In Straight Paths

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by Georgia McCain

  Amazing Answers to Prevailing Prayer

  Georgia Davenport McCain

  Copyright 2016 Ron McCain

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  Originally printed 1993 by Old Paths Tract Society, Inc., Shoals, Indiana, 47581


  To all who have given me their personal testimony to be used in this book,

  And to all publishers, authors and others, who have so graciously granted me permission to use material from books, tracts, religious papers and other sources, I take this means to express my heartfelt thanks.

  Georgia D. McCain


  Lovingly dedicated to:

  My daughters-in-law, Dolores, Mary, Chris, Angie, and Tina McCain

  My sons-in-law: Daniel Simmons and Ken Wilson

  My granddaughters: Kimberly and Victoria Wilson, Jessica Simmons, and Allison, Lindzee, Lauren, Ashley, Emily, and Katie McCain

  My grandsons: Brian Wilson, Jeffrey and Jason Simmons, and Ryan, Daniel, Christopher, Kyle, and Hayes McCain


  D. L. Moody once asked a group of children whom he was addressing, a question, "What is prayer?" One lad answered, "Prayer is an offering up of our own desires unto God for things agreeable to His will, in the Name of Christ, with confession of our sins and thankful acknowledgment of His mercies."

  If you were asked the same question today, what would be your answer?

  One writer defines prayer as the language of an earnest soul, breathing after God, and a knowledge of His will. Another tells us it is an attitude of the heart, the admittance of our helplessness, the recognition of the all-sufficiency of God. In other words, the acknowledgment that God can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, if we are in a right relationship with Him and ask according to His will.

  Some describe prayer as confession to God. Some say it is praise and adoration. Webster's dictionary defines prayer as "a solemn address to the Supreme Being, an earnest entreaty, petition, request or plea."

  Praying is the lifting up of the soul to God. David tells us in Psalm 25:4-5 (after lifting up his soul to God) to "shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me .... " What a privilege, learning of God, His ways, His truth. "And this is life eternal, that they should know thee, the only true God" John 17:3.

  We need a revelation of God, a realization of His Glory, His Majesty, His Power, His Grace and His Love. We need to wait before Him until He manifests Himself. Only then can we pray aright. Only then should we offer up our petitions to Him.

  Prayer! What a privilege! That we, poor weak worms of the dust are invited to come before a Sovereign God to commune with Him, to bring our petitions to Him and have the assurance that He hears and answers. Ephesians 3:20 tells us that He is "able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think." God delights to answer His children's prayers. Multitudes of God's children have testified to this fact, and we are endeavoring, by God's help, to record here some of these wonderful answers to prayer, some taken from my book, Trials and Triumphs, now out of print, and others used by permission from God's people to whom God has manifested His power and glory in answering their prayers and in working mighty miracles in their behalf. Also, I am including some poems, memorial addresses and other items believed to be of interest to the reader.

  I have felt for several years the need of writing a book on answers to prayer, to encourage God's people in these dark and troublesome days just before the coming of the Lord. But because of the lack of response for testimonies, and because of a very busy life in God's vineyard, I had postponed it, and had almost given up the hope of ever writing another book. But recently I read a book on answered prayer by Margaret Gouge, and a flame was rekindled within my heart to seek God's will in the matter, recognizing the fact that unless He helped and led, my poor efforts would be in vain. Thankfully, I feel He is leading me on, helping me to glean material and get it typed up, for which I humbly praise Him.

  In my personal experience, when I am earnestly praying for spiritual, physical, or other needs, I often search through my library for a book on prayer or answers to prayer, to encourage me, as God does not always answer immediately, though sometimes He does. Many times, God has led me to just the right book and as I have read how others held on until they prevailed with God, it would inspire me to do likewise though the answer tarried.Thank God! He does answer. He rewards faith. Let us keep holding on in these last days, believing God to work in our behalf. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" Hebrews 4:16.

  I do not claim any literary excellence. I only write, to the best of my ability, as God leads and helps. I pray for indulgence for any errors or lack on the part of the author that may be detected in this book.

