Mr. Trouble: A London Billionaire Standalone (London Billionaires Book 2)

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Mr. Trouble: A London Billionaire Standalone (London Billionaires Book 2) Page 7

by Nana Malone

  “We need to be seen out on the town,” Jarred was saying as he drove them back to London. “A date.”

  “A date,” Kinsley said slowly, the thought of being seen in public with Jarred both exciting and terrifying.

  “Yeah,” Jarred answered as he turned the car into the garage. “Dinner, drinks, whatever you want to do. I think it’ll solidify what we started tonight.”

  Kinsley swallowed hard, worried. That would thrust her into the limelight and send tongues wagging. The paparazzi would attempt to find the dirt on her life. They would bother the people that raised her, hound Rachel during the most stressful time in her life. No. Kinsley couldn’t allow that to happen. “I, no. I don’t want to go on a date with you.”

  Jarred pulled the car into the parking spot and shut off the engine before looking over at her. “What?”

  “I mean,” Kinsley said quickly, “I’d rather keep this as quiet as possible. After all this is all a farce anyway. Can’t we just keep up appearances for your father? And what happens when we break this off? I mean I’ll be hounded and humiliated.”

  Jarred stared at her, his jaw clenched tightly and Kinsley fought the urge to touch him, knowing it wasn’t what he was hoping for. After tonight, she was going to have a very hard time keeping her hands off him. “Fine,” he finally said. “We will do it your way. Tonight worked so well so if we keep it up, there shouldn’t be anything to worry about.”

  Kinsley nodded and looked away, drawing in a breath. “Good, as long as we are on the same page then.”

  “The same page,” Jarred repeated. Kinsley opened her door and climbed out, Jarred following suit, mere inches between them. Kinsley bit her lip, thinking that she didn’t know what page she was on truly. Her mind kept drifting back to that kiss, the one that had warmed her all the way to her toes and had her craving more. She shouldn’t crave Jarred. It was all wrong to do so. He wasn’t her type of guy, yet the more she learned about him, the more she liked him. They walked into the lift and Jarred shut the door, leaning against the side of the lift watching her. She looked over at him, wetting her lips in the process. “What?”

  He shook his head slowly. “Nothing.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Kinsley said with a nervous laugh. She hoped that she didn’t have anything on her face that would keep him looking.

  He ran a hand through his hair roughly, looking slightly out of sorts. “I, uh, I should walk you up.”

  Kinsley laughed; she couldn’t help it. “I live right next door.”

  “Right,” Jarred said, a slow, sexy grin on his face. Kinsley’s pulse fluttered and her face heated, wondering how someone could be so dangerous and sexy at the same time. “Things can happen on your short walk Kinsley.”

  She nervously clenched her hands together to keep from reaching out and touching him. “L-like what?”

  Jarred pushed off of the wall and started to close the gap between them, causing Kinsley’s breath to come out in short puffs. The look on his face was feral and her body was responding in thus. She wanted him. The thought hit her like a ton of bricks. Oh god, she shouldn’t want him. He wasn’t good for her. They wouldn’t even be this close if she hadn’t agreed in this fool plan to begin with.

  He reached out and gently grasped her chin, his fingers warm on her skin and sending sizzling sparks throughout her body. She waited with bated breath for him to say something, do anything, the tension in her body tight as a drum. The lift dinged and they both fell apart. Kinsley cleared her throat as she walked down the hall, her body tingling in areas that hadn’t tingled in quite some time. Bloody hell, he hadn’t even really touched her and she was already melting into the floor. “Well, here we are,” she said, her voice coming out tight as she stopped in front of her flat door.

  Jarred leaned against the outside of the doorway, a slight smile on his face. “See? You need protection.”

  Kinsley looked down the hall, seeing no other person in sight. “I don’t see anyone else.”

  He didn’t answer, his eyes growing dark. “Maybe I was lying. Maybe I need to see if I am imagining this.”

  “I-Imaging what?” she asked, her voice shaking slightly.

