Stone Deep: An Alpha Bad Boy Romance (Stone Brothers Book 3)

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Stone Deep: An Alpha Bad Boy Romance (Stone Brothers Book 3) Page 16

by Tess Oliver

  “Is Slade back?” he asked.

  “Haven’t seen him since he walked out with Cleveland. Why?”

  “Shit.” Hunter walked to the window and looked out.

  “Uh, you want to let us in on the mystery,” Amy said.

  He turned around, pulled his phone out and seemed to be checking it for texts. “I was down at the marina, and Pete Driscoll was on his boat. He heard a distress call on the radio and thought it sounded like the girl said the Sea Empress. Something about a fire on deck.”

  Amy’s eyes rounded. “The Sea Empress. That’s Stewie’s boat.”

  I wasn’t completely sure what was happening, but something had the two of them truly distraught.

  Hunter tapped his phone. “I tried to call him but no answer. I’m going to see if Colt has seen him.” He walked out.

  “What’s going on? Is Slade in trouble?”

  “Not too sure but Slade went out with his friends on the boat that made the distress call.” Amy hopped up. “I’m getting my sweatshirt. We should get down to the marina and find out what the heck is going on.”

  “I’m coming with you,” I said.

  We walked out to the front room. Hunter was just hanging up from a conversation. “Colt hasn’t heard from him either. I’m going down to the marina.”

  Amy pulled her sweatshirt on. “We’re going too.”

  For the first time since he walked in, Hunter acknowledged my presence.

  “Please,” I said. “I need to be sure he’s all right. I can drive.”

  He nodded, and the three of us headed out the door.


  We drove into the marina parking lot. Colt and Jade pulled in just as we were climbing out of my car. It seemed news of the boat in distress had traveled fast. There was a group of people huddled on the dock, including a middle-aged couple who were especially upset. They were being consoled by others. I could only assume that they were friends or parents of other people on board.

  The clouds had moved on shore, but they’d brought only a slight amount of precipitation. The cold air and the storm had left behind a clammy haze that only added to the anxious, somber mood on the pier.

  I was merely a stranger amongst friends, neighbors and family, but I felt sick with worry. I stood alone looking out at the water as Slade’s family grouped together with some other people, to hear the latest news. My only information came from the increased look of concern on all their faces as they spoke to each other.

  Amy finally glimpsed my direction and came over to let me know what was happening. “You can join us,” she said.

  “Thank you but I’m fine. What news?”

  “Last word was that the coast guard had reached the burning boat just as it sank below the surface.”

  I sucked in a breath, but she took hold of my hand. “They were in the water. From what we hear, they were all right. Everything is preliminary right now, and it is hard to get all the information over the radio. But it seems we should be seeing him soon.”

  “Thank you, Amy, for everything. Thank you for inviting me into your house and letting me come along and—just thanks for not hating me. I really do care for Slade.”

  “Sure.” She reached over and hugged me. “Now take some deep breaths. You look like you’re ready to toss those animal cookies right on this dock.” She looked back at the others. “You sure you don’t want to stand with us?”

  “I’m still feeling a little awkward about everything. I’ll be fine here. I’m going to wait until I see him walk off the boat alive and well and then I’ll get out of the way. I’m sure I’m the last person he wants to see after this ordeal.”

  “I think you’re wrong about that, but I understand.” Something out on the water caught her eye. A cheer from the crowd on the dock followed. An orange boat was heading toward the marina. “That’s them.” She patted my arm. “It won’t be long now.” She walked back toward her husband.

  Every nerve in my body pulsed with worry as we waited for what seemed an interminable amount of time for the rescue boat to reach the marina. A group of bystanders helped tie off the boat as it puttered alongside the pier. I couldn’t get close enough to see well, but there were a number of people on the deck of the boat. I walked up behind the group gathered to watch. Amy smiled back at me. She was gripping Hunter’s arm. It was big and strong like his brother’s, and all I could think was how much I’d missed Slade’s embrace. I couldn’t remember ever feeling that secure in a man’s arms, not even in Ryan’s arms. Especially not in his.

  Two women were helped off the deck. First aid blankets were draped around their shoulders. They looked shaken and cold and relieved to be on solid ground.

  One of the rescue crew stepped onto the pier with two other men, and they were carrying four life jackets. I stretched my neck to see over the crowd, but I was at such a height disadvantage it was impossible. I walked over to Amy.

  Colt’s girlfriend, Jade, flashed me a warm smile but didn’t say anything.

  “Can you see him?” I asked Amy.