  All entries are from reliable sources used by permission of the writer himself or by someone who had the authority to grant me permission. Many of the writers are personal friends of the author.

  I trust that God will use this little book for His glory and honor. May we be made to realize that what He has done for others, He can also do for us. Praise His wonderful Name!

  Georgia D. McCain


  A Prayer-Answering God--Georgia D. McCain

  Praises at Midnight--Georgia D. McCain

  How Much Does a Prayer Weigh?--Joseph Sadony

  "Ask and Receive"--Chester Cormier

  Money Provided in Answer to Prayer--Rev. Claude Eshelman

  Two Babies Died The Day Before With What Our Little David Had—David Poorman

  The Lord Hath Heard My Supplication--Georgia D. McCain

  Repentant Thief

  Provision and Protection--Margaret Wade

  H. Robb French-Saved. at the Family Altar at Age Four --Anna T. McPherson

  I'm Not Afraid To Die Now--Georgia D. McCain

  If God Doesn't Undertake, I'll Be Out of Business in a Short Time--Rev. Claude Eshelman

  Glenn Griffith, Soldier of his Country and of God--Compiled by Don Hughes

  I'm the Meanest Man in Town--Glenn Griffith

  The Experience of a 13-year-old Girl--Glenn Griffith

  Is Not This a Brand Plucked Out of the Fire?--Georgia D. McCain

  Directed by God To Find Keys Covered With Ten Inches of Snow--Rev. Claude Eshelman

  A Mother Prays for Her Son--Rev. W. J. Harney

  She Prayed for Him Seventeen Years--Rev. David Denton

  A Doctor Healed of Cancer--Dr. Thomas R. Robinson

  Our Little Angel, Nathaniel--Georgia D. McCain

  God's Little Missionary--Georgia D. McCain

  Memorial Poem for Nathaniel--Georgia D. McCain

  Two-Year Memorial for Nathaniel--Georgia D. McCain

  Three-Year Memorial for Nathaniel--Georgia D. McCain

  Four-Year Memorial for Nathaniel--Georgia D. McCain

  No Hope of Recovery But God Heard and Answered--Rev Claude Eshelman

  "Lord Save Me"--Georgia D. McCain

  Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out--Ohio

  For Twelve and One Half Years, Mother Set Elwood's Plate--Rev. Paul Lucas

  How God Solved a Church Problem--Georgia D. McCain

  A Sister Healed of Asthma--David Poorman

  His Eye Is on the Sparrow--Rufus D. Reisdorph

  Safety I
s of the Lord--Dona Maxey

  Three Women Healed of Different Infirmities --Rev. Claude Eshelman

  You Drive-I'll Pray--Rev. David Denton

  Answered Prayer for an Unspoken Request --Georgia D. McCain

  "With His Stripes We Are Healed"--Lillian M. Knapp

  For Eight Years She Came To Tell Me About Jesus --Irene Hanley

  "Ask, And It Shall Be Given You"--Georgia D. McCain

  Don't Get Too Attached to Her for She Is Going To Die—David Poorman

  Experience of Charles C. Waterman, Conductor

  Two Stories on How God Supplied Water--Rev. Claude Eshelman

  We Have a Big God--David Poorman

  The Hem of His Garment--Marilyn Browning

  An Eighty-eight-year-old Man Saved--Georgia D. McCain

  A Tribute to William F. McCain—Georgia D. McCain

  God Answers the Prayer of a Mother Dead 65 Years--Dr. Wm. F. Beirnes

  Struck by 138,000 Volts of Electricity and Lived--Rev. Richard Grewell

  A Man Appeared to Me in White--Georgia D. McCain

  He Picked Me Up--Charles M. Harrison

  How God Paid the Bills at Northwest Indian Bible School--Ruth Stearns

  Riding on an Empty Gas Tank and the Promises of God--Georgia D. McCain

  "Fire" --Lillian Knapp

  For Seventeen Years He Testified that God Had Promised To Heal Him--David Poorman

