cities and, 20–21, 303, 305
cultural, 110, 197
debris produced in, 342
desire for, 4–5
disenchantment ascribed to, 52
Fearless Nadia films and, 110–11
industrial, 3, 67, 98–99, 101, 103–4, 108, 111, 114–16
Nanavati case and, 197, 199
style resulting from, 345
and technology, 97, 101
urban planning and, 252–53, 255–57, 262, 286, 287
workers’ response to, 66–67
Modern Times (film), 105
Mody, Jehangir R. P., 355n11, 355n12
Mody, Piloo, 277
Mohan, Vivek, 306
money, 311–12
monsoons, 13–15, 67–68
Montagu, Edwin, 81–82
monuments, colonial past evident in, 27
Moraes, Frank, 138, 163
morality: in Doga comic books, 290, 308–9, 313, 317, 320, 323
middle-class, 191
Morning Standard (newspaper), 163
Moses Dada, 243
Motichund, Khemchund, 38
Mudaliar, Vardharajan, 296, 297, 338
Mufti, Aamir, 144, 364n52
Mumba (goddess), 31
Mumbai: bombings in, 16–18
as city of artifice, 75–79, 100
colonial past of, 74
cosmopolitanism of, 10–11, 333
crises in, 11–20, 329
diversity of, 10–11, 35, 324, 339
Doga comic books and, 289–90, 306–10, 317–24
excess as characteristic of, 327
global features of, 22
historical fragments of, 340–48
images of, 22–24, 77–78, 306, 328–30, 337
map of, ii
modernity of, 10, 77
naming of, 11, 302
population of, 10–11, 12
siting of, 26–27
as society, 23–24, 75, 327, 348
terrorist attacks in, 16–19
vision for, 328–30. See also Bombay; Navi Mumbai
Mumford, Lewis, 286
Municipal Corporation, 82, 244
Municipal Corporation Building, 47, 48
Museebat mein Bambai (Bombay in Trouble) [music video], 14–15
music, 104–6
Muslim League, 140–41, 216
Muslims: belongings discarded during Partition by, 344
in Bombay, 43, 117–18
under British colonization, 36
as merchants, 56
police bias against, 299–300, 302
under Portuguese colonization, 33
Shiv Sena opposition to, 236–37, 249, 298–99
underworld and, 300–301
violence between Hindus and, 10, 141–43, 205, 236–37, 243, 298–302, 307–8, 317–20
women, 125–26
Mussawar (journal), 120
mutiny, 216–17, 243
Nadia (Mary Evans), 108–11, 110
Nadkarni, Dinkar V., 163, 169
Naik (High Court justice), 187
Naik, V. P., 205, 241, 276–77, 282
Nanavati, Kawas Maneckshaw, 158–62, 171–202
Nanavati, Sylvia, 159–61, 171–72, 174–79, 182, 185–86, 188–89, 192, 194, 196, 199–200, 202
Nanavati case, 158–62, 171–202, 177, 181, 183, 184, 195, 197, 198
Naoroji, Dadabhai, 26
Narayan, Harini, 378n6
Narayan, Jai Prakash, 10, 291
Nargis, 151
Nariman, Khurshed Framji, 87–88, 115–16, 274
Nariman Point, 272, 274, 283–84, 284, 287, 347
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 165
National Emergency, 10, 291–92
nationalism: and the body, 108
cinema and, 149–50
and homogeneity, 118
and land reclamation opposition, 82, 87–90
linguistic, 219–28
Marathi-speaking people and, 222
saffron as color of, 205
Shiv Sena and, 236, 249
urban planning and, 263
and World War II, 215–16
Native States, 103
nativism, 9, 15–16, 204–5, 229, 231, 240. See also saffronization
nature, colonization of, 51–52, 73–74, 326
naval mutiny, 216–17, 243
Navi Mumbai, 256, 287
Nazis, 129, 132, 215, 216
Neecha Nagar (Lowly City) [film], 136
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 118, 130, 133, 138, 140–42, 148, 149, 165–67, 189, 190, 192, 200, 201, 206, 217, 219, 220, 223–25, 239, 251–52
neighborhood organizations, 208
Nerale, Madhukar, 208
Netherlands, 34
New Bombay, 251, 253, 256, 263, 265–72, 268, 269, 287
