Holding on to Forever

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Holding on to Forever Page 28

by Davis, Siobhan

  She answers by grabbing my dick, pinning me with a sultry smirk as she guides me inside her.

  I hiss and my eyes roll back in my head. She’s tight and wet and gripping my cock like we were made for each other. “Holy fuck.” Every time with Em is even better than the last, and I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of fucking her.

  Grinning, she wraps her silky legs around me, digging her heels into my ass. “Ready, big guy?”

  “I was ready the day I met you.” No fucking lie. I lower my head and capture a nipple between my teeth as I thrust in and out of her hot pussy. Slow at first, wanting this to last forever, but forever is right around the corner when Emily squeezes my cock so snugly I swear I see a bright light flash before my eyes.

  I become a man on a mission, rolling us over until she’s on top, and what a vision she is. Her hair is messy around her face, her cheeks are flush, and her tits. Fuck me. Her nipples are as hard as rocks, jutting proudly, silently beckoning me. I jerk upright, sucking on them one at a time, before she pushes me flat on the mattress. Planting her hands on my chest, she pivots her hips, rocking into me with a seductive smile that’s almost enough to send me over the edge.

  I shape her hips with my hands, guiding her as she grinds her hips back and forth, squeezing my cock, trying to suck the life right out of me.

  And it feels so fucking good.

  Like always.

  No woman could ever excite me as much as Emily.

  She’s my addiction.

  A craving I experience every minute of every day, and I can’t get enough.

  In a flash, she’s on her back and I’m on top, and I’m not going to last. I reach down between us, frantically rubbing her clit until I feel tension building inside her again. Her pussy hugs my cock, jerking a little, and I know she’s close. “Come with me, baby,” I demand, pinching her clit hard. She screams, thrashing underneath me, and my balls tighten as lightning zips along my spine. One last thrust and my release hits, bringing me to new, dizzy heights. I groan so fucking loud I’m sure I woke the nice old lady next door.

  I hold my hips still, my cock throbbing inside her, as she says, “Good morning, stud.”

  And what a morning it is.

  We spoon for a few minutes, until both our heart rates have returned to normal, and then I climb off the bed, pulling her with me. “Shower.” I have to be at work in an hour.

  She pouts. “My dad won’t be mad if you’re late.”

  I arch a brow. “Fuck if he won’t. Your dad cracks the whip.”

  Coach Parker and Coach Price opened up a private coaching business for kids in middle and high schools, shortly after we all moved here, and I’m one of their employees. We work with kids to teach them basic skills or help the advanced kids refine their skills for most sports, but we concentrate a lot on football and baseball.

  I amble into the en suite bathroom and turn on the shower.

  Emily follows me in. “I’m taking Phoebe shopping after I get out of class this afternoon.”

  I smile at my sister’s name on her lips. I love how close they’ve become, and it only makes me cherish Emily more. When we decided to move, I wanted Mom and Phoebe to come with us. At first, Mom didn’t want to intrude on Emily and me, but we both convinced her it would be better, especially when we found a place that is conducive to Phoebe’s CF. Apparently, salt air is good for people with cystic fibrosis. So, we found a quaint beach town on the Gulf Coast of Florida. And Phoebe loves living here. She has good days and bad days, but the good ones far outweigh the bad.

  As for Mom, she now manages a swanky hotel on the beach, and she’s making more money than she ever has. Plus, she has top-notch medical insurance to take care of Phoebe’s medical expenses.

  In a funny way, everything turned out for the best. Although, it was hard to see it like that at the time everything went down. I knew going to the cops and fessing up was the right thing to do, but it doesn’t mean it was easy. I was pretty depressed when the university decided not to reinstate me to the football program and took away my scholarship.

  But I’ve been talking to the football coach at the local university in town—the one Em attends—about trying out next year. It’s too late now, since they’re three-quarters of the way through their season, but he seems eager to explore options. It’s a lower division team, but if I could continue my degree program, play ball, and get to see more of my girl during the day, it’s a win-win. It means I would have to amend my plans vis-à-vis my job, but Em’s dad is flexible, and I know he wouldn’t stand in my way. As far as the NFL, I haven’t counted them out. As Mom tells me, “Anything is possible.”