  “This,” he answered right before his lips descended on hers. Kinsley felt the current of electricity on her lips, the heightened awareness of her own body as Jarred’s lips molded against hers. She could smell his cologne swirling around her, the taste of him something exotic and forbidden. But she wanted more. She needed more. His tongue traced her bottom lip and she gasped, allowing him entrance to the inner recesses of her mouth. His tongue touched hers and Kinsley saw sparks, her hands blindly reaching out and grabbing his shirt to pull him closer. She was on fire and it was all because of Jarred.

  Jarred’s hands gripped her shoulders, sliding down her arms until his hands covered her breasts through the material of her dress, the laciness of her bra now becoming an erotic feeling against the rock-hard nubs of her nipples. Jarred’s tongue was doing wonderful things in her mouth and Kinsley didn’t want to pull away, instead leaning into his touch as his tongue stroked hers. His hands inched down to the hem of her dress and before Kinsley knew it, Jarred’s hands were sliding up her bare thigh, touching the silkiness of her panties around her hip area. His hand was warm and she felt her own body flood with wetness at the thought of his hand sliding just a few inches and touching the very core of her. Her knees weakened as Jarred’s hand started toward her aching center, the slowness of his hand filling her with agitation. She could just shift slightly and he would be there.

  But before she could, he broke their kiss, his breath harsh against her cheek as he backed away. Kinsley stood there, feeling slightly embarrassed at the wantonness of her body, wanting to throw her arms around him and beg him to continue.

  “I-I should go,” he said, raking his hand through his hair. “Go inside.”

  “I,” Kinsley started, her body throbbing with need. What was she going to do, ask him inside? Did she dare to do that?

  “Good night,” he said, stalking down the hall instead of opening his door. Kinsley watched him go, some of the heat dying down now that he was leaving her, panting with need. What had just happened?

  Jarred entered the lift and waited until the doors were shut before he drew in a breath, his body rigid and heavy with need. He had almost shagged Kinsley in the fucking hall. Of all the stupid things he could do, that had to be at the top of the list. It would prove to her that he was the loser, the playboy everyone thought he was and she would regret ever helping him in the first place. He couldn’t do that to Kinsley. He didn’t want to do that to Kinsley. He wanted her to see him in a different light, maybe even the good guy that no one believed he could be. Stopping himself tonight had taken a feat of strength and self-control that he didn’t know he had, but Jarred considered that most of that strength had come from his respect for Kinsley. She was much more than just a shag in the hallway. She deserved flowers, candlelight, a bed.

  The lift doors opened and he walked out in the direction of his car, his mood black and his cock hard as a rock, demanding release. He had been so close to having her, to burying himself in her warmth. There was no way he could go to his flat knowing she was right next door, no doubt ready and willing. He had felt her need in her kiss and it was just as strong as his had been. No, it would only take a few steps for him to bang on her door and have his way with her, which was why he had to get out for a while. Where, he didn’t know but it couldn’t be here.

  The next morning, Kinsley grabbed her suitcase and walked out of the flat, closing the door behind her. Her own flat was now ready for her to move back in, which was a relief, and with the money she would get from Jarred in a few days, she could make the entire payment to make the place hers. The feeling was beyond explanation and would have been enough for her to go back, but now, she needed space from Jarred. After last night, Kinsley knew they were treading on dangerous ground, very dangerous ground. She still couldn’t understand why
he’d left her like that, when she would have gladly dragged him into bed for as long as he wanted to stay.

  Stopping in front of his door, Kinsley took the piece of paper she had written on this morning and slipped it under the door before continuing to the lift. It was a short note, one that just told him she was going back to her own flat and the address where he could find her. Kinsley had not heard him come in last night and while she didn’t want to think about him or his safety, the nagging voice in the back of her head told her she cared about her fake fiancée. She cared about whether he got back to his flat. She cared if he had gone home with another woman last night. It also terrified her. She would have slept with him last night if he hadn’t stopped them. She’d been spinning in a spiral of lust.