New Cuffe Parade, 79
New Delhi, 4, 5. See also Delhi
New Mumbai. See Navi Mumbai
newspapers, 164. See also tabloids
New Yorker (magazine), 160, 174
Nijman, J., 376n11
Nightingale, Pamela, 355n9
Oberoi Sheraton, 274
obscenity, 126–27
Odets, Clifford, Waiting for Lefty, 139
opium, 36–39, 62
Oriental Spinning and Weaving Company, 40
Orient Club, 162
Orta, Garcia da, 31, 33–35
Orwell, George, 134
Outlook (magazine), 12
Oval Maidan, 99
Pakistan: and Bombay bombings, 300–301
national identity of, 118
and Partition, 117, 141, 143–44, 148
terrorist links to, 16, 18
war with, 239
Pandit, Viyalakshmi, 202
Parel neighborhood, 206, 209
Paris, France, 48
Parsis, 33, 35–37, 39–40, 50–51, 55, 90, 171, 344
Partition: artists’ response to violence of, 147–48
belongings discarded during, 344
day of, 143
Manto’s stories concerning, 118, 121, 144–45
proposal for, 141
violence related to, 117, 141–47
Patel, Rajni, 202
Patel, Shirish, 251, 263, 265–66, 268, 270, 272, 284, 287
Patel, Sujata, 370n60, 371n88
Patel, Yusuf, 296
Pathak, G. S., 194
Pathans (Pashtuns), 141–42, 207, 243, 296–97
Patkar, Prakash, 246
Patna, 4
Patwardhan, Sudhir, 12
Lower Parel, 12
Riot, 12
Pawar, Daya, 72–73
Pendse, Sandip, 376n8
people, the. See populism
Perils of Pauline, The (film), 109
Petit, Manakji Nasarvanji, 40
Petit Library, 51
Phadke, Y. D., 369n45, 369n48
Phalke, Dadasaheb, 107
Phantom (comic book character), 304
philanthropy, 51
plague, 68–71, 70, 79
police: anti-Muslim actions of, 299–300, 302
in Doga comic books, 289–90, 308–9, 313–16
killings of gangsters by, 314, 316
and Maharashtra-related violence, 224–25
and Shiv Sena violence, 237
strikers suppressed by, 210, 212, 217, 223
and terrorist rampage, 18–19. See also detectives, uncovering of reality by
political activists, 119
politics: as administration, 19
antipolitician sentiment, 18–19
of Blitz, 164–66
corruption and criminality in, 313–17
crises in, 10–11
of language, 219–28
right-wing, 9
Shiv Sena and, 229, 232, 239, 249–50, 347
transformation of, 232, 239, 292
working-class, 205–6
writers and artists and, 128–40, 147–48. See also populism
poor, the: ignoring of, 83, 85
r /> living conditions of, 70, 111–12, 288, 330, 336. See also slums; working class
popular culture: working-class, 208
populism: anti-government, 10
Blitz and, 165–71, 191, 201, 203
Indira Gandhi and, 292
Jai Prakash movement and, 292
naming of Mumbai and, 302
Nanavati case and, 161
right-wing, 9
Shiv Sena and, 9, 19, 206, 226, 228, 229, 231–34, 237, 239, 241, 250, 302, 347
Portuguese colonialism, 27, 30–35
postcolonialism: names and, 26, 29
politics characteristic of, 165
Shivaji’s popularity and, 25
Prabhus, 33, 34
Pradeep, 149
Prakasa, Sri, 189, 201
Prasad, Madhav, 364n63
Premchand, 130
press. See newspapers; tabloids
Progressive Artists’ Group, 255–56
Progressives and progressivism, 128–31, 139, 147, 150–52, 347
Progressive Writers’ Association (PWA). See All India Progressive Writers’
Prohibition, 179, 296
prostitution, 113–14
public health, 70–71
public interest, 279–81, 283, 287
public-private partnership, 329
Public Works Office, 47
Punjab Mail (film), 109
Purandare, Vaibhav, 367n2, 369n55, 370n57, 370n58, 370n70, 370n74, 371n80, 371n84, 371n89, 371n97, 371n100
PWA. See All India Progressive Writers’ Association
Pyaasa (The Thirsty One) [film], 149
Queen’s Necklace, 13, 77