  And I know that’s true because the beautiful woman before me is proof dreams do come true.

  I snake a hand around my girl and tug her to me. “Thank you.”

  She pinches her eyebrows. “For what?”

  “For loving me. For loving Phoebe and my mom.”

  She places a hand on my face. “Adam, you’re my world. And so is your family.” Her tone is full of love and devotion. “And you are all so easy to love.”

  “You are my forever, Emily Parker.” I press my lips to hers.

  I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I believe the challenges we faced in the last year have shaped our lives for the better, and in looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing.


  Emily - Epilogue

  I scan the online article to see if it offers any new insight, but it’s just a rehash of the now-familiar story. Mom and Richard Bennett were finally apprehended in Italy a month ago, and they were extradited to the US, where they now await trial. Dad and I will both have to testify, but I want my day in court. The police investigation was thorough, and they uncovered victims across three different states spanning twenty years. That bastard won’t ever see the light of day again, and I want to ensure I play my part in his conviction.

  It will be tough, but I’ll have Adam and our families and friends there to support me, so I know I’ll do it. My therapist believes it’s important to help me move forward with my treatment, and I know she’s right.

  “Whatcha reading?” Adam asks, slipping onto the bench beside me and handing me a homemade gin cocktail. Tom, aka Coach Price, is a bit of a cocktail connoisseur and anytime they invite us here to their beautiful house for dinner, we sample a variety of delicious drinks. Although, I always stick to one, two, tops, because alcohol is a slippery slope to drugs for me, and I like to avoid temptation.

  “Just another article, but it doesn’t mention anything about the Weston blackmail.” The cops found some interesting material on Mom’s computer. It seems Weston had discovered Mom’s affair, and he had photos of her and Richard in intimate poses. He was blackmailing her into supporting his efforts to date me, and she was also lodging considerable sums into his bank account every month. If Sam had kept digging, he most likely would’ve discovered this before the cops, and it all would’ve made sense earlier.

  I couldn’t understand why until the cops divulged the Blakelys are virtually bankrupt. It seems Weston wanted to marry me purely to gain access to my trust fund. But my grandfather was a shrewd man and I won’t get the cool million he left me until I turn thirty. Either Weston didn’t do his due diligence correctly, or he was hoping Mom would continue bankrolling him.

  At least it went some way toward explaining why Mom was always defending him and pushing him on me.

  “I’m sure it’ll come out in court,” Adam says, draping his arm around my shoulder. I lean into him, inhaling his comforting masculine scent that always reminds me of home.

  I shut the feed down and switch off my cell, taking a sip of my drink. “Man, this is so good.” I peer into the glass. “Is that cucumber?” I inquire, quirking a brow.

  “It is.” Tom sits down on the bench across from us, smiling warmly. “Serving Hendricks gin with anything but cucumber would be sacrilegious!”

  The door pings, echoing faintly throughout the house. “Adam!�
�� Dad hollers, lifting his sweaty head from the outdoor grill. “Will you get that?”

  “Sure. It’s probably Mom and Phoebe.” Adam kisses my cheek before walking across the large well-maintained back yard and disappearing into the house.

  “You’ve got a good one there,” Tom says.

  “I know. So do you,” I add with a cheeky wink.

  He raises his drink to mine, and we chink glasses. “Touché, pretty lady.”

  I grab hold of his hand and squeeze. “I’m so happy you and Dad decided to move here with us.”

  “It was a no-brainer,” Tom admits, tilting his face up to the sky. Although it’s December, the weather is always warm here. “CU was pressuring your father to resign after the scandal with your mom and then Adam, and we both wanted a clean slate to start a proper relationship where no one knew us and would judge us.” He squeezes my fingers. “Besides, your dad could never be apart from you. You’re his little girl and the center of his universe.”

