Brave New Girl (Behind Closed Doors Book 1)

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Brave New Girl (Behind Closed Doors Book 1) Page 3

by Grace Herbst

  Chapter 3

  Ashley couldn’t believe Penny had confronted her about staying away from Lucas. How dare she! She didn’t even know her. Or what her relationship status was with Lucas. Friends. Just friends. Hearing the way Penny was telling her how Lucas would want a stable relationship with someone made Ashley believed the rumor about her old nickname had arrived in Emerald. “Great,” she muttered. “Like I don’t have enough problems.”

  Ashley was so upset that she completely forgot about the reason why she left the cafeteria in the first place. When she did run into Lucas, she explained the confrontation with Penny. She wasn’t surprised when he offered to talk to her, but she refused. She wanted to handle it herself.

  At the end of the day, Ashley was relieved to be finished with whispers and gossip and her classes and she was ready to hang out with her new friend. She met Chloe at the front of the entrance of the student parking lot. When they were ready, they headed out to the busy parking lot that was full of students and moving cars.

  Chloe led the way over to her vehicle: a purple Volkswagen Beetle. Ashley looked at her impressed. “Nice car.”

  Chloe smiled proudly. “Thank you. It was a “Sweet Sixteen” birthday gift from my parents last year.” There was a short pause. “Have you had a chance to see the town?” she asked. Ashley had to admit that she had been too busy with other things to explore the town. Chloe smiled once she knew her friend’s answer. “Then let me give you the second tour of the day.”

  Chloe cranked up the radio while she showed Ashley her favorite hangouts. Ashley could understand why Michelle liked living in this town. Emerald may have been a small town, but it still had a shopping center and a movie theater. Shopping and hanging out at the mall was one of Ashley’s favorite past times.

  Having a tour around town made her miss the city. The joy of having her favorite clothing stores within walking distance from her house. The fun of going to dance clubs with her friends or riding the roller coasters at Six Flags. Even though she had been living in Emerald during the summer, there were times she still missed living in the city. She had grown up there and she was used to the constant soundscape of a large city.

  Chloe continued the tour with driving downtown, where there were plenty of local shops to visit including the bakery. According to Michelle, the bakery made delicious cinnamon rolls, donuts, cakes and other delectable treats. There was no competition with the diner. Both businesses supported each other.

  After a tour of the town, Chloe took Ashley to the diner for dinner. Even though the after-school crowd had dispersed, there were still quite a few cars in the parking lot. Chloe barely managed to find an empty parking space.

  When they entered the diner, Ashley looked around the room and was impressed with the décor. It looked like a real diner from the fifties, complete with black and white tiled floors. There were red leather booths all along the walls. The stools at the counter were two toned with shiny metal pedestals. There was a jukebox against a wall and a soda fountain with old vinyl records hanging everywhere. Ashley loved the soda fountain best.

  “What do you think of it?” Chloe asked her. “Isn’t this the coolest diner ever?” Ashley nodded in agreement as she followed Chloe to an open booth. “Want to try the jukebox? It actually works and plays music from the fifties.”

  Ashley couldn’t wait to try it, but her stomach was rumbling. “I want to get something to eat first,” she replied. “What do you recommend?”

  “Their shakes are really good. So are their burgers,” Chloe replied. “And as Lucas told you, it’s really fun to hear the lingo they use here.”

  Ashley was about to respond when their waitress arrived at the booth. She couldn’t help but smile in amusement as she saw the pink poodle skirt the young woman was wearing. She didn’t look too much older than Ashley and Chloe.

  The waitress gave them a welcoming smile. “Hello, my name is Morgan and I’ll be your waitress. What can I get you two?” she asked as she gave them each a menu. Ashley glanced over hers and couldn’t believe all the choices they had on the menu. How could anyone choose? Morgan turned to Chloe. “Do you want your usual order: strawberry shake, hamburger and a side of fries?” Chloe nodded before Morgan turned to Ashley. “Now what can I get you?”

  Before Ashley could respond, Chloe answered for her. “This is Ashley’s first time here,” she explained. “She just moved into town from Sapphire City.”