Queens Road, 99
Quit India movement, 215–16, 243
Raban, Jonathan, 3–4, 285–86, 353n2
Rafi, Mohammed, 4, 9
Raghavan, A., 164
Rai, Himansu, 108
Rajabai Clock Tower, 46, 83
Raja Harishchandra (film), 107
Rajan, Chota, 298
Raj Bhavan, 138–39
Raj Comics, 306
Raj Symphonians, 106
rampart walls, 45
Ranadive, Kusum, 214
Ranadive, Vimal, 214
Rangnekar, Ahilya, 214
Rani, Devika, 108
Rashtriya Mill Mazdoor Sangh (RMMS), 218, 293
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), 238, 243
rationalization schemes, industrial, 210, 211
Raza, S. H., 255
Readymoney family, 37
real estate. See corruption, in real estate and construction
reclamation. See land reclamation
red, meaning of, 214
Reddy, Tara, 214, 216–17
Regal Theater, 101, 105
reinforced concrete construction (RCC), 98–99, 101
religion: in Doga comic books, 307, 317–21
in Mumbai, 11
representations of space, 260
Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), 244
Richards, John F., 355n8
riots, Hindu-Muslim, 205. See also violence
Roaring Twenties, 96
Robeson, Paul, 133
Roskolenko, Harry (pen name: Allen V. Ross), Bombay after Dark, 7–8
Rothschild family, 41
Royal Indian Navy (RIN), 216
Roychund, Premchund, 40, 46–47
RSS. See Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
rule of law, 301–3, 308, 313, 315–16, 321, 323–24
Rushdie, Salman, 199
Midnight’s Children, 13, 160, 219–20
The Moor’s Last Sigh, 13
saffron, meaning of, 205
saffronization, 205–6. See also nativism
Sahni, Balraj, 134–37, 147
Sahni, Damyanti, 134–35
Samant, Datta, 293–95
Sampath, Deepak, 173
Samuel (naval commander), 158, 173, 184, 194
Samyukta Maharashtra Kriti Samiti (SMKS), 223, 224
Samyukta Maharashtra Poorak Samiti (SMPS), 224
Samyukta Maharashtra Samiti (SMS), 225
Sanghvi, Ramesh, 164, 190, 193
Sardesai, Rajdeep, 377n20
Sassoon family, 51, 54
Albert, 41
David, 41
Sassoon Docks, 28, 41, 54
Sassoon Mechanics Institute, 51
Sassoon Mills, 210
Sathe, Annabhau, 133, 213
Save Bombay Committee, 283
Schara, Karl, 101
Schorske, Carl E., 356n36
science, urban planning as, 252–53, 286
Scott, George Gilbert, 83
Secretariat, 46
Seervai, H. M., 193
Sehgal, Zohra, 137
Setalvad, M. C., 193, 194
Sethi, Aarti, 367n55
sexuality: in Bombay, 7–8
prostitution, 113–14
Shah, Chandulal, 107
Shailendra, 149, 151
Shankar, Ravi, 136
Shantaram, V., 136
Shantiniketan, 134
Sharma, Kalpana, 376n3, 379n11
Shastri, Lal Bahadur, 239–40
Shaw, Annapurna, 374n48, 374n53
Sheikh, Amar, 213
Shelat (High Court justice), 187, 188
Shenzhen, China, 21–22
Shipping Corporation of India, 274
Shivaji, 9, 25–26, 74, 222, 229–31, 236, 327
Shiv Jayanti Festival, 236–37
Shiv Sena: anti-Communism of, 235, 241, 241–43, 245–49
anti-immigrant position of, 231–35
anti-Muslim position of, 236–37, 249, 298–99
declining influence of, 328
founding of, 229
impact of, 9, 204–6
nationalism of, 236, 249
nativism of, 9, 11, 15–16, 204–5, 229, 231, 240
opposition of, to authority, 291
organization of, 238
and politics, 229, 232, 239, 249–50, 301–2, 347
populism of, 9, 19, 206, 226, 228, 229, 231–34, 237, 239, 241, 250, 302, 347
Thackeray and, 228–39
violence against, 301
violence employed by, 15–16, 204–5, 223–25, 233–39, 242, 246–47, 291, 299
workers and, 293
Shiv Sena Speaks: Official Statement, 233
Shree 420 (Mr. 420) [film], 150, 152–54, 153
Shyam (friend of Manto), 143–45
Siddiqi, Asiya, 355n11, 355n14