  “Buck up Wells,” she said to herself as she pressed the button for the lift. Jarred wasn’t her problem. They weren’t even in a real relationship. He was paying her to be with him, not to worry about him. She was best served to keep that in her mind.

  The lift arrived and Kinsley stepped inside, pressing the button for the ground floor. Her phone rang, causing her to fish it out of her bag. “Hello?”

  “So, how did it go?”

  Kinsley sighed into the phone, grateful that it was Rachel. “It went well. I think we pulled it off.”

  “How did he like the yellow dress?” Rachel asked, the sound of the tube in the background.

  Kinsley smiled as the lift arrived at the ground floor and she stepped out. “I wore the black one.”

  There was a beat of silence. “Oh my,” Rachel said, surprise in her voice. “I can’t believe you wore that one. I thought you were going for demure.”

  Kinsley thought about why she wanted to wear the black dress. She had wanted to see that heated look in Jarred’s eyes, to at least pretend that for a moment he wanted her. Mission accomplished. “I wanted to be sexy.”

  “Oh Kinsley,” Rachel sighed. “You know I love you like a sister, so I am going to tell you to be careful with this one. He’s way out of your league and will break your heart.”

  “I know,” Kinsley said. Her cousins words rang true, but it stung that Rachel pointed out that she was nowhere in the league to be playing with billionaires. Hastily, she blurted out, “He kissed me last night.” She was going to keep the rest to herself right now.

  There was another pause. “God, I hate you now,” Rachel laughed. “You were kissed by Jarred Maloney. How was it?”

  “It was wonderful,” Kinsley admitted as she walked down the sidewalk toward the tube that would take her home. It was irrelevant that they had been forced to do so. “His ex was there last night too.”

  “I need all the details later,” Rachel said. “I gotta go, but drinks tomorrow? Don’t forget to pick up your dress. I can’t believe the wedding is so close.”

  “Me neither,” Kinsley said before Rachel rang off. She wanted that excitement that her best friend was feeling, she wanted to feel as if she was the luckiest woman in the entire world.

  With a sigh, Kinsley entered the station where the hustle and bustle of the morning was evident, the passengers hurrying to catch the tube that would take them to their destination. What destination was she looking for in her life? When she got the money, some of her worries would instantly disappear. But was that enough? Didn’t she want to experience some of the love and affection that Rachel was experiencing in her life right now? Her best friend didn’t know how lucky she was.

  Jarred flitted through her mind and Kinsley pushed that thought of their fevered caresses aside. No way. Jarred wasn’t the man for her. They were from two different worlds really. Plus, this was just for the money, wasn’t it? He was a solution to her problem.

  “What have I gotten myself into?” she muttered to herself, tapping her foot as the tube slowed to the station. No matter how much she tried to ignore it, this partnership of sorts was way more than just some money now. The problem was she didn’t know how to handle Jarred … or his kisses


  Jarred pulled his cell out of his pocket, looking down at the screen with a frown. His father’s number flashed back at him, causing him some heartburn. Today he’d been working on the other half of his father’s demands for his trust fund, visiting the headquarters for the Formula One team. Racing had always been something he was interested in; the excitement and adrenaline were a plus. But there was such a purity to the cars. He loved chatting with the engineers about how they tried to make the cars faster.

  He’d dabbled a little in the actual business aspect of the team, but nowhere near enough to actually be in charge of it. Before, he’d been more of a hobbyist, sneaking off incognito to races to watch. Susan had hated anything to do with the racing so she’d refused to go. Add to it that he’d deliberately wanted to avoid publicity, and she really wasn’t interested.

  The more Jarred thought about it, the more he wondered how he’d been with her for so long. How he’d ever convinced himself that he loved her.

  Now that his father was forcing his hand, he was finally getting to take an open interest in something he genuinely loved. Not that he was ever telling his father that. All morning he’d been meeting with various people within the headquarters, learning as much as he could. So far, he was actually enjoying himself. And the kicker was, he could actually be good at this.

  His inner adrenaline junkie wished they’d stick him behind the wheel. He’d floated that idea, but of course the lawyers had all paled at the potential insurance cost. But maybe when he finally had his full trust fund, he’d be able to build a car just for himself.