  “Welcome to Emerald,” Morgan said. “I’m sure you are going to love it here. Everyone does. Now do you want me to give you some recommendations?” Ashley nodded. “You’re looking for a simple dinner, right? Then I would suggest a hamburger or cheeseburger.”

  “I’ll take a turkey burger and a side of fries,” Ashley replied before she looked at the options for shakes. She wished she could try them all, but she had to choose one. “Could you get me a Chocolate Chip Cookie Shake?” she asked. Morgan nodded before she left the two friends.

  “So, I’m guessing you love chocolate chip cookies?” Chloe asked. Ashley nodded. “Me too and it does taste delicious with ice cream.” She bit her lip before she waved her hand and tried to get Morgan’s attention. Morgan walked back over to their booth. “I’ve changed my mind. I would like a Chocolate Chip Cookie shake too.”

  “Two Chocolate Chip Cookie shakes coming right up,” Morgan said before she disappeared.

  “I know your mom is in real estate, but what does your dad do?” Ashley asked. Like her, Chloe didn’t say anything about her personal life during their conversation at lunch nor earlier in the morning when they first met.

  “Actually, both of my parents have their own businesses. My mom is in real estate while my dad owns the town’s newspaper,” Chloe replied. “That’s how they met. They went to business school together.”

  “Your dad owns the newspaper?” Ashley asked surprised. Chloe nodded. “Does that mean I can get the inside scoop?” she joked.

  Chloe laughed. “Actually, I know a little about being in a newsroom already. My mom was a reporter for one of the newspapers in Sapphire City.” There was a short pause before she spoke again. “She passed away when I was five.”

  Chloe gave her a sympathetic look. “I’m so sorry about your mom. How did it happen?”

  “Sadly, I don’t really remember her. And my dad never likes to talk about it,” Ashley replied. “I’ve tried asking my aunt about it, but even she doesn’t want to discuss it. All I really know about my mother’s death was she was killed while on assignment.”

  Chloe made a face. “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what your family went through.”

  Ashley was about to answer when Morgan returned with their dinner. She gave them a wide smile as she put the two plates of burgers and fries on the table. “Here we go. Enjoy your meal.”

  Ashley took a bite of her burger. “Wow, this is really good.” Chloe nodded as she began to eat her burger as well. “I don’t remember the last time I ate a turkey burger this good.” She took a sip of her shake as she felt the vibration of her phone.

  Ashley checked to see who it was, trying not to be rude. She knew it wasn’t Michelle since she had already told her that she was planning to hang out with Chloe. Recognizing the number, she ignored the call. “Aren’t you going to get that?”

  Ashley shook her head. “No, it’s not important,” she replied as she turned her phone off.

  Chloe didn’t ask anything more about it and changed the subject. They continued talking as they ate their dinner. “Do you want to try the jukebox now?” Ashley nodded and Chloe led her over to the jukebox. Seeing it up close with bright neon lights, it took her back to a different place and time and she imagined how simple life was compared to today. After Chloe dropped in a few coins, Ashley pressed a button and “You Ain’t Nothing But a Hound Dog” began to play.

  “Interesting song choice. I would have thought you would have picked something softer,” a familiar voice said. Ashley and Chloe turned around to see Lucas behind
the counter, wearing his white uniform complete with the hat. He gave them a welcoming smile. “I see you were able to make it. How were your burgers?” he asked.

  “It was really delicious,” Ashley replied. “Give my compliments to the chef.”

  Lucas gave her a smile. “I certainly will. Can I interest you girls in dessert?”

  “Thanks for the offer, but we had Chocolate Chip Cookie shakes with dinner,” Chloe replied. “Besides, I think it’s time for us to leave. It’s getting late and I don’t know about Ashley, but I have a lot of homework to do.”

  “Yeah, I have a lot of unpacking to do,” Ashley added as she realized how late it was. Lucas was visibly disappointed. “We’ll see you later.” Chloe paid for their meals before they headed out to the parking lot. “I can see why everyone loves eating here. The food is delicious.” Chloe nodded in agreement. “I wish I didn’t have to go home. Both my dad and stepmom are going to be working late today.”

