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Brave New Girl (Behind Closed Doors Book 1)

Page 8

by Grace Herbst

  “It tells me you really aren’t looking forward to being a big sister,” Lucas replied. Ashley gave him a look. “What do you want me to say? You’re right? They shouldn’t be having a baby because it’s too dangerous? I’m happy for them. According to Ms. Jordan, this has been her dream for years. She has been wanting to settle down and start a family, but she didn’t know if her time had run out. Apparently, it hasn’t yet.”

  Ashley looked at him in amazement. “How do you always find the positive side of everything? You are never depressed.”

  Lucas laughed. “I assure you that I have my moments.” Ashley didn’t answer. He looked at her and became serious. “You really don’t want a sibling, do you?”

  “Of course I do,” Ashley defended. “I’ve always wanted a little brother or sister, but it’s different now.” There was a short pause before she spoke again. “For years, it was just me and my dad. Now he has a new wife and new baby. I almost feel like he is replacing me.”

  There, she said it. She said her fear. Lucas looked at her like she was crazy. “You really don’t believe that, do you?”

  “My dad and Michelle have already begun making plans to move things around to make room for the nursery,” Ashley replied. “I didn’t realize how much stuff a baby needs until Michelle rattled off a list.” Ashley had gotten overwhelmed with Michelle naming everything. Clothes. Diapers. Bottles. Crib. High chair. Bassinet. Playpen. “As soon as I told them I was leaving the house, they warned me not to tell too many people about the baby. They don’t want to make the announcement until Michelle’s further along, just in case something happens.”

  “Don’t worry. My lips are sealed,” Lucas promised. “Is there anything else you want to rant about? Because I’m willing to listen except if it’s about Penny. You’re on your own there. She may be my ex-girlfriend, but she’s still my friend.”

  Why did Lucas had to bring that subject up? “I wasn’t going to say anything about last night.”

  Ashley told Lucas about the lawsuit against Michelle. He raised his eyebrows in surprise. “For what? You didn’t do anything to them.”

  “No, but they claimed Michelle harassed them,” Ashley told him. Lucas shook his head in disbelief. “Luckily, my dad talked them out of suing us. That’s the last thing my family needs right now, especially since Michelle is pregnant. And then this whole thing with the robberies and Simon. With all of this going on, I can just imagine something will ruin my birthday.”

  Lucas perked up. He gave her a smile. “Your birthday is coming up?” Ashley nodded. “How come you never mentioned it before?”

  “Because with the move and all of the drama with the events going on in the neighborhood, I didn’t want to plan anything,” Ashley replied. “I think I’m going to skip having a party this year. I’m not really in the mood to throw one.”

  Lucas was about to answer when they heard someone entering the diner. Ashley looked over her shoulder and saw it was Chloe. They exchanged smiles as Chloe joined her friend at the counter. Lucas was ready to take her order. “I’ll have a cheeseburger and a cherry coke,” Chloe told him before he disappeared into the kitchen. She let out a heavy sigh. “Was last night crazy or what? I can’t believe Simon stole my earrings and now he is refusing to take responsibility. He claimed a friend gave him the earrings so he could give them to Penny. It doesn’t make any sense because he has enough money to buy her earrings. He didn’t have to steal mine. Who knows what other gifts Penny has that are really stolen?”

  “I can’t imagine Penny keeping the gifts from Simon if she knows they probably belong to other people,” Lucas defended as he reappeared with her drink.

  Ashley knew where the conversation was going and she couldn’t stop Chloe before she spoke. “Penny wasn’t willing to give me the earrings right away,” Chloe reminded him. “It wasn’t until after my mom confirmed the earrings were ours that she gave them back to me. What makes you think she will hand over other “gifts” she received from Simon?”

  “Because she didn’t want to believe her boyfriend stole a pair of earrings,” Lucas replied. “How would you feel if you found out your boyfriend was giving you stolen jewelry? Wouldn’t you be in denial too? Give her a break. She had no idea that the jewelry she was wearing was stolen.”

