or at one of the colonies.”

  “I was hoping you could make a plea to the Governor of the Australian colony, to allow my family to stay there.” “I will be more than happy to make an introduction on behalf of your family. It may take me a short time to contact Alistair. Until then, you and your family are welcome to remain in Aeden. There is a sanctuary not far from here. You’ll remain under the protection of my wife’s shield,” Paul said.

  “You are most kind, and it is more than I deserve,” Phillipe said. “Will you be able to contact Charisse to let her know of your plans?” Adam asked. “Yes I’m sure she has gone to the island my brother gave her as a wedding gift. Only a few of us know about its existence. Desiree is mourning Richard’s death, but Charisse is convinced if we keep her away from Meredith and Natalie, Desiree’s son may have a chance to grow up in the path of light.”

  “If Samhael knows about the child, Lucifer will know about him too. We need to protect him from darkness, regardless of the cost,” Adam sated firmly.

  “You are assuming Desiree will agree to that,” Joseph said. “Perhaps we should wait until she has finished grieving before we approach her,” Jack said. “We need to convince her that Meredith held some responsibility for Richard’s death. We all know Loralei remained true to Heaven after the Great War, but Lucifer will won’t this male child. This will be an uphill battle. Are we correct to assume your sister-in-law will remain loyal to Heaven?” Adam asked Phillipe.

  “It was Charisse’s suggestion to keep us all separated. I know she will do whatever is necessary to protect the child. None of us want to see him follow in his father’s footsteps.”

  “We have a lot to consider. I will contact Alistair. If Natalie and Jeziel are planning an attack on Utopia, it will be to our advantage to let the other colonies know as soon as possible.”

  The others nodded. “You have given us a great deal to consider Phillipe. Plan to stay here until we sort through this. The longer we keep them waiting, the more time we’ll have to make our own plans. Perhaps we should tell your family the results of our meeting. I have no doubt they have been worried sick about the outcome,” Paul smiled, as he patted Phillipe on the back.

  “Will you have room for all of us here?” “There is always room for the children of Heaven here. It will just be a temporary arrangement, unless you and your family want to make it more permanent,” Paul said.

  “I am indebted to you. I hope my future actions will make up for my past mistakes,” Phillipe said, with relief.

  “There is still the issue of Natalie, Jeziel and Meredith. I doubt they will sit idly while we make our plans,” Joseph said. “We’ll need to get word to Charisse, advising her not to have any contact with Natalie or Meredith until she hears from us,” Adam said.

  Chapter 13

  As Aura and the rest of the family arrived at the farm, she was impressed by how beautiful the property was. The house was small, but she was certain it had all of the comforts of home.

  Dareus and Aureus invited them to come inside first, so the little ones would have an opportunity to use the bathroom. When they walked in the front door, they found everything to be arranged neatly.

  Aura found herself drawn to a plaque above the fireplace. The longer she stared at it, the more familiar it became to her. The writing was not a language she understood, but she knew she had seen it before.

  Dareus came up to her. “It’s an ancient language known only to a few of us.”

  “What does it mean?” she asked.

  “Translated it means, “For all those who walk in the light, they shall be rewarded with the greatest gift of Heaven; everlasting life.” “It’s really beautiful. I think I may have seen this before. I just don’t remember where.” She thought for a moment. “Are there other artifacts that contain the same language?”

  “The same words were written on each of the sacred gifts handed to the Angels of the Tier. As you know those gifts were taken by Lucifer during the Great War, so it is unlikely you would have seen any of them,” Dareus said.

  “But isn’t it true the bow of Bodhi was broken and part of it fell to earth?” she asked.

  “That was so many years ago, many believe it was lost forever.” Aura thought back to the stick she found with the strange markings on it. “Could it be part of the sacred bow?” She would keep her suspicions to herself, until she had time to examine the relic. Even if it was the sacred bow, she would have no way of knowing how to return it to Heaven. For now she would be patient. Perhaps her visions would give her more insight.

  Aidan and Jeziel arrived a short time later. Once again, she took Aidan’s arm as she walked to the house. Aura was convinced her open display of affection was intended to make her jealous. She laughed when she thought what a pitiful attempt it was by Jeziel to get a reaction from her. “You’ll have to try harder than that,” she mumbled to herself.

  Aura had no intentions of furthering her relationship with
Aidan. She knew the secret he was keeping. If Jeziel wanted him; she could have him. Neither of them would get in the way of bringing her family out of Hell.

  She couldn’t help noticing Aidan wasn’t uncomfo rtable at all. Perhaps he was trying to make her jealous too. She refused to be distracted. Instead, she focused on the little ones, vowing to make sure they had a good time.

  Dareus and Aureus took them to the stables. There, the little ones chose their miniature ponies. The animals were docile and warmed up to the girls, as they each fed them an apple.

  Mia and Joey were both giggling as their ponies consumed the sweet fruit.

  “You are welcome to choose any of them. You’ll find them more than ready toexercise this morning,” Dareus told them. When the ponies finished their treats, the twins took the horses out of their stalls and helped the little ones climb on their backs. Aura had no difficulty mounting her horse, but she laughed as Aidan struggledto help Jeziel. Obviously, it wasn’t something she had done before.

  Once Jeziel was finally secure, Aidan mounted a beautiful black stallion named Midnight. He seemed quite comfortable in the saddle.

  Aura sent a silent message to her sisters to keep their guard up, in case Jeziel decided to cause any trouble. They could call for their shield at a moments’ notice, to ensure the safety of the little ones.

  When they were all mounted, Dareus led them along the fence to an open pasture, where they could continue with their lessons. Aura stayed close to the brothers, while Aidan remained close to Jeziel. She looked terrified sitting on top of the animal, even though Aidan assured her there was nothing to worry about.

  They rode for an hour, until Jezielcouldn’t take it any longer, and insisted Aidan take her back to the barn.

  “What matter Jeziel? You not like you pony?” Mia asked. “I guess I’m just not used to riding. It’s a lot harder than it looks.”

  No one else complained, but they decided the horses had enough exercise, so they all retreated back to the barn. Myra and Mahlyssa seemed to enjoy themselves thoroughly. When they got back to the stall, and had their horses taken care of, they excused themselves. They wanted to help Eve and Angie with some last minute arrangements for the wedding.


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