  “I know the feeling,” Chloe replied. “Both my parents work late too. Especially my dad. He’s a workaholic. That’s probably why my parents are going through a separation right now.” This time, Ashley gave her a sympathetic look. “Yeah, it’s so fun listening to all the rumors and gossip about my dad. Especially the rumors about him having an affair with his personal assistant.” Chloe rolled her eyes. “Can’t they come up with something creative?”

  “What crazy rumors did you hear about me?” Ashley asked, dying to hear what other students were saying about her.

  “Are you sure? Some are pretty ridiculous,” Chloe warned her. Ashley nodded. It didn’t matter to her what they were. “Like stealing the driver’s education car and taking it for a joyride? That’s a little too daring.”

  Ashley tried to keep a straight face, but Chloe noticed the look. Her eyes went wide and she gasped in surprise. “Oh my god! You’re kidding me! No way!” she exclaimed. She looked at her new friend impressed. “Wow, you have guts. I certainly would never do that. I would be too afraid of getting caught.”

  “Even though we brought the car back in one piece, we did get in big trouble for driving off school property without permission,” Ashley replied. “I had to promise to never do it again and I wasn’t planning to anyway. It was just a onetime deal to see what it felt like to take a car out for a spin.”

  Chloe was satisfied with that answer and moved onto the next rumor. “What about having a pool party without the school’s authorization?”

  Ashley shook her head. “Nope, the only pool parties I hosted was in my own backyard. I’m glad we were able to find another house with a pool. I didn’t want to give up my pool parties yet. Too bad the new house doesn’t have any tennis courts.”

  “You play tennis?” Chloe asked.

  Ashley nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been taking lessons since I was little.”

  Chloe smiled. “Cool,” she replied. “I have taken tennis lessons in the past, but I’m a little rusty.”

  “So am I. To be honest, I haven’t touched my racket in months. Maybe we can relearn together.”

  Chloe nodded in agreement. “The park has a couple of tennis courts. We can practice there. I wish I knew where my racket is. It’s probably in the attic somewhere.”

  Ashley began to realize how wrong she was in judging Chloe. They had a lot more in common than she first thought and she felt more comfortable with opening up about her past. At the same time, she wanted to forget about her past and move on with her new life in Emerald.

  “Since we’ll both be by ourselves, do you want to keep each other company until one of our parents come home?” Chloe asked.

  Ashley agreed as she pulled out her phone and turned it on. She texted Michelle and told her she was planning to hang out at Chloe’s house. Michelle had no problem with that since Chloe did live next door. “I guess you’re an only child too?” she asked her after she was done with texting Michelle.

  Chloe nodded proudly. “I don’t know about you, but I love it.” Ashley raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Think about it. You were able to get plenty of one on one time with your dad when you were little. You didn’t have to share your toys. Or bedroom. You can go off with your friends without worrying about who’s going to be taking care of your brothers or sisters while you’re gone.”

  “You never get lonely?”

  “Of course I do, but I’m so busy with my after school activities that it’s easy for me to forget that I am alone,” Chloe replied.

  Ashley spent a few hours with Chloe before she finally walked home to her new house next door. She had to admit that she believed the house was too big for just the three of them. It was a two-story house with four bedrooms on the second floor. There was a beautiful gas fireplace in the living room to make the room cozier, perfect for cold winter nights. The kitchen was updated with new appliances. Kyle and Michelle had wanted a house that was move in ready and they didn’t have to do any work. As Ashley told Chloe, she loved the outdoor pool in the backyard.

  Entering the huge open foyer, she listened for any noise to indicate someone was home. There was nothing. Disappointed, she shut the front door and prepared for a night alone. She knew things couldn’t change overnight, but she hoped she wouldn’t spend every dinner by herself.

  Then she heard a familiar voice calling her name. She felt relieved to know someone was home. At the same time, she was suspicious. The voice didn’t quite sound like Michelle. It sounded like someone else. She wove through the boxes that still needed to be unpacked and found herself facing her aunt – Dr. Jennifer Pruitt to be exact.