  “He means the world to me too. You both do.” And it’s the truth. Tom has been easy to get to know and even easier to love. He makes my dad happy and he’s gone out of his way to form a relationship with me. For the first time ever, I know what it’s like to have two loving parents, because that’s what our family is now.

  “Emily!!” Phoebe’s adorable voice resonates from behind, and I get up, turning around and opening my arms as she flings herself at me.

  I hug her tight, loving her as if she was my own flesh and blood. I’ve always wanted a sibling, and now I have one in Adam’s sister, and I couldn’t be happier. She is the sweetest girl, with the biggest heart. She’s a teenager now, having turned thirteen recently, and I know Megan, Adam’s mom, is happy she has someone else to confide in as she enters puberty.

  “Don’t hog our girl,” Megan says, winking at me. “I need me some hugs too.”

  Phoebe lets go, rushing around the long picnic table to hug Tom.

  “It’s so good to see you,” Megan says, enveloping me in her arms. “We have to start up a weekly dinner get-together again.”

  “I know,” I agree, extracting myself from her embrace. “But it’s difficult with the hours you work, and my studies, and Adam’s job and classes.”

  I hated that Adam had to drop out of college. I was lucky I got to transfer to the local university and that I’m getting to complete my degree. Dad got a generous settlement in the divorce from Mom. Something she couldn’t contest as she was AWOL with her fugitive lover, so the courts granted him a sizable sum in her absence. He paid my college fees and offered to cover Adam’s fees too, but Adam refused to accept it.

  Dad already bought us a condo. Something I was opposed to, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. And him and Tom offered Adam a job with a generous salary and benefits so I understand why Adam couldn’t accept anything else.

  He’s a proud man, and I’ll never criticize him for that.

  He enrolled in a local community college, and he’s taking some business classes, hoping he can assume running the business side of Dad and Tom’s company, as they would much rather focus on the coaching and consultancy side of the business. Adam is up for the challenge and looking forward to it.

  The door chimes again and this time Dad leaves his grilling station to welcome the last of our guests.

  Sam and his new girlfriend Marie, and Carter and Rachel step outside with matching smiles. Phoebe rushes to Sam, jumping into his arms. He loves her every bit as much as Adam and I do, and she worships the ground he walks on. Honestly, he can do no wrong in her eyes.

  “Hey, hoss.” Carter slaps Adam on the back as Rachel leans in to hug me.

  “How was the trip?” I ask.

  “Not too bad,” Rachel admits as Tom wanders off to rustle up more cocktails. “I thought the traffic would be crazier with the holidays approaching, but it wasn’t.”

  Carter pulls her into his chest. “We left at the right time is all.”

  “I saw highlights from the game last weekend,” Adam says to his buddy. “You fucking nailed it, dude.”

  Carter shrugs casually. “It’s still not the same without you.”

  “I miss you guys too,” Adam admits, “but I’m loving my job and classes, and I have the girl of my dreams sleeping in my arms every night, so I’m good. And I’ve been talking to the football coach at the local university about possibly joining the team next year. His son comes in for coaching.”

  Carter’s eyes light up. “That’s awesome.”

  “It’s a lower division school, smaller program,” Adam says. “But it’s still football.”

  I snuggle into Adam’s side, stretching up to kiss him. Honestly, he’s the most romantic man I’ve ever met. Not a day goes by when he doesn’t tell me he loves me or show me in some way. I constantly pinch myself because some days I can’t believe this is my life.

  It hasn’t been all plain sailing. I’ve had some hard days. Stressful times when I’ve wanted to turn to drugs so badly, but I haven’t succumbed because I have a great support system and a wonderful life that is not worth risking.

  I hug Sam and Marie next. “Thanks for coming. We hate that we don’t get to see that much of you anymore.” Sam is in his senior year at CU, and Marie just started junior year, same as me. We’re all busy so we don’t get to meet up as much as we’d like.