  How the Lord Understood a Family's Need--Paul W. Treese

  My Cupboards Were Completely Bare--Gertrude Smith

  A Drunkard Redeemed--Rev. Raymond Rice

  A Husband's Conversion, and How God Averted a Heart Operation--Ruby E. Hayner

  Her Husband'sTestifies of God's Help with Transmission Trouble--Harold Hayner

  "I Will Send My Angel"--Ina Shreve McVey

  An Eighteen-month-old Scalded--Georgia D. McCain

  Though My Dad Was Dead, I Know God Answered His Prayer--David Poorman

  Praying for a Pair of Pants--Gertrude Smith

  Results of a Thirty-day Fast--Pennsylvania

  Sgt. Alvin C. York, Christian Patriot and World War II Hero

  We Give Best Under the Weight of the Cross--Joshua Stauffer

  God's Intervention in the Matter of Sunday Work---Georgia D. McCain

  A Testimony of Salvation--Eloise Eaton

  Going Out Like Abraham--Rev. G. T. Bustin

  Bible School Days--Georgia D. McCain

  A Remarkable Deliverance--I. E. Hicks

  How God Quieted a Restless Baby--Rev. Claude Eshelman

  Praying for a Backslidden Preacher--Georgia D. McCain

  The Lonely Cabin on the Forty Mile--Charles S. Price

  A Need of $16.14 Supplied--Gertrude Smith

  A Thunderstorm Quieted--Karla Chawn

  Jake Saw the Man With the Nails in His Hands--Rev. J. S. Barnett

  Memorial for David Leo--Georgia D. McCain

  A Poem to My Granddaughter in Nigeria--Georgia D. McCain

  A Mother's Day Composition--Georgia D. McCain

  How God Used Dreams for His Glory--Georgia D. McCain

  The Old Folk's Home--Georgia D. McCain

  Let Us Run With Patience the Race That Is Set Before Us--Georgia D. McCain

  About The Author

  Books By Georgia McCain

  Letters From Readers of Georgia McCain Books

  A Prayer-Answering God

  This book which you are now holding in your hand,

  Is sent to encourage God's people all over the land.

  Our faith is being tested, we are tempted and tried,

  But we can win the battle with God on our side.

  For whatever the situation, God will always be there

  To defeat the devil as we hold on in prayer.

  Yesterday, today and forever, God is always the same,

  And He promised to answer prayer, if we ask in Jesus' Name.

  Sometimes He answers immediately, just as soon as we pray,

  But more often we must keep praying, holding on day after day.

  Never should we give up because the answer may tarry,

  For nearly always in answering, God's plans vary.

  Many have continued praying for many long years,

  And the prayers have been recorded as well as the tears.

  In this book you'll find that prayer has not been in vain,

  For you'll see how God has answered again and again.

  Your soul will be blest, and your cup will run o'er

  When you read how God often knocked on a heart's door.

  While Mother was praying, or perhaps a dear wife,

  God brought a sinner to repentance, and gave him new life.

  Or perhaps someone was sick and lying at death's door,

  But because of someone's prayers, God intervened once more.

  Once through the faith of a child who was three,

  A mother was healed of cancer, causing a glorious jubilee.

  Another cancer patient, a Catholic, with only a few days to live,

  Read a tract, gave his heart to God, and was then wonderfully healed.

  Other cancer victims, some with heart ailments and other diseases,

  That doctors couldn't help, but God could, for He doeth as He pleases.

  Other answers are recorded, some for the supplying of needs,

  For protection, help in trouble, for reaping after the sowing of seed.

  There are missionary stories telling what they went through,

  Because they loved Jesus, and at great cost remained true.

  My prayer is that God will bless this book to your heart,

  And if you are discouraged, you'll take a new start.

  I greatly appreciate all who have given their consent

  For me to use their experiences and put them in print.

  May each incident be used of God to help someone to see

  That He's a prayer-answering God, and He always will be.

  Georgia D. McCain

  Praises at Midnight

  All of us know that praise to God goes along with prayer. Sometimes when we can't seem to pray our way through, we can praise our way through. The following article was written by the author for a church paper, The Eleventh Hour Messenger.


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