  Chapter 4

  Ashley wasn’t willing to talk to her aunt about changing counselors. She wanted to turn around and go straight to her bedroom. She announced it, but her aunt stopped her before she could even move. “Whoa, I’m not letting you get away that easy. You have been willing to talk to me all summer and you don’t want to talk to me now? Why? Because you are afraid I will agree with Mrs. Campbell? Come on. Let’s sit down at the kitchen table. We need to talk.”

  Ashley followed her aunt into the kitchen. She had to admit that it was still weird to see all of Michelle’s things everywhere. But it certainly helped Ashley understand what Michelle’s life was like outside of the school.

  The front of the refrigerator was full of different magnets that Michelle had bought as souvenirs from her travels. Her mugs were in the top cupboard. One corner of the kitchen counter had a shelf full of different cookbooks. Her grandmother’s apron was hanging in the pantry.

  When it came to moving their furniture into the house, both Kyle and Michelle compromised with each other. They both gave some furniture away. The sofa in the den was Michelle’s while the living room furniture all belonged to Kyle and Ashley. Yet, Ashley couldn’t really consider it as hers anymore. She knew how blended families worked. Everything was now theirs.

  Ashley reluctantly sat down at the table across from her aunt. “I do admit that Michelle did call me and told me about your meeting with Mrs. Campbell this morning. Is there a particular reason why you don’t want to meet Ms. Bartlett? I don’t believe it’s just because you’re more comfortable with me. In fact, you’ve always been one to take chances.”

  Ashley crossed her arms. “That was the old me. The new me is still trying to figure things out.”

  Jennifer raised her eyebrows. “Really? I thought you had it all worked out. You were going to sever all ties with your old friends and focus on making new ones. Stay away from alcohol and college parties. Give up your driver’s license and fake ID. Do community service. And apologize to the people you have hurt and try to make amends. And forgive yourself for your past mistakes. Am I missing anything?”

  Yes, her aunt was missing something. But she didn’t know that. Ashley never told her about the nightmares she had after the car accident.

  “I was the one who asked to do community service,” Ashley reminded her. “The judge didn’t request it.”

  “My point is that you’re making progre
ss,” Jennifer told her. “You’re moving forward.” There was a short pause. “I don’t want to step into your business, but I thought you weren’t friends with Roxanne Spencer anymore.” Ashley looked at her confused. She wasn’t friends with her anymore. Why was she bringing her up? “Roxanne Spencer called and she was disappointed when I answered the phone. She wants you to call her back.”

  Ashley rolled her eyes. “I think you and I both know Roxanne Spencer isn’t my friend anymore. She even knows that, but Roxanne goes by her own rules.” That was one thing that Ashley used to admire about her. “I’m not sure why she desperately wants to talk to me. Because I don’t want to talk to her. She’s persistent. I’ll give her that. She didn’t just call here. She called me while I was hanging out with my friend at the diner. I tried ignoring the call, but I eventually had to turn my phone off.”

  Jennifer immediately caught on her words and gave her niece a smile. “Tell me about your new friend.”

  “Well, Chloe reminds me of the old me – before I ran with Roxanne and her social group,” Ashley told her. “She is on Student Council. She excels in every one of her classes and she’s in National Honors Society. And she’s a perfectionist. If I didn’t know any better, she could be me in another life. A life I would have had I not met Roxanne Spencer.” Even talking about Roxanne annoyed Ashley.

  Jennifer sensed it in her niece as well. “It sounds like you still have a lot of anger towards her. Do you really think ignoring her is the best option?” she asked. “Maybe you should talk to her in person.”

  Ashley felt her aunt was going into therapist mode. “No, I don’t want to talk to her again. I don’t even want to see her,” Ashley declared. She made that perfectly clear to Roxanne when she left her to deal with the results of the car accident alone. “I just want to forget about her and that part of my past. If she calls again, I’ll take care of it.” Jennifer nodded understandingly. “Just don’t tell Dad or Michelle she called. I don’t want them to think that I’m going back to my old habits. They don’t trust me enough.”


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