  “We’re hanging around for a few days before heading to my parents’ place for Christmas,” Sam says, clapping Adam on the back.

  “Cool,” Adam says. “You can come to ours tomorrow night for dinner. Emily makes some mean ribs, and her shrimp salad is to die for.”

  “Food is just ready,” Dad shouts. “Grab a seat.”

  Tom and Adam push the two picnic tables together while I help Dad put the grilled meats on two platters, carrying it over to the tables alongside the salads and breads we prepared earlier.

  Conversation flows naturally around the table, and the cocktails are in plentiful supply. Hours pass, and we remain outside, chatting and laughing, even as daylight turns to nightfall. Megan and Phoebe leave first when Phoebe’s eyelids grow droopy, and it’s clear she needs her bed.

  We wave Sam and Marie and Carter and Rachel off before helping Dad and Tom clear the dishes. They offer to let us stay, and I’m down with it, but Adam insists we leave, promising we’ll stay over Christmas night instead.

  When we return to our condo, Adam surprises me by tugging me out onto the beach instead of going inside. I don’t fight him on it. I’m happy to follow him wherever he wants me to go.

  The beach is deserted at this hour of night, and we plonk down on the sand on our favorite spot, wrapping our arms around one another as we stare out at the sea. The water is placid, lapping gently at the shore a few feet away. A balmy breeze tosses strands of my hair around my face as a contented sigh leaves my lips.

  “Everything okay, baby?” Adam queries, tucking me in closer to his side.

  “Everything is just peachy.” I look up at him. “I love you, Adam.”

  He kisses the tip of my nose. “I love you too, Emily. So fucking much.”

  He delves into the pocket of his jeans, producing a small black box. My eyes startle in surprise. “It’s not what you think it is,” he says, popping the lid. I stare at the small emerald ring in awe. “And I didn’t want to give this to you on Christmas Day and have everyone rush to assumptions.” He removes the ring, sliding it on my index finger. It’s a perfect fit, but that doesn’t surprise me, because Adam is so thoughtful and I’m sure he grabbed one of my rings to get the right measurement.

  He pulls me onto his lap. “Because the day I propose will be a very special day with no expense or thought spared.”

  “Propose?” I almost choke on my words.

  Not going to lie.

  I’ve thought about us getting married, and we’ve talked around it before, but Adam has never been this direct.

  “I want to marry you, Emily. I want to tie myself to you in every way possible.” He
nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck. “But I want to be worthy of you, and I want to be able to provide for you, and I’m not there yet.”

  I place my hands on his shoulders. “You know none of that matters to me. I would live in a shack and be blissfully happy as long as you were with me.”

  “I know that, babe, but I’ve watched my mom struggle my entire life, and I don’t want that for you. For us.” He pulls my hand to his mouth, pressing his lips against my new ring. “I want to give you the world. For our children not to want for anything.” He kisses my lips and his tender devotion melts my insides. “But I want you to know how I feel. To know my future lies with you. So, this ring is a promise of what’s to come, and a commitment of my devotion to you.”

  “I didn’t think it was possible to love you any more than I already do, Adam Miller, but I’ve just discovered it is.” I plant a feather-soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you for all the ways in which you love me. And I want you to know I’m committed to you too. I want to grow old and gray with you. There is no one else on this earth I love more than you.”

  And as we cling to one another, staring at the sea, with the promise of forever confirmed between us, I am happier than I have ever been, and I know this is only the start.

  The end

  Important Hotlines

  If you need to talk to someone regarding sexual assault, please call the National Sexual Assault Hotline in the US at 800-656-4673

  If you need to talk to someone regarding drug addiction, please call the SAMHSA National Helpline in the US at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or check out this resource site for a list of national and local support services - https://addictionresource.com/addiction-and-rehab-hotlines/

  If you need to talk to someone regarding suicide, please call the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in the US at 1-888-333-AFSP (2377) or via email: [email protected]

  If you need to talk to someone regarding any mental health related illness, please call the National Alliance on Mental Illness in the US at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or [email protected]


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