Sidhwa, Framji, 101
Silva, Anil de, 132, 138
Simmel, Georg, 311–12, 378n38
Simon and Company, 86
Sindhis, 171–72, 193, 202
Singh, Madan, 216
Singh, S. Nihal, Development in Bombay, 85
Sinha, Indra, The Death of Mr. Love, 160
Sir J. J. Hospital, 37, 51
Sir J. J. School of Art, 37, 51
Slumdog Millionaire (film), 337
slums, 11–12, 20–21, 64–68, 329–30, 337–39. See also chawls
Smith, Crickett, 104, 105
Socialist (journal), 209
Socialist Party, 225, 244
socialist realism, 130–31
social realism, 136, 255
society, Bombay/Mumbai as, 23–24, 55, 75, 146, 327, 348
Sokhey, S. S., 132
Somani, 275
Somanis, 274
South Bombay, 27
South Indians, 233–34
South Mumbai, 18
Souza, Francis Newton, 255
Soviet Union, 132, 211, 216, 218, 222, 240
squatter settlements, 20–21
SRC. See States Reorganization Commission
Srikrishna, B. N., and Srikrishna Commission, 301–2
Srinivasan, V., 268, 270
Stalin, Joseph, 214, 219
St. Andrew, Bandra, 33
state, public property as window on the nature of the, 278–84
r /> State Bank, 274
State Industrial Corporation of Maharashtra (SICOM), 268, 270
States Reorganization Commission (SRC), 220, 222, 226
Stevens, Charles, Jr., 101
Stevens, F. W., 101
St. Michael, Mahim, 33
strikes, 210–12, 214–15, 223–24, 240, 247, 293–94
Stronach advertising agency, 106
St. Thomas Church, 35
stunt films, 108–11
suburbanization, 20
Sultanpuri, Majrooh, 131, 148, 149
Sundaram, Ravi, 354n21
Sunday Standard (newspaper), 163
Superman (comic book series), 304
Supreme Court, 186, 188–90, 193–94, 196, 279
Supreme Court Bar Association, 193
Surve, Narayan, 72
survival, in Bombay/Mumbai, 9, 11, 58, 66, 111, 209, 213, 239, 327, 332, 333, 336–39
tabloids, 168–70, 175, 200
Tagore, Rabindranath, 130, 134
Taj Mahal Hotel, 17–18, 104–5, 327
Taj Mahal Orchestra, 104
Talyarkhan, A.F.S., 169
tamasha, 208, 213
Tamil speakers, 233–35
Tarlo, Emma, 376n4
Tata, Jamsetji, 104, 327
Tata, J.R.D., 139
Tata, Thelma, 139
Tata Steel, 106
Taxi Driver (film), 155–57, 156, 157, 303, 333
technology: cinema and, 107
in Fearless Nadia films, 111
and housing design, 101
modernity and, 97, 101
of textile industry, 293
and urban design, 75, 77, 85–86
Teddy and His Plantation Quartet, 106
Temple, Richard, 39
tenements, 64, 112–13. See also chawls
terrorism, 16–19. See also bombings
textile mills, 11, 24, 206–9. See also cotton mills
Thackeray, Bal, 9, 16, 204–6, 223, 228–39, 230, 241, 241–42, 242, 247, 249–50, 291–92, 299, 328
Thackeray, Keshav Sitaram, 223, 228–29, 235
Thackeray, Meenatai, 16
Thackeray, Raj, 205, 328
Thackeray, Shrikant, 228
Thackeray, Uddhav, 205
Thapar, Raj, 137–39
Thapar, Romesh, 137–40
Thomas, Rosie, 360n59, 361n61
Tilak, Bal Gangadhar, 208, 209, 222
Time (magazine), 160, 299
Times of India (newspaper), 61, 91, 138, 163, 164, 175, 181, 200, 266, 283, 287
Tindall, Gillian, 66, 328, 357n70, 357n72, 378n3
Tines, Oliver, 104
Town Hall, 27, 45, 97
trade unions, 210, 245. See also strikes
transportation, 64, 70–71, 104, 207, 261, 262, 269
Trident Hotel, 17–18
Trivedi, C. M., 171, 180
Typist Girl (film), 107
underworld, 295–302, 306, 314, 338
United Nations, 239
United States: Art Deco in, 96
civil war in, 39–40, 44
public property in, 279
untouchables. See Dalit
urban life: Blitz and, 170–71
flânerie and, 53, 57, 121
Manto’s stories about, 121–25
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