  Holding the phone to his ear, he pressed the button. “Hello, Father.”

  “Jarred,” his father said. “I hear you are spending time with the racing team this morning. That’s good son, very good.”

  “Just doing what you are requiring me to do,” Jarred said. He was actually having fun learning the racing side of the company, but he wasn’t going to tell his father that.

  “I’m just trying to help you with your future Jarred,” his father said, disapproval in his tone. “Surely you can see that.”

  “What do you want Dad?” Jarred sighed, not wanting to have this conversation again. He was going to play by his father’s rules for now, but not for the rest of his life.

  “I was thinking,” his father started, “that maybe you and Kinsley should meet with a wedding planner. I have made some calls and have secured one of London’s foremost wedding planners to help you with your wedding. She’s willing to meet with you both today.”

  “Dad,” Jarred warned, his mind scrambling at what he was going to say about this. This was when he needed Kinsley and her fast thinking to smooth this over. He hadn’t seen her since last night, but she wasn’t going to like this change of events. “Kinsley and I can handle our own wedding planning.”

  “I understand,” his father said. “But I was thinking this weekend would be a perfect time to have the wedding. This planner, she’s a gem and can plan whatever Kinsley likes. Money is no object. I’ll be footing this bill, of course. Think of it as a wedding present. It’s not every day my only son finds a woman he wants to wed.”

  Jarred rubbed a hand over his face. His father had lost it, truly. Didn’t he have better things to do than just sit around and try to plan a wedding? What had gotten into him? “Don’t you think that Kinsley should be able to plan this wedding? Isn’t that what brides like to do?”

  His father was silent on the other end for a few moments. “You’re right of course,” he finally said. “I’ll talk with Kinsley. She will see the reasoning.”

  “Wait,” Jarred said as his father rang off. Damn. Why did he have to be so pushy? His phone still in his hand, he walked outside where his car was parked, the dreary, overcast day matching his mood now. He needed to talk with Kinsley. Jarred dialed his father’s office, impatience settling in his body. She was probably upset about him leaving so abruptly last night but after dinner and that kiss, he’d needed to get the hell
away from her. Because one more moment in her presence, he’d have started to forget that shit wasn’t real and he’d have made love to her repeatedly. Matter of fact, they’d both still be in bed. He’d have kept her in bed until she begged off from too many orgasms.

  The problem was that last night, when he visited one of the clubs that he frequented on a regular basis, there was no joy in being there. He’d sat in the VIP section of the club, a drink in his hand and glowered. So angry at himself for needing to be exactly who his father thought he was. Angry with his father and everyone else under the sun for never believing in him.

  But most of all, he missed Kinsley. Her touch, her voice, the way she had damn near charmed everyone at dinner, minus Susan. She had floored him, intrigued him, and made him want her worse than he already did.

  “Mr. Maloney’s office, may I help you?”

  “Kinsley,” he gritted out, his voice harsh in his own ears. “It’s Jarred.”

  “Hi, um, Jarred,” she answered, surprise in her voice. “Your father just stepped out.”

  “I don’t want to talk to him,” he said, attempting to control his anger. He wasn’t mad at her; he was mad at himself. “I want to talk with you.”

  “Um okay,” she said. “About what?”

  “Tonight,” he blurted out, a plan forming in his mind. “We need to get together tonight.”

  “Why?” she asked, the wariness apparent in her voice.

  Jarred climbed in his car and started the engine. Should he be honest with her and tell her that he really just wanted to see her? It was the truth, no matter how he wanted to spin it. He missed her and it was fucking killing him. “My father called me. He wants us to get married this weekend.”

  She made a noise somewhere between a choked cough and laugh. “Oh, that’s not going to happen,” she said, nervousness in her voice. “I hope you told him so.”

  “If he asks about a wedding planner, tell him whatever it takes to stall,” Jarred said, pulling out of the parking lot toward his flat. “And come over when you get off of work.”


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