  “Not yet,” Hunter said as he easily peered over the heads. He looked at Colt, and I didn’t like the expression on his face. “Everyone else is off the boat. Where the hell is he?” Hunter asked. The two brothers forged through the crowd. Amy, Jade and I followed in their path.

  The coast guard crew member was talking to the two men, and one seemed to be getting a stern lecture.

  “Hey,” Hunter called to the guy, “where’s my brother?”

  The rescue crew member turned to us. “He was in the water the longest, so they’re just rechecking his vitals before they release him.” He looked pointedly at the four life jackets in the hands of the two wet men. “This irresponsible boat owner didn’t have enough life jackets for five people. Among other things,” he added sharply.

  Hunter stepped quickly toward the boat owner and the guy’s eyes nearly popped from his face as he stumbled back two steps. “Come on, Stone, I didn’t know the engine was going to catch fire.”

  “That’s a lame fucking excuse,” Colt said. “Everyone on this dock knows that boat was a wreck waiting to happen. You were captain. You should have been the one without the life jacket.”

  The second guy, a big, friendly looking man who seemed vaguely familiar, stepped between the boat captain and the Stone brothers. “Slade was the one who insisted on going in without the jacket,” he said calmly. “Yes, Stewie is an idiot, but we all made it safely back. Mostly thanks to Slade, of course. He really watched over the women. They were pretty freaked out, but he kept them calm. You know Slade. That’s just how he is.”

  Amy grabbed Hunter’s arm. “There he is.”

  An involuntary cry of relief burst from my lips, and too late, I covered my mouth with my hand. Amy smiled and gave me a brief hug. They headed toward Slade. He looked wet and bone weary as he tromped toward his family. His green gaze flickered through the forest of people and landed on me. He stared at me as if he wasn’t completely sure what he was looking at. Before I could lift a hand to wave, Amy and Jade threw their arms around him and pulled his attention away.

  I had to make a conscious effort to slow my breathing and my pulse. He was safe. As much as I wanted to stay and talk to him, I didn’t have that privilege anymore. I’d disappointed him. I realized as I was standing there, that no matter how badly I wanted to keep him in my life, it was his move to make. He hadn’t called me since he’d discovered that I was married. I didn’t hold out much hope that he wanted me around. That reality made my heart feel as if it was filled with lead. Slade had been the first great thing to happen to me in a long time, and I’d screwed it up.

  I turned and headed to the car without looking back. It was easier not to see him. Everything about him was so darn heartbreaking. I just had to push him from my thoughts or go nuts k
icking myself about it.

  I pulled my key out of my sweatshirt pocket and stuck it in the door lock.

  “Nice car. I’ll bet it’s fun on a road trip,” a deep voice said from behind.

  I turned around. A long soak in the cold ocean hadn’t washed away one ounce of his appeal. He looked just as breathtaking as always.

  He stepped closer, just an arm’s distance away. Tiny crystals of sea salt had dried on the tips of his hair. “Were you just going to leave without saying anything?”

  “I figured you probably didn’t want to see me. I just wanted to make sure you were safe.” I glanced out toward the dock. People were beginning to disperse. “Tell me, is there ever a time when you’re not putting yourself in harm’s way to help others?”

  He pointed to his chest. “Trouble magnet.” He twisted his mouth in thought. “Hey, that might be better than Bolt.”

  “It’s a lot of syllables for a nickname.”

  “True, but it makes a statement. Although, Master was good too.” We were talking as if nothing had come between us. I’d never felt as in tune or comfortable talking to anyone.

  “I’m sorry, Slade. I was thinking about why I hadn’t ever told you, and I realized it was because the marriage had already become that unimportant to me. As far as I was concerned, Ryan was no longer my husband. I married him when I was only twenty . . . and you know how much stupidity comes with twenty. Ryan was unfaithful right from the start, but I didn’t have the money or options to leave him. My lawyer is working on the divorce right now.”

  He stepped even closer and gazed at me. “I was playing the coward. I was uneasy about how much I wanted to be with you. I saw it as my excuse to walk away.”

  I nodded. “I was the one being the coward. I guess I didn’t want to scare away this.” I waved my hand in front of him and laughed. “Although this is kind of wet and salty looking right now.”

  He looked down at his shirt and pants. Like his hair, they were coated with a light layer of salt. “I guess so. And that’s too bad because now I can’t do what I wanted to do.”

  “What’s that?”

  “This.” He reached for my arm and pulled me hard against him. His clothes were cold and damp, but the body beneath was plenty warm. So was his mouth as it covered mine.