  “I gave her a break when she finally returned my great-grandmother’s earrings and asked her to check her house to see if there was anything else of mine there. She claimed that was the first time Simon gave her any jewelry.”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s true,” Lucas said. “Penny isn’t one who likes to wear jewelry. I’m surprised she was willing to wear earrings, but I can see why she wore those earrings. They were really beautiful.”

  Chloe managed a smile. “Thank you.” Lucas disappeared from sight for a few moments before returning with Chloe’s food. “I’m just glad I was able to prove my mother wrong. I knew my dad would never steal from us. My mom is planning to go down to the police station tomorrow and press charges against Simon.”

  “She’s not going to do anything against Penny, right?” Lucas asked. “You will leave Penny out of it?”

  Chloe looked at him. “Would you relax? I never said Penny was a suspect. I was just saying that there’s a possibility that Simon’s other gifts he gave her were also stolen.” She shook her head in disbelief. “I never thought Simon would do something like this.”

  “Why? Because he’s a football player? Or because he’s privileged to buy anything he wants with his parents’ money?” Lucas gave Chloe a gentle smile.

  “You’re a great person, Chloe. You just have to remember not everyone is like you.” He turned to Ashley. “Or you.” Ashley smiled in return.

  The conversation was interrupted by Ashley’s cell-phone ringing. She checked to see who it was and she let out a groan. Roxanne could not take a hint. Her friends looked at her curiously as she excused herself to go outside and take the phone call.

  “Hello?” Ashley asked exasperated.

  Ashley could hear cheerfulness in Roxanne’s voice. “Look who can answer her phone. Guess who just happens to be in town right now?” Ashley wanted to tell Roxanne that she didn’t care. “In fact, I’m standing in front of your house.”

  Ashley didn’t believe her for a moment. “Very funny.” She heard a ding and she pulled her phone away from her ear. Flabbergasted, there was a picture of her new house staring at her. Ashley put the phone back to her ear. “Do I even want to know how you found out where I lived?” she snapped. “Maybe I should call the police for harassment?”

  Roxanne wasn’t even fazed by her threat. “Oh, are you friends with the police now? Relax Ace. I just want to have a little chat with you. Since I’m at your house, why don’t you come on over?”

  As much as Ashley didn’t want to talk to Roxanne, maybe her aunt was right. Maybe it was the only certain way she would leave her alone. After apologizing to her friends, she asked Chloe to take her home. Her friends looked at her curiously as Ashley realized she didn’t want Chloe to meet Roxanne. However, she had no choice. The diner was too far for her to walk home.

  Chloe kept trying to get answers out of Ashley, but she remained silent about her sudden change of plans. Her mind was too busy to focus on anything but meeting Roxanne. Who was waiting for her at her house. Her house. How did Roxanne even know she moved to Emerald in the first place? She didn’t tell any of her old friends she was moving away. Of course, she could have read the newspaper. Her father’s wedding to Michelle was all over the papers when the engagement was announced.

  Ashley wasn’t looking forward to seeing Roxanne again. She hoped she had gotten so impatient that she left and Ashley wouldn’t have to see her. Once she arrived home, her hopes dashed as she saw the one and only Roxanne Spencer standing on her front porch. Her wild blonde mane was blowing in the wind. Her butterfly tattoo on her wrist was showing since she had rolled up her flannel shirt up to her elbows. She was also wearing her usual green eye shadow. A
pair of hoop earrings was dangling from her ears.

  Chloe raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Who the hell is that?” she asked Ashley.

  Ashley quickly dismissed the question. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you later,” she replied before she climbed out of the vehicle. She wasn’t ready for this, but she knew she had to face her former so-called friend sooner or later. It might as well be now. She let out a heavy sigh before she walked up to the front porch. To Ashley’s surprise, the nineteen-year-old’s hands were empty. No sign of a beer or cigarette that Roxanne usually had with her.

  Roxanne gave her a wide smile. Ashley didn’t return the smile. Instead, she crossed her arms and she looked at her in annoyance. She spoke before Roxanne could open her mouth. “What the hell are you doing here?” she demanded. It wasn’t the right way to greet her guest, but she didn’t care. Roxanne wasn’t welcome at her house.