  Chapter 27


  Four months later

  I got off the bus with my gear. It had been a long, hard trek down from Alaska, and I was looking forward to getting home and sleeping in my own bed, preferably with Britton tucked in next to me. My phone had gotten soaked before the crab boat had even left the dock. I’d only had a few conversations by payphone, an irritating, ancient way to talk to people, especially when you didn’t have a lot of coins in your pocket.

  Hunter was at the bus stop leaning against my car. I leaned to the side to look past the mighty giant and into the car. Major disappointment gripped me when I saw the empty passenger seat. Britton and I had dated steadily, and we’d become what, in my book, I would describe as serious. She was nervous as hell about me fishing out on the Bering Sea, but she knew it’s what I wanted to do. And it had been just as fucking awesome as I’d imagined.

  “You made it back.” Hunter smiled. “And it looks like you returned with all your limbs. How the hell was it?”

  “Grueling. Thirty-six hour shifts. After about twenty-four hours, you’re so numb from cold and being on your feet, you’re just moving on automatic pilot. I fucking loved it. I’ve got a pocket full of gold to boot.” I threw my bag in the backseat and climbed into the passenger side.

  Hunter slid in behind the wheel.

  “Sort of thought that—” I shook my head.


  “Nothing, just thought that Britton might come with you to pick me up.”

  “Huh, yeah, haven’t really heard from her.”

  “Great.” I’d been gone for two months. I’d left without any real commitment but, cocksure asshole that I was, I assumed she’d be waiting for me to come home. I sank back against the seat and tried hard to ignore how damn disappointed I was.

  Hunter knuckled me on the shoulder. “So, were they ruthless to the new greenhorn? Any tricks or special treatment?”

  “Well, they crowned me official dishwasher the second I walked aboard, but the toughest test was on the first day out to drop pots. It was about twenty degrees and spitting icy mist out on deck. The crew hid my raingear. I had to go out in a shirt and jeans. They were nice enough to leave me my gloves and boots. Safety first, you know. I was sure my balls would shrivel into blue icicles and break off. There was a running bet on how long I’d last out there without raingear. The captain won. He was sure I’d make it to the record time of forty minutes. My shipmates had less confidence. I was out there for two fucking hours before the captain told them to get my gear. I hold the new record, and the captain thanked me for winning him the pot.”

  We drove along the coastal highway. It was late December. The water looked cold and uninviting, but it was still like a warm pool compared to the Bering Sea. I would give Britton a day or two before calling. If she wasn’t that anxious to see me, then I wasn’t going to be a sap and chase after her. It was going to be hard though. The thought of her smile, her scent, her sultry voice had gotten me through some hard times on the job.

  We pulled down our street and headed to our house. “Is Amy home?”

  “Nope, she had to work, and I’m going to be taking off too. Colt and I are going to buy some roofing supplies. I guess you’ll have the whole house to yourself.”

  “Yeah. Shit. Thought I might have more of a homecoming, but what the hell. I think I’ll climb into bed and sleep for a week.”

  He stopped in the driveway. “I’m going to use your car. Figured you wouldn’t need it much today.”

  “Fine.” I climbed out and grabbed my bags out of the back.

  “Oh, make sure to put your stuff in your room. Street just spent the morning cleaning the place up.”

  I stared at him. “I’m feeling so damn welcome.” I pointed to the garage. “Where the hell is my welcome home banner?”

  He waved and pulled out of the driveway.

  I walked inside. Even if no one was there to greet me, the house was inviting enough. I’d missed my couch, my video games, my bed. My bed. Every muscle in my body had been aching for a month. I was going dive under the covers and sleep with no waves rolling under me or deck boss shouting orders. There was only one thing that would make a good, long vacation in bed better. I pushed open my door.

  Britton was sitting in just a pair of lacy panties and a bra on the edge of my bed. “I see my magic fairy dust kept you safe. Now, here you are.”

  I dropped my bags and tried to think over the sound of my own pounding pulse. “Here I am.”

  Britton stood up and sashayed toward me. She leaned up against me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly against me.

  “Did you miss me, Master?”

  “Hmm, let me see.” I lowered my mouth down over hers, and she melted into my arms. “Tink, I’m going to need this. Always. I keep telling myself to play it cool, but I want this. I want you.”

  “Then, Bolt . . .Trouble Magnet . . . Master . . . my love, I’m yours.”

  Want to learn more about the authors?

  Learn more about Tess Oliver on her website.

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  Learn more about Anna Hart on her website.

  Check out Anna’s available titles on Amazon.

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  Tess Oliver, Stone Deep: An Alpha Bad Boy Romance (Stone Brothers Book 3)




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