  Roxanne gave her a look. “Is that any way to greet your best friend? You need to work on your manners, Ace.”

  “Don’t call me that,” Ashley said exasperated. Roxanne loved using nicknames for her friends, but she had to be reminded she wasn’t her friend anymore. “I don’t use that nickname anymore. It’s just Ashley now, okay? And we’re not best friends.”

  “Why don’t we talk inside?” Roxanne suggested. “It’s a little chilly out here.” Ashley didn’t want Roxanne to come inside her house, but it looked like it was the only way she was going to leave. She unlocked the front door and let Roxanne go first. She looked around at the house as Ashley led her through into the kitchen. It didn’t take long for Roxanne to state her opinion. “It’s a lot smaller than your old house, isn’t it? But I guess that’s the disadvantage of moving to a boring town. I’m sure you miss the city. It was a lot more fun.”

  Typical Roxanne. She was always criticizing others to make them feel belittled. Ashley wasn’t going to stand for it. “Is there a reason why you’re here?” she asked, still trying to get an answer out of her.

  “What is with this attitude? I thought we were friends.”

  Ashley glared at her. “We were friends until you decided to allow me to face consequences for the car accident alone.”

  Roxanne gave her an innocent look. “You were the one who decided to drive home, not me.”

  Ashley just looked at her former best friend in disbelief. “You knew I had too much to drink and allowed me to get in the front seat anyway. And you were the one who provided the beer.” Roxanne just shrugged. “A real friend would have done the responsible thing and tried to find another ride home, but you just looked out for yourself that night. And that’s when I decided you’re not my friend anymore. Why do you think I haven’t been returning your phone calls?”

  Roxanne rolled her eyes. “So you’re still mad at me for abandoning you? Why don’t you get over it? It was months ago. You really shouldn’t hold a grudge against me. I suppose you also blame me for you skipping school or sneaking out of the house to go clubbing with me. Come on, Ace. You wanted to go with me. Admit it.”

  Ashley looked at her. “Okay. I admit it. I wanted to go with you. Now would you please answer my question?”

  Roxanne was satisfied. “I’m here because I have some business to do and I thought I would stop by to spend some time with my old friend.”

  Ashley raised her eyebrows. “Business? What business?” Roxanne didn’t answer. Ashley looked at her hard. “You’re not up to your old tricks again, are you?”

  “Don’t you mean our old tricks?” Roxanne corrected her. “After all, you did it with me. And as I recall, you actually enjoyed it.”

  How did she ever end up friends with this girl? “Yeah, that was a mistake. Luckily, I’ve learned from my mistakes. And that’s why I don’t want to be friends with you anymore. Now I want you to leave before my dad and stepmom come back.”

  Roxanne glared at her. “If that’s the way you want it, then fine. I thought we could have a nice little chat, reminiscing about old times. But I guess I was wrong.”

  “You’re right. I would rather forget the past than remember it,” Ashley declared. “I’m not that girl anymore.”

  Roxanne tried not to laugh. “Really? You really think you’re a good girl now? I don’t think you will ever be completely a good girl. Once you enter another world, it’s really hard to go back.”

  Ashley looked at her straight in the eyes. “I’m going to ask you one last time to leave,” she ordered her.

  Roxanne didn’t respond as she finally started walking toward the front door. She stopped for a moment and turned back to Ashley. “I’ll see you around town,” she said before she walked out of the house. Ashley was relieved to see her go, but she had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time she would see her.

  Chapter 11

  Ashley didn’t mention anything about Roxanne’s unexpected visit to her dad or Michelle. She knew what they were going to think: she was planning to go back to her old ways and hang out with the wrong crowd. Or there was the possible chance they would be so distracted with the thought of her new sibling that they wouldn’t care. She didn’t know what would be worse and decided not to risk it. She would just keep her mouth shut.

  Why did Roxanne have to show up now? Ashley had way too much going on to worry about Roxanne and her reasons why she was really in town. Was she here to steal from her friends? Or was it Simon who was stealing? He did give Penny Chloe’s great-grandmother’s earrings. Or was it possible that they were working together?

  Ashley wouldn’t be surprised if they were working together. Even though Roxanne liked to work alone, she also did well with a partner. Ashley corrected herself. Roxanne loved being in charge. She loved telling people what to do. She loved manipulating people into doing her bidding and they were the ones who usually got in trouble. Not Roxanne. Somehow, Roxanne always seemed to avoid getting caught.

  Roxanne always did whatever she wanted without thinking of the consequences. That was probably what drew Ashley to her. She and the rest of the group admired her because she was a risk taker. She was the one who knew right from wrong and she did not care. She was the one who had her own apartment. She was the one who dropped out of high school after her parents kicked her out of their house. Roxanne never did explain why, but nobody seemed to care.

  Thinking about Roxanne made Ashley remember the box – the box that she had refused to give to Chloe because she had to take care of it herself. It was the box that was filled with memories of her friendship with Roxanne. Memories that she now wanted to forget. She wanted to forget the whole year, but it was so challenging with her being the target of neighborhood gossip.

  The sound of the doorbell brought her back to reality. Ashley walked into the foyer to answer it. To her surprise, it was her Aunt Jennifer. Ashley didn’t even have a chance to greet her as her aunt walked into the foyer. “I’m so sorry to stop by unannounced, but I just heard about the Homecoming Dance. I wanted to make sure you and Michelle were alright.”

  Ashley shrugged. “Don’t worry about us. We’re fine.” However, her answer didn’t seem to comfort her aunt. She looked at her. “Are you okay?”

  Jennifer nodded. “Yeah, I was just concerned about you two. I hope Simon Green didn’t give you a hard time.”

  “Actually, I didn’t really talk to him last night,” Ashley admitted as she replayed the events in her mind. “I was too busy playing referee between my friend Chloe and my rival Penny Sanders. Penny’s new boyfriend Simon stole Chloe’s great-grandmother’s earrings and gave them to her as a gift. Simon claimed he received the earrings from a friend.” Ashley didn’t mention that she believed it was Roxanne. “His parents aren’t being cooperative so the police will probably get a search warrant.”

  “The Greens are just trying to protect their son,” Jennifer replied. “I suggest you stay out of this investigation. I also recommend you don’t get involved in this argument between your friend and Penny Sanders. It is between them. There’s no reason why you need t
o get in the middle.”

  Ashley looked at her aunt. “Thanks, but I don’t really need counseling anymore,” she gently reminded her.

  “You’re right. I did promise you no more counseling, but this is different. This investigation with the robberies and Simon Green is not your concern. Let the police handle it. And please stay away from Simon Green.”

  “That won’t be a problem since his dad pulled him out of school,” Ashley replied. “I don’t think he liked his son being accused of stealing.”

  The conversation was interrupted by the front door opening. Michelle expressed her surprise as she saw her sister-in-law and embraced her in a gentle hug. “Jennifer, what a lovely surprise. What brings you by?”

  “I heard what happened at the Homecoming Dance and I wanted to check up on you two. Especially you. I heard you gave everyone quite a scare with your fainting spell.” Jennifer said, giving her a concerned look. “Are you okay?”

  Michelle brushed it off. “Of course I am.” Jennifer didn’t look convinced. “I went to the hospital and the doctor checked me out. Nothing’s wrong with me. I just need to take care of myself and maybe lessen a few of my responsibilities as a drama teacher.”

  Ashley rolled her eyes. Jennifer didn’t like Michelle’s cryptic answer either. Jennifer raised her eyebrows in suspicion. “Lessen your responsibilities as a drama teacher? That doesn’t sound like everything is fine. Why would you need to decrease your hours?” Jennifer looked at her hard. “Is there something wrong? You know you can tell me.”

  “Jennifer, I assure you I’m fine,” Michelle replied. “It’s nice of you to stop by though. Can I interest you in a cup of coffee?” Jennifer nodded and they disappeared in the